Given the following User class:
class User {
String name
static hasMany = [friends: User]
I want that a User can have many friends which are instances of the user domain class.
How do I have to implement the friend relationship of a user?
1. How Do you Define the relathionship
class User {
static hasMany = [ friends: User ]
static mappedBy = [ friends: 'friends' ] //this how you refer to it using GORM as well as Database
String name
String toString() {
def static constrains () {
def static mapping={
/ / further database custom mappings ,like custom ID field/generation
2.How to save Data:
def init = {servletContext->
if(User?.list()==null) { // you need to import User class :)
def user = new User(name:"danielad")
def friends= new User(name:'confile')
def friends2=new User(name:'')
3# . Your question is repeated on this stack overflow link :
Maintaining both sides of self-referential many-to-many relationship in Grails domain object
It looks like many-to-many relationship (one user has a lot of friends, and is a friend of a lot of users). So one of the solution will be to create new domain class, lets say it Frendship. And then modify User domain class like here:
class Friendship {
belongsTo = [
friend1: User
, friend2: User
class User{
String name
hasMany = [
hasFriends: Friendship
, isFriendOf: Friendship
static mappedBy = [
hasFriends: 'friend1'
, isFriendOf: 'frined2'
I would like to, whenever a domain is deleted, delete all hasMany domains and associated domains. I have the following domain structure.
class Book {
static hasMany = [ bookOptions: BookOption ]
class Category {
static hasMany = [ options: Option ]
static mapping = {
options cascade: "all-delete-orphan"
class Option {
static belongsTo = [ category: Category ]
BookOption {
Option option
static belongsTo = [ book: Book, category: Category ]
I would like to delete all options, bookOptions and remove associations between Book and BookOption whenever a Category is deleted.
Currently with options cascade: "all-delete-orphan", all options are deleted when a Category is deleted, however I encounter a referential integrity constraint violation to BookOption.
An option would be to manually find all bookOptions, iterate over the list and delete each one.
def bookOptions = BookOption.findAllByCategory(category)
bookOptions.each{ bookOption ->
def book =
Is there a more of a Grails way of performing this operation? Or is the option I defined the standard?
I think there should be hasMany bookOptions in Category. Please check whether the tables created are MyISM or InnoDB.
def books = Books.findAllByCategories(category)
books?.each{ book ->
I am new to grails and still trying to wrap my head around the mapping of objects. In our project we have three classes that are causing some problems Attendee, Vendor, and Person An attendee has one person and a vendor has many persons so we went with the following setup:
class Person{
String firstName
//Other details...
class Attendee {
Person person
class Vendor{
static hasMany = [
So the objects are being hydrated via a web form and I can confirm that the person details are being hydrated from a log statement. However we get the following error:
Message ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("EIGHT_STATES_USER"."ATTENDEE"."PERSON_ID")
so we added static belongsTo = [attendee: Attendee, vendor: Vendor] to our Person based on a stackoverflow we read. But then when we tried to save the Attendee it wanted to create a Vendor.
Not sure where to go from here.
Try adding a mapping to your Attendee object:
Person person
static mapping = {
person cascade: "all"
More information about the custom mapping can be found here:
The way you currently have it defined, you need to save the Person object first and then add it to the Attendee and save. You don't need the belongsTo in Person.
class Person {
String firstName
//Other details...
class Attendee {
Person person
class Vendor {
static hasMany = [
def person = new Person(params)
if ( {
def attendee = new Attendee(params)
attendee.person = person
My project requires me to maintain the insertion and retrieval order in a many-many relationship. By default, groovy saves the elements as a Set in many-many relationship. I want to do it in a List. I am not sure how to update the relationship to use List instead of Set. Any help would be appreciated.
class Course{
static belongsTo = Teacher
static hasMany = [teacher:Teacher]
static mapping = {
teacher joinTable : [name: TeacherCourse]
class Teacher{
static hasMany = [course:Course]
static mapping = {
course joinTable : [name: TeacherCourse]
save() call on either Teacher or Course also inserts a new row in TeacherCourse table. It works with no issues. In Database there the tables are:-
Teacher (PK: Id)
Course (PK: Id)
TeacherCourse(PK: [Teacher_id,Course_id])
Is there a way I can maintain the order of insertion and retrieval in many-many relationship?
Thank you..
In controller save()
def courseInstance = new Course()
List <Teacher> teacherList= []
courseInstance.courseUnits = teacherList
Try this:
class Course {
List teachers
static belongsTo = Teacher
static hasMany = [teachers:Teacher]
static mapping = {
teachers joinTable : [name: TeacherCourse]
class Teacher {
List courses
static hasMany = [courses:Course]
static mapping = {
courses joinTable : [name: TeacherCourse]
i have two domain : User and Task such as :
1) a user can be the author of many tasks
2) a user can participate in many tasks,in the same time,a task can have many users which participate in
so,i want to define a one-to-many for 1) and a many-to-many for 2)
static hasMany = [createdTasks : Task, //for one-to-many
assignedTasks : Task //for many-to-many
static mappedBy = [createdTasks : author]
User author
static hasMany = [assignedUsers : User]// for many-to-many
i think i have to define the owner side of my many-to-many relationship(assignedTasks-assgnedUsers)
anyone have a idea for defining the correct relationship satisfying my specification 1) and 2)?
thanks :)
I think you could accomplish this an easier way:
Really the relationships can just be on the task. The only reason to do what you are trying to do is to create a bi-directional relationship. This can be achieved simpler with declaring methods on the user to get the objects you want.
Set<Task> getCreatedTasks() {
Set<Task> getAssignedTasks() {
Select t
from Task t join t.assignedUsers as tu
where tu = :user
""", [user: this])
User author
static hasMany = [assignedUsers : User]
Try this. Note the quotation in mappedBy.
User {
static hasMany = [
createdTasks: Task, // for one-to-many
assignedTasks: Task // for many-to-many
static mappedBy = [
createdTasks: 'author'
Task {
User author
static hasMany = [
assignedUsers: User // for many-to-many
static belongsTo = [
So essentially I have two classes:
Class User {
String Name
Class Project {
User requestedBy
static hasMany =
assignedTo: User
Now, I can set the requestedBy to say, User 1.
I can also do Project.addToAssignedTo(User 1).
The problem comes when I want to remove the user from assigned to when they already exist as the requestedBy. I can remove other users without problem:
Project.removeFromAssignedTo(User 1).save(failOnError: true, flush: true)
I get no errors of any kind, the data just simply does not get removed. Any help would be appreciated!
When defining multiple relationships to the same class, you should define the bidirectional relationship, and use the mappedBy property to define both sides of that relationship:
class User {
String Name
hasMany = [requestedProjects: Project, assignedProjects: Project]
class Project {
User requestedBy
static hasMany =
assignedTo: User
static mappedBy = [requestedBy: 'requestedProjects', assignedTo: 'assignedProjects']
Hopefully that solves your problem.