In-App Purchase Receipt Validation Contradiction - ios

Apple offers two documents about receipt validation, with apparently contradictory statements.
In "Verifying Store Receipts":
Note: On iOS, the contents and format of the store receipt is private
and subject to change. Your application should not attempt to parse
the receipt data directly.
Yet, in "In-App Purchase Receipt Validation on iOS" sample code is provided in which the store receipt is parsed and verified, as part of a "mitigation strategy" for a security vulnerability:
// Check the validity of the receipt. If it checks out then also ensure the transaction is something
// we haven't seen before and then decode and save the purchaseInfo from the receipt for later receipt validation.
- (BOOL)isTransactionAndItsReceiptValid:(SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction
if (!(transaction && transaction.transactionReceipt && [transaction.transactionReceipt length] > 0))
// Transaction is not valid.
return NO;
// Pull the purchase-info out of the transaction receipt, decode it, and save it for later so
// it can be cross checked with the verifyReceipt.
NSDictionary *receiptDict = [self dictionaryFromPlistData:transaction.transactionReceipt];
NSString *transactionPurchaseInfo = [receiptDict objectForKey:#"purchase-info"];
NSString *decodedPurchaseInfo = [self decodeBase64:transactionPurchaseInfo length:nil];
NSDictionary *purchaseInfoDict = [self dictionaryFromPlistData:[decodedPurchaseInfo dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSString *transactionId = [purchaseInfoDict objectForKey:#"transaction-id"];
NSString *purchaseDateString = [purchaseInfoDict objectForKey:#"purchase-date"];
NSString *signature = [receiptDict objectForKey:#"signature"];
// Convert the string into a date
NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormat setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z"];
NSDate *purchaseDate = [dateFormat dateFromString:[purchaseDateString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"Etc/" withString:#""]];
if (![self isTransactionIdUnique:transactionId])
// We've seen this transaction before.
// Had [transactionsReceiptStorageDictionary objectForKey:transactionId]
// Got purchaseInfoDict
return NO;
// Check the authenticity of the receipt response/signature etc.
BOOL result = checkReceiptSecurity(transactionPurchaseInfo, signature,
(__bridge CFDateRef)(purchaseDate));
if (!result)
return NO;
// Ensure the transaction itself is legit
if (![self doTransactionDetailsMatchPurchaseInfo:transaction withPurchaseInfo:purchaseInfoDict])
return NO;
// Make a note of the fact that we've seen the transaction id already
[self saveTransactionId:transactionId];
// Save the transaction receipt's purchaseInfo in the transactionsReceiptStorageDictionary.
[transactionsReceiptStorageDictionary setObject:purchaseInfoDict forKey:transactionId];
return YES;
If I understand correctly, if I verify the receipt my app could stop working when Apple decides to change the format of the receipt.
And if I don't verify the receipt, I'm not following Apple's "mitigation strategy" and my app is vulnerable to attacks.
Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Is there something I'm missing?

They heavily recommend to use your own server as an intermediary for validation, as this will allow a clear and secure passage to the App Store for all versions of iOS. That's really the best route to not be damned either way.
If you must perform validation directly from the device to the App Store, then you utilise their mitigation strategy only when the application is run on 5.1.x and below. For iOS6 and above, use the recommended means provided.
Whilst it was always the case that you shouldn't parse the receipt directly, the discovered vulnerability put Apple between a rock and a hard place in how to address this, and decided that application developers implement a check. It means when a user updates the application, the receipts are now secured again (irrespective of iOS version), thereby providing better fix coverage. As a side effect, it means you have to break from how you should normally do it (but Apple have give you permission to do so).
I agree the documentation isn't wholly clear on this, and could be clarified a bit more (you should give them feedback from the documentation pages at the bottom). Apple have published a mitigation strategy, and they do state it should be used on iOS 5.1.x and below to address the vulnerability. The onus is on them if they change the format/contents of IAP receipts.

Apple is also currently recommending on-device receipt validation. See Validating receipts locally and WWDC 2013 talk Using receipts to protect your digital sales.


How to get the original_application_version (the first purchased version number) out of iOS Receipt in iOS 11?

I have a paid iOS App.
I need to get the original_application_version number (the first version purchased by the user) from the Apple AppStore Receipt.
To get the receipt, when my app loads, I use checkReceiptFromAppStore() function:
func checkReceiptFromAppStore() {
let receipt = self.getReceipt()
print("receipt Data is: \(receipt)") // prints this: receipt Data is: Optional(5141 bytes)
getReceipt() function is the following:
func getReceipt() -> Data? {
if Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL != nil {
print("app receipt: \(Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL)")
do {
let receiptData = try Data(contentsOf: Bundle.main.appStoreReceiptURL!)
return receiptData
} catch {
print("error converting receipt to Data: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return nil
I've watched WWDC 2017 Advanced StoreKit video about In App purchases and receipt validation and WWDC 2013 Video about using Receipts, read different
resources related to my problem (this, this, this, this, this, this, and this...), but I still don't understand what to do next to get the
"original_application_version" from the App Store Receipt. I need only this field and don't understand why is it so hard to get it.
I've read this too:
I think that the receipt is not nil as long at when I run print("receipt Data is: (receipt)") it prints this: receipt Data is: Optional(5141 bytes)
I can suppose that I should parse the receipt to get that field. Can I do it using Decodable? Is there the easiest way to get this original_application_version field? Is it possible to do this without a receipt validation?
I need to get the original_application_version field only to detect the number of the first version bought by the user. If you know any other solutions to get the first purchased version number, I'd be glad to hear them.
I'm developing in Xcode 9, Swift 4, iOS 11
Any answers appreciated, thanks.
All receipt fields are in binary format within application receipt. You should use any kind of app receipt decoder in order to get original_application_version. It is always good thing to validate app receipt before using its contents. For example, you can use RMStore framework (RMStore). It contains receipt validator as well as decoder. Example Obj-C source:
RMAppReceipt *appReceipt = RMAppReceipt.bundleReceipt;
if (appReceipt != nil &&
[appReceipt.originalAppVersion length] > 0 &&
![appReceipt.originalAppVersion isEqualToString:#"1.0"]) {
//Process your original app version
} else {
//Probably it is sandbox mode or app install via Xcode
//Or maybe you should force app receipt refresh

iOS receipt does not include repurchased transaction

If I wipe the data in my app, then re-purchase some managed IAP that I know the account already owns, iOS gives me the native "are you sure you wish to repurchase this item you will not be charged" dialog. That's as expected.
When the purchase returns to my app, I get the receipt with [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL]. I then attempt to verify the SKPaymentTransaction's transactionIdentifier with the receipt via my server.
However the receipt's transaction ID for this IAP, because I've already purchased it long ago, is not the same as the SKPaymentTransaction.
How should I be verifying that this is a valid repurchase? Can I get a signed receipt for this repurchase somehow?
All the purchases will be in a single receipt. You do have to check all iAPs there and look for the needed ones.
If you want the id of the original iAP transaction, there is Original Transaction Identifier
For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the transaction identifier of the original transaction. Otherwise, identical to the transaction identifier.
More information about receipt fields is here:
Anyway, does it really matter whether this is an original purchase or a repurchase? My checks of this are usually the same.
As far as I understand it you should check the originalTransaction to check that this is valid for transactions that are SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored.
[[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL] is for the receipt of the main application, not the IAP.
You can use RMStore library, and check all purchases:
RMStoreAppReceiptVerificator *verificator = [[RMStoreAppReceiptVerificator alloc] init];
if ([verificator verifyAppReceipt])
NSArray *inAppPurchases = [RMAppReceipt bundleReceipt].inAppPurchases;
for (RMAppReceiptIAP *inAppPurchase in inAppPurchases)
NSLog(#"productIdentifier %# originalPurchaseDate %#", inAppPurchase.productIdentifier, inAppPurchase.originalPurchaseDate);
If your receipt is nil you can refresh receipt:
[[RMStore defaultStore] refreshReceiptOnSuccess:^{
//get purchases
} failure:^(NSError *error) {

ios usaepay magstripe credit card data, send for processing

In my application I use online payment, for that i used PaySabar device (audio jack device) which reads magstrip data on credit card swipe.
I got credit data in encrypted format, all track1, track2 data are correct and perfect, but how to i send that data to USAePAY server. Please help.
I believe USAePay requires the encrypted data to be:
Encrypted with their public key
Formatted in a specific manner
Passed in magstripe or credit card number field
Because you are using their PaySaber hardware, see below for step 3.
USAePay Wiki - End To End Encryption:
If you are using idynamo library, here is what you need to do:
NSString *responseString = [mtSCRALib getResponseData];
NSData *responseData = [responseString dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
NSString *encodedString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"enc://%#", [^] [responseData base64Encoding]];
and then send encodedString to the gateway as MagStripe.
You will need to integrate your application with one of their transaction interfaces. You will also need a developer account for testing transaction responses.
They have a wide array of different integration solutions and source code examples to use, including an iOS library.

Apple In-App Purchase Receipt - validation on the server-side

I have a problem with validating an apple receipt on the server-side.
I tried to find a solution in the internet, but haven't succeeded.
So, description:
First of all, application is made for iOS7. Secondly, I have a few items ( type = Non-Renewing Subscription ). So user can buy one or multiple items and then he should manually renew them ( buy again ).
Applications sends a receipt to the server-side, I make a request to the Apple and get the result with a lot of in_app receipts. Something like:
"quantity":"1", "product_id":"...", "transaction_id":"...",
"original_transaction_id":"...", "purchase_date":"...",
"purchase_date_ms":"...", "purchase_date_pst":"...",
"original_purchase_date_ms":"...", "original_purchase_date_pst":"...",
"quantity":"1", "product_id":"...",
"purchase_date":"...", "purchase_date_ms":"...",
"purchase_date_pst":"...", "original_purchase_date":"...",
"original_purchase_date_ms":"...", "original_purchase_date_pst":"...",
So, each "receipt" in "in_app" has transaction_id. But how I can identify the transactionId of the current purchase? I would like to validate it as well and make sure that this is unique.
My concern is: if somebody will get one valid receipt, he will be able to hack our server-side API and make unlimited numbers of in-app purchases with the same valid receipt.
Should I somehow decrypt and check for transaction_id the "original" receipt, the one what I send to Apple for verification?
Any help/suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
#Doug Smith
If you go through the different fields on this page, you will find
Original Transaction Identifier::
For a transaction that restores a previous transaction, the transaction identifier of the original transaction. Otherwise, identical to the transaction identifier.
This value corresponds to the original transaction’s transactionIdentifier property.
All receipts in a chain of renewals for an auto-renewable subscription have the same value for this field.
So for your non-auto renewable subscriptions, you have to keep track of two things on your server side:
The original transaction identifier of the receipt that you are validating with itunes server, associate this with the user Id in your database.
Whether the request that you received from the client side is of a Purchase or of a Restore Purchase.
Once you have these two things with you, you can write your logic on these two parameters like below:
::If a request is of type "Purchase" and you already have the original transaction identifier of that receipt associated with some other user Id, you can block that purchase.
::If a request is of type "Restore Purchase" and request is coming from the same user id against which the original transaction identifier is associated in your DB than allow him otherwise block his restore.
Furthermore, you can derive your own logic based on these things, according to your needs.
Let me know if you have any further doubts.
For each new transaction apple send a new receipt which is unique, encode it so no one can forge data.
Get the transaction receipt from the completed transaction encode it and send it to your server, and on the server side decode it and match with the one apple send to server.
- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions
_transactionArray = transactions;
for (SKPaymentTransaction * transaction in transactions)
switch (transaction.transactionState)
case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased: {
NSData *receipt = transaction.transactionReceipt;
[self sendReceiptToServer];
} break;
case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed: {
// finish this transaction
} break;
case SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored:
NSData *receipt = transaction.transactionReceipt;
[self sendReceiptToServer:receipt];
} break;
-(void)sendReceiptToServer:(NSData *)receipt {
// encode receipt
// send receipt to server
// add success and error callback
-(void) receiptSuccess {
// finish transaction here
-(void) receiptError {
// try again sending receipt to server

Restore button and end date from receipt for auto renewable IAP

I am developing one commercial app (app having different tools to calculate) where I implemented auto-renewable subscriptions. I am able to test it properly.
How my app works:
App web services allow user to use app free for three months.
User is asked to get subscribe for an year to use tools.
Once payment is done, receipt is validate and stored at web services.
Once subscription period get collapsed, auto renewable subscription come to play.
My questions:
Is adding restore button is any way compulsory? Referring Is restore button necessary for Auto-renewable subscriptions?, it says restore button is not required in auto subscription.
After payment; receipt is been passed to web server and web server validate receipt. Is their any mechanism to get expiry date from receipt or with the help of receipt?
query 1: Currently i am stock to
Is restore button necessary for Auto-renewable subscriptions?
and for query 2 i found that i can extract below details from
NSString *kReceiptBundleIdentifier = #"BundleIdentifier";
NSString *kReceiptBundleIdentifierData = #"BundleIdentifierData";
NSString *kReceiptVersion = #"Version";
NSString *kReceiptOpaqueValue = #"OpaqueValue";
NSString *kReceiptHash = #"Hash";
NSString *kReceiptInApp = #"InApp";
NSString *kReceiptOriginalVersion = #"OrigVer";
NSString *kReceiptExpirationDate = #"ExpDate";
NSString *kReceiptInAppQuantity = #"Quantity";
NSString *kReceiptInAppProductIdentifier = #"ProductIdentifier";
NSString *kReceiptInAppTransactionIdentifier =
NSString *kReceiptInAppPurchaseDate = #"PurchaseDate";
NSString *kReceiptInAppOriginalTransactionIdentifier =
NSString *kReceiptInAppOriginalPurchaseDate =
NSString *kReceiptInAppSubscriptionExpirationDate = #"SubExpDate";
NSString *kReceiptInAppCancellationDate = #"CancelDate";
NSString *kReceiptInAppWebOrderLineItemID = #"WebItemId";
As per my knowledge on inapppurchase .. Auto-renewable subscription is acceptable for magazines this only ... see the guidelines... I kept Auto-renewable for my app like webservices ...they reject my app and they suggest me to keep non-renewable subscriptions.. Now coming up to storing the receipt in your webserver .. how you can store your receipt in your webserver? based on the appleid we want to store the receipt .. but apple doesnot provide User appleid ...because all transactions is based on apple id only..i think storing the receipt is not the right way...You can keep Restore button to restore the previous transactions .. in these restore process you can get the previous transactions like product id and the transaction receipt .. you can pass this receipt to the storekit framework . then you will get the response 0 or 21006 like this based on the response you want to unlock the content...
