.bashrc equivalent for rails console? - ruby-on-rails

When I'm using the rails console I like having a clear! command along side the reload! command, so every time I launch the rails console I write
def clear!
When I repeat behavior in my bash shell I add it to my ~/.bashrc file. Is there a similar way for me to do this for my rails console?

Create a file in your home directory named ~/.irbrc. Inside, define any functions or settings you want to be applied to your irb.
Here's an example that explains what I mean.

You can do this with Pry if you use that instead of irb. You can configure custom commands in a ~/.pryrc
Pry.config.commands.command "clear!", "Clears the display" do |*args|
See pry-rails


Possible to configure rails to load per project .irbrc file?

Can rails load .irbrc from the rails project root such as ~/rails-projct/.irbrc. Rather then ~/.irbrc. Since it would be nice to add configuration that's specific to a project.
Per the docs:
IRB reads from ~/.irbrc when it's invoked.
If ~/.irbrc doesn't exist, irb will try to read in the following order:
Meaning that this is possible, but only if you don't have a .irbrc file in your home directory. Tested and confirmed in Ruby 2.7.
If that's not possible, you'll have to rely on command line options and/or environment variables.

How to run some default commands after firing the Rails console?

I need to run a few commands whenever I start my Rails console, like setting up the logger, or to set the time to my time zone.
Right now I'm copying and pasting these commands after Rails is started. Can I write a script to make these commands run automatically after IRB is started?
Rails' console is IRB. IRB supports an .irbrc file, which contains initialization information and settings.
Read "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/123494/whats-your-favourite-irb-trick" and "My .irbrc for console/irb" for ideas.
I wrote an extended answer to this in another question but the short answer is that if you are using Rails 3 or above you can use the console method on YourApp::Application to make it happen:
module YourApp
class Application < Rails::Application
console do
Time.zone = A.info.time_zone

Delayed_job and Prawn scripts

How do I run Prawn scripts with Delayed_job.
(Currently using Bj but not supported in Rails3)
This code does not work.
class ReportJob < Struct.new(:prawn_script_name , :account_id )
def perform
bundle exec rails runner "#{Rails.root}/jobs/#{prawn_script_name}.rb #{#current_user.account_id} "
def generate_report(prawn_script_name)
delayed_job table is populated as expected.
--- !ruby/struct:ReportJob
prawn_script_name: statements.rb
account_id: '18'
Error in last_error field.
{undefined method `runner' for ReportJob:0xc28f080
Any suggestions?
I think there are several misunderstandings here:
you meant to call runner from outside your app, e.g., in a shell script or command line. in other words, bundle exec rails runner are all commands and arguments of commands, not ruby methods or variables. runner is the first expression that is eval'd inside your perform method, hence your error.
rails runner just brings up your apps environment and evals the string or path argument given.
note account_id within the perform task, another mistake in your code I guess.
What you wanted to do could be a simple system call.
It seems your prawn script needs the environment, so simply calling
system "ruby #{Rails.root}/jobs/#{prawn_script_name}.rb #{account_id}"
won't work.
Now you could surely execute the script with runner from your project directory.
system "bundle exec rails runner #{Rails.root}/jobs/#{prawn_script_name}.rb #{account_id}"
but doing this via a system call within your environment is quite redundant. Delayed jobs already have access to your rails environment. so just simply load them.
class ReportJob < Struct.new(:prawn_script_name , :account_id )
def perform
load "#{Rails.root}/jobs/#{prawn_script_name}.rb"
hope this helps

How to run a .rb file from IRB?

I am starting out with Ruby on Rails. I am currently going through a tutorial where it says that I have to run a .rb file from IRB and that that will create a .xml file in my current directory.
My question is how do I run a .rb file in IRB?
And do I have to be in the directory where this .rb file lives when I run it in IRB?
I tried the following: just typing irb on the command line in the directory of the file. That starts an IRB session as far as I understand.
Then I typed irb "filename.rb" which went through but didn't create anything in the current directory but at least it didn't give any errors.
I also tried a whole bunch of other stuff that plain gave me errors. So I don't think I can solve this myself and googling the matter didn't help at all.
I am running Leopard.
You can "run" a file in irb by just requiring or loading it.
$ irb
>> load './filename.rb'
To change your current working directory within irb, you can use FileUtils:
>> require 'fileutils'
>> FileUtils.pwd # prints working directory
>> FileUtils.cd '/path/to/somewhere' # changes the directory
In case you want to have your file loaded in the irb session and you are using Ruby 2+ you can load a file in irb like this:
irb -r ./the_name_of_your_file.rb
This opens an irb session with the given file loaded.
Imagine you have file with a class like this:
class Example
def initialize(name)
#name = name
def print__example
p name
You will be able to use the Example class in the irb session.
We can just create a .rb file in the directory which you are currently working in using any text editor and type all the code in that and then use the command ruby filename.rb in the terminal, not in the irb, then it shows the output in irb.

Expose Rails App Environment to Ruby Script

Out of pure curiosity, I am wondering if it's possible (no doubt it is) to 'hook into' a Rails Application's environment. So for example, say I want to create a cron script (I don't) that operates some sort of maintenance on a Rails app, and I want to write it in Ruby and using all of the nice code that I already have, for example, User.find etc.
Is this possible, and if so, how?
I'm just curious, as I feel I would eventually want to do this for some reason or other.
I'm currently on Rails 3 with Ruby 1.9.1, in case it matters.
This is certainly possible. Here is a good writeup on how to do that: How to run a rake task from cron
Take a look at the Rails::Railtie class. If you need to run code code when you start up your app, this is a way to do it. Here's a very simple example.
From the beginning of Rails there is ./script/runner, designed exactly for such kind of problems.
In Rails 3 you call it as: ./script/rails runner "puts User.find(:all).map(&:inspect)"
Try ./script/runner --help or ./script/rails runner --help
As the argument to the runner you provide a filename or just a code.
It's often more useful than preparing a Rake task, because you can execute just one-time actions:
ssh prod#example.com "cd rails/app && ./script/runner -e production 'puts User.count'"
You could either use script/rails runner as suggested by Arsen7 or you could write your own script in which you load the app environment in the beginning:
require 'config/environment'
is actually everything you need.
To have your script working in a cron job, make sure that it is executable (chmod u+x) and that it starts with a correct shebang line (#!/usr/bin/env ruby or whatever is appropriate for your situation).
yeah just require these file at top of your script file
require 'config/boot.rb'
require 'config/application.rb'
Now you'll have access to your models
