indexed list with static cells - uitableview

Newbie here,
A couple of questions:
I must use a static cell type in order to use an indexed list, correct?
I ask this because I've created an app with dynamic prototype cells and have realized
that I want to use an Index List for navigation. It's a dictionary app.
If I must a static cell type, how do I add a search bar?
I want users to be able to search at the top as well as use the Indexed List. Like
How do I go about converting my code for each tab (there are 5 of them) to work with
static cells instead of dynamic prototype cells?
I' feeling fairly lost right now. Would it be better to start from scratch?

I think that you can use dynamic, but better will be when you show some code from your app.
You can ceck this video for some experience with static, dynamic and custom cells:
Sorry for write this as answer but i cant adding comments for now.


How to create a dynamic drop down within a table view?

I need to create a tableview with at least two sections, transportation and hotel. Tapping on either one creates a drop down view showing info on 1 to n examples of the topic selected. You don't know in advance what data is going to be there so it has to be dynamic to present any number of results with some having lengthy descriptions below each example and some not. I've been racking my brain and I can't figure out how to do this. The dynamic nature of this makes it extra difficult. Here is a mock up of what it should look like: click here
Check out this Git-Repo. I am using it inside my app and its working quite well. You can also watch the tutorial for it:
Hope that helps!

Need some advice whether to use static stable view or dynamic table for my project

I am exploring the development of my first iPhone app (Xcode and Swift 3) and I need some direction and advice. I have a need of a multiple level expanding and collapsing table. I've attached some screens of a web app I developed to help you understand where I am going. In my app there are main level items, which expand to show sub items, which expand to show the contents of that item. And not every sub item (when expanded) has the same elements. Some sub items have simple text fields while other items have questions with yes and no answer options. I am so green I don't even know where to start with pulling this off in an app. I have worked through some tutorials on expanding and collapsing dynamic cells but I am unaware if that is the best way because not all of my sub cells contain the same contents. Should I use static cells instead? Or is there a way to create cell templates (like include files in php) and call them in to the table and populate them when I need them? I am lost and need some direction. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated. I would love tutorials as well. I have a account if you are aware of tutorials there I should follow. Thank you!
one of the simple layouts
a different layout
I think this lib could help you.

making views for quiz type of application

I am working on a project, in this project after login user has to answer 199 question.
there is for kind of questions like true/false, single selection, multiple selection, and short answer
so can you guys tell me what approach i should use to make views, becoz client strictly saying that each question will show on single screen.
Yes I have create this type of Application.You just use the One Custom Cell and make design of your view and return your array in Tableview cell. so it is better to use custom cell. Otherwise you use PageView Controller to display Question.Even I have also use this and it works fine.

Where to begin? - iOS "excel- like" view

I'm new to iOS development. I have finished the "console" part of my app (it does what I need it to do in a Mac app without a UI), but now I have no idea on where to start for my (iOS) UI part.
Basically, I need something like a simple grid of cells (like Excel); my code reads a file, creates a dynamic (varies per file content) 2D array, and I want to show this on my UI, making each cell selectable by the user (each cell would correspond to a position in my 2D array).
Could someone point me in the right direction (even if its only the name of the classes I need to look up in apple's doc.)? I have been trying to find answers online, but it seems I'm not looking for it right.
In case I didn't explain myself correctly, I want something like this:
UICollectionView is the correct class to use for this. It allows you to create layouts with multiple rows and columns in a similar style to UITableView. You can also create your own custom layouts if the default one does not do what you need.

iOS static table in a view?

Sorry if this is a really silly question but I'm new to iOS. I'm trying to do this:
The table cells are static as the content shouldn't change (the options are the same all the time). I also need to place the submit and cancel buttons below and replace the red background with an image.
My problem is, I get the error saying:
static table views are only valid when embedded in uitableviewcontroller
So my question is, how would I embed a table inside my view, like any other element?
Thanks in advance for any help :)
There are two relatively simple options to build a screen like that:
Make your controller a `UITableViewController, add two sections to the bottom of your static part, and put custom cells with buttons into these two sections, or
Define the static content of your table in code.
The look of your screen will change slightly for option 1, but it is important only when you have many cells, forcing the sections with buttons off the screen until the user scrolls.
The second option requires writing some code, but not too much to cause you too much inconvenience.
