I can't update my extension - SmartFoxServer - server-configuration

I am working with smartfoxserver 2X. I have problem with updating of extension's code. My extension name is: "MyFirstExtension". There is a .jar file in this folder named: MyFirstExtension.jar . The extension was tested and is working fine. Now I want to update my code. I open Eclipse and I add a few line of code to my project. I exported new code to new .jar and I override old .jar. After restarting a server I see that OLD code is run. I don't have any idea why. How the server could remember old code ? Is there a cache which I can delete ? How to resolve this problem ?

I have been experimenting with SFS2X for a while and I am sure that every time you restart your server your extensions are reloaded. If you have 'reload mode' in 'Zone Extension Tab' set to auto, the extension will reload without restarting the server.
It seems that your doing everything right and because you've tested your extension, your export path must be right.
Double check that your export path is similar to the following
C:\Program Files\SmartFoxServer2X\SFS2X\extensions\MyFirstExtension\MyFirstExtension.jar
You could also try exporting to an alternative path and manually copy the file into your extension path. If it reloads the old extension then there would have to be another SFS2X server installation path.

let me know one thing are you running smartfoxserver as a service base or not. In my view your service is still running in the background as on the updated extension jar is not working. So try this open services and stop the smartfoxserver and restart the sfs to che k the modification. Better to don't use service for smartfoxserver.


Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Failed to generate SSPI context.' but it works sometimes

So as mentioned, when I first start my computer and open up my VS and project. I then click the start of the project and it works just fine. If I add an element to an HTML file I can sometimes just hot reload and it works. If I add something as simple as a console.writeline and save then restart I would get this, or I need to restart this if I add more than one thing to an HTML file and I get this issue. I shut down VS and then sometimes I need to restart my computer and it works just fine. Why does this happen.
I don't know what the real solution is but what I did to fix this was deleted my database and migrations. I added a new migration and update-database and it worked. I was hoping there was a better solution before I did this but I could not find the answer.

neo4j-APOC plugin stopped working

Plugin APOC was working for me for a long time which means I have it copied at right place and I have edited config file correctly. But today I needed to create same graph on different data set so I stopped neo4j service, removed database directy, restarted it, changed password then copied plugins directory in neo4j directory(as I'm not using shell) and again restarted neo4j serivice. Then tried to execute the same query again and got error messgae.
There is no procedure with the name apoc.create.relationship registered for this database instance. and the query I'm using is as following
CALL apoc.create.relationship(n, network.connection, {}, m) yield rel
I have made following change based on a stackoverflow post,
uncommented following line
and added plugin directory path, restarted service even restarted system but still not working. I have done this(removing neo4j directory...) in past multiple times but this has never happened to me. Even I have tried replacing old apoc.jar with newly downloaded one before. I have neo4j3.3.0 with apoc3.3.0.1jar with windows10. Can anybody tell me what have I done wrong this time? Thanks in advance.
EDIT 1: when I uncomment above line in config file my other plugins also stop working but after commenting it other plugins like graph algorithms are working but not APOC
Since you are using APOC procedures and graph algorithms, I think you have configured your config file this way:
If it is the case, change these lines to:
I really don't know what the problem was, I uninstalled it with logs and config files, downloaded latest version which didn't pose any headaches of editing config file for csv files and for plugins and it worked.
If someone is reading this question and has done everything correctly. Set the correct permissions on the plugins directory, uncommented the whitelisted and unrestricted sections of the /etc/neo4j.conf, checked if the version of the Apoc jar you're loading is the same version as neo4j, etc. and can't make it work.
Try to restart your PC, that was what did it for me, for some weird reason.

Website seems to execute old code even though it has a new class

Deployed MVC5 app manually (ie all source code) to IIS directory (c:\inetpub\wwwroot....) Win Server 2016, IIS 10.
The website runs fine. I found a bug. I fixed it and copied the fixed class file to the correct location in c:\inetpub\wwwroot.... Then I start/stop the website. But, the website still shows the "older" behavior. I verified the class file (.cs) was updated with the correct, tested, fix. I even ran Chrome in incognito mode.
Any suggestions? Is this a caching issue on the server?
Since you were copying just .cs file to c:\inetpub\wwwroot those changes will not be picked automatically. You need to copy updated binaries i.e. bin folder and its contents to c:\inetpub\wwwroot.

How to detect that the Electron app is running for the first time?

I'm developing an App using the latest version of Electron-builder (using AutoUpadate).
Is there any way to know that the App is running for the first time after installation?
Ps: I have tried using electron-config but the user data files are not deleted after uninstall, and I needed to do some things with every installation (even if it's on the same machine).
Check for the squirrel-firstrun flag:
var cmd = process.argv[1];
if (cmd == '--squirrel-firstrun') {
// Running for the first time.
(you don't need to install anything for this to work)
Your app could, in case that it doesn't exist, write a folder/file (with filename based on a timestamp?).
When app starts, always look for the file.
If there is no file, means its first time, do what you want and write file.
If there is a file means it's not the first time.
Don't know if there is something at Electron API!

QA-C: license file

I'm trying to run QA-C 7.2 on a Nightly Build that I program using Python.
It does run but the problem I encounter is, that I cannot save the license file configuration settings because IM not a 'license admin'. Hence, everytime I run QA-C it requires me to browse to the license.dat
Does anyone know a way around this, for example passing the license file configuration (eg path2license_dat) as a parameter when I call the exe? Or somehow saving this information?
I found out that it works when setting the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE to the path to license.dat
