How to get MVC Action parameter from AuthorizationContext? -

I am currently trying to write a custom authentication filter and I need to access the dto that is being passed as a parameter to the action in my filter. Lets say I have an action like this
public ActionResult EditProfile(ProfileDTO profileDto)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// Do crazy stuff
return something....
I need to do my authentication based on some of the properties that are inside profiledto object.
I want to know how I can get this object inside my filter from AuthorizationContext.

Here's how I did it:
var parameters = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetParameters();
var values = parameters.Select(s => new
Name = s.ParameterName,
Value = filterContext.HttpContext.Request[s.ParameterName]

Assuming that your logic is happening in OnActionExecuting (meaning before the actual controller action is run), then one way of doing this (as outlined here) would be:
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (!filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState.IsValid)
var profileDto = filterContext.ActionParameters.SingleOrDefault(ap => ap.Key == "profileDto").Value;
if (profileDto != null)
// do something with profileDto

var parameters =
.Select(s => new
Name = s.Name,
Value = context.HttpContext.Request.Query[s.Name]
public static StringValues? Parameter(this AuthorizationFilterContext context, string name)
var parameter = context.ActionDescriptor.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(it => it.Name == name);
if (parameter == null) return null;
return context.HttpContext.Request.Query[parameter.Name];
var parameter = context.Parameter("id");

Here are some examples for you to try out:
public class AuthenticateProfileAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute {
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) {
// Looping through named parameters
foreach (string name in filterContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString.AllKeys) {
var value = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString[name];
// do something with the iteration
Console.WriteLine(name + ": " + value);
// Looping through un-named parameters a.k.a route parameters
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> parameter in filterContext.RouteData.Values) {
var name = parameter.Key;
var value = parameter.Value;
// do something with the iteration
Console.WriteLine(name + ": " + value);
// Get single named parameter
string parameter = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["parameter"];
// Get single route parameter
parameter = filterContext.RouteData.Values["parameter"].ToString();
Using MVC 5.


Define MVC Route by name in .net Core

I have 2 routes defined:
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
endpoints.MapControllerRoute("default", "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
endpoints.MapControllerRoute("api", "{controller=Home}/api/v1/{action=Index}/{id?}");
In the controller, if I don't specify a route in the controller it will use either one. Both urls work:
I want it to work only with the first url, but if add for example [Route("api")] to the controller none of the above routes work.
[Route("api")] //with this line it returns 404
public mymodel ID(int? id)
//some code
From the official doc :
Route names can be used to generate a URL based on a specific route. Route names have no impact on the URL matching behavior of routing and are only used for URL generation. Route names must be unique application-wide.
Here is a workaround on customizing a actionfilter attribute that checks if the url matches the route template for api , you could refer to:
public class ApiRouteTemplateAttribute:ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var routeTemplate = "{controller=Home}/api/v1/{action=Index}/{id?}";
var template = TemplateParser.Parse(routeTemplate);
var matcher = new TemplateMatcher(template, GetDefaults(template));
var routeValues = new RouteValueDictionary();
string LocalPath = context.HttpContext.Request.Path;
var result = matcher.TryMatch(LocalPath, routeValues);
//if the match is false ,return a exception information.
if (!result)
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(new Exception("The url is incorrect!"));
private RouteValueDictionary GetDefaults(RouteTemplate parsedTemplate)
var result = new RouteValueDictionary();
foreach (var parameter in parsedTemplate.Parameters)
if (parameter.DefaultValue != null)
result.Add(parameter.Name, parameter.DefaultValue);
return result;
public Exam ID(int? id)
return _context.Exams.Find(id);

Odata Webapi - how to inject a ODataResourceDeserializer in 7.0 core?

documentation is very sparce and all i tried results in the deserializer injected but normal odata url's not working anymore. has solutions buut for 5.6.
The final relevant comment is:
#dbenzhuser - In that commit, look at ODataFormatterTests.cs for how
inject a custom deserializer/deserializer provider. You can still use
a custom DeserializerProvider but it's injected through DI instead of
injecting it through ODataMediaTypeFormatters.
which is quite meaningless. I tried the code there, but it breaks, as I said, the URL's.
Right now my Odata setup is simple:
has examples to inject them (like in lines 379-383)
config.MapODataServiceRoute("IgnoredRouteName", null, builder =>
builder.AddService(Microsoft.OData.ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp => ODataTestUtil.GetEdmModel())
.AddService<ODataSerializerProvider>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp => new CustomSerializerProvider())
.AddService<IEnumerable<IODataRoutingConvention>>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp =>
ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefaultWithAttributeRouting("IgnoredRouteName", config)));
but I seem unable to get this working without removing the core odata routing.
Anyone an idea how to use that for the current version without breaking the base functionality?
There are three steps if you want to maintain the base functionality:
Your DeserializerProvider implementation should default to the base implementation for all scenarios that your custom Deserializer can't manage. In the following example the custom deserializer only operates on Resources and not Sets:
public class EntityTypeDeserializerProvider : DefaultODataDeserializerProvider
private readonly DataContractDeserializer _dataContractDeserializer;
public EntityTypeDeserializerProvider(IServiceProvider rootContainer)
: base(rootContainer)
_dataContractDeserializer = new DataContractDeserializer(this);
public override ODataEdmTypeDeserializer GetEdmTypeDeserializer(IEdmTypeReference edmType)
if(edmType.Definition.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.Complex || edmType.Definition.TypeKind == EdmTypeKind.Entity)
return _dataContractDeserializer;
return base.GetEdmTypeDeserializer(edmType);
As with the provider your custom _Deserializer should call through to the base implementation for everything that you do not need to customize. In the following implementation we are only trying to enforce the Order of the properties that are deserialized as well as calling the DataContract OnDeserializing and OnDeserialized methods, the rest of the deserialization is unaffected:
/// <summary>
/// OData serializer that oberys the DataMember Order Attribute and OnDeserializing and OnDeserialized attributes on the resource definition
/// </summary>
public class DataContractDeserializer : ODataResourceDeserializer
public DataContractDeserializer(ODataDeserializerProvider provider)
: base(provider) { }
public override object CreateResourceInstance(IEdmStructuredTypeReference structuredType, ODataDeserializerContext readContext)
var resource = base.CreateResourceInstance(structuredType, readContext);
var type = resource.GetType();
if(type.GetCustomAttributesData().Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(DataContractAttribute)))
// manually call OnDeserializing
var init = type.GetMethods(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCustomAttributesData().Any(a => a.AttributeType == typeof(OnDeserializingAttribute)));
if(init != null)
init.Invoke(resource, new object[] { new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Remoting, readContext ) });
return resource;
public override object ReadResource(ODataResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, IEdmStructuredTypeReference structuredType, ODataDeserializerContext readContext)
var resource = base.ReadResource(resourceWrapper, structuredType, readContext);
var type = resource.GetType();
if (type.GetCustomAttributesData().Any(x => x.AttributeType == typeof(DataContractAttribute)))
// manually call OnDeserialized
var final = type.GetMethods(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetCustomAttributesData().Any(a => a.AttributeType == typeof(OnDeserializedAttribute)));
if (final != null)
final.Invoke(resource, new object[] { new StreamingContext(StreamingContextStates.Remoting, readContext) });
return resource;
public override void ApplyStructuralProperties(object resource, ODataResourceWrapper resourceWrapper, IEdmStructuredTypeReference structuredType, ODataDeserializerContext readContext)
var type = resource.GetType();
var memberDescriptors = type.GetProperties().Where(x => x.HasAttribute<DataMemberAttribute>());
if (memberDescriptors.Any())
var orderedProperties = from p in resourceWrapper.Resource.Properties
let clsProperty = memberDescriptors.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == p.Name)
let memberAtt = (DataMemberAttribute)(clsProperty?.GetCustomAttributes(true).FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetType() == typeof(DataMemberAttribute)))
orderby (memberAtt?.Order).GetValueOrDefault()
select p;
foreach (var property in orderedProperties)
ApplyStructuralProperty(resource, property, structuredType, readContext);
base.ApplyStructuralProperties(resource, resourceWrapper, structuredType, readContext);
Finally, You need to replace the default DeserializerProvider registration with your own, the following is an example of an overload to MapODataServiceRoute that registers the DeserializerProvider from the previous 2 examples.
I have commented out an example of registering a specific SerializerProvider
private static ODataRoute MapODataServiceRoute(this HttpConfiguration configuration, string routeName,
string routePrefix, IEdmModel model, ODataBatchHandler batchHandler = null, ODataUriResolver uriResolver = null, IList<IODataRoutingConvention> routingConventions = null)
return configuration.MapODataServiceRoute(routeName, routePrefix, builder =>
.AddService(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp => model)
//.AddService<ODataSerializerProvider>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp => new DefaultODataSerializerProvider(sp))
.AddService<ODataDeserializerProvider>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp => new EntityTypeDeserializerProvider(sp))
.AddService(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp => batchHandler ?? new DefaultODataBatchHandler(GlobalConfiguration.DefaultServer))
.AddService(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp => uriResolver ?? new ODataUriResolver())
.AddService<IEnumerable<IODataRoutingConvention>>(ServiceLifetime.Singleton, sp =>
routingConventions ??
ODataRoutingConventions.CreateDefaultWithAttributeRouting(routeName, configuration)

mvc3, can you give controller a display name?

I am using mvc3. is it possible to give controller and action a display name.
[DisplayName("Facebook Employee")]
public class EmployeeController : Controller
in my breadcrumb, I will get the controller name and action name
var controllerName = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Controller"];
var actionName = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Action"];
I expect to see "Facebook Employee", but its not working.
You'll have to reflect on the Controller type itself, using GetCustomAttributes. Use ViewContext.Controller to get a reference to the controller itself. Something like this:
string controllerName;
Type type = ViewContext.Controller.GetType();
var atts = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), false);
if (atts.Length > 0)
controllerName = ((DisplayNameAttribute)atts[0]).DisplayName;
controllerName = type.Name; // fallback to the type name of the controller
To do similar for an action, you need to first reflect on the method, using Type.GetMethodInfo:
string actionName = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Action"]
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(actionName);
var atts = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), false);
// etc, same as above
public static class HLP
public static string DisplayNameController(this WebViewPage wvp)
if (wvp.ViewBag.Title != null && (wvp.ViewBag.Title as string).Trim().Length > 0)
return wvp.ViewBag.Title;
ControllerBase Controller = wvp.ViewContext.Controller;
DisplayNameAttribute[] attr = (DisplayNameAttribute[])Controller.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), false);
string DisplayName = attr[0].DisplayName;
return DisplayName;
catch (Exception)
return Controller.ToString();
public static string DisplayNameAction(this WebViewPage wvp)
string actionName = wvp.ViewContext.RouteData.Values["Action"].ToString();
Type type = wvp.ViewContext.Controller.GetType();
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod(actionName);
DisplayNameAttribute[] attr = (DisplayNameAttribute[])method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), false);
string DisplayName = attr[0].DisplayName;
return DisplayName;
catch (Exception)
return actionName;

Custom routes with ASP.NET MVC for faceted search [ from QueryString to Route ]

I'm implementing a faceted search functionality where the user can filter and drill down on 4 properties of my model: City, Type, Purpose and Value.
I have a view section with the facets like this:
Each line displayed in the above image is clickable so that the user can drill down and do the filtering...
The way I'm doing it is with query strings that I pass using a custom ActionLink helper method:
#Html.ActionLinkWithQueryString(linkText, "Filter",
new { facet2 = Model.Types.Key, value2 = fv.Range });
This custom helper keeps the previous filters (query string parameters) and merges them with new route values present in other action links. I get a result like this when the user has applied 3 filters:
It's working but I'd like to know about a better/cleaner way of doing this using routes. The order of the parameters can change depending on the filters the user has applied. I have something like this in mind:
http://leniel-pc:8083/realty/filter // returns ALL rows
Is this possible? Any ideas?
Is this possible? Any ideas?
I would keep the query string parameters for filtering.
But if you wanted to achieve the urls you have asked for in your question I will cover 2 possible techniques.
For both approaches that I will present here I assume that you already have a view model:
public class FilterViewModel
public string Key { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
and a controller:
public class RealtyController : Controller
public ActionResult Filter(IEnumerable<FilterViewModel> filters)
... do the filtering ...
The first option is to write a custom model binder that will be associated with the IEnumerable<FilterViewModel> type:
public class FilterViewModelBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var filtersValue = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("pathInfo");
if (filtersValue == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(filtersValue.AttemptedValue))
return Enumerable.Empty<FilterViewModel>();
var filters = filtersValue.AttemptedValue;
var tokens = filters.Split('/');
if (tokens.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new Exception("Invalid filter format");
var result = new List<FilterViewModel>();
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length - 1; i += 2)
var key = tokens[i];
var value = tokens[i + 1];
result.Add(new FilterViewModel
Key = tokens[i],
Value = tokens[i + 1]
return result;
which will be registered in Application_Start:
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(IEnumerable<FilterViewModel>), new FilterViewModelBinder());
and you will also have a filter route:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
new { controller = "Realty", action = "Filter" }
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
A second possibility is to write a custom route
public class FilterRoute : Route
public FilterRoute()
: base(
new RouteValueDictionary(new
controller = "realty", action = "filter"
new MvcRouteHandler()
public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var rd = base.GetRouteData(httpContext);
if (rd == null)
return null;
var filters = rd.Values["pathInfo"] as string;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filters))
return rd;
var tokens = filters.Split('/');
if (tokens.Length % 2 != 0)
throw new Exception("Invalid filter format");
var index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length - 1; i += 2)
var key = tokens[i];
var value = tokens[i + 1];
rd.Values[string.Format("filters[{0}].key", index)] = key;
rd.Values[string.Format("filters[{0}].value", index)] = value;
return rd;
which will be registered in your RegisterRoutes method:
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.Add("Filter", new FilterRoute());
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
In my opinion (and this is pretty subjective) your initial approach seems fine. I think search criteria belong on the querystring as they represent a subset of the resources you're trying to retrieve.
Your urls don't make much sense from a logical resource hierarchy point of view.
I would probably rename the "filter" method "search" however, with the filters being the querystring variables. Also, is it necessary to define facets in the querystring - can't you achieve the same result by naming the facet explicity, like ?city=Volta&type=6&purpose=3 ?

ASP.NET MVC: How to maintain TextBox State when your ViewModel is a Collection/List/IEnumerable

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta. I can create a wizard like workflow using Steven Sanderson's technique (in his book Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework) except using Session instead of hidden form fields to preserve the data across requests. I can go back and forth between pages and maintain the values in a TextBox without any issue when my model is not a collection. An example would be a simple Person model:
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
But I am unable to get this to work when I pass around an IEnumerable. In my view I am trying to run through the Model and generate a TextBox for Name and Email for each Person in the list. I can generate the form fine and I can submit the form with my values and go to Step2. But when I click the Back button in Step2 it takes me back to Step1 with an empty form. None of the fields that I previously populated are there. There must be something I am missing. Can somebody help me out?
Here is my View:
<% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %>
<% int index = 0;
foreach (var person in Model) { %>
<%= Html.Hidden("persons.index", index.ToString())%>
<div>Name: <%= Html.TextBox("persons[" + index.ToString() + "].Name")%></div>
<div>Email: <%= Html.TextBox("persons[" + index.ToString() + "].Email")%></div>
<% index++;
} %>
<p><input type="submit" name="btnNext" value="Next >>" /></p>
<% } %>
And here is my controller:
public class PersonListController : Controller
public IEnumerable<Person> persons;
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
persons = (Session["persons"]
?? TempData["persons"]
?? new List<Person>()) as List<Person>;
// I've tried this with and without the prefix.
TryUpdateModel(persons, "persons");
protected override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
Session["persons"] = persons;
if (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult)
TempData["persons"] = persons;
public ActionResult Step1(string btnBack, string btnNext)
if (btnNext != null)
return RedirectToAction("Step2");
// Setup some fake data
var personsList = new List<Person>
new Person { Name = "Jared", Email = "", },
new Person { Name = "John", Email = "" }
// Populate the model with fake data the first time
// the action method is called only. This is to simulate
// pulling some data in from a DB.
if (persons == null || persons.Count() == 0)
persons = personsList;
return View(persons);
// Step2 is just a page that provides a back button to Step1
public ActionResult Step2(string btnBack, string btnNext)
if (btnBack != null)
return RedirectToAction("Step1");
return View(persons);
As far as I can tell, this is not supported in ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta, nor is it supported in ASP.NET MVC 2 RC. I dug through the MVC source code and it looks like Dictionaries are supported but not Models that are IEnumerable<> (or that contain nested IEnumerable objects) and it's inheritors like IList<>.
The issue is in the ViewDataDictionary class. Particularly, the GetPropertyValue method only provides a way to retrieve property values from dictionary properties (by calling GetIndexedPropertyValue) or simple properties by using the PropertyDescriptor.GetValue method to pull out the value.
To fix this, I created a GetCollectionPropertyValue method that handles Models that are collections (and even Models that contain nested collections). I am pasting the code here for reference. Note: I don't make any claims about elegance - in fact all the string parsing is pretty ugly, but it seems to be working. Here is the method:
// Can be used to pull out values from Models with collections and nested collections.
// E.g. Persons[0].Phones[3].AreaCode
private static ViewDataInfo GetCollectionPropertyValue(object indexableObject, string key)
Type enumerableType = TypeHelpers.ExtractGenericInterface(indexableObject.GetType(), typeof(IEnumerable<>));
if (enumerableType != null)
IList listOfModelElements = (IList)indexableObject;
int firstOpenBracketPosition = key.IndexOf('[');
int firstCloseBracketPosition = key.IndexOf(']');
string firstIndexString = key.Substring(firstOpenBracketPosition + 1, firstCloseBracketPosition - firstOpenBracketPosition - 1);
int firstIndex = 0;
bool canParse = int.TryParse(firstIndexString, out firstIndex);
object element = null;
// if the index was numeric we should be able to grab the element from the list
if (canParse)
element = listOfModelElements[firstIndex];
if (element != null)
int firstDotPosition = key.IndexOf('.');
int nextOpenBracketPosition = key.IndexOf('[', firstCloseBracketPosition);
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(element).Find(key.Substring(firstDotPosition + 1), true);
// If the Model has nested collections, we need to keep digging recursively
if (nextOpenBracketPosition >= 0)
string nextObjectName = key.Substring(firstDotPosition+1, nextOpenBracketPosition-firstDotPosition-1);
string nextKey = key.Substring(firstDotPosition + 1);
PropertyInfo property = element.GetType().GetProperty(nextObjectName);
object nestedCollection = property.GetValue(element,null);
// Recursively pull out the nested value
return GetCollectionPropertyValue(nestedCollection, nextKey);
return new ViewDataInfo(() => descriptor.GetValue(element))
Container = indexableObject,
PropertyDescriptor = descriptor
return null;
And here is the modified GetPropertyValue method which calls the new method:
private static ViewDataInfo GetPropertyValue(object container, string propertyName) {
// This method handles one "segment" of a complex property expression
// First, we try to evaluate the property based on its indexer
ViewDataInfo value = GetIndexedPropertyValue(container, propertyName);
if (value != null) {
return value;
// If the indexer didn't return anything useful, continue...
// If the container is a ViewDataDictionary then treat its Model property
// as the container instead of the ViewDataDictionary itself.
ViewDataDictionary vdd = container as ViewDataDictionary;
if (vdd != null) {
container = vdd.Model;
// Second, we try to evaluate the property based on the assumption
// that it is a collection of some sort (e.g. IList<>, IEnumerable<>)
value = GetCollectionPropertyValue(container, propertyName);
if (value != null)
return value;
// If the container is null, we're out of options
if (container == null) {
return null;
// Third, we try to use PropertyDescriptors and treat the expression as a property name
PropertyDescriptor descriptor = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(container).Find(propertyName, true);
if (descriptor == null) {
return null;
return new ViewDataInfo(() => descriptor.GetValue(container)) {
Container = container,
PropertyDescriptor = descriptor
Again, this is in the ViewDataDictionary.cs file in ASP.NET MVC 2 RC. Should I create a new issue to track this on the MVC codeplex site?
