Is there any way to access that functionality within the state_machine gem? Kinda like levels:
def check_if_editor
redirect_to :root unless current_user.editor? OR ANY NEXT STATE
Can't find much in the docs. Thanks!
I don't think there is. I've come across the same requirement and solved it by creating a method that checks each acceptable state. I'm not entirely happy with it because if a new state gets introduced it potentially needs to be added to the list.
def after_state1?
state2? || state3?
I saw a closed discussion on the state_machine gem (can't find it again now) where they said they didn't want to implement state ordering because it would make it too complicated.
You can use state machine methods state_paths (which returns an array of transitions from one specified state to another) and to_states (which converts the result to a nice array of states).
redirect_to :root unless editor_or_later?
def editor_or_later?
states_after_editor = current_user.state_paths(:from => :editor, :to => :some_end_state).to_states
states_editor_or_later = [:editor] + states_after_editor
states_editor_or_later.include? current_user.state.to_sym
In Ruby on Rails, does the state machine gem support the use of a model instance that doesn't directly relate to the host model? If they do, how do I do it?
The conclusion I'm leaning toward is that authorization should be left to other parts of the framework, and the state machine should just be an interface defining the transition of states. That being said, I see some support for transition conditions and I was wondering if the data inside those conditions could be something NOT set on the host model, but instead passed in like a parameter.
Say we have a Task that has the states in_progress and completed, and in order to transition from them respectively, the current_user (assigned in the session, access in the controller) needs to pass a check.
I understand through the documentation that in order to add a check to the transition I have to program it like this:
transition :in_progress => :completed, :if => :user_is_owner?
and define the function like:
def user_is_owner()
but let's try to implement the restriction so that the task can only be edited if the user_id is the same as the id of the user that requested the task USING dynamic data.
def user_is_owner?(user) == self.requester_id
Notice I don't have that user object, how would one pass the user object they need in?
Ruby Version: 1.9.3
Rails Version: 3.2.9
The thought process behind this post was that I wanted to use the framework the way it was meant to be used, MVC. Information specific to the connection doesn't belong on a model that represents something completely independent of the connection, it's just logical.
The solution I chose for my problem was what #SergioTulentsev mentioned, A transient attribute.
My Ruby on Rails solution included setting up a transient attribute on my model, by adding an attr_accessor
attr_accessor :session_user
and a setter
# #doc Setter function for transient variable #session_user
def session_user
and a function that uses the setter on my Task model
def user_is_owner?
requester == session_user
then I utilized that function inside of my state_machine's transition
transition :completed => :archived, :if => :user_is_owner?
The problems I see with this are that anytime you want to use the User to make authorization checks, you can't just pass it in as a parameter; it has to be on the object.
Thanks, I learned a lot. Hopefully this will be somewhat useful over the years...
The original response is a valid approach, but I wound up going with this one. I think it's a much cleaner solution. Override the state machine events and extract the authorization.
state_machine :status, :initial => :new do
event :begin_work do
transition :new => :in_progress
def begin_work(user)
if can_begin_work?(user)
super # This calls the state transition, but only if we want.
Passing variables to Rails StateMachine gem transitions
I'm using an enum in my model defined as such:
enum role: [:member, :content_creator, :moderator, :admin]
I wanted an easy way to get the next role from a user's current role, so I came up with this:
def self.next_role(user)
User.roles.drop(User.roles[user.role] + 1)
rescue StopIteration
In the view, I'd likely add onto this the following method chain: [...].first.humanize.titleize.
I'm only somewhat concerned about my solution here, but mainly wanted to know if there was a better (read: more built-in) way to get what I'm after? I know there are only four enums there and I admit I started my implementation with if ... elsif ... etc.. In other words, I find myself more proficient in Rails than I do with Ruby itself. Can someone elaborate how one "should" do this?
User.roles is just an ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess that looks like:
{ 'member' => 0,
'content_creator' => 1,
'moderator' => 2,
'admin' => 3 }
Using that, this solution is pretty close to yours but without the exception handling. I would also be doing this as an instance method on User, not a class method.
Returns the subsequent role as a String, nil if the current role is :admin
def next_role
User.roles.key(User.roles[role] + 1)
You can then call (ruby 2.3 required for the &. safe navigation operator)
How's this grab you? Okay so it's not really more "built in." But I thought it was different enough from your solution (which was pretty clever imo) to throw into the mix, at least to offer some different elements to potentially incorporate.
def self.next_role(user)
next_role = user.role.to_i + 1
next_role == self.roles.length ? nil : self.roles.invert[next_role]
I want to store a state in the model, and one can change from one state to any other state. The list of states are predefined in the model.
A state-machine it too much for me, because I don't need events/transitions between states, and don't want to write N-squared transitions (to allow any state to transfer to any other state).
Is there a good Rails gem for doing this? I want to avoid writing all the constants/accessors/checking validity myself.
A gem would be too much for such functionality.
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
# validation
validate :state_is_in_list
# All the possible states
STATUS = %w{foo bar zoo loo}
# method to change to a state. !! Not sure if this is the right syntax
STATUS.each do |state|
define_method "#{state}!" do
write_attribute :state, state
# Also ? methods are handy for conditions
define_method "#{state}?" do
state == read_attribute(:state)
# So you can do! and it will change state to 'bar'
# And will return true if it is in 'bar' state
def child_and_team_code_exists
errors.add(:state, 'Not a valid state') unless STATUS.include? state
I found that the correct keyword to search for should be 'Active Record Enumeration'
I choose the second one called enumerize. It provide nice API and good form input generator. It also have a simple scope and accessors.
This is probably one of the things that all new users find out about Rails sooner or later. I just realized that rails is updating all fields with the serialize keyword, without checking if anything really changed inside. In a way that is the sensible thing to do for the generic framework.
But is there a way to override this behavior? If I can keep track of whether the values in a serialized fields have changed or not, is there a way to prevent it from being pushed in the update statement? I tried using "update_attributes" and limiting the hash to the fields of interest, but rails still updates all the serialized fields.
Here is a similar solution for Rails 3.1.3.
Put the following code in config/initializers/
ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
class_attribute :no_serialize_update
self.no_serialize_update = false
ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Dirty.class_eval do
def update(*)
if partial_updates?
if self.no_serialize_update
super(changed | (attributes.keys & self.class.serialized_attributes.keys))
Yes, that was bugging me too. This is what I did for Rails 2.3.14 (or lower):
# config/initializers/nopupdateserialize.rb
module ActiveRecord
class Base
class_attribute :no_serialize_update
self.no_serialize_update = false
module ActiveRecord2
module Dirty
def self.included(receiver)
receiver.alias_method_chain :update, :dirty2
def update_with_dirty2
if partial_updates?
if self.no_serialize_update
update_without_dirty(changed | (attributes.keys & self.class.serialized_attributes.keys))
ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActiveRecord2::Dirty
Then in your controller use:
model_item.no_serialize_update = true
model_item.update_attribute(:nonserializedfield => "update me")
Or define it in your model if you do not expect any changes to the serialized field once created (but update_attribute(:serialized_field => "update me" still works!)
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :serialized_field
def no_serialize_update
I ran into this problem today and ended up hacking my own serializer together with a getter and setter. First I renamed the field to #{column}_raw and then used the following code in the model (for the media attribute in my case).
require 'json'
def media=(media)
self.media_raw = JSON.dump(media)
def media
JSON.parse(media_raw) if media_raw.present?
Now partial updates work great for me, and the field is only updated when the data is actually changed.
The problem with Joris' answer is that it hooks into the alias_method_chain chain, disabling all the chains done after (like update_with_callbacks which accounts for the problems of triggers not being called). I'll try to make a diagram to make it easier to understand.
You may start with a chain like this
update -> update_with_foo -> update_with_bar -> update_with_baz
Notice that update_without_foo points to update_with_bar and update_without_bar to update_with_baz
Since you can't directly modify update_with_bar per the inner workings of alias_method_chain you might try to hook into the chain by adding a new link (bar2) and calling update_without_bar, so:
alias_method_chain :update, :bar2
Unfortunately, this will get you the following chain:
update -> update_with_bar2 -> update_with_baz
So update_with_foo is gone!
So, knowing that alias_method_chain won't let you redefine _with methods my solution so far has been to redefine update_without_dirty and do the attribute selection there.
Not quite a solution but a good workaround in many cases for me was simply to move the serialized column(s) to an associated model - often this actually was a good fit semantically anyway.
There is also discussions in
I'm using the Rails gem rails3-jquery-autocomplete to add categories to posts.
I would like to restrict the search to include only categories that belong to the current user or post's author in the results.
The documentation says that I can specify a scope:
Added option to use scopes. Pass scopes in an array. e.g :scopes =>
[:scope1, :scope2]
But I'm not sure how I would pass the user id here?
It seems like a comon scenario, am I missing something obvious?
I found an answer that suggests modifying the get_item method, but that seems to break the auto-complete
Scoping the results for rails3 jquery autocomplete plugin
In posts_controller:
def get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
items = super(parameters)
items = items.where(:user_id =>
I'm first calling the original get_autocomplete_items method, and then filtering out the results by
This question helped:
Rails 3: alias_method_chain still used?
I had a similar problem I solved thanks to the answers above.
My autocomplete also worked against a User model, but I needed to restrict the results to the user's institution (Institution has many :users). My controller creates an #institution instance variable that is accessed in the view.
Although the get_autocomplete_items method cannot directly access the instance variable, I found that the data CAN be passed to autocomplete as a parameter (note: I use the simple_forms gem, so the input call looks a little different than the standard rails syntax).
In my view:
<%= f.input :email, :url => autocomplete_user_email_institutions_path(:institution_id=>, :as => :autocomplete %>
In my controller:
autocomplete :user, :email, :extra_data => [:first_name, :last_name]
def get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
super(parameters).where(:institution_id => params[:institution_id])
My autocomplete list is now scoped to just the users who work for a particular institution.
deb's answer works for me.
The code can be cleaned up a bit:
def get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
super(parameters).where(:user_id =>
There is small update to code for those who have having trouble with super method.because of dynamic dispatch it above code need to replaced as below:
def get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
items = super(parameters)
items = items.where(searchable: true)
to this:
def get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
items = active_record_get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
items = items.where(searchable: true)
To answer the question posed by #ctilley79, multiple autocompletes is not a problem because, in addition to the possibility of passing more values in the params hash, you also have access to the autocomplete parameters. On my form (as an example), I have both a City and a Zip autocomplete. I need to restrict the City to those in a certain state. So my controller action looks like this:
def get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
if (parameters[:model] == City)
super(parameters).where("state_id" => params[:state_id])
You also have access to the method in case you need it. Do logger.debug on the parameters to see all that is available.
I know the gem and the question are old but I found myself using this gem and needing this answer recently... None of the old answers will work anymore because in the source code, the method get_autocomplete_items is generated dynamically and has the ORM prepended on the method name. This is what got it working for me. I assume most folks are using ActiveRecord too but check the autocomplete.rb method 'get_prefix' to figure out what you should prepend to the method name to get it working.
Hope this saves someone a bunch of time. Be the change you want to see and all that ;)
def active_record_get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
I faced a similar problem. Our site is multi-tenant, so everything needs to be scoped to the tenant.
To make this easier, I modified rails3-jquery-autocomplete to accept another option called :base_scope. It takes a string, that gets eval'd instead of using the model. All the other functionality works, so you can append additional scopes and where clauses if you need to.
My fork is here:
I am not sure that the tests i wrote prove it will always work. I just checked that it was using the scope instead of the model in the items method.
i would appreciate any thoughts on it. Not sure whether it merits a pull request.