Jquery mobile + phonegap only black theme - jquery-mobile

I've build a test app with phonegap build using only the jquery mobile example file.
In the browser the style is white (see the link: http://view.jquerymobile.com/1.3.2/dist/demos/examples/ ) but in the app i see the header and the buttons in the black version.
Anyone have some idea to solve this?

Did you try changing the data-theme='a'. The data-theme controls what the buttons and background look like and Jquery mobile has created a standard set of swatches. http://jquerymobile.com/demos/1.1.1/docs/api/themes.html - check this out for more information on changeing the colors or themeing.


iPhone/iPad Status bar overlapping on app's header

I am using worklight 6.2 Consumer Edition on WAS Liberty Profile Server. I am using jQuery Mobile 1.4.2 to develop UI. When I install app on iPhone/iPad, status bar of phone is hiding some part of my app's header.
How can I fix this issue (if its an issue)?
This works fine in a default new app with jQuery Mobile that was generated by Worklight Studio. As you can see, the status does not overlap the text.
You can also take a look at the Worklight Starter with jQuery Mobile edition, that also works on iOS w/out the status bar covering the top of app. Compare your CSS.
You need to provide a screen shot of what you're seeing, as well as provide a sample application where you are experiencing it. This issue originates from your code. Provide code.
One possible solution would be to add some margin-top to whichever element is at the top of your applicaiton's HTML.

CSS Style strangely rendered depending on device

I'm building a stand-alone application.
The problem is that when I deploy on my webserver, then test it on a desktop browser, everything's fine, not on my mobile device (IPad): the colors are different (yeah, I'm stuck because of colors -.-).
I tried with different browsers - same results.
I use the mobile.ios.css file for my app. So, per example, with the ios stylesheet you got the default blue gradient navbar with the white text for the title (ok on desktop browser). On my Ipad it renders a gray/white gradient instead of the blue and the title is a deeper gray with some shadow. It seems to be the default style of the navbar, but why is it working on a desktop then?
I used the theme builder offered on the kendo ui website to fix it up, but it failed.
I think this issue belongs to the javascript behind kendo framework.
Anybody got an idea or went through some similar difficulties?
Kendo UI Mobile shows slightly different styling on iPhone and iPad, to better blend in as a native-like application. There are also differences between iOS versions (e.g. the Switch is different between 4 and 5 and the TabStrip between 5 and 6).
If you prefer the same styling everywhere, you can force the platform in your application - check the docs for how to do it.

jquery mobile min-height after input file camera

I have a problem with jQuery Mobile 1.3.1 with an input file (accept="image/*;capture=camera") and iOS.
When I click on the button to select a file or to take a picture (choose take picture), then I switch the device in landscape mode to actually take the picture and switch to portrait to confirm. After that, the page is cut at the top. I have to switch the device orientation to solve de problem. I saw that the min-height is 20px smaller just after selecting the file.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem ?
Or can I force jQuery mobile to recalculate the page dimension after file selection ?
You can see the problem here : http://www.reestcompany.com/jqmtest/test.html
You have to add the site to the home screen to have the web app mode and see the problem.
Thanks for you help
You can use trigger page create to create the
As mentioned in the jqm docs
$(window).on( "orientationchange", function(event) {
I posted an issue on jQuery mobile Github, but it is not a problem from jQuery mobile, it is a problem from Apple. So I also reported the bug to Apple.

Navigation Menu in Jquery Mobile

I'm a newbie with jquery mobile but I want to build a vertical navigation panel with its specific animation (no page changing).
A good example is here ( i don't want sencha touch, i need to do this with jquery mobile): http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/touch/examples/production/kitchensink/index.html
For example, if you select "User Interface", just the menu is updating (and a button back appear...)
Another good example is IOs, as the dropbox Ipad application (cf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeqw5OroHzY)
How I can do that with jquery mobile ? I see panels, the 1.3 new feature, but it's not really the same thing ...
Thanks for your help
Try this: jQueryUI's .menu
Other than that, it's just a fancy <aside>

navbar phonegap plugin

I would like to add a navigation bar at the top of "some" of my phonegap based ios application pages. I have tried using JQM based headers and they don't seem to be steady enough ( i.e. they scroll when I scroll the content and jump back). I would like to use a native control using a phonegap plugin ( like NativeControls) However I haven't been able to find anything ( as far as I can tell NativeControls used to have navbar control but it got discontinued) Any ideas? suggestions?
One of the options is to use a tool bar control on the top of the page but then it does not really have a way to create a title in the middle and buttons on left and right. Also it has no way of adding the native "back" control either.
I have been researching it for a while but haven't been able to find anything.
I ended up writing my own Navbar and hooking it to a javascript call through phonegap
Checkout this edited plugin for UINavigationbar
I've had this problem too. Didn't find any plugins for this also.
This is what I did:
I've created a CSS NavBar/TopBar with position:fixed
Used this solution to make it work on iOS 4 too: Fix position:fixed in iOS 4
