BlackBerry Simulator freezes when navigating through browser - blackberry

The BlackBerry Device Simulator v6.0.0.706 (9800) freezes every time I attempt to load a page in the browser. I'm able to load the browser and go to, but loading any other page freezes the entire simulator. To get back into the simulator, I have to close the window and relaunch.. stopping page load or pressing any of the other buttons in the window does not work.
This is what I have tried:
Tried loading other web pages to see if the problem persists.
Tried installing to C:\BlackBerry instead of the default directory in case spaces were an issue.
Updated to allow full access to all users and my Windows user account.
Tried running as Administrator.
No error messages display, the simulator just freezes and stays stuck on the same page until I relaunch the simulator. I am running this on Windows 7. Thanks for your help.


How to open safari debugger for iOS simulator right from the moment of opening web page?

I know how to open developer tools from the moment I've launched a web page, it becomes visible in developer menu and I can click to it and inspect it, but there is some code which is being executed on a launch, which I cannot debug. How can I open safari debugger in such way, so I could see everything right from the web page launch?

Webpage crashing on any web browser for iOS device

I am trying to access webpage on various browser on iOS Device, but it seems that after loading some part of the webpage, it redirects automatically and then crash the page and shows the webpage was reloaded because a problem occurred for 2 seconds, and then show A problem repeatedly occurred on "URL for page as below"
I tried this URL on a desktop and it was not behaving well. I don't know if it is there rotating image code, or the JavaScript code they have running the "design your shoe" features. But this site had weird stops and starts and mouse jumps when I tried it.
I don't have an iOS device handy, but I'm thinking it is not you, it's the site.
Try it on another device.

Browser closes automatically in ipad

I'm using kendo splitter in my application. I'm loading large amount of data while clicking on grid.In normal windows desktop or mac desktop it works fine.
But in ipad mini browser closes automatically while loading data. Even i can't see the console for which error it was. I need to add any separate js Files for that. Any one facing this type of issues.
Image attached for this...(this image is normal desktop mode)

Remote debugging iOS webapp - stop OSX Safari web inspector panel closing

I am debugging an iOS webapp (saved to desktop) with Safari 7.0.3 and an iOS 7.1.1 iPad attached via USB.
This is working ok, but to see changes after editing the code I need to close the app and re-open, which causes the Safari web inspector to disappear - every time I need to go to the menu and click Develop > iPad > myApp, which gets exhausting after the 100th time.
Is there a way to test a webapp without the web inspector panel closing?
How about if you just send it Javascript in the debugger console to make it reload:

Browser can't open sometime on blackberry

In my app, when user click a button , a url will open on blackberry browser using default browser session.
Some time browser screen can't open. i check other browser application ,its also can not open.
What is the problem...? browser screen is run after restart the device only..
Pls help me.. what is the problem and how to correct it..
From my point of view the problem is not related to your application. It is related to your BlackBerry device. There is something wrong with the device software and data saved on the device.
Make selective (not full) backup with BlackBerry Desktop Manager. After that wipe the device memory and restore backup file back to the device.
