Executing custom shell script to build in jenkins - jenkins

I have setup a jenkins job to build my project. I have a jake.sh file in my project and the code is pulled from github. I want "npm install" command to be executed and then jake.sh to be executed once the the code is checked out.
How can I configure this in jenkins? I have tried givin ./jake.sh and jake.sh in Build->Execute Shell section

According what you tell I think the problem can be
The script is not marked as a executable. In this case add in Build -> Execute Shell (in case you have linux) sudo chmod 777 path_to_script/jake.sh.
The script is not in the base directory. Remembeber that when you execute a bash script, the current directory is /path_to_job/workspace. So you have first to move to the script folder (cd path_to_script) or specify the path when running it: ./path_to_script/jake.sh.
I hope this solves your problem.

A workaround for shell scripts can be to run the script as
bash ./jake.sh
instead of
Then you don't have to do chmod. Useful when you wipe the workspace before every build.
In the same manner, if you have a nodejs shell script or python script, you can run node myscript.js / python myscript.py.


Run action/script AFTER the binary executed by "bazel run" returns

I'm wondering if there's a way to run an action or script or program after a bazel run command finishes. Running such a script/program before the bazel run is (in a way) possible via --run_under.
Here's an example use-case:
bazel run //path/to/my:target
Running target generates an output file out in it's cwd (somewhere in the bazel .cache directory)
Run a script that uses the output file out
If it's not possible to get run that script afterwards, is there a way to get the cwd of the binary that was just run? Then it would also be possible to access out from "outside" without bazel.
--run_under is the correct approach to this. You can simply run the command in the script after running what is passed as args to your script that you pass to --run_under e.g.
set -euo pipefail
bash "$#"

Build/deploy Vue.js project through Jenkins

I am new to Jenkins but have done a few builds/deployment jobs of .net project successfully.
Now I am trying to build/deploy Vue.js project through Jenkins but just cannot get through...
I can build the project directly on a server using command prompt. It builds and creates files for deployment in a right directory.
When I am trying to do it in Jenkins job (using the same npm commands) it does not give any error messages, says it built successfully but it does NOT create any files for deployment.
Does anybody encounter this problem? Did anybody build Vue js project through Jenkins? Any help appreciated. Thanks!
In execute windows batch command I run:
cd myworkdirectory
npm install
npm run build
Not too complex, as I found.
Create freestyle project.
In section Source Code Management please define your repository.
In section Build Triggers please define triggers
In section Build define either Execute Windows batch command or Execute shell within sections like (my choice in the moment - windows):
git checkout develop
npm -g install
npm run build
del /s /f /q c:\applications\frontend-app-build\*.*
for /f %%f in ('dir /ad /b c:\applications\frontend-app-build\') do rd /s /q c:\applications\frontend-app-build\%%f
robocopy dist c:\applications\frontend-app-build\ /E

Jenkins can't find make.exe

I'm trying to install jenkins on windows and I have Cygwin.
I provided the bash.exe path to jenkins and add a job which executes a .sh file.
The output is like:
Building in workspace C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins\workspace\Build_Release
[Build_Release] $ C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe -xe C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\jenkins8276366787192439492.sh
+ cd /cygdrive/d/01-Avelabs/001-Projects/001-VGTT/001-Repos/P2.4.0.5/host/AdasHost/Application/
+ ./BuildHost.sh
./BuildHost.sh: line 2: make: command not found
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
What am I missing?
To get you going (the problem is not obvious but it should be easy enough to debug): Add a "set" command at the top of the script to dump the environment variables, including the PATH. You will very likely find that PATH is not in any of the folders listed in the value of the PATH env var. (You could also put simply, "echo $PATH".)
Some possibilities:
When I start bash in Windows I typically inherit the Windows path, but not the Linux path: /cygdrive/c/windows/system32 is included, but /bin is not. So, even basic Linux commands like "ls" result in "command not found" errors. I'll typically start a bash session with "export PATH=/bin:$PATH" to get around this.
Even if you initialize the path with a .bash_profile script, the user under which Jenkins is executing is probably not executing the same initialization script.
Finally - and not meaning to say "Is it plugged in? - but: I ran a clean Cygwin install and did not get make by default. So be sure it is included in /your/ installation!

What's the working directory in Jenkins after executing a shell command box?

I'm looking at a Jenkins job and trying to understand it.
I have an Execute shell command box in my Build section:
> mkdir mydir
> cd mydir
> svn export --force https://example.com/repo/mydir .
When Jenkins is done executing that command, and moves on to the next build step, what is its working directory?
workspece-root/ or workspace-root/mydir ?
As the next step, I have Invoke top-level Maven targets (still in the Build section).
What I really want to know is: why does that execute successfully?
Is it because Jenkins automatically moves back to the workspace-root/ folder after executing a shell command box, or is it because the next job is a "top-level" job, and Jenkins therefore changes back to the workspace-root/?
Each build step is a separate process that Jenkins spawns off. They don't share anything, neither current directory, nor environment variables set/changed within the build step. Each new build step starts by spawning a new process off the parent process (the one running Jenkins)
It's not that Jenkins "move back" to $WORKSPACE. It's that Jenkins discards the previous session.
I lately saw that if you print the CWD , I would get the Project_NAME.
Any script you might be running wont be found. Hence we can do a "CD path" before we start out scripts.
Slav's explanation is very good and I thought of complementing it by providing a real world example that shows how multiple Windows batch commands look like even if they work in the same directory:
Command 1
REM #ensures that all npm packages are downloaded
npm install
Command 2
REM #performs a prod-mode build of the project
ng build --prod --aot=true -environment=pp
So, each one ensure that current working directory points to the current project directory.

Jenkins how to rename war file

I have deployed a war file in a remote machine using Jenkins. Now I want to rename the war file through jenkins before it extracts the work folder? How can this be done? I tried post deployment action -> execute shell and mv file.war to new-file.war but it returns an error saying : mv: cannot stat `file.war': No such file or directory.
Suppose there was something wrong with my path it would not even have gone to remote location. but for me, after scp' ing it to remote location thru jenkins, and when i try to do a mv, it fails.. What could the reason be??
Adding additional Step of Execute shell during Add build Step or Add post-build action stage, normal renaming shell command mv can be used to rename artifacts.
Note: Make sure use the correct path(Relative to project/workspace root)
Your mv command is probably executed in another directory than the one you are expecting.
To know the directory your script is running in without reading the jenkins / plugin documentation add
echo "pwd of script is: " `pwd`
to your shell script and inspect the output of the jenkins build - that way you can be sure about the directory the script is run in.
