Rails get multiple values from db - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to retrieve multiple values from a database into a single variable and return the whole thing. Here is what I am doing
my_hash = {
'name' => 'John'
'current_location' => 'Sweden'
Now I need to go into database and retrieve all records and store them into a single variable, and then i need to add that variable into my_hash so I can return the whole thing. How would I do that?
last_names = Names.where('first_name = ?', 'John').select('last_name').last_name
return my_hash
Now that above does not works, can somebody tell me proper way to achieve this?

are you trying to do the following?
my_hash = {
'name' => 'John'
'current_location' => 'Sweden'
my_hash['last_names'] = Names.where('first_name = ?', 'John')
.map { |name| name.last_name }
# or shorthand version .map(&:last_name)
return my_hash
# get name objects from the database
# add select as an optimization if desired
last_name_list = Names.where('first_name = ?', 'John')
# get an array of only the last_name fields
last_names = last_name_list.map { |name| name.last_name }
# assign the array to the new hash key 'last_names'
my_hash['last_names'] = last_names
see http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Array.html#method-i-map for documentation on map, note that map and collect are the same
another example
names = Names.where('updated_at >= ?', Date.parse('2013-01-01'))
# get an array of 'full names'
full_names = names.map do |name|
"#{name.first_name} #{name.last_name}"


How to return a hash containing an array of file names for each owner name?

There is a hash named "files" as following :
files = {
'file1.txt' => 'John',
'file2.rb' => 'Andrew',
'file3.txt' => 'John'
Expected result:
A method that takes this hash as argument and return the hash containing the array of files for
respective owner. For e.g
'John' => ['file1.txt','file3.txt'],
'Andrew' => ['file2.rb']
Here you want to iterate over the file hash and for each key value pair you need to check if it already exists in your new hash, then you just want to add the file name to the array or you create a new key value pair.
def change_hash(file_hash)
new_hash = {}
file_hash.each do |file_name, person|
if new_hash[person]
new_hash[person] << file_name
new_hash[person] = [file_name]
If you struggle with this, you want to look on how you can manipulate hashes (and arrays) in Ruby. Let me know if you have any more questions.
group_by(&:last). # {"John"=>[["file1.txt", "John"], ["file3.txt", "John"]], "Andrew"=>[["file2.rb", "Andrew"]]}
transform_values { |v| v.map(&:first) } # {"John"=>["file1.txt", "file3.txt"], "Andrew"=>["file2.rb"]}

Ruby - Extract value of a particular key from array of hashes

I have an array of hashes - #profiles which has data as:
[{:user_id=>5, :full_name=>"Emily Spot"},{:user_id=>7, :full_name=>"Kevin Walls"}]
I want to get full_name of say user_id = 7? I'm doing the following: but it's throwing an error that expression #profiles.find{|h| h[':user_id'] == current_user.id} is nil.
name = #profiles.find{ |h| h[':user_id'] == current_user.id }[':full_name']
if I use select instead of find then error is - no implicit conversion of String into Integer.
How do I search through the array of hashes?
After #Eric's answer, I restructured my job model & view actions:
def full_names
profile_arr||= []
profile_arr = self.applications.pluck(:user_id)
#profiles = Profile.where(:user_id => profile_arr).select([:user_id, :first_name, :last_name]).map {|e| {user_id: e.user_id, full_name: e.full_name} }
#full_names = #profiles.each_with_object({}) do |profile, names|
names[profile[:user_id]] = profile[:full_name]
In the view....,
p #current_job.full_names[current_user.id]
#profiles is an array of hashes, with symbols as keys, whereas what you use is String objects.
So ':user_id' is a string, and you want symbol: :user_id:
#profiles.find{ |h| h[:user_id] == current_user.id }
I want to get full_name of say user_id == 7
#profiles.find { |hash| hash[:user_id] == 7 }.fetch(:full_name, nil)
Note, I used Hash#fetch for case, when there is no hash with value 7 at key :user_id.
As you've noticed, it's not very convenient to extract the name of user_id 7. You could modify your data structure a bit :
#profiles = [{:user_id=>5, :full_name=>"Emily Spot"},
{:user_id=>7, :full_name=>"Kevin Walls"}]
#full_names = #profiles.each_with_object({}) do |profile, names|
names[profile[:user_id]] = profile[:full_name]
p #full_names
# {5=>"Emily Spot", 7=>"Kevin Walls"}
p #full_names[7]
# "Kevin Walls"
p #full_names[6]
# nil
You didn't lose any information but name look-up is now much faster, easier and more robust.
Suggesting, to create a new hash that can make things simpler
results = {}
profiles = [
{user_id: 5, full_name: "Emily Spot"},
{user_id: 7, full_name: "Kevin Walls"}
profiles.each do |details|
results[details[:user_id]] = details[:full_name]
Now, results will have:
{5: "Emily Spot", 7: "Kevin Walls"}
So, if you need to get full_name of say user_id = 7, simply do:
results[7] # will give "Kevin Walls"

How to format data Rails

I need to retrieve data from database column and put them to
format as the plot format requires.
I'm trying to do this by :
#data = TableName.where(:id => requiredid)
.map {|r| { r.received_date.to_i => r.value } }
but this returns format
data=[{1442507641=>6}, {1442507641=>7}, {1442507641=>5}, {1442507641=>6}, {1442507641=>5}, {1442507695=>9}, {1442507695=>9}, {1442507695=>7}, {1442507695=>8}]
How can I make the bracket as plot requires and remove the strange =&gt ?
It seems like this ought to do what you're asking for:
parts = TableName.where(:id => requiredid).map do |r|
sprintf("{%d,%d}", r.received_date, r.value)
#data = "[#{parts.join(",")}]"
It's only for your options to manipulate your data:
#data = []
#data = User.where(:id => requiredid).map {|r| #data << "{#{r. received_date}, #{r.value}}"}
First you make #data as array. Than collect the string into array.

Kind of ugly- default value for non-existent hash key?

I'm working with an API that returns a hash to represent a product:
prod = API.getProduct(id)
prod["name"] => "Widget"
The problem arrises because not all products contain identical attribute pages, so I find myself doing a lot of one-off error catching- some products will have a key for size or color, some won't.
What's the easiest way to get to prod["non-existent attribute"] => "NA"?
As Dave Newton said, you can add the default value to the hash constructor:
hash = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = "NA" }
hash[:anything] == "NA" # => true
Or use the #default method:
hash = Hash.new
hash.default = "NA"
hash[:anything] == "NA" # => true
EDIT The quick syntax for setting the default value when initializing the hash is:
hash = Hash.new("NA")
hash[:anything] == "NA" # => true
Take a look at this: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Hash.html#method-i-default
You can use prod.default = "NA".

Adding a LIKE criteria to a Rails Conditions block

Consider the following code which is to be thrown at an AR find:
conditions = []
conditions[:age] = params[:age] if params[:age].present?
conditions[:gender] = params[:gender] if params[:gender].present?
I need to add another condition which is a LIKE criteria on a 'profile' attribute. How can I do this, as obviously a LIKE is usually done via an array, not a hash key.
You can scope your model with hash conditions, and then perform find on scope with array conditions:
YourModel.scoped(:conditions => conditions).all(:conditions => ["profile like ?", profile])
Follwing is ugly but it works
conditions = {} #This should be Hash
conditions[:age] = params[:age] if params[:age].present?
conditions[:gender] = params[:gender] if params[:gender].present?
conditions[:profile] = '%params[:profile]%' if params[:profile].present?
col_str ="" #this is our column names string for conditions array
col_str = "age=:age" if params[:age].present?
col_str+= (col_str.blank?)? "gender=:gender" :" AND gender=:gender" if params[:gender].present?
col_str += (col_str.blank?) 'profile like :profile' : ' AND profile like :profile' if params[:profile].present?
:conditions=>[col_str , conditions]
When you call your active record find, you send your conditions string first, then the hash with the values like :
:conditions => [ "age = :age AND gender = :gender AND profile LIKE :profile", conditions ]
that way you can keep doing what you are doing :)
