looking for high chart sample program, I haven't used Highcharts before, but it seems there are no sliders built take a look at the answer.
Actually Highcharts in general are not free.. For me it's simple bullet graph. In Highcharts for that you can use bar chart with scatter point
The bullet concept will work for this, though it will take some work to get styling like that. There are plenty of useful options for styling such a chart though without relying on the physical gauge metaphor.
A quick variation on the bullet chart approach that puts them into a single chart and removes the banding:
It relies on a custom extension to produce the 'line' marker type:
Highcharts.Renderer.prototype.symbols.line = ...
edit in response to comments below:
updated example with some additional formatting options and clean up:
be wary of using multiple colors unless the colors truly mean something.
Using additional color to highlight items that require attention is a good use of color.
Using color to highlight every possible status of something (shades of green, fading to shades of yellow, fading to shades of red...), is a bad use of color that is sadly over used and even expected by some.
Also important to reiterate that the purpose of this type of display is very well handled by a bullet chart, which is definitely worth looking into migrating to somewhere along the way. Reference:
Here is chart http://jsfiddle.net/erzLp3n9/2/
I need to remove color as this image is seems
this image
I have two different series.
I do not want to use area-stacked and arearange because that two different series is dynamic.
I had try by this http://jsfiddle.net/erzLp3n9/3/ but not working
By using negativeFillColor you can color the area if it is negative, which seems to be the problem with your second example.
See this fiddle.
Where I set plotOptions.area.negativeFillColor.
If you are wondering why they don't look like the same color, it is because the top one is 75% opacity, see Highcharts API.
Could you explain exactly why you do not want to use stacking? This option along with setting color of the second series to transparent gives desired effect.
API Reference:
I'm looking for a way to indicate key dates on a highchart with a label eg Public Holiday. I can't find a way to add labeled guidelines or add an opened callout to a point? Help appreciated.
In Highstock you have series type called flags which is a opened callout (similar to Dygraphs annotation). This is probably the closest fit to the indicators you referred. See this JSFiddle example of how it looks. Note how this example uses the Highstock source file, but builds a Highcharts chart. See this documentation for official information.
In Highcharts you can highlight points, labels and value in a wide variety of ways. First of you can add data labels to your points, which renders text next to it. Secondly you can use plot lines to highlight certain values along an axis. See this JSFiddle example of how both of these options can be used.
Of course there are lots of ways to improve and build upon this out of the box functionality, but that is up to your specific demands and desires.
I have essentially the same problem described in:
JavaScript charting library to handle shading area between two lines
That is to say: color the area between two lines, with the fill color of each portion of the area determined by which of the two boundary lines is higher at that point.
The question referenced above was answered, but the question is two years old and the solution is a little convoluted. Have subsequent advances in Highcharts introduced better / cleaner ways of solving this particular problem?
I'm developing an app now with achartengine to draw a line chart. Now I have a problem with an effect that I hope to fix. The effect is, when users touch a point on the line chart the color or style of point can be changed to different color or style. But the other points should remain the same as before.
I was not able to find any function to set a point color or style on achartengine API document.
Can someone please point me to any documentation that can help me with my problem?
There isn't such API available. However, you could create a temporary series that would contain one single point (the selected one), add it only as long as you need it and when no longer needed, just remove it from the dataset.
I'm getting a bug in my stacked area implementation when a user filters to a specific line.
In the image linked below, you'll see we're tracking two trends. When I turn off the "Dialup" trend, the orange area should remain where it is. Instead, it moves up to fill the entire area. Likewise, if I were to turn off the orange "Broadband" trend, the green dialup area fills the entire area below it, rather than falling to the baseline as it should.
(stackoverflow will not allow me to post images yet.)
You can see the value in the tooltip remains accurate.
Could anyone provide some insight into what may be causing this? In case this may be a factor, the chart is generated based on a table of data using Highcharts.visualize().
I can see that you're using Highcharts 3.0.0. According to this, there was a bug in this version of Highcharts. If you upgrade Highcharts to the latest version, it should work as intended.