How to restrict a moveable view by Pan gesture - ios

I have a UIImageView which is moveable via a pan gesture.
UIPanGestureRecognizer *pan = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(handlePan:)];
[self.photoMask addGestureRecognizer:pan];
I would like to restrict the area this can be moved on screen. Rather than the user be able to drag the view right to the side of the screen, I want to restrict it by a margin of some sort. How can I do this?
Also, how is this then handled when rotated?
EDIT ---
#pragma mark - Gesture Recognizer
-(void)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gesture {
NSLog(#"Pan Gesture"); = [gesture locationInView:self.view];
This is my current method to handle the pan. What I need to do is continue to move the imageview by the center point and also restrict its movement when close to the edge of the screen by 50 for example.

One possible solution to this is in your handlePan method, check the location of the point on the screen, and only commit the change if it is within the bounds you wish to restrict it to.
For ex.
-(void) handlePan:(UIGestureRecognizer*)panGes{
CGPoint point = [panGes locationInView:self.view];
//Only allow movement up to within 100 pixels of the right bound of the screen
if (point.x < [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width - 100) {
CGRect newframe = CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, theImageView.frame.size.width, theImageView.frame.size.height);
theImageView.frame = newframe;
I believe this would also correctly handle any screen rotation
To move your image view by the center of its frame, the handlePan method could look something like this.
-(void)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gesture {
CGPoint point = [gesture locationInView:self.view];
//Only allow movement up to within 50 pixels of the bounds of the screen
//Ex. (IPhone 5)
CGRect boundsRect = CGRectMake(50, 50, 220, 448);
if (CGRectContainsPoint(boundsRect, point)) { = point;
Check whether the point is within your desired bounds, and if so, set the center of your image view frame to that point.

I'm not sure if I'm being over-simplistic here but I think you can accomplish this by using an if clause.
-(void)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer*)gesture {
UIImageView *viewToDrag = gesture.view; // this is the view you want to move
CGPoint translation = [gesture translationInView:viewToDrag.superview]; // get the movement delta
CGRect movedFrame = CGRectOffset(viewToDrag.frame, translation.x, translation.y); // this is the new (moved) frame
// Now this is the critical part because I don't know if your "margin"
// is a CGRect or maybe some int values, the important thing here is
// to compare if the "movedFrame" values are in the allowed movement area
// Assuming that your margin is a CGRect you could do the following:
if (CGRectContainsRect(yourPermissibleMargin, movedFrame)) {
CGPoint newCenter = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(movedFrame), CGRectGetMidY(movedFrame)); = newCenter; // Move your view
// -OR-
// If you have your margins as int values you could do the following:
if ( (movedFrame.origin.x + movedFrame.size.width) < 50) {
CGPoint newCenter = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(movedFrame), CGRectGetMidY(movedFrame)); = newCenter; // Move your view
You'll probably have to adapt this to meet your specific needs.
Hope this helps!

Here is the answer in Swift 4 -
Restrict the view's movement to superview
#objc func handlePan(_ gestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer)
// Allows smooth movement of stickers.
if gestureRecognizer.state == .began || gestureRecognizer.state == .changed
let point = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self.superview)
if let superview = self.superview
let restrictByPoint : CGFloat = 30.0
let superBounds = CGRect(x: superview.bounds.origin.x + restrictByPoint, y: superview.bounds.origin.y + restrictByPoint, width: superview.bounds.size.width - 2*restrictByPoint, height: superview.bounds.size.height - 2*restrictByPoint)
if (superBounds.contains(point))
let translation = gestureRecognizer.translation(in: self.superview)
gestureRecognizer.view!.center = CGPoint(x: gestureRecognizer.view!.center.x + translation.x, y: gestureRecognizer.view!.center.y + translation.y)
gestureRecognizer.setTranslation(, in: self.superview)
If you want more control over it, match restrictByPoint value to your movable view's frame.

- (void)dragAction:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)gesture{
UILabel *label = (UILabel *)gesture.view;
CGPoint translation = [gesture translationInView:label];
if (CGRectContainsPoint(label.frame, [gesture locationInView:label] )) { = CGPointMake(,;
[gesture setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:label];
else{ = CGPointMake(, + translation.y);
[gesture setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:label];


Using UIPanGesture store the location of the image moved to new location in the UIView in Objc

I am moving UIImage in a view. Now when the image is moved to new position I want to keep that image in that position and store that in an array. How can I achieve this ?
The code for moving image using pan gesture is :-
- (void) handlePan: (UIPanGestureRecognizer *) recogniser {
CGPoint point = [recognizer locationInView:_backImage];
//Only allow movement up to within 100 pixels of the right bound of the screen
if (point.x < [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width - 100) {
CGRect newframe = CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, smallImageViewWidth, smallImageViewHeight);
_centreImage.frame = newframe;
Keep one global array in your VC and named that
NSMutableArray *arrImagePositions = [NSMutableArray array];
IN your method you can store that location in this array
- (void) handlePan: (UIPanGestureRecognizer *) recognizer
CGPoint point = [recognizer locationInView:_backImage];
//Only allow movement up to within 100 pixels of the right bound of the screen
if (point.x < [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width - 100) {
CGRect newframe = CGRectMake(point.x, point.y, smallImageViewWidth, smallImageViewHeight);
_centreImage.frame = newframe;
//store all location where you moved your image in array
if(gestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded){
[arrImagePositions addObject: newframe];
//store here in your array.

Add boundaries to a UIPangesture

I have a UILabel in a subview and I have a panGesture and pinchGesture on the UILabel. As of right now I can move the UILabel crossed all views. I want this UILabel do stay within the area of the subView. How would I accomplish this?
- (void)handlePanGesture:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)panGesture {
CGPoint translation = [panGesture translationInView:panGesture.view.superview];
if (UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan == panGesture.state ||UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged == panGesture.state) { = CGPointMake( + translation.x, + translation.y);
[panGesture setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:self.view];
In this line,
CGPoint translation = [panGesture translationInView:panGesture.view.superview];
It is setting it to the superView and I am trying to set it to my subView but I can't seem to figure it out.
Here is my code to handle draggable button and restrict it to the main view boundary
I hope this code will help you
CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:self.view];
CGRect recognizerFrame = recognizer.view.frame;
recognizerFrame.origin.x += translation.x;
recognizerFrame.origin.y += translation.y;
// Check if UIImageView is completely inside its superView
if (CGRectContainsRect(self.view.bounds, recognizerFrame)) {
recognizer.view.frame = recognizerFrame;
// Else check if UIImageView is vertically and/or horizontally outside of its
// superView. If yes, then set UImageView's frame accordingly.
// This is required so that when user pans rapidly then it provides smooth translation.
else {
// Check vertically
if (recognizerFrame.origin.y < self.view.bounds.origin.y) {
recognizerFrame.origin.y = 0;
else if (recognizerFrame.origin.y + recognizerFrame.size.height > self.view.bounds.size.height) {
recognizerFrame.origin.y = self.view.bounds.size.height - recognizerFrame.size.height;
// Check horizantally
if (recognizerFrame.origin.x < self.view.bounds.origin.x) {
recognizerFrame.origin.x = 0;
else if (recognizerFrame.origin.x + recognizerFrame.size.width > self.view.bounds.size.width) {
recognizerFrame.origin.x = self.view.bounds.size.width - recognizerFrame.size.width;
// Reset translation so that on next pan recognition
// we get correct translation value
[recognizer setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:self.view];

How can I move and rotate a view using CGAffineTransform?

I want to move a view using a pan gesture recognizer.
UIPanGestureRecognizer *gesture;
CGPoint touch = [gesture locationInView:view.superview];
view.frame = CGRectMake(touch.x, touch.y, view.frame.size.width, view.frame.size.height);
Also, I would like to rotate the view as it moves.
view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(multiplier * M_2_PI);
I have two basic problems:
The movement didn't start from the point the user touched the view.
When I try to both move and rotate the view it stretches beyond logic.
Can someone give me a very basic code sample on how to fix those issues using CGAffineTransform rather than go read this and that?
You can find code example here
Main idea is
Save starting point of center of the view.
Find translation and apply it for center of the view.
If you want to change frame, you should set identity transform before and restore transform after applying, because frame is a function of bounds, center, transform (
This is some code:
if (_panRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan)
_startCenter =;
else if (_panRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged)
CGPoint transition = [_panRecognizer translationInView:self.view];
CGPoint newCenter = CGPointMake(_startCenter.x + transition.x, _startCenter.y + transition.y); = newCenter;
CGAffineTransform transform = self.frameView.transform;
self.frameView.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
self.frameView.frame = CGRectInset(self.view.bounds, CGRectGetWidth(self.view.bounds) / 3.0, CGRectGetHeight(self.view.bounds) / 3.0);
self.frameView.transform = transform;

Translating a UIView after rotating

I'm trying to translate a UIView that has been either rotated and/or scaled using touches from the user. I try to translate it with user input as well:
- (void)handleObjectMove:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
static CGPoint lastPoint;
UIView *moveView = [recognizer view];
CGPoint newCoord = [recognizer locationInView:playArea];
// Check if this is the first touch
if( [recognizer state]==UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan )
// Store the initial touch so when we change positions we do not snap
lastPoint = newCoord;
// Create the frame offsets to use our finger position in the view.
float dX = newCoord.x;
float dY = newCoord.y;
// Figure out the translation based on how we are scaled
CGAffineTransform transform = [moveView transform];
CGFloat xScale = transform.a;
CGFloat yScale = transform.d;
lastPoint = newCoord;
[moveView setTransform:CGAffineTransformTranslate( transform, dX, dY )];
[recognizer setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:playArea];
But when I touch and move the view it gets translated in all different weird ways. Can I apply some sort of formula using the rotation values to translate properly?
The best solution I've found with having to use the least amount of math was to store the original translation, rotation, and scaling values separately and redo the transform when they were changed. My solution was to subclass a UIView with the following properties:
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint translation;
#property (nonatomic) CGFloat rotation;
#property (nonatomic) CGPoint scaling;
And the following functions:
- (void)rotationDelta:(CGFloat)delta
[self setRotation:[self rotation]+delta];
- (void)scalingDelta:(CGPoint)delta
[self setScaling:
(CGPoint){ [self scaling].x*delta.x, [self scaling].y*delta.y }];
- (void)translationDelta:(CGPoint)delta
[self setTranslation:
(CGPoint){ [self translation].x+delta.x, [self translation].y+delta.y }];
- (void)transformMe
// Start with the translation
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation( [self translation].x, [self translation].y );
// Apply scaling
transform = CGAffineTransformScale( transform, [self scaling].x, [self scaling].y );
// Apply rotation
transform = CGAffineTransformRotate( transform, [self rotation] );
[self setTransform:transform];
- (void)setScaling:(CGPoint)newScaling
scaling = newScaling;
[self transformMe];
- (void)setRotation:(CGFloat)newRotation
rotation = newRotation;
[self transformMe];
- (void)setTranslation:(CGPoint)newTranslation
translation = newTranslation;
[self transformMe];
And to use the following in the handlers:
- (void)handleObjectPinch:(UIPinchGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
if( [recognizer state] == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded
|| [recognizer state] == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged )
// Get my stuff
if( !selectedView )
SelectableImageView *view = selectedView;
CGFloat scaleDelta = [recognizer scale];
[view scalingDelta:(CGPoint){ scaleDelta, scaleDelta }];
[recognizer setScale:1.0];
- (void)handleObjectMove:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
static CGPoint lastPoint;
SelectableImageView *moveView = (SelectableImageView *)[recognizer view];
CGPoint newCoord = [recognizer locationInView:playArea];
// Check if this is the first touch
if( [recognizer state]==UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan )
// Store the initial touch so when we change positions we do not snap
lastPoint = newCoord;
// Create the frame offsets to use our finger position in the view.
float dX = newCoord.x;
float dY = newCoord.y;
lastPoint = newCoord;
[moveView translationDelta:(CGPoint){ dX, dY }];
[recognizer setTranslation:CGPointZero inView:playArea];
- (void)handleRotation:(UIRotationGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
if( [recognizer state] == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded
|| [recognizer state] == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged )
if( !selectedView )
SelectableImageView *view = selectedView;
CGFloat rotation = [recognizer rotation];
[view rotationDelta:rotation];
[recognizer setRotation:0.0];
Try Change instead of Set (x,y) directly or either "CGAffineTransformTranslate"
Here is the Swift 4/5 version for a transformable UIView
class TransformableImageView: UIView{
var translation:CGPoint = CGPoint(x:0,y:0)
var scale:CGPoint = CGPoint(x:1, y:1)
var rotation:CGFloat = 0
override init (frame : CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
func rotationDelta(delta:CGFloat) {
rotation = rotation + delta
func scaleDelta(delta:CGPoint){
scale = CGPoint(x: scale.x*delta.x, y: scale.y * delta.y)
func translationDelta(delta:CGPoint){
translation = CGPoint(x: translation.x+delta.x, y: translation.y + delta.y)
func transform(){
self.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity.translatedBy(x: translation.x, y: translation.y).scaledBy(x: scale.x, y: scale.y ).rotated(by: rotation )
I'm leaving this here as I also encountered the same problem. Here is how to do it in swift 2:
Add your top view as subview to your bottom view:
Then add a PanGesture Recognizer to move on touch:
//Add PanGestureRecognizer to move
let panMoveGesture = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(YourViewController.moveViewPanGesture(_:)))
And the function to move:
//Move function
func moveViewPanGesture(recognizer:UIPanGestureRecognizer)
if recognizer.state == .Changed {
var center = recognizer.view!.center
let translation = recognizer.translationInView(recognizer.view?.superview)
center = CGPoint(x:center.x + translation.x,
y:center.y + translation.y)
recognizer.view!.center = center
recognizer.setTranslation(, inView: recognizer.view)
Basically, you need to translate your view based on the bottom view which is its superview not itself. Like this: recognizer.view?.superview
Or if you also rotate the bottom view, you may add a view which is not going to have any trasformation, and add your bottom view to that not transforming view (very bottom view) and add your top view to bottom view accordingly as subview. Then you should translate your top view based on the very bottom view.

Moving UIView within Parent UIView (UIPanGestureRecognizer)

I am using the following code to move a UIImageView that is present inside of a UIView.
- (IBAction)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {
CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:self.view]; = CGPointMake( + translation.x, + translation.y);
[recognizer setTranslation:CGPointMake(0, 0) inView:self.view];
I would like to make it so that the UIView does not move outside of the parent view. At the minute the image view is able to move across the entire screen.
First get the new frame of your UIImageView and check if it is completely inside its superView using CGRectContainsRect() method. If yes, then set UImageView's frame to new frame.
- (IBAction)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer {
CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:self.view];
CGRect recognizerFrame = recognizer.view.frame;
recognizerFrame.origin.x += translation.x;
recognizerFrame.origin.y += translation.y;
// Check if UIImageView is completely inside its superView
if (CGRectContainsRect(self.view.bounds, recognizerFrame)) {
recognizer.view.frame = recognizerFrame;
// Else check if UIImageView is vertically and/or horizontally outside of its
// superView. If yes, then set UImageView's frame accordingly.
// This is required so that when user pans rapidly then it provides smooth translation.
else {
// Check vertically
if (recognizerFrame.origin.y < self.view.bounds.origin.y) {
recognizerFrame.origin.y = 0;
else if (recognizerFrame.origin.y + recognizerFrame.size.height > self.view.bounds.size.height) {
recognizerFrame.origin.y = self.view.bounds.size.height - recognizerFrame.size.height;
// Check horizantally
if (recognizerFrame.origin.x < self.view.bounds.origin.x) {
recognizerFrame.origin.x = 0;
else if (recognizerFrame.origin.x + recognizerFrame.size.width > self.view.bounds.size.width) {
recognizerFrame.origin.x = self.view.bounds.size.width - recognizerFrame.size.width;
// Reset translation so that on next pan recognition
// we get correct translation value
[recognizer setTranslation:CGPointMake(0, 0) inView:self.view];
Make sure that you pass bounds of superView and frame of UIImageView so that both CGRects are in same coordinate system.
Try with:
- (IBAction)handlePan:(UIPanGestureRecognizer *)recognizer
if (gesture.state==UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged || gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded){
UIView *superview = recognizer.view.superview;
CGSize superviewSize = superview.bounds.size;
CGSize thisSize = recognizer.view.size;
CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:self.view];
CGPoint center = CGPointMake( + translation.x, + translation.y);
CGPoint resetTranslation = CGPointMake(translation.x, translation.y);
if(center.x - thisSize.width/2 < 0)
center.x = thisSize.width/2;
else if (center.x + thisSize.width/2 > superviewSize.width)
center.x = superviewSize.width-thisSize.width/2;
resetTranslation.x = 0; //Only reset the horizontal translation if the view *did* translate horizontally
if(center.y - thisSize.height/2 < 0)
center.y = thisSize.height/2;
else if(center.y + thisSize.height/2 > superviewSize.height)
center.y = superviewSize.height-thisSize.height/2;
resetTranslation.y = 0; //Only reset the vertical translation if the view *did* translate vertically = center;
[recognizer setTranslation:CGPointMake(0, 0) inView:self.view];
This way it won't ever move outside the parent view bounds and it will just "stick" to the edge if you try to move it out of the bounds!
Swift version of micantox answer
let gesture = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.wasDragged(gestureRecognizer:)))
imageView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
#objc func wasDragged(gestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
if gestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.changed || gestureRecognizer.state == UIGestureRecognizerState.ended {
let superview = gestureRecognizer.view?.superview
let superviewSize = superview?.bounds.size
let thisSize = gestureRecognizer.view?.frame.size
let translation = gestureRecognizer.translation(in: self.view)
var center = CGPoint(x: gestureRecognizer.view!.center.x + translation.x, y: gestureRecognizer.view!.center.y + translation.y)
var resetTranslation = CGPoint(x: translation.x, y: translation.y)
if center.x - (thisSize?.width)!/2 < 0 {
center.x = (thisSize?.width)!/2
} else if center.x + (thisSize?.width)!/2 > (superviewSize?.width)! {
center.x = (superviewSize?.width)!-(thisSize?.width)!/2
} else {
resetTranslation.x = 0 //Only reset the horizontal translation if the view *did* translate horizontally
if center.y - (thisSize?.height)!/2 < 0 {
center.y = (thisSize?.height)!/2
} else if center.y + (thisSize?.height)!/2 > (superviewSize?.height)! {
center.y = (superviewSize?.height)!-(thisSize?.height)!/2
} else {
resetTranslation.y = 0 //Only reset the vertical translation if the view *did* translate vertically
gestureRecognizer.view?.center = center
gestureRecognizer.setTranslation(CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), in: self.view)
You'll have to set the to a new value only if its frame is inside the bounds of its parent view. Use CGRectContainsRect on recognizer.view.superview.bounds and recognizer.view.frame to verify that they are contained.
If you want to allow the image view to move outside its parent view until the center point of the view is outside the parent's bounds, you can use the convertPoint:toView method of UIView and verify that the new CGPoint is not outside your parent's bounds.
if (gesture.state==UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged){
CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:self.view];
CGRect rectToCheck=CGRectMake(yourView.frame.origin.x+translation.x, yourView.frame.origin.y+translation.y, CGRectGetWidth(yourView.frame), CGRectGetHeight(yourView.frame));
if(CGRectContainsRect(self.view.bounds,rectToCheck))// check that the rect that is going to form lies within the bounds of self.view
yourView.frame=CGRectMake(yourView.frame.origin.x+translation.x, yourView.frame.origin.y+translation.y, CGRectGetWidth(yourView.frame), CGRectGetHeight(yourView.frame));
[gesture setTranslation:CGPointZero yourView]; // important to set this
P.S. Use the gesture state block to initiate, pan, remove. i.e. UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan
