How to show user control in MVC view -

I have my user control in a class library and I have a public method in it which returns the user control as html string. I want to display this HTML in my MVC view. I am using the following code in my view:
<% MyControlsNamespace.MyControl mvc = new MyControl();
mvc.LoadMyControl(); %>
LoadMyControl() returns html as string. I can't see any thing in my view when I open it in a browser. I am new to MVC and I knew I am missing some thing here. Any guess??? I am using MVC1

Use <% Html.RenderPartial("Path/To.ascx") %> or <%= Html.Partial("Path/To.ascx") %>.
Use RenderPartial when you're fine with the user-control rendering directly to the response stream, or use Partial if you want to intercept the output as an MvcHtmlString. RenderPartial is faster and generally preferred, only use Partial if you know you need the MvcHtmlString.
More information is available here: Html.Partial vs Html.RenderPartial & Html.Action vs Html.RenderAction


Understanding MVC tags for nopCommerce

I am new to MVC , and in the application i downloaded and trying to debug i see this mark up
#Html.Action("AdminHeaderLinks", "Common")
What does this mean?, #Html.Partial where can I find where the value "body_start_html_tag_after") is defined ?
And this one:
<div class="master-wrapper-main">
Where can i find what #RenderBody does?, this is in a .cshtml file.
I would suggest that you look at a reference like to gain a greater understanding of ASP.Net MVC. Having said that the #HTML.Widget, etc is server side code that gets called during the HTML generation process.
I have heard of nopCommerce but I am unfamiliar with the structure, but #Html is usually used for server side helper methods.
#Html.Partial("_Notifications") is used to add the _Notifications Partial view to the page being rendered.
#Html.Action method will render a html A tag with the href link to the controller and action to be performed.
#Html.Widget I am unfamiliar with but one could assume that it is a helper method.
#RenderBody is used on a master page (usually the shared/_Layout.cshtml) as a server side marker to render the view that comes from the associated controller.

Html.Partial or Html.RenderPartial with MVC3?

I am totally confused even after seeing the following explanation.
Partial views can be rendered inside a Layout Page (or if using MVC 2/3 w/ASPX, the Master Page) as well as regular views.
There are some cases where you might like to step aside and write directly to the HTTP Response stream rather than having a partial view render the results (partials/views use MvcHtmlString/StringWriter). To do so, use the Html.RenderPartial helper.
Can someone tell me what it means? What cases where I might like to write direct to the HTTP Response etc. What if my partial view contains just one line like this:
Which should I use and why? What would happen if I used the other?
The following confused me even more: "Use Html.RenderPartial for streaming images or other elements that are media-centric or where faster download times are highly important."
See the response below.
The only difference is that Partial returns an MvcHtmlString, and must
be called inside <%= %>, whereas RenderPartial returnsvoid and renders
directly to the view.
If you look at the source code, you'll see that they both call the
same internal method, passing a StringWriter for it to render to.
You would call Partial if you want to view, save, or manipulate the
generated HTML instead of writing it to the page.
What is the difference (if any) between Html.Partial(view, model) and Html.RenderPartial(view,model) in MVC2?

Displaying HTML from a Database by using MVC 3 (ASPX ViewModel)

I'm using MVC 3 (the ASPX ViewModel) while I store and display data from my SQL database. I've tried using the raw input to store it as well as using HttpUtility.HtmlEncode. Neither are working when I try to display. I've tried using the HttpUtility.HtmlDecode as well as using <%: Model.MyHtmlVariable %>. Am I missing something?
Using the traditional "<%= html %>" syntax should render it out for you but may not depending on what you're doing. If not, try to wrap it in an HtmlString object, like so:
<%= new HtmlString(html) %>
MVC should respect that and render it out properly.
If you're just looking to display the encoded HTML, the "<%: html %>" syntax is your friend
You need to create a div to target and set the html using an jquery/javascript call to the controller action.
function(response) {
See if something like that works.

Passing parameters to ASCX user control in MVC

I am trying to pass a string parameter to an ASCX. I want to set this to the text property of a label. In the code below it shows betwen the div tags (ignore the % signs in the html tags).
<# Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<string>" >
<%asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" **Text="<%# Model %> Test"** CssClass="isslabel"><%/asp:Label>
<%div><%: Model %><%/div>
However in the label tag no matter what I put between the angle brackets (bit it bold) in the text tag I cannot get the parameter to appear. I have tried <%: Model %> to no avail. Is the issue that the code block is inside quotes and am I just missing some character?
Why are you trying to use a web forms user control with MVC?
Assuming the model is the string you want to display and you are passing this through correctly, along the lines of
<% Html.RenderPartial("MyUserControlView", "My String To Display"); %>
In your "parent" page, you will be able to do the following in your ascx:
<%= Html.Label(Model) %>
Instead of <asp:label...
If you need to specify then you have a number of options, you could wrap the Html.Label call in a div and specify the class of the div (updating your css accordingly), you could use a display template, or simply explicitly use the Html like the following:
<label for="someIdThatICouldUseAnotherHtmlExtensionMethodToGet"><%: Model %></label>
The key problem with your code (as now also pointed out in the comments by #mare) is that you are trying to use a web forms control in an MVC view.

Asp.Net MVC - RenderPartial - Create in a List view

I got a page that lists all my articles (Articles/List.aspx).
I also got a control that create article (Article/Create.ascx).
I will like that my List.aspx page that's render the Create.ascx to be able to create article.
I know that in MVC, the preferred approach is one page by action. But in this case I need to do that. It's a design issue and how the client want the Web site to work.
So for now, I got the following code in List.aspx :
<% Html.RenderPartial("Create", new Domain.Models.Article()); %>
That render correctly. But when I hit the create button, it's doesn't go in the Create[post] method of my ArticleController.
Any idea why and how I could resolve that issue ?
If you have problems with the button, it's not going to have anything to do with how you're rendering the user control. We need to see the form markup that the button is inside, that will show what the problem is most likely.
But just for reference, you're probably looking to do something like this:
<% using (Html.BeginForm("Create",
ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"].ToString())) { %>
your control markup here
<% } %>
