Buttons not working when Dart project is moved to server - dart

I'm a math teacher with some novice Java skills. About six years ago I made some applets so my students could practice word problems. As time went on, more and more of my students have had problems using the applets because of browser incompatibility (I think). So this summer I've been working to convert the applets into a Dart app. The entire project is two textareas and about eight buttons that either display a problem or its solution.
So far I've got it working just fine in Dart Editor. It compiled to JavaScript without an error or warning and runs well in JavaScript, also through Dart Editor.
I copied the files to my website using FileZilla, but when I access the app on the server via a browser (I tried Safari and Internet Explorer) the app looks correct but none of the buttons work. That is, nothing happens when they are clicked. I'm not sure that I have copied all of the correct files/folders. I copied everything to the server that is within the web/ directory. There are two HTML files, one in out/ and one in web/. Which HTML file should it launch from? And should I just rename that file to index.html?
I've got about 40+ hours on the Dart phase of the project but am about out of time to devote to this particular problem. I've put in a few hours searching for help and related examples online, but I think my questions are so basic that there is no information available.
Again, I'm not a web developer or programmer. Think 50 year old math teacher.

Since a Dart project contains symlinks to dependencies, you can't simply copy a project to a server and have it work. pub deploy is a command that bakes your application and bundles the files for copying to a server.
It's somewhat a early, but there's a description here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13y7yCwq9GtPChXtd6t0YMcUtMJLZq2IVwq546Dve_No/edit


Problems with Dart/Polymer build output files / everything compiled/pasted into index.html

I'm probably missing something very basic here, but I've spent quite a while searching for just about any term I could come up with.
I wanted to check out Dart and Dart.Polymer, so I grabbed some examples from various tutorials. I managed to get everything working, but it seems ALL HTML/JS/CSS content from custom Polymer elements and paper-/iron-/... elements get pasted to index.html, along with various other JavaScript stuff.
This leads to my index.html being 16.000+ lines long in release mode builds, (20.000 in debug) in this Dart Academy Tutorial, and here is the corresponding source in GitHub
The tutorial also links to a live version that has pretty HTML/imports.
The same happens with the basic Polymer sample project in Webstorm.
My different setups:
Windows 10 and Ubuntu 14.04 (tried both)
Dart SDK current stable and dev version
pub build --mode:release and debug, from commandline and within Webstorm
various transformers, various orders, various dependency versions in pubspec.yaml
Aside from the index.html file my output folder seems fine, elements are present in e.g. output_folder/build/web/packages/polymer_elements/.
I know that everything that is compiled into the index is necessary, but why does it not generate links to the files in the created build/polymer_elements folder? I assume it is possible and the live versions of the examples I found have not been edited manually to link to all elements and scripts and cut them from index.html. I know it probably does not even affect load times in a significant way, but it still bugs me.
Thanks for any help in advance, don't be shy to point out if I read over something very basic or just did not search for the right term :D
This is a deployment optimization, similar to the vulcanize tool for polymer js, except that its the default in Dart. Html imports create tons of extra requests which is slower than just downloading the one large file.
Inlining transformed code (JS/CSS) is normal behavior and none of the options to dart2js will affect this.
I believe the demo output linked in the tutorial you mentioned was unfortunately not the actual dart output. I believe https://polymer-checkout.firebaseapp.com/ is a demo of the original polymer version, not the dart version.

Linking to an external www-folder - Tools for Apache Cordova (VS 2015)

For a project I'd like to use an existing website as a base for a cordova app. My project setup looks as follows:
One Solution with two projects
A ASP.NET webservice project (with website aka html/js/css)
An tools for apache cordova project
I don't want to copy the html/js/css files from the website on every build. Instead, I thought I could get away with some kind of a link to the www-folder in the ASP.NET project. I tried several approaches:
Creating a filesystem link (tried 'mklink' with parameters /D and /J - /H is not working for directories
Editing the .jsproj file and add a tag to link to the other project's www-folder
The second approach didn't work at all. Just got some weird errors when trying to load the project again (saying something about file duplicates).
The first approach worked a little bit: It is working, when targeting the windows platform. It is NOT working, when targeting iOS.
When targeting iOS, everything is copied just fine to the platforms\ios folder (read, all the content of the linked www folder is copied to the platforms\ios\www folder). But it is not copied correctly to the remote build tool on Mac OS X! It really just copies the directory link as a file. Remotebuild then failes with a 'missing www directory in top level' message.
Any suggestions how to add a link so the content is copied (instead of the actual link)?
Is there a way to take detailed influence on the build process for specific platforms?
Is there a way to create a hardlink to a directory in windows? What are the drawbacks?
I'd really like to avoid copying the files on build (which would be simple enough with a prebuild script), because there's a high risk of loosing changes made while debugging.
I'm aware that setting a link is also not the best solution, since it has to be done per machine and can't be checked in to a version control system. So, if somebody knows of a better aproach to handle my scenario, let me know.
I work on the Tools for Apache Cordova in Visual Studio at Microsoft.
I'm sorry but VS-TAC does not support add as link. To prevent confusion we removed the option in update 3.
The best solution I can give you is to copy files from one project to another. Another user asked this question a week ago and came up with a hacky solution. Please see this for more information:
VS2015 typescript cordova add as a link
Sorry for the trouble and thank you for the feedback!

Can I have two apps in one webpage in Dart + polymer?

I have a dart + polymer app, which I have uploaded to my home page. The entry point is not index.html. It works fine.
I have now developed a home page, index.html, again in polymer and dart. Essentially, it's another app of course. It's n the same top level folder as my app. I've been playing around uploading (which takes ages!) the packages subfolders, but can't get index.html to display at all - yet.
So my question is, will the packages subfolders conflict with each other, and I shouldn't do it?
If they are both polymer apps on the exact same version and all their packages are the exact same version then you might be ok, but I wouldn't suggest it.
Instead, can you make a single package which has two entry points (one for each of your apps)? If you want to keep your code separate for each of them you can do that still by moving everything into the lib folder and using a git or path dependency on each package (you probably don't want to publish your apps to pub).

Synapse and OpenSSL Connect not working in one app

I have done all the searching and can't find a solution to this weird problem that's been bugging me for about 5 hours. I started this app in Lazarus, but then took it across to D5pro to see if I could solve the problem. Thought it might have been a Lazarus "thing."
In D5, I have an app fully-working (so far so good) and I decided to try some different approaches to the look and feel so I "Save Project As" into a new folder. I then went through all of the included Units and saved them to the new Folder. I copied the two OpenSSL .DLL to the new folder. Did a compile and run and it all works fine. Well, almost.
When I tried the new app, the POP3 Unit crashes at "Login"
I have stepped through and all of the basic login stuff, Server, Name, SSL parameters etc is identical to the former version.
I went back to the original app and did a full Build and it still worked fine. I did a full Build on the new app and it still crashes at Login.
It gets through the pop3.Sock.SSLDoConnect() OK, but comes back from pop3.Login() with an error 10061 which according to the BlckSock Synapse-Unit, means "Connection refused."
When it returns from this call Result:=ssConnect(s, #name, SizeOfVarSin(name)); which I assume is in the .DLL it has a Result of -1 which then triggers the GetLastError and that is "10061 - Connection refused"
As far as I can find, everything is identical between the two projects. All Library Paths are in the Environment and not within the project.
Any thoughts and suggestions?
There is not much to work with. Can you see all parameters in the debugger on the various external call moments?
A change of compiler of course can make hidden bugs come to the surface, just like e.g. optimization. A well known difference is that the life time of temps might vary (see here).
Probably you need to nail the defining difference first. As with Delphi, the debugger is your friend here.
OK, problem solved.
Sir Rufo, it was a good idea but it did not help, but thanks for trying.
I had copied the ssleay32.dll into the new app folder BEFORE I started compiling. It did not work. I did a full Build and it still did not work.
I decided to delete the ssleay32.dll and libeay32.dll and do a full Build. I ran it and of course it crashed, but this time I expected that.
I then copied the two .ddl back into the new app folder and did another full Build.
Bingo problem solved. Seems weird but it is working with both Lazarus and D5. Something to do with the way the .dll gets linked into compiled .dcu.
Doing the Build with no .dll available cleared that. Dropping the .dll back into the Folder and another Build got the .dll linking correctly included into the .dcu.
Aaarrggghhhhh :)

not enough space for environment appears when executing ".exe" file

I am trying to use an application called CLUT.exe which is an old application for MS-DOS that can be used to reindex NTX files for DBF databases.
(This is not the main topic, but I am just writing this if someone wants to test the app and don't trust at all about the content).
The problem starts when trying to run the command line version through console (cmd.exe) and this error appears:
C:\>CLUT.exe [arg1] [arg2] [arg3]
run-time error R6009
- not enough space for environment
So, according to what I've searched, this could be a possible solution:
but it doesn't work and every alternative that I found to solve this over the internet is the same.
Another alternative could be to make right-click in the .exe file, go to Properties then Memory tab and increase the Initial environment memory from Auto to the max value but it doesn't work too.
Well, I am stuck and no "possible" solution is working for me. If someone is interested, knows more about this issue and want to test, you can download the application from here (click "Free Download" green button):
or directly from my DropBox:
Just to know, I am using Windows 7 and the CLUT.exe application is a Clipper based app (old programming language) that may run under windows console (cmd.exe).
Wikipedia does mention other dos emulators but, oddly, doesn't mention BOCHS.
Reindexing NTX files is not a difficult thing to do, and can be done with tools other than CLUT. For example, many of the utilities listed on this part of Download32 could be used. Otherwise, you could write your own using Harbour Project or xHarbour. Or contact me off list and I'll cook up something in Clipper 5.3.
If I read the README correctly for CLUT, it's a replacement for the DBU utility that comes with Clipper 5.x. I can supply you with a build of that if you're unsuccessful with other approaches.
