Add generic fields to rails JSON response - ruby-on-rails

I need to render JSON response for the REST api in which I need to include additional JSON fields that are not part of the model being rendered. I did read this link about ActiveModel where it suggests to use the ":methods" option to call another method where I can additional generic fields.
def add_fields
{ "field1" => "true" }
render :json => #user.as_json(:only => [:username, :org], :methods => [:add_fields])
However, when the JSON response is received only the username & org fields are returned in the JSON. The additional parameters defined in the method "add_fields" are not added. What is it that I am missing due to which additional fields are not being added to JSON response. Or is there a better way to add generic fields (not part of model) in JSON response?

May be you forgot to implement the #add_fields method in User.

I just tested this on my own User model and it worked just fine.
2.0.0p195 :002 > user.as_json(only: [:first_name, :last_name], methods: [:full_name])
"first_name" => "Cody",
"last_name" => "Russell",
:full_name => "Cody Russell"
Are you sure you have the method defined, and it's a public method?


Ruby on Rails api json response methods and include

I have technical question i have user model which have many questions so in my API controller i do:
render json: user, :include => {
:questions => {
:only => [:text]
Now i want to add to JSON response question count. How can i do that in best way. I know that i can create method inside model : count_question and after that do:
render json: user, :include => {
:questions => {
:only => [:text]
}, :methods => [
and my response will be good. But is there better way to put that information to JSON. I want to avoid add method inside model. Is it possible to determine this count inside json renderer?
Checkout JSON API and Active Model Serializers with Rails
This will hep you out format your JSON.

Rails/Rspec JSON integers being converted to strings when testing post call

I am testing a JSON request to our API, It will respond with JSON.
It seems like all the integers within the JSON get converted to strings as we post them to the controller consider action.
def consider
binding.pry # binding no# 2 used to check the params after post from test.
if ParametersValidator.is_valid?(params)
application_handler =
render json: application_handler.result
render json: ParametersValidator.failed_params(params).to_json
The ParamaterValidator validates the structure and types of data coming in.
let(:json) { JSON.parse(response.body) }
it 'returns the result in the correct format for the AUTOMATIC APPROVE decision' do
automatic_approve_params = relative_json_file(relative_file('automatic_approve_params'))
expected_approve_params = {
"status" => "accepted",
"automated" => true,
"rate" => 6,
"amount" => 30000,
"term" => 10,
"pre_approved_amount" => 2500,
"comments" => ""
#request.headers['HTTP_X_AUTH_SIG'] = Rails.application.secrets['authorization']['token']
request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = 'application/json'
binding.pry # binding no# 1 to inspect the params before post
post :consider, automatic_approve_params, format: :json
expect(json).to eq(expected_approve_params)
Binding no#1
Binding no#2
The test log is showing that the request is
Processing by Api::V1::CreditApplicationsController#consider as JSON
Inspecting the request just before the post action you will see the params are fine, then in the controller before I run anything I inspect the params and they are all strings.
Using postman to test the API with the JSON works as expected but it seems that rspec when posting to the consider action will convert all the params to strings. I have read a few dozen posts that claim by adding format: :json to the post action it will remedy this, however I have had no such luck.
I am obviously doing something wrong but I have tried pretty much everything I know.
After replicating the issue you are having I managed to resolve it in a controller spec using the following:
post :consider, automatic_approve_params.merge(format: :json)
In my local tests I removed the
request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = 'application/json' and it still worked as you expect it to. Hope it helps.
In Rails 5, use as: :json instead of format: :json, e.g. post :consider, params: automatic_approve_params, as: :json
We can try this
post 'orders.json', JSON.dump(order: {boolean: true, integer: 123}), "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json"

Check username availability using jquery and Ajax in rails

I am using rails with jquery and ajax to check the availability of username. I am using
the following plugin for jquery validation purpose.
In my controller i am using the following method to check the username availability.
def check_name
name = params[:name]
if name.strip == ""
render :json => { :available => false }
user = User.find(:first, :conditions => [ "name = ?", name])
if user
render :json => ["name", false , "This name is already taken"]
render :json => ["name", true , ""]
Is this the correct way to write the method? I checked many of the username availability
posts in this forum, but nothing worked out.
I am adding the answer. Sorry for the delay guys.
First credit to the plugin: .
Used the plugin for validations in the application.
In the view, i had
<%= f.username_field :username, :id => 'free-user', :placeholder=>'User Name', :class => "validate[required, ajax[ajaxUserCall]]", "data-prompt-position" => "topLeft:0,9"%>
In the same view, in java script:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#free-user").bind("jqv.field.result", function(event, field, errorFound, prompText){
$(".continue").attr("disabled", false); // .continue is a button
} else{
$(".continue").attr("disabled", true);
In routes.rb i have the following route.
match '/check-user' =>"users#check_user" // creating route for ajax call
In jquery.validationEngine-en.js file i have following:
"ajaxUserCall": {
"url": "/check-user",
// you may want to pass extra data on the ajax call
"alertText": "* This user is already taken",
"alertTextLoad": "* Validating, please wait"
In users controller, i have the following method
def check_user
user = params[:fieldValue]
user = User.where("username = ?", username).first
if user.present?
render :json => ["free-user", false , "This User is already taken"]
render :json => ["free-user", true , ""]
To check the Username/Email Availability do the following:
Using the
edit the validationsEngines-en.js file for the AJAX calls, one for the email will look like the following:
"ajaxEmailAvailable": {
"url": "/route_to_send_the_parameters",
// you may want to pass extra data on the ajax call
"alertTextOk": "* This email is available",
"alertText": "* This email is already taken",
"alertTextLoad": "* Validating, please wait"
Make sure you configure your routes.rb file to match the route you want to use, the default action with the call is a GET HTTP Request.
Next set up the proper action in your controller to handle the request (I included a helper in the Application Controller so that the input value can be sanitized before queried in the database:
def username_availability
scrubb = help.sanitize(params[:fieldValue], :tags => '')
user = User.find_by_email(scrubb)
if user.blank?
render :json => ["INPUT_ID", true , ""]
render :json => ["INPUT_ID", false , "This email is already taken"]
If you are unsure of the proper INPUT ID, watch the server logs for the parameters passed during the call and do a simple copy-paste. By default the request passes the INPUT ID and INPUT VALUE.
To gain access to this helper add the following:
def help
class Helper
include Singleton
include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
Now on the form itself, your input should read as the following:
<%= c.text_field :email, "data-validation-engine"=>"validate[required, custom[email], ajax[ajaxEmailAvailable]]" %>
As per the proper functionality always place the AJAX call as the last validation.
Don't forget to include jquery.js, jquery.validationEngine-en.js, jquery.validationEngine.js and validationEngine.jquery.css in the head of the document [in that order of js] and to call a
<script type="text/javascript">$(function() {$("#FORM_ID").validationEngine();});</script>
If you want to do this for username, just edit the above appropriately.

How do you output JSON from Ruby on Rails?

I'm looking to have a model that gets created / updated via AJAX. How do you do this in Ruby on Rails?
Also, more specifically: how do you output JSON in RoR?
def create
response = {:success => false}
#source =[:source])
response.success = true
render :json => response.to_json
All you need to do is call render :json with an object, like so:
render :json => my_object
For most objects, this will just work. If it's an ActiveRecord object, make sure to look at as_json to see how that works. For your case illustrated above, your hash will be transformed to json and returned.
However, you do have an error: you cant access the success key via response.success -- you should instead do response[:success]
jimothy's solution is really good butI believe it isn't scalable in the long term. Rails is meant to be a model, view, and controller framework. Right now JSON is cheated out of a view in default rails. However there's a great project called RABL which allows JSON view. I've written up some arguments for why I think it's a good option and how to get up and running with it quickly. See if this is useful for you:
#source =[:source])
respond_to do | f |
f.html {
# do stuff to populate your html view
# maybe nothing at all because #source is set
f.any(:xml, :json) {
render request.format.to_sym => #source

Filter a model's attributes before outputting as json

I need to output my model as json and everything is going fine. However, some of the attributes need to be 'beautified' by filtering them through some helper methods, such as number_to_human_size. How would I go about doing this?
In other words, say that I have an attribute named bytes and I want to pass it through number_to_human_size and have that result be output to json.
I would also like to 'trim' what gets output as json if that's possible, since I only need some of the attributes. Is this possible? Can someone please give me an example? I would really appreciate it.
Preliminary search results hint at something regarding as_json, but I can't find a tangible example pertaining to my situation. If this is really the solution, I would really appreciate an example.
Research: It seems I can use to_json's options to explicitly state which attributes I want, but I'm still in need of figuring out how to 'beautify' or 'filter' certain attributes by passing them through a helper before they're output as json.
Would I create a partial for a single json model, so _model.json.erb, and then create another one for the action I'm using, and within that simply render the partial with the collection of objects? Seems like a bunch of hoops to jump through. I'm wondering if there's a more direct/raw way of altering the json representation of a model.
Your model can override the as_json method, which Rails uses when rendering json:
# class.rb
include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
def as_json(options={})
{ :state => state, # just use the attribute when no helper is needed
:downloaded => number_to_human_size(downloaded)
Now you can call render :json in the controller:
#items = Item.all
# ... etc ...
format.json { render :json => #items }
Rails will call Item.as_json for each member of #items and return a JSON-encoded array.
I figured out a solution to this problem, but I don't know if it's the best. I would appreciate insight.
#items = Item.all
#response = []
#items.each do |item|
#response << {
:state => item.state,
:lock_status => item.lock_status,
:downloaded => ActionController::Base.helpers.number_to_human_size(item.downloaded),
:uploaded => ActionController::Base.helpers.number_to_human_size(item.uploaded),
:percent_complete => item.percent_complete,
:down_rate => ActionController::Base.helpers.number_to_human_size(item.down_rate),
:up_rate => ActionController::Base.helpers.number_to_human_size(item.up_rate),
:eta => item.eta
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #response }
Basically I construct a hash on the fly with the values I want and then render that instead. It's working, but like I said, I'm not sure if it's the best way.
