How to show mbunit/gallio TestLog or Console output in Jenkins? - jenkins

I'm using Gallio/MbUnit framework for my web testing, and the tests are kicked off from Jenkins. I've installed the Gallio/MbUnit plugin and it's publishing the xml report. I'm trying to find a way to display test log or console messages in the "Test Result" section so the team can easily read failures instead of digging into the "Console Output" for any failed test run.
When I run these Gallio/MbUnit tests from my local machine using Icarus everything is pretty nicely formatted, but not so much with Jenkins. I'd like to keep using it and improve how we display the errors. Suggestions?
For a failed test:
Failing for the past 4 builds (Since Failed#128 )
Took 47 sec.
add description
Error Message
Expected value to be false.Actual Value : d:\Jenkins\jobs\...\workspace\WebTesting\Base\Helpers.cs:line 90d:\Jenkins\jobs\...\workspace\WebTesting\TigerEye\Tests\MainMenuTests.cs:line 329true
at WebTesting.Base.Helpers.Click(IWebDriver driver, IWebElement element) in
From the raw console output:
Start time: 4:21 PM
Initializing the runtime and loading plugins.
Verifying test files.
Initializing the test runner.
Running the tests.
[failed] Test WebTesting/MainMenuTests/AcctClaimsItems
Expected value to be false.
Found System.Web Exception after click to url
Actual Value : true
at WebTesting.Base.Click(IWebDriver driver, IWebElement element) in d:\Jenkins\jobs\...\workspace\WebTesting\Base\StaticHelpers.cs:line 90 at WebTesting...\Tests.MainMenuTests.AcctClaimsItems() in d:\Jenkins\jobs\...\workspace\WebTesting\TigerEye\Tests\MainMenuTests.cs:line 329
if (driver.PageSource.Contains("System.Web - Exception"))
TestLog.Write("Found exception on page {0}", driver.Url);
Console.Write("Found exception on page {0}", driver.Url);
Assert.IsFalse(driver.PageSource.Contains("System.Web - Exception"), "Found System.Web Exception after click to url {0}",driver.Url);

There is a general console parsing plugin you can use to add a post build step


How to fine-tune the level for SonarQube Gradle plugin

I'm using SonarQube plugin (version 2.6.1) for Gradle (version 4.7) and have the problem that a lot of unimportant log output is being written while running the sonar analysis on my CI server.
Is there a way to fine-tune the log level for this plugin?
I checked the documentation but the only setting related to the log output I found was the JVM argument "verbose" which I'm not using either way (I guess the default is false so this shouldn't be turned on for me).
EDIT: Here are some examples of the output I would like to get rid of:
Some huge exception stacktraces during findbugs analysis (this one is shortened, didn't want to post the whole stacktrace, it's really huge).
16:23:34.993 ERROR - Unable to create symbol table for : /opt/workspace/pipeline-1/src/main/java/com/
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at ~[java-squid-2.5.1.jar:na]
at ~[java-squid-2.5.1.jar:na]
at ~[java-squid-2.5.1.jar:na]
Stacktraces from PMD:
16:23:37.206 ERROR - Fail to execute PMD. Following file is ignored: /opt/workspace/pipeline-1/src/main/java/com/
java.lang.RuntimeException: null
at org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor.visitParameter(Unknown Source) ~[asm-5.0.3.jar:5.0.3]
at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.b(Unknown Source) ~[asm-5.0.3.jar:5.0.3]
at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.accept(Unknown Source) ~[asm-5.0.3.jar:5.0.3]
at org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader.accept(Unknown Source) ~[asm-5.0.3.jar:5.0.3]
at ~[pmd-java-5.2.1.jar:na]...
Lots of irrelevant warnings like these:
16:23:38.638 WARN - /opt/workspace/pipeline-1/src/main/java/com/ Got an exception - expecting EOF, found '}'
/opt/workspace/pipeline-1/src/main/java/com/ expecting RCURLY, found 'default'
16:23:38.655 WARN - /opt/workspace/pipeline-1/src/main/java/com/ Got an exception - expecting EOF, found 'someVariable'
I don't know what exactly is causing these problems, but since both my app and the results of the sonar analysis are looking OK, I would like to get rid of those log outputs since they only pollute my logs on Jenkins and make them unreadable.
There's property sonar.log.level and sonar.verbose; for example:
allprojects {
sonarqube {
properties {
// property "sonar.log.level", "INFO"
property "sonar.log.level", "TRACE"
see the analysis parameters.

erl_publish failing with partial packet

I am having a strange problem trying to bring up a C-Node Server. I am following the example from
I found that I would fail at
if (erl_publish(port) == -1)
Running epmd in debug mode showed the following message after the failure:
got partial packet only on file descriptor 4 (0)
gdb showed that the application was getting an error in epmd_publish.c when checking for a valid response.
if (((res=get8(s)) != EI_EPMD_ALIVE2_RESP))
Have you seen this before? Do I have something configured in the system wrong? I am so confused.

TFS Database Backup Failed : There is an error in XML document - but which Doc?

Our Nightly TFS 2012 backup has just started to fail. It also fails when run directly through TFS Express Administration Console.
Which file is the following error actually referring to? If I can find it then I should be able to fix the "Root element is missing" error :)
[13/08/2014 23:00:00] [Info] Full database backup job
[13/08/2014 23:00:00] [Info] Getting backup lock
[13/08/2014 23:00:05] [Error]
Exception Message: There is an error in XML document (0, 0). (type InvalidOperationException)
Exception Stack Trace: at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Admin.BackupSets.Load(String folder)
at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Admin.Jobs.FullDatabaseBackupJobExtension.Run(TeamFoundationRequestContext requestContext, TeamFoundationJobDefinition jobDefinition, DateTime jobQueueTime, String& resultMessage)
Inner Exception Details:
Exception Message: Root element is missing. (type XmlException)
Exception Stack Trace: at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowWithoutLineInfo(String res)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToContent()
at Microsoft.Xml.Serialization.GeneratedAssembly.XmlSerializationReaderBackupSets.Read7_BackupSets()
[13/08/2014 23:00:05] [Info] Full Backups Failed
Dylan answered my original question as to where to find the unspecified xml file that was in error, but in case it helps anyone else...
The Backupsets.xml file was empty. Why this is I do not know...
Attempting to configure backups through TFS Express Administration Console also failed with the same error, so I
Deleted the Backupsets.xml file altogether
Reconfigured Backups using the wizard - Now that it didn't find the xml file at all it created a new one.
Ran a full backup - which was sucessful. Hopefully the scheduled backups will now also work from now on.
NB The newly created Backupsets.xml file (Before the first full backup) :
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<BackupSets xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<BackupSets />
Look in the folder where your backups are configured to be placed. there will be an XML file there, can't remember the name, but maybe something like BackupSets.xml
FIX (user workaround):
Rename the file BackupSets.xml in the backup destination folder
Re-run Full Backup*
In TFS Admin Console select Scheduled Backups, then click Take Full Backup Now. Or use command line, PowerShell script, API call as desired.
CAUSE: backupsets.xml in backup destination does not contain valid XML.
Why does this cause failure? Backup wizard opens backupsettings.xml then calls XML deserializer function System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize preparing to add new entry. Invalid XML content including empty/zero byte or text-only content will cause deserialize exception.
PRODUCTS IMPACTED: Repro confirmed in TFS2010 and on 2017-11-25 I had repro with TFS2015 SP3 :-O
Fix is fairly straightforward... once you understand what is going on. -Zephan
MICROSOFT CODE BUGFIX/feature improvement request:
BACKUP Wizard exception handling for backupsets.xml deserialize or parsing exceptions.
If XML deserialization error then close backupsets.xml, rename it to backupsets-YYMMDD-hhmm-corrupt-backup.xml, then jump to backupsets.xml file not found functionality.
SEVERITY: HIGH (data loss)
This is a long-standing problem that can lead to major data loss. I've personally seen over 1 month of data loss due to this issue silently blocking backups and making all earlier restore sets unusable (since parsing BackupSets.xml is VERY finicky I couldn't even hack to restore last successful backup.)

gcov file checksums do not match when processing gcda

After using XCode 5.1, I got an error like this:
gcov: Unknown command line argument '-v'. Try: '/Applications/ -help'
Then I find an answer from this page: XCode 5.1 Unit Test Coverage Analysis Fails On Files Using Blocks
However, I got another error like this:
Processing *****.gcda
File checksums do not match: 1280071245 != 5 in ().
Invalid .gcno File!
geninfo: ERROR: GCOV failed for ****.gcda!
For me the cause was that the *.gcno files were stale and did not match the *.gcda files. In fact most of them had gone missing.
Fixed this by doing the following:
Ensured that both: 'instrument program flow' and 'generated test coverage' were set in both the App's target and the test target.
I then added the following to the AppDelegate.
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
extern void __gcov_flush(void);
__gcov_flush(); //ensure all coverage data is flushed before shutdown
. . this is for application hosted iOS tests. Depending on your requirements you could make this a little less 'invasive' (eg, mix in the coverage flushing so that its only in your test target), but this should be a good starting point to get it working first.

Jasmine debugging backtrace using jasmine-headless-webkit on RoR

Can I get somehow a deeper Error backtrace when I run
Running Jasmine specs...
FAIL: 3 tests, 1 failure, 0.019 secs.
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function
I want to know where exactly in the JS the error occurs. A nice backtrace would be perfect.
As pointed out here, you can use
jasmine-headless-webkit --runner-out ~/Desktop/jasmine-out.html
to generate a nice report with nice backtrace. Just open the generated html in your favorite browser
