Play sound when silence in the room; stop sound when voices heard - ios

I need some guidance as I may have to shelve development until a later time.
I want to play a sound once the lights are switched off and the room goes dark, then stop the sound once the light is switched back on. I've discovered that Apple doesn't currently provide a way to access the ambient light sensor (not in any way that will get App Store approval).
The alternative I've been working on is to try and detect sound levels (using AVAudioPlayer/Recorder and example code from I.e., when I detect voices of people in the room have dropped to a specific level (i.e. silence trying to compensate for background noise), I play my sounds.
However, if the people in the room start talking again and I detect the voices, I need to stop playing the sounds.
Q: is this self-defeating, i.e., the sound generated by the iPhone will essentially be picked up by the iPhone microphone and indistinguishable from any voices in the room? Methinks yes and unless there's an alternative approach to this, I'm at an impasse until light sensor API is opened up by Apple.

I don't think the noise made by the iPhone speaker will be picked up by the mic. The phone cancels sounds generated by the speaker. I read this once, and if I find the source I'll post it. Empirically, though, you can tell this is the case when you use speaker phone. If the mic picked up sound from the speaker that's an inch away from it, the feedback would be terrible.
Having said that, the only sure way to see if it will work for your situation is to try it out.

I agree with woz: the phone should cancel the sound it's emitting. About the ambient light sensor, the only alternative I see is using the camera, but it would be very energy inefficient, and would require the app to be launched.


Is there any way to detect whether a device has a case and screen protector on it?

I know this might be a stupid question, but can we detect whether an iPhone device has a case and screen protector on it in code?
Enable the microphone and then vibrate the device. If you have a baseline idea of how the audio frequency looks without a bumper, then you can diff that against what you record.
Typically, the cases are made out of materials like silicone that reduce the intensity of the vibration sound.
I don’t think so. Screen protectors and cases are made with sensors in mind, so they don’t interfere with proximity sensors cameras, or microphones, which I think is the only way we have to know if there’s something on the phone.
Battery cases, or lightning accessories are something else though, but I don’t think you are talking about those.

Removing low frequency (hiss) noise from video in iOS

I am recording videos and playing them back using AVFoundation. Everything is perfect except the hissing which is there in the whole video. You can hear this hissing in every video captured from any iPad. Even videos captured from Apple's inbuilt camera app has it.
To hear it clearly, you can record a video in a place as quiet as possible without speaking anything. It can be very easily detected through headphones and keeping volume to maximum.
After researching, I found out that this hissing is made by preamplifier of the device and cannot be avoided while recording.
Only possible solution is to remove it during post processing of audio. Low frequency noise can be removed by implementing low pass filter and noise gates. There are applications and software like Adobe Audition which can perform this operation. This video shows how it is achieved using Adobe Audition.
I have searched Apple docs and found nothing which can achieve this directly. So I want to know if there exists any library, api or open source project which can perform this operation. If not, then how can I start going in right direction because it does looks like a complex task.

Monitoring Audio Input on iPhone Without Recording it?

I am trying to write an app in Apple Swift that monitors audio from the microphone and displays the volume level on a VU meter style graph. I know how to do it using AVAudioRecorder, but I don't want to record and save the audio, I just want to monitor and observe the volume levels, as I will be monitoring the audio for multiple hours and saving this to the phone would take up tons of space.
Can anybody lead me in the right direction as to how I can do this?
I do not have any code to show, as I a just looking for the right direction to go not debugging.
You can use AVCaptureSession:
add an input device (the microphone) using AVCaptureDeviceInput;
add an output AVCaptureAudioDataOutput, setting the sample buffer delegate
Once you start the session, the delegate will receive audio samples that you can process however you wish.
Don't forget to ask permission before using the AVCaptureDevice!

Capture when recording audio, stops to receiving audio AVAudioRecorder

There is a talking cat app well known for iOS devices, in which you speak your voice and he repeats. Analyzing this app, you'll see that it stops talking when you stop talking, that is, it stops to capture the audio when not receive another voice.
I was giving a analyzing the methods of AVAudioRecorder class, and not found any method in which to capture when the User stop to talking or recorder stops to receive external audio.
How can I capture when the audio recorder stops to receiving audio.
Process the audio stream as it is coming through. You can look at the frequency and volume of the stream. From there you can determine if the user has stopped talking.
I suggest frequency and volume as the recorder still picks up background audio. If the volume drops dramatically then the sounds the recorder is picking up must be further away from the device than before. The frequency can also lend itself to:
A.) Filter out the background audio in the audio used to replay the audio with a pitch change or any other changes. etc.
B.) I do not know the limits of frequency for the average human. But this covers the use case where the user has stopped talking, but have moved the device in such a way that the recorder still picks up load shuffling from moving fingers near the mic.

Play a beep that loop and change the frequency/speed

I am creating an iphone application that use audio.
I want to play a beep sound that loop indefinitely.
I found an easy way to do that using the upper layer AVAudioPlayer and the numberOfLoops set to "-1". It works fine.
But now I want to play this audio and be able to change the rate / speed. It may works like the sound played by a car when approaching an obstacle. At the beginning the beep has a low frequency and this frequency accelerate till reaching a continuous sound biiiiiiiiiiiip ...
It seems this is not feasible using the high layer AVAudioPlayer, but even looking at AudioToolBox I found no solution.
Any help?
Take a look at Dave Dribin's A440 sample application, which plays a constant 440 Hz tone on the iPhone / iPad. It uses the lower-level Audio Queue Services, but it does what you're asking (short of the realtime tone adjustment, which would just require a tweak of the existing code).
