Properties.Resources.XXXX Namespace or Module not Defined - f#

I'm trying to read in the text (as a string) of an XML file from my Resources. The XML file is named MyXMLResourceFile.resx.
I tried using the C# way using
let myFile : string = Properties.Resources.MyXMLResourceFile
but it is giving me the error (under Properties):
The namespace or module 'Properties' is not defined.
I'm assuming I'm missing an open but have no idea what it would be.
Sorry, I'm still pretty new to F# coming from VB.
Additional information:
I made the resx file myself per this SO answer I then looked to see how others accessed it. In C# they did Properties.Resources.XXXX per this project I saw you could use ResourceManager but didn't see any method to read the whole file directly into a string.

The namespace or module 'Properties' is not defined.
That's because the namespace Properties is not defined. You probably brought the resx file from another project. Open the associated .Designer file, if it doesn't appear in the F# project, open it up in the original project. You will see a namespace with and a bunch of C# code, assuming the original project was in C#. The namespace of this file has to be the same namespace of the project where you are trying to call it.
But, since this is C# code, it won't run on a F# project. You have two choices: use a code generator to generate the associated .Designer class in F# code with the Properties namespace, (I don't know if such generator exists); or pre-compile the resx in the original project and reference it as a dll from your F# project, then you can access it with ResourceManager.


F#: Why does script file not recognize module?

I create a new F# console application project in Visual Studio 2015
I create a simple new module file called Calc.fs like so:
module Calc
let add a b = a + b
I add an F# script file to the project like so:
open Calc
let c = add 1 2
I get the following compiler errors in the script file:
The namespace or module 'Calc' is not defined
The value or constructor 'add' is not defined
Why is my module not recognized by my script file? How can I fix this?
Please note that my script file appears after the module in the order of files in the project:
.fsx files are not compiled together with the rest of the project; they don't "know" about any other code unless you explicitly make it known to them. This is true for any external DLLs (and in fact even many in the .NET Framework) as well as other F# code.
You need to add
#load "Calc.fs"
at the top of the script file to tell the compiler to load that code before evaluating the rest of the script.

GeneratedTypeProvider in F# 3.0 Sample Pack

I'm currently playing around with the GeneratedTypeProvider in the F# 3.0 Sample Pack, but I'm having some trouble with it.
Currently I have Copy & Pasted the complete Provider in a file in my own library project. The only difference right now is the namespace that the type provider is in.
I can compile the provider without any problems. Then I proceed and add the produced .dll to my test project, as I would do with erased types. But I can't use the generated type - instead autocompletion shows me a note saying (translated into english):
The type "TPTestType" is needed, but not available. You need to add a reference to the assembly "tmp6AF4, Version=, ...".
Code of my test project:
open System
type T = Samples.ShareInfo.TPTest. //here, autocompletion shows the <Note>
let main argv =
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
So, what am I doing wrong? Is there some project setting that is in the original project of the GeneratedTypeProvider that I'm missing (because I'm using my own project)? Something else I'm missing or misunderstanding?
Thanks in advance.
There are the assemblies that need to be referenced in your project in order to use Generated Type Provider. Please make certain your project references them as well:
FSharp.Core //Should already be referenced
System //Should already be referenced

Cannot open namespace in Fsharp script file

When in a separate Fsharp project in a SomeLib.fs file the following code is compiled:
namespace SomeNameSpace
type SomeType =
member this.SomeMember = "Some member"
and you want to reference and use this type in a script file like:
#I #"c:/pathToDll/"
#r "SomeLib.dll"
This is not possible, although the path to the dll is correct and I checked everything. Also when the SomeLib.fs file is in the same project and referenced by #load, you still cannot open the namespace.
I know you can put the type in a module, but I cannot do this as the type has te be used as a Wcf service type.
After a lot of experimental work and surprisingly little info on the internet or in F# books I found out the following:
// Cannot use a relative path
//#I #"bin\Debug"
// Have to use a absolute path
#I #"C:\Development\FSharpNameSpaceTest\SomeCSharpLib\bin\Debug"
// But I can reference a Csharp dll lib
#r "SomeCSharpLib.dll"
// I cannot add a reference to an external F# library dll
// #I #"C:\Development\FSharpNameSpaceTest\NameSpace\bin\Debug"
// #r "NameSpace.dll"
// If I directly load the external fs file, it works"
#load #"C:\Development\FSharpNameSpaceTest\NameSpace\SomeNameSpace.fs"
#load "Library1.fs"
// Namespaces in both the local and the external fs files can only be openend if every single file is loaded instead of referencing the dll.
// Referencing a C# dll is no problem
open FSharpNameSpaceTest
open SomeCSharpLib
open NameSpace
I do not know if this is the most optimal approach but it works. What I will do is, I will create a fsx file for every project that loads the individual fs files in that project and then I will load that fsx file in the fsx file that references the project.
I still find this all very confusing and counterintuitive. But that might be my limited knowledge of the innerworks of F#
Edit: And the right and complete answer is, I didn't implement a default constructor. Still, if you do not wan't to do this, the above approach is an alternative. Thanks to Marc Sigrit.
If on Windows, the slashes in the import directive should be replaced by backslashes.

Content Processor Parameters in XNA 4 - what is missing?

I have a content processor in my XNA project and I would like to add a couple of parameters so I can control its behaviour for certain files in Visual Studio.
I follow the second section of this page:, which is the same info as on many other sites, however when I try to specify a property as a parameter I get "type or namespace cannot be found" for the three attributes.
Its probably something like a missing 'using' statement but without a working example project I can't find out what/where the namespace is.
You can find these classes in the System.ComponentModel assembly/namespace. For example, here's the MSDN documentation for the DisplayNameAttribute

BizTalk namespace default prefix

BizTalk produced namespace default prefix as NS0. Is there a way to override it to generate something different without utilizing an XSLT (it's an overhead when the schema changes, XSLT has to be updated as well)? Something like
and not
This should be simple (after all it's just a namespace prefix), but clients are parsing document instead of using it as an XML with namespace, and having no expected namespace prefix causes them grief.
Thank you.
No, there's not.
A kludgey answer is to convert the XML to a string and search/replace.
You can do this. I had to do this when calling a Google API, which requires specific namespace prefixes.
The method is to use the Imports property at the <Schema> level in your XSD. Using the Imports dialog you can define specific prefixes on each namespace.
You will have to break up your schema into at least two separate XSD's so you can import one into the other and redefine the prefix at that time.
