Processing sketch won't display modified image on screen - image-processing

I am making a sketch which does the following:
Resizes a large image to fit it into a 800 x 600 screen.
displays the image
Applies some effects when keys are pressed
Display the image back on the screen and print a little Done message
Everything works fine expect that it does not display the image back properly.
Here is the black and white effect:
void blackAndWhite() {
for (int i = 0;i < img.pixels.length;i++) {
int pixel = img.pixels[i];
// println("Working on pixel " + i + " out of " + img.pixels.length);
int red = (int) red(pixel);
int green = (int) green(pixel);
int blue = (int) blue(pixel);
* Luminosity Method.
// red = (int) (red * 0.21);
// green = (int) (green * 0.71);
// blue = (int) (blue * 0.07);
* Average Method
// float avg = (int) (red + green + blue / 3);
// red = green = blue = (int) avg;
* Lightness Method
int mostProminent = max(red, green, blue);
int leastProminent = min(red, green, blue);
int avg = (int) ((mostProminent + leastProminent) / 2);
red = green = blue = avg;
pixel = color(red, green, blue);
img.pixels[i] = pixel;
image(img, WIDTH/2, HEIGHT/2, calculatedWidth, calculatedHeight);
However, only the colored image is displayed :(
I know the algorithm works cause I have tried it on other images (not using this sketch).
What is going wrong?

The following code works fine:
PImage img;
void setup () {
img = loadImage ("img.png");
size(img.width, img.height);
void draw () {
image(img, 0, 0);
void keyReleased () {
void blackAndWhite() {
for (int i = 0;i < img.pixels.length;i++) {
int pixel = img.pixels[i];
// println("Working on pixel " + i + " out of " + img.pixels.length);
int red = (int) red(pixel);
int green = (int) green(pixel);
int blue = (int) blue(pixel);
* Luminosity Method.
// red = (int) (red * 0.21);
// green = (int) (green * 0.71);
// blue = (int) (blue * 0.07);
* Average Method
// float avg = (int) (red + green + blue / 3);
// red = green = blue = (int) avg;
* Lightness Method
int mostProminent = max(red, green, blue);
int leastProminent = min(red, green, blue);
int avg = (int) ((mostProminent + leastProminent) / 2);
red = green = blue = avg;
pixel = color(red, green, blue);
img.pixels[i] = pixel;
My guess is that you either forgot to write img.loadPixels() instead of loadPixels(), or there was something wrong in sketch's draw() method.


Zoom and pan two images simultaneously in opencv

I have two images with similar sizes that show similar scenes. How can we show two images in two frames and when panning or zooming in the left image, it pans and zooms in the right one? I don't want to concatenate the images though.
Is there a solution to do this? Both python or c++ OpenCV are fine.
About zoom in/out:
The basic idea is deciding the scale changed every time on mouse wheel. After you get the current scale (v.s. origin image) and correct region of image you want to show on screen, you can get the position and length of rectangle on scaled image. So you can draw this rectangle on scaled image.
In my github,checking OnMouseWheel () and RefreshSrcView () in Fastest_Image_Pattern_Matching/ELCVMatchTool/ELCVMatchToolDlg.cpp may give what you want.
About showing two images simutaneouly with same region:
use two picture boxes with MFC framework or other UI builder.
or use two cv::namedWindow () without framework
Part of the code:
BOOL CELCVMatchToolDlg::OnMouseWheel (UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
POINT pointCursor;
GetCursorPos (&pointCursor);
ScreenToClient (&pointCursor);
// TODO: 在此加入您的訊息處理常式程式碼和 (或) 呼叫預設值
if (zDelta > 0)
if (m_iScaleTimes == MAX_SCALE_TIMES)
return TRUE;
if (zDelta < 0)
if (m_iScaleTimes == MIN_SCALE_TIMES)
return TRUE;
CRect rect;
//GetWindowRect (rect);
GetDlgItem (IDC_STATIC_SRC_VIEW)->GetWindowRect (rect);//重要
if (m_iScaleTimes == 0)
g_dCompensationX = g_dCompensationY = 0;
int iMouseOffsetX = pt.x - (rect.left + 1);
int iMouseOffsetY = pt.y - ( + 1);
double dPixelX = (m_hScrollBar.GetScrollPos () + iMouseOffsetX + g_dCompensationX) / m_dNewScale;
double dPixelY = (m_vScrollBar.GetScrollPos () + iMouseOffsetY + g_dCompensationY) / m_dNewScale;
m_dNewScale = m_dSrcScale * pow (SCALE_RATIO, m_iScaleTimes);
if (m_iScaleTimes != 0)
int iWidth = m_matSrc.cols;
int iHeight = m_matSrc.rows;
m_hScrollBar.SetScrollRange (0, int (m_dNewScale * iWidth - m_dSrcScale * iWidth) - 1 + BAR_SIZE);
m_vScrollBar.SetScrollRange (0, int (m_dNewScale * iHeight - m_dSrcScale * iHeight) - 1 + BAR_SIZE);
int iBarPosX = int (dPixelX * m_dNewScale - iMouseOffsetX + 0.5);
m_hScrollBar.SetScrollPos (iBarPosX);
m_hScrollBar.ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
g_dCompensationX = -iBarPosX + (dPixelX * m_dNewScale - iMouseOffsetX);
int iBarPosY = int (dPixelY * m_dNewScale - iMouseOffsetY + 0.5);
m_vScrollBar.SetScrollPos (iBarPosY);
m_vScrollBar.ShowWindow (SW_SHOW);
g_dCompensationY = -iBarPosY + (dPixelY * m_dNewScale - iMouseOffsetY);
infoH.cbSize = sizeof (SCROLLINFO);
infoH.fMask = SIF_PAGE;
infoH.nPage = BAR_SIZE;
m_hScrollBar.SetScrollInfo (&infoH);
infoV.cbSize = sizeof (SCROLLINFO);
infoV.fMask = SIF_PAGE;
infoV.nPage = BAR_SIZE;
m_vScrollBar.SetScrollInfo (&infoV);
m_hScrollBar.SetScrollPos (0);
m_hScrollBar.ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
m_vScrollBar.SetScrollPos (0);
m_vScrollBar.ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
RefreshSrcView ();
return CDialogEx::OnMouseWheel (nFlags, zDelta, pt);

Reading pixels from UIImage results in BAD_ACCESS

I wrote this code that is supposed to NSLog all non-white pixels as a test before going further.
This is my code:
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"image"];
CFDataRef pixelData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(image.CGImage));
if(!pixelData) {
const UInt8 *buffer = CFDataGetBytePtr(pixelData);
for(int y = 0; y < image.size.height; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < image.size.width; x++) {
int pixelInfo = ((image.size.width * y) + x) * 4;
UInt8 red = buffer[pixelInfo];
UInt8 green = buffer[(pixelInfo + 1)];
UInt8 blue = buffer[pixelInfo + 2];
UInt8 alpha = buffer[pixelInfo + 3];
if(red != 0xff && green != 0xff && blue != 0xff){
NSLog(#"R: %hhu, G: %hhu, B: %hhu, A: %hhu", red, green, blue, alpha);
For some reason, when I build an app, it iterates for a moment and then throws BAD_ACCESS error on line:
UInt8 red = buffer[pixelInfo];. What could be the issue?
Is this the fastest method to iterate through pixels?
I think the problem is a buffer size error.
buffer has the size of width x height, and pixelInfo has a 4 multiplier.
I think you need to create an array 4 times bigger and save each pixel color of buffer in this new array. But you have to be careful not to read more of the size of the buffer.

Full range of Hues: HSV to RGB color conversion for OpenCV

The following code runs without exception on iOS (Xcode-v6.2 and openCV-v3.0beta). But for some reason the image the function returns is "black" !
The code is adapted from this link ! I tried to replace the oldish "IplImage*" by more modern "cv::Mat" matrices. Does anybody know if my function still has a mistake or why it would return a completely "black" image instead of a colored image in HSV-format.
By the way, the reason I would want to use this function [instead of cvtColor(cv_src, imgHSV, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV)] is that I would like to get 0-255 range of Hue-values's (...since OpenCV only allows Hues up to 180 instead of 255).
// Create a HSV image from the RGB image using the full 8-bits, since OpenCV only allows Hues up to 180 instead of 255.
cv::Mat convertImageRGBtoHSV(cv::Mat imageRGB) {
float fR, fG, fB;
float fH, fS, fV;
const float FLOAT_TO_BYTE = 255.0f;
const float BYTE_TO_FLOAT = 1.0f / FLOAT_TO_BYTE;
// Create a blank HSV image
cv::Mat imageHSV(imageRGB.rows, imageRGB.cols, CV_8UC3);
int rowSizeHSV = (int)imageHSV.step; // Size of row in bytes, including extra padding.
char *imHSV = (char*); // Pointer to the start of the image pixels.
if (imageRGB.depth() == 8 && imageRGB.channels() == 3) {
std::vector<cv::Mat> planes(3);
cv::split(imageRGB, planes);
cv::Mat R = planes[2];
cv::Mat G = planes[1];
cv::Mat B = planes[0];
for(int y = 0; y < imageRGB.rows; ++y)
// get pointers to each row
cv::Vec3b* row = imageRGB.ptr<cv::Vec3b>(y);
// now scan the row
for(int x = 0; x < imageRGB.cols; ++x)
// Get the RGB pixel components. NOTE that OpenCV stores RGB pixels in B,G,R order.
cv::Vec3b pixel = row[x];
int bR = pixel[2];
int bG = pixel[1];
int bB = pixel[0];
// Convert from 8-bit integers to floats.
// Convert from RGB to HSV, using float ranges 0.0 to 1.0.
float fDelta;
float fMin, fMax;
int iMax;
// Get the min and max, but use integer comparisons for slight speedup.
if (bB < bG) {
if (bB < bR) {
fMin = fB;
if (bR > bG) {
iMax = bR;
fMax = fR;
else {
iMax = bG;
fMax = fG;
else {
fMin = fR;
fMax = fG;
iMax = bG;
else {
if (bG < bR) {
fMin = fG;
if (bB > bR) {
fMax = fB;
iMax = bB;
else {
fMax = fR;
iMax = bR;
else {
fMin = fR;
fMax = fB;
iMax = bB;
fDelta = fMax - fMin;
fV = fMax; // Value (Brightness).
if (iMax != 0) { // Make sure it's not pure black.
fS = fDelta / fMax; // Saturation.
float ANGLE_TO_UNIT = 1.0f / (6.0f * fDelta); // Make the Hues between 0.0 to 1.0 instead of 6.0
if (iMax == bR) { // between yellow and magenta.
fH = (fG - fB) * ANGLE_TO_UNIT;
else if (iMax == bG) { // between cyan and yellow.
fH = (2.0f/6.0f) + ( fB - fR ) * ANGLE_TO_UNIT;
else { // between magenta and cyan.
fH = (4.0f/6.0f) + ( fR - fG ) * ANGLE_TO_UNIT;
// Wrap outlier Hues around the circle.
if (fH < 0.0f)
fH += 1.0f;
if (fH >= 1.0f)
fH -= 1.0f;
else {
// color is pure Black.
fS = 0;
fH = 0; // undefined hue
// Convert from floats to 8-bit integers.
int bH = (int)(0.5f + fH * 255.0f);
int bS = (int)(0.5f + fS * 255.0f);
int bV = (int)(0.5f + fV * 255.0f);
// Clip the values to make sure it fits within the 8bits.
if (bH > 255)
bH = 255;
if (bH < 0)
bH = 0;
if (bS > 255)
bS = 255;
if (bS < 0)
bS = 0;
if (bV > 255)
bV = 255;
if (bV < 0)
bV = 0;
// Set the HSV pixel components.
uchar *pHSV = (uchar*)(imHSV + y*rowSizeHSV + x*3);
*(pHSV+0) = bH; // H component
*(pHSV+1) = bS; // S component
*(pHSV+2) = bV; // V component
return imageHSV;
The cv::Mat M.depth() of a CV_8UC3-type matrix does unfortunately not return 8 - but instead it returns 0
Please have a look at the file "type_c.h"
#define CV_8U 0
#define CV_CN_SHIFT 3
#define CV_MAKETYPE(depth,cn) (CV_MAT_DEPTH(depth) + (((cn)-1) << CV_CN_SHIFT))
#define CV_8UC3 CV_MAKETYPE(CV_8U,3)
depth() doesn't return the actual bit depth but the number symbol that represents the depth !!
After replacing to the following line - it all works !! (i.e. replacing .depth() by .type() in the if-statement...)
if (imageHSV.type() == CV_8UC3 && imageHSV.channels() == 3) {...}

Convert matrix to UIImage

I need to convert a matrix representing a b/w image to UIImage.
For example:
A matrix like this (just the representation). This image would be the symbol '+'
1 0 1
0 0 0
1 0 1
This matrix represents an image in black and white, where black is 0 and white is 1. I need to convert this matrix to UIImage. In this case width would be 3 and height would be 3
I use this method to create an image for my Game Of Life app. The advantages over drawing to a graphics context is that this is ridiculously fast.
This was all written a long time ago so it's a bit messier than what I might do now but the method would stay the same. For some reasons I defined these outside the method...
unsigned int length_in_bytes;
unsigned char *cells;
unsigned char *temp_cells;
unsigned char *changes;
unsigned char *temp_changes;
GLubyte *buffer;
CGImageRef imageRef;
CGDataProviderRef provider;
int ar, ag, ab, dr, dg, db;
float arf, agf, abf, drf, dgf, dbf, blah;
You won't need all of these for the image.
The method itself...
- (UIImage*)imageOfMapWithDeadColor:(UIColor *)deadColor aliveColor:(UIColor *)aliveColor
//translate colours into rgb components
if ([deadColor isEqual:[UIColor whiteColor]]) {
dr = dg = db = 255;
} else if ([deadColor isEqual:[UIColor blackColor]]) {
dr = dg = db = 0;
} else {
[deadColor getRed:&drf green:&dgf blue:&dbf alpha:&blah];
dr = drf * 255;
dg = dgf * 255;
db = dbf * 255;
if ([aliveColor isEqual:[UIColor whiteColor]]) {
ar = ag = ab = 255;
} else if ([aliveColor isEqual:[UIColor blackColor]]) {
ar = ag = ab = 0;
} else {
[aliveColor getRed:&arf green:&agf blue:&abf alpha:&blah];
ar = arf * 255;
ag = agf * 255;
ab = abf * 255;
// dr = 255, dg = 255, db = 255;
// ar = 0, ag = 0, ab = 0;
//create bytes of image from the cell map
int yRef, cellRef;
unsigned char *cell_ptr = cells;
for (int y=0; y<self.height; y++)
yRef = y * (self.width * 4);
int x = 0;
cellRef = yRef + 4 * x;
if (*cell_ptr & 0x01) {
//alive colour
buffer[cellRef] = ar;
buffer[cellRef + 1] = ag;
buffer[cellRef + 2] = ab;
buffer[cellRef + 3] = 255;
} else {
//dead colour
buffer[cellRef] = dr;
buffer[cellRef + 1] = dg;
buffer[cellRef + 2] = db;
buffer[cellRef + 3] = 255;
} while (++x < self.width);
//create image
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
// render the byte array into an image ref
imageRef = CGImageCreate(self.width, self.height, 8, 32, 4 * self.width, colorSpace, kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault, provider, NULL, NO, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
// convert image ref to UIImage
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:imageRef];
//return image
return image;
You should be able to adapt this to create an image from your matrix.
In order to convert a matrix to UIImage :
CGSize size = CGSizeMake(lines, columns);
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(size, YES, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < lines; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
// Choose color to draw
if ( matrixDraw[i*lines + j] == 1 ) {
[[UIColor whiteColor] setFill];
} else {
// Draw black pixel
[[UIColor blackColor] setFill];
// Draw just one pixel in i,j
UIRectFill(CGRectMake(i, j, 1, 1));
// Create UIImage with the current context that we have just created
UIImage *imageFinal = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
Basically what we are doing is :
Create a context with the size of our image
Looping for each pixel to see the value. Black is 0 and white is 1. So depends on the value, we set the color.
The most important function :
This function let us to fill a pixel in the i,j position with width and height (1 both cases for fill one single pixel)
Finally we create an UIImage with the current context and we call to finish the image context.
Hope it helps someone!

Extract cyan channel of UIImage?

I was wondering, is it possible to extract the cyan channel of a UIImage into a separate UIImage? Kind of like how in Photoshop, you can click the tab that says Cyan and it shows the Cyan channel of the image. Is this even possible?
By modifying this answer, you can get something.
CFDataRef pixelData = CGDataProviderCopyData(CGImageGetDataProvider(image.CGImage));
const UInt8* pixelBytes = CFDataGetBytePtr(pixelData);
int cyanChannel = 0;
//32-bit RGBA
for(int i = 0; i < CFDataGetLength(pixelData); i += 4) {
cyanChannel += pixelBytes[i + 1] + pixelBytes[i + 2]; // cyan = green + blue
