ElasticSearch percolate over a set - ruby-on-rails

From tire gem's DSL example the following code was given.
index = Tire.index('weather') do
# First, a query named _warning_,
register_percolator_query('warning', :tags => ['warning']) { string 'warning OR severe OR extreme' }
# a query named _tsunami_,
register_percolator_query('tsunami', :tags => ['tsunami']) { string 'tsunami' }
matches = index.percolate(:message => '[Warning] Extreme flooding expected after tsunami wave.')
I was wondering how can we set the matching criteria to a set of terms instead of ORed string.
For instance string 'warning weather OR severe weather OR extreme weather' would match warning or weather and not both warning weather together.

I am studying ElasticSearch because I will use it soon, but I did not use it yet so I can try and share my thin knowledge :)
Please check their doc http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/query-dsl/query-string-query/
And look at the default_operator setting, I guess you need to set it to AND


Neo4j cypher query fails with unknown syntax error

I have the following paramObj and dbQuery
paramObj = {
email: newUser.email,
mobilenumber: newUser.telephone,
password: newUser.password,
category: newUser.category,
name: newUser.name,
confirmuid: verificationHash,
confirmexpire: expiryDate.valueOf(),
rewardPoints: 0,
emailconfirmed: 'false',
paramVehicles: makeVehicleArray,
paramVehicleProps: vehiclePropsArray
dbQuery = `CREATE (user:Person:Owner {email:$email})
SET user += apoc.map.clean(paramObj,
WITH user, $paramVehicles AS vehicles
UNWIND vehicles AS vehicle
MATCH(v:Vehicles {name:vehicle})
CREATE UNIQUE (user)-[r:OWNS {since: timestamp()}]->(v)
RETURN user,r,v`;
Then I tried to execute
.run(dbQuery, paramObj)
.then(newUser => {
if (!newUser.records[0]) {........
I am getting
Error: {"code":"Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError","name":"Neo4jError"}
which doesn't direct me anywhere. Can anyone tell me what am I doing wrong here?
This is actually the first time I am using the query format .run(dbQuery, paramObj) but this format is critical to my use case. I am using Neo4j 3.4.5 community with apoc plugin installed.
Ok...so I followed #inversFalcon suggestion to test in browser and came up with following parameters and query that closely match the ones above:
:params paramObj:[{ email:"xyz123#abc.com", mobilenumber:"8711231234",password:"password1", category:"Owner",name:"Michaell",vehicles:["Toyota","BMW","Nissan"],vehicleProps: [] }]
and query
CREATE (user:Person:Owner {email:$email})
SET user += apoc.map.clean($paramObj, ["email","vehicles","vehicleProps"],[])
WITH user, $vehicles AS vehicles
UNWIND vehicles AS vehicle
MATCH(v:Vehicles {name:vehicle})
MERGE (user)-[r:OWNS {since: timestamp()}]->(v)
RETURN user,r,v;
Now I get
Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError: Can't coerce `List{Map{name -> String("Michaell"), vehicles -> List{String("Toyota"), String("BMW"), String("Nissan")},.......
I also reverted to neo4j 3.2 (re: an earlier post by Mark Needham) and got the same error.
You should try doing an EXPLAIN of the query using the browser to troubleshoot it.
A few of the things I'm seeing here:
You're referring to paramObj, but it's not a parameter (rather, it's the map of parameters you're passing in, but it itself is not a parameter you can reference in the query). If you need to reference the entire set of parameters being passed in, then you need to use nested maps, and have paramObj be a key in the map that you pass as the parameter map (and when you do use it in the query, you'll need to use $paramObj)
CREATE UNIQUE is deprecated, you should use MERGE instead, though be aware that it does behave in a different manner (see the MERGE documentation as well as our knowledge base article explaining some of the easy-to-miss details of how MERGE works).
I am not sure what caused the coercion error to disappear but it did with the same query and I got a "expected parameter error" this was fixed by using $paramObj.email, etc. so the final query looks like this:
CREATE (user:Person:Owner {email: $paramObj.email})
SET user += apoc.map.clean($queryObj, ["email","vehicles","vehicleProps"],[])
WITH user, $paramObj.vehicles AS vehicles
UNWIND vehicles AS vehicle
MATCH(v:Vehicles {name:vehicle})
MERGE (user)-[r:OWNS {since: timestamp()}]->(v)
RETURN user,r,v;
which fixed my original problem of how to remove properties from a map when using SET += map.

DynamoDB contains value in an array using rails

I'm studying DynamoDB using rails and I got a doubt.
I not be able to find a solution on web, so If you can solve it I'll thank.
The doubt is how can I find values into array saved on a table, for example:
I have a lot of data in my_table where there are fields called "numbers" that are arrays like:
So, I want select all entries that contains numbers 1,3,4. In this case four results.
So, my code is
result = dynamodb.scan({
table_name: "my_table",
attributes_to_get: ["numbers"],
scan_filter: {
"numbers" => {
attribute_value_list: [1,3,4],
comparison_operator: "CONTAINS"
But I get this error: One or more parameter values were invalid: Invalid number of argument(s) for the CONTAINS ComparisonOperator
How can I do this action using dynamo DB?
Thanks a lot
Try this and let me know if it works, I know from experience that DynamoDB is very painful to filter.
result = dynamodb.scan(
table_name: 'my_table',
expression_attribute_values: {
':one' => 1,
':two' => 2,
':three' => 3,
':four' => 4
filter_expression: 'contains(numbers, :one) OR contains(numbers, :two) OR contains(numbers, :three) OR contains(numbers, :four)'
I can't think of anything simpler currently, the method you linked is marked as deprecated, instead you should use expression_attribute_values and filter_expression.

grails gorm mongodb `like` functionality in criteria

Is like or rlike supported for searching a string in a collection's property value?
Does the collection need to define text type index for this to work? Unfortunately I can not create a text index for the property. There are 100 million documents and text index killed the performance (MongoDB is on single node). If this is not do-able without text index, its fine with me. I will look for alternatives.
Given below collection:
Message {
'payload' : 'XML or JSON string'
//few other properties
In grails, I created a Criteria to return me a list of documents which contain a specific string in the payload
Message.list {
projections {
like('payload' : searchString)
I tried using rlike('payload' : ".*${searchString}.*") as well. It did not result in any doc to me.
Note: I was able to get the document when I fired the native query on Mongo shell.
db.Message.find({payload : { $regex : ".*My search string.*" }}).pretty()
I got it working in a round about way. I believe there is a much better grails solution. Criteria approach did not work. So used the low level API converted the DBObjects to Domain objects.
def query = ['payload' : [ '$regex' : /${searchString}/ ] ]
def dbObjects = Message.collection.find(query).skip(offset).limit(defaultPageSize).toArray()
dbObjects?.collect { new Message(new JsonSlurper().parseText(it.toString()))}

Post a proudct with MWS api and Ruby on Rails

I'm trying to upload a new product to mws with the mws api and mws gem
The product is added (like Fix failed listings, because, doen't have a quantity and price)
I'm trying with the next code:
mws = Mws.connect(
merchant: 'merchant',
access: 'access',
secret: 'secret'
product = Mws::Product('11333663') { upc '1234355462233' tax_code
'GEN_TAX_CODE' name 'Some Pduct 034' brand 'Some Bnd' msrp 18.9,
'USD' quantity 10 manufacturer 'Some Mufacturer' category :ce
details {
cable_or_adapter {
cable_length as_distance 5, :feet
} } }
submission_id = mws.feeds.products.add(product)
The product is added, but when I excuted this line:
submission_id = mws.feeds.products.update(product)
The next message is displayed:
=> #<Mws::Apis::Feeds::SubmissionResult:0x9d9ae78 #transaction_id="12345678", #status=#<Mws::EnumEntry:0x9d96170
#sym=:complete, #val="Complete">, #messages_processed=0,
#counts={:success=>0, :error=>1, :warning=>0},
#responses={:"0"=>#, #code=90208, #description="Purge
and replace is not allowed for this feed type.">}>
2.0.0-p195 :050 > result = mws.feeds.get(submission_id.id)
=> #, #messages_processed=1,
#counts={:success=>0, :error=>1, :warning=>0},
#responses={:"0"=>#, #code=90000,
:"1"=>#, #code=99042, #description="A
value was not provided for \"item_type\". Please provide a value for
\"item_type\". Please use the Product Classifier or download the
category-specific Browse Tree Guide from Seller Help to see a list of
valid \"item_type\" values. This information tells Amazon where your
product should be classified and affects how easily customers can find
your product.", #additional_info={:sku=>"11333668"}>}>
But, when I tried update the inventory and the price, the follow error ocurred:
result = mws.feeds.get(price_submission_id.id) =>
#sym=:complete, #val="Complete">, #messages_processed=0,
#counts={:success=>0, :error=>1, :warning=>0},
#responses={:"0"=>#, #code=90208, #description="Purge
and replace is not allowed for this feed type.">}>
What can I do?
Without any indepth knowledge of that Ruby Gem (and of Ruby), I can probably still point you in the right direction:
In MWS, feeds automatically update information already in the Amazon database. The call to create a record is identical to a subsequent call to update it. That also means you don't have to keep track of which items were already added to Amazon in the past.
In terms of your Ruby library, you probably should call mws.feeds.products.add(product) for subsequent updates of that product record and not call mws.feeds.products.update(product) at all. The latter seems to create what's called PurgeAndReplace feeds in MWS which you should avoid like the plague.
All other errors you encountered seem to be related to the same root cause.

European phone formating with rails

With rails, I can format a number into a US phone number with number_to_phone
I'am using using european phone format, which means that I want to group numbers with the following format, n is a variable:
(n*x) xxx-xxx
Some examples
6365555796 => (6365) 555-796
665555796 => (665) 555-796
How to achieve that with the latest rails 3.0.7?
how about so:
def to_phone(num)
groups = num.to_s.scan(/(.*)(\d{3})(\d{3})/).flatten
"(#{groups.shift}) #{groups.shift}-#{groups.shift}"
irb(main):053:0> to_phone 318273612
=> "(318) 273-612"
irb(main):054:0> to_phone 3182736122
=> "(3182) 736-122"
irb(main):055:0> to_phone 31827361221
=> "(31827) 361-221"
i think you have to write your own method for this there is no built-in method in my knowledge for it and i think you can achieved the desired thing by writing apropriate regular expression for that.
have you tried validate_format_for with: there u can write specific regualr expression for it [see this] http://ruby-forum.com/topic/180192 for writing your own helper for it
check this gem here is what you need http://github.com/floere/phony
A faster approach:
def to_european_phone_format(number)
"(#{number/10**6}) #{number/10**3%10**3}-#{number%10**3}"
