Alright, this involves a lot of network coding from this part of a multiplayer tutorial.
Basically, I'm trying to implement a multiplayer game using GameKit as per the tutorial linked above. I put in all of the necessary network coding and more or less understand it, however I've hit a snag somewhere along the line of method calls. Basically, the setup that I have is that one device acts as the host and the rest act as the clients. I have two separate UIViewcontrollers for the host and clients respectively where the connection is established.
Now the thing is, the connection gets established, but it's only the host that recognizes the connection, not the client. The problem is here:
- (void)sendPacketToAllClients:(Packet *)packet
[_players enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, Player *obj, BOOL *stop)
obj.receivedResponse = [_session.peerID isEqualToString:obj.peerID];
GKSendDataMode dataMode = GKSendDataReliable;
NSData *data = [packet data];
NSError *error;
if (![_session sendDataToAllPeers:data withDataMode:dataMode error:&error])
NSLog(#"Error sending data to clients: %#", error);
This is implemented in GameMultiplayer, where the actual game will be implemented. What this method is supposed to be doing is sending data packets to each of the clients saying that the host received the connection request and is able to connect with them. After [_session sendDataToAllPeers:data withDataMode:dataMode error:&error] is called (the method in the if statement), this method is supposed to be triggered:
- (void)receiveData:(NSData *)data fromPeer:(NSString *)peerID inSession:(GKSession *)session context:(void *)context
#ifdef DEBUG
NSLog(#"Game: receive data from peer: %#, data: %#, length: %d", peerID, data, [data length]);
Packet *packet = [Packet packetWithData:data];
if (packet == nil)
NSLog(#"Invalid packet: %#", data);
Player *player = [self playerWithPeerID:peerID];
if (player != nil)
player.receivedResponse = YES; // this is the new bit
if (self.isServer)
[self serverReceivedPacket:packet fromPlayer:player];
[self clientReceivedPacket:packet];
This method is in the next part of the tutorial I linked above (which is here) and is supposed to receive the packets that the host sends to all clients and implement the next methods in this networking chain. However, the method never gets called. No debug breakpoints are triggered and I get nothing in the console.
I understand if I need to provide more source material, but there is a lot of network coding already implemented, so I want to keep it down to what people need to see. Also, [_session setDataReceiveHandler:self withContext:nil] and _session.delegate = self are written in another method that is called in GameMultiplayer, so that's not the problem. Does anyone know what I need to fix?
EDIT: As requested, here's where GKSession is initialized:
#property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) GKSession *session; //This is done in the header file
#synthesize session = _session; //This is done in the main file
- (void)startAcceptingConnectionsForSessionID:(NSString *)sessionID
if (_serverState == ServerStateIdle)
_serverState = ServerStateAcceptingConnections;
_connectedClients = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.maxClients];
_session = [[GKSession alloc] initWithSessionID:sessionID displayName:nil sessionMode:GKSessionModeServer];
_session.delegate = self;
_session.available = YES;
The session is initialized in MatchmakingServer, which is used in the host view controller. The session is then passed on to the main view controller of the app, which then initializes GameMultiplayer and sends the GKSession to it. Here's where the host view controller sends it to the main view controller:
- (IBAction)startAction:(id)sender
if (_matchmakingServer != nil && [_matchmakingServer connectedClientCount] > 0)
NSString *name = [self.nameTextField.text stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
if ([name length] == 0)
name = _matchmakingServer.session.displayName;
[_matchmakingServer stopAcceptingConnections];
[self.delegate hostViewController:self startGameWithSession:_matchmakingServer.session playerName:name clients:_matchmakingServer.connectedClients];
and then the main view controller handles that method call here:
- (void)hostViewController:(MatchmakerHost *)controller startGameWithSession:(GKSession *)session playerName:(NSString *)name clients:(NSArray *)clients
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:^
[self startGameWithBlock:^(GameMultiplayer *aGame)
[aGame startServerGameWithSession:session playerName:name clients:clients];
and finally, this is where that method call is implemented in GameMultiplayer:
- (void)startServerGameWithSession:(GKSession *)session playerName:(NSString *)name clients:(NSArray *)clients
_clients = clients;
const char* className = class_getName([[_clients objectAtIndex:0] class]);
NSLog(#"yourObject is a: %s", className);
self.isServer = YES;
_session = session;
_session.available = NO;
_session.delegate = self;
[_session setDataReceiveHandler:self withContext:nil];
_state = GameStateWaitingForSignIn;
[self.delegate gameWaitingForClientsReady:self];
// Create the Player object for the server.
Player *player = [[Player alloc] init]; = name;
player.peerID = _session.peerID;
player.position = PlayerPositionBottom;
[_players setObject:player forKey:player.peerID];
// Add a Player object for each client.
int index = 0;
for (NSString *peerID in clients)
Player *player = [[Player alloc] init];
player.peerID = peerID;
[_players setObject:player forKey:player.peerID];
if (index == 0)
player.position = ([clients count] == 1) ? PlayerPositionTop : PlayerPositionLeft;
else if (index == 1)
player.position = PlayerPositionTop;
player.position = PlayerPositionRight;
Packet *packet = [Packet packetWithType:PacketTypeSignInRequest];
[self sendPacketToAllClients:packet];
// for (int i = 0; i < [_players count]; i++) {
// NSLog([NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [clients objectAtIndex:i]]);
// }
I think you are calling send to fast. When server realize about connection it will send confirmation to client to really establish connection - so client knows about it succeed.
If you are sending packets before that happens - it will be lost.
Just do this:
[self performSelector:#selector(sendPacketToAllClients) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.0];
instead of:
[self sendPacketToAllClients];
I had the same problem that connection is established in different moment with small delay on client. The best is to send first packet from client that he is ready to receive packets from server - and than proceed normally from there.
Also try debugging:
- (void)session:(GKSession *)session peer:(NSString *)peerID didChangeState:(GKPeerConnectionState)state
On both devices (server and client).
I have also had my troubles with GKSession. I was interested to learn (on this site) today that GKSession is being deprecated in favor of using the Multipeer Connectivity Framework. With luck, Wenderlich et al. will do a tutorial using the new technology. :)
The system has some similarities to GKSession, so is not too hard to wrap your head around.
Apple's doc link.
I have an in-home app that will be supported by IT team.
When they support desktop apps, they may read logs to find any troubles (like server returned 404 on sync request).
I can use NSLog for iOS, but how can user access them with out of Xcode?
I can't ask any user "please give me your phone to investigate what has happened".
Does there is some tool any IT person with out of Xcode and Mac may use to read iOS logs?
Does there is some tool any IT person with out of Xcode and Mac may use to read iOS logs?
Unfortunately not. It used to be that you could run an app on your device that would read the Console log, but Apple took that ability away; I guess they saw it as a security breach.
If your user can get to a Mac running Xcode, they can view the console log directly in Xcode.
Otherwise, as others have suggested, you will have to build into your app the capacity to keep a log in a place you can get to. For example you can write to a file and then offer (within the app) to email that file to yourself. Many apps have an interface to a facility like this in their Settings bundle.
I've been using the combination of CocoaLumberjack, Antenna & DDAntennalogger at work for remote logging. Basically, you have to set up an end-point at your server and Antenna will be used to send the logs remotely.
Here's the reference that when configuring it on my project:
Remote logging using CocoaLumberjack, Antenna & DDAntennaLogger
This is how you can do it:
Step 1: Redirect your NSLog statements to a text file in file system. This you can do on specific user action or always enable it and delete it periodically.
Step 2: Have a web service which will allow you to upload the saved logs in the file system. You could trigger this on user action or may be a timer based job.
Step 3: Delete the logs from file system once upload is successful.
Here is a example of such a custom logger:
#import "MyCustomLogging.h"
#define kMyCustomLoggingFile #"NSLogging.txt"
static NSString *const kMyDeviceLogUploadURL = #"uploadDeviceLogURL";
#interface MyCustomLogging ()
#property (nonatomic, strong) MyRequestHandler *requestHandler;
#property (nonatomic, assign, getter = isNsLogRedirected) BOOL nsLogRedirected;
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL shouldStopLogging;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *pathForLogging;
#implementation MyCustomLogging
static int savedStdErr = 0;
static MyCustomLogging *sharedMyCustomLogging = nil;
+ (MyCustomLogging *)sharedMyCustomLogging {
static dispatch_once_t pred = 0;
dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
sharedMyCustomLogging = [[self alloc] init];
return sharedMyCustomLogging;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Start Method
- (void)startLogging {
// Starting the Redirection of the Logs
if (!self.isNsLogRedirected) {
[self nsLogRedirectedToFile];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Stop Method
- (void)stopLogging {
NSLog(#"Stopping the logging");
NSString *aLoggingPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];
self.pathForLogging = [aLoggingPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:kMyCustomLoggingFile];
// If file already exists & logging was not redirected then directly upload the logs::A Possible case of app quit/crash without uploading previous logs
if ([self isLogFilePresent] && !self.nsLogRedirected) {
[self uploadLogs];
} else if (self.isNsLogRedirected) { //Check for Successive Stop Notifications
self.shouldStopLogging = YES;
[self restoreNSLog];
} else {
NSDictionary *anUserInfo = #{kMyDeviceLogUplodStatusKey: kMyValueOne};
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMyDeviceLogsUploadNotification object:nil userInfo:anUserInfo];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Private Method
- (void)nsLogRedirectedToFile {
if (!self.isNsLogRedirected) {
NSLog(#"Redirecting NSLogs to a file.....");
self.nsLogRedirected = YES;
savedStdErr = dup(STDERR_FILENO);
NSString *aLoggingPath = [NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject];
self.pathForLogging = [aLoggingPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:kMyCustomLoggingFile];
NSLog(#"Logging Path: %#", self.pathForLogging);
freopen([self.pathForLogging cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding],"a+",stderr);
NSLog(#"NSLog Redirected to a file Succesfully");
[MySessionObject setLoggingOn:YES];
- (void)restoreNSLog {
if (self.isNsLogRedirected) {
[MySessionObject setLoggingOn:NO];
NSLog(#"NSLog Will be Restored now....");
self.nsLogRedirected = NO;
dup2(savedStdErr, STDERR_FILENO);
savedStdErr = 0;
[self uploadLogs];
NSLog(#"NSLog Restored Successfully");
- (void)uploadLogs {
NSLog(#"Now uploading files");
// Disable logging before files are uploading
MySessionObject.enableLogging = NO;
NSError *anError = nil;
NSData *aLogData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:self.pathForLogging options:NSDataReadingUncached error:&anError];
//Converting to String
NSString *aLogString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:aLogData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
NSMutableDictionary *aPostBody = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
[aPostBody setValue:aLogString forKey:#"logData"];
[aPostBody setValue:MySessionObject.wifiMACAddress forKey:#"deviceMACAddress"];
[aPostBody setValue:MySessionObject.deviceToken forKey:#"deviceID"];
__weak MyCustomLogging *aBlockSelf = self;
self.requestHandler = [[MyRequestHandler alloc] initWithEndPoint:#"/uploadLogs" body:aPostBody container:nil loadingOverlayTitle:nil successHandler:^(NSDictionary *iResponse) {
if (iResponse) {
//Remove the File From the Path
NSError *aFileError = nil;
BOOL aFileRemoveSuccess = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:self.pathForLogging error:&aFileError];
if (!aFileRemoveSuccess) {
//Tracking the Event
NSString *aDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Error Code:%ld Error Description:%#", (long)[aFileError code], [aFileError localizedDescription]];
NSLog(#"Error occured while deleting log file:%#", aDescription);
// Clearing all
aBlockSelf.pathForLogging = nil;
NSDictionary *anUserInfo = #{kMyDeviceLogUplodStatusKey: kMyValueOne};
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMyDeviceLogsUploadNotification object:nil userInfo:anUserInfo];
} andErrorHandler:^(NSString *iMessage, NSString *iKey, NSInteger iErrorCode, BOOL iIsNetworkError) {
NSDictionary *anUserInfo = #{kMyDeviceLogUplodStatusKey: kMyValueZero};
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kMyDeviceLogsUploadNotification object:nil userInfo:anUserInfo];
[self.requestHandler executeRequest];
- (BOOL)isLogFilePresent {
NSFileManager *aFileManager = [[NSFileManager alloc] init];
BOOL aFilePresent = [aFileManager fileExistsAtPath:self.pathForLogging];
return aFilePresent;
I have multiple views where I need to handle the network connection of, so I created singleton class namely MC_SocketHandler. Below is the code of the MC_SocketHandler class.
// MC_SocketHandler.h
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "SocketIO.h"
#interface MC_SocketHandler : NSObject <SocketIODelegate>
// SocketIO
//#property (nonatomic) SocketIO *socketConnection;
+ (MC_SocketHandler *) sharedSocketHanderObj;
+ (SocketIO *) initHandShake;
+ (SocketIO *) getSocketConnection;
-(bool) isConnected;
-(void) disConnect;
-(void) fireAgentLeftChat;
// MC_SocketHandler.m
#import "MC_SocketHandler.h"
#import "MC_APIUtility.h"
#implementation MC_SocketHandler
SocketIO *socketConnection = nil;
static MC_SocketHandler *sharedSocketObj = nil;
+ (MC_SocketHandler *) sharedSocketHanderObj {
if (sharedSocketObj == nil)
sharedSocketObj = [[MC_SocketHandler alloc] init];
return sharedSocketObj;
+(SocketIO*) initHandShake {
if (socketConnection == nil) {
NSDictionary *headers = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:[MC_APIUtility getApiToken], #"token", nil];
socketConnection = [[SocketIO alloc] initWithDelegate:(id)self ];
[socketConnection connectToHost:domain onPort:447 withParams:headers];
return socketConnection;
+ (SocketIO *) getSocketConnection {
return socketConnection;
-(bool) isConnected {
if (socketConnection == nil)
return socketConnection.isConnected;
return false;
-(void) disConnect {
if (socketConnection != nil && socketConnection.isConnected)
[socketConnection disconnect];
NSLog(#"Disconnected --- %hhd", socketConnection.isConnected );
// SocketIO Delegate
-(void) socketIODidConnect:(SocketIO *)socket {
NSLog(#"Socket has Connected....");
-(void) socketIO:(SocketIO *)socket didReceiveEvent:(SocketIOPacket *)packet {
NSString *data =;
NSLog(#"---- didReceoveEvent - data - %#", data);
// Grab data from packet
NSDictionary *dict = packet.dataAsJSON;
NSLog(#"EVENT DATA :- %# DICT :- %#", data, dict);
EVENTS To Listen
dict = nil;
// Pull out args fro mdict
//NSArray *args = dict[#"args"];
-(void) socketIO:(SocketIO *)socket didReceiveMessage:(SocketIOPacket *)packet {
NSLog(#"Rcvd Message - %#",;
-(void) socketIO:(SocketIO *)socket didSendMessage:(SocketIOPacket *)packet {
NSLog(#"Send Msg - %#", packet.dataAsJSON);
-(void) socketIO:(SocketIO *)socket onError:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"Error - %#", error);
-(void) socketIODidDisconnect:(SocketIO *)socket disconnectedWithError:(NSError *)error {
NSLog(#"Disconnected With Error - %#", error);
-(void) fireAgentLeftChat {
NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[dict setObject:[MainAppDataObject sharedAppDataObject].activeAgentChatItem.chatSessionId forKey:#"chat_session_id"];
[socketConnection sendEvent:#"agentLeftChat" withData:dict];
- (void)dealloc {
socketConnection = nil;
Code that I use it in 1 of my views :
// Init SocketIO
SocketIO *socket = [MC_SocketHandler initHandShake];
// Fire Agent Online event
[socket sendEvent:#"setAgentOnline" withData:nil];
Handshake is being done properly, setAgentOnline event is send properly. Other events that I fire are also done properly. BUT,
when socket gets connected thru initHandshake, I believe "Socket has Connected...." should be seen in logs as that is written in socketIODidConnect delegate method. Similarly, I receive event (I see logs of socket.m class), but my delegate method didReceiveEvent is never called. Same way I don't see any logs of any delegate methods.
In initHandShake method only I have set the delegate also :
socketConnection = [[SocketIO alloc] initWithDelegate:(id)self ];
yet why these methods aren't called.
I was also wondering, when I receive events, on different events I got to perform different actions. How will I transfer to particular view (View's obj won't be shared with this to call his method) ? And If I create delegate, then I will have to handle all delegate methods in all views. What's will be the best method to work out with this ? And why this Singleton & delegate methods aren't being linked & called when I have set the delegate. Where am I going wrong ?
Any help, guidance is highly appreciative. Thanks alot.
In SocketIO, you create a SocketIO
Is that right?
In fact called "socketConnection". Am i right?
you must set the delegate !!!
Essentially, your code must look like this,
socketConnection = make one of these.
socketConnection.delegate = self;
It's possible this is your fundamental problem. I hope it helps!
PS you should, almost certainly, use only properties in iOS development. get rid of your "traditional" variables and use only properties.
I'm developing an application which is connecting to another device and in order to connect to it my app has to find the IP of it. I'm doing it through UDP socket. I'm sending a message to the server application in the other device and then the server app sends me another message but after I receive it I only use the IP address. Then I want to get it from this .m file to another .m file which is going to make the TCP connection between the two devices. Here's the code I use:
NSString *SearchCommand = #"AT+S";
static int receivedByteCount = 0;
BOOL connectedThroughUDP;
- (void) activate {
connectedThroughUDP = NO;
AsyncUdpSocket *udpSocket = [[AsyncUdpSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[udpSocket bindToPort:1234 error:nil ];
[udpSocket enableBroadcast:YES error:nil];
NSData* data=[SearchCommand dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
if ([udpSocket sendData:data toHost:#"" port:30100 withTimeout:3 tag:0])
//2 second timeout. onUdpSocket methods will provide results
[udpSocket receiveWithTimeout:2 tag:0];
- (BOOL)onUdpSocket:(AsyncUdpSocket *)sock didReceiveData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tag fromHost:(NSString *)host port:(UInt16)port{
NSString *receiveddata = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
addressOfServer = host;
NSLog(#"addressOfServer = %#", addressOfServer);
connectedThroughUDP = YES;
return YES;
- (NSString *) getHost {
return addressOfServer;
- (BOOL) isItConnected {
return connectedThroughUDP;
addressOfServer is global variable.
In the Log when I want NSLog(#"addressOfServer = %#", addressOfServer); I receive the IP address which I want but then when I want to access it from the getHost method I receive (null).
I know it will be something very simple but it caused me a real headache in the past 3 hours so I would be very thankful if you can help me!
Are you calling these 3 lines right after each other like so:
UDPConnection *udpConnection = [[UDPConnection alloc] init];
[udpConnection activate];
host = [udpConnection getHost];
If so your issue is that [udpConnection activate]; is going to take some time to connect and figure out the address. You are calling [udpConnection getHost]; too soon.
You will need to setup a delegate or completion block that will be triggered when didReceiveData is fired
Is there any way to capture the event occurs when a user connects to a particular WiFi network in iOS app. It is fine even if this can be achieved using any private library which doesn't require super user privileges (jail break). I just want to capture the changing event of the connected SSID.
I would recommend simply using what Larme posted, and setting up an NSTimer to check every second or so, what the SSID of your current network is, if you detect a change, simply do whatever you need to do. Keep in mind, changing WiFi networks is not something that happens instantaneously, so having a 1 second resolution is not bad
In applicationDidFinishLoading
NSTimer *ssidTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self selector:#selector(fetchSSIDInfo) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
In AppDelegate
- (id)fetchSSIDInfo {
NSArray *ifs = (__bridge_transfer id)CNCopySupportedInterfaces();
NSLog(#"Supported interfaces: %#", ifs);
id info = nil;
NSString *ifnam = #"";
for (ifnam in ifs) {
info = (__bridge_transfer id)CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo((__bridge CFStringRef)ifnam);
NSLog(#"%# => %#", ifnam, info);
if (info && [info count]) { break; }
if ([info count] >= 1 && [ifnam caseInsensitiveCompare:prevSSID] != NSOrderedSame) {
// Trigger some event
prevSSID = ifnam;
return info;
Something like that. I can not check if code is typo free as I am not in front of a mac, but it should not be too different
You can fetch details from your wifi connection:
- (NSDictionary *)getConnectionDetails
NSDictionary *connectionDetails = [NSDictionary dictionary];
CFArrayRef myArray = CNCopySupportedInterfaces();
if (myArray) {
CFDictionaryRef myDict = CNCopyCurrentNetworkInfo(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(myArray, 0));
connectionDetails = (__bridge_transfer NSDictionary*)myDict;
return connectionDetails;
And then if check [connectionDetails valueForKey:#"BSSID"] you will get BSSID.
Also please note that you must to import #import <SystemConfiguration/CaptiveNetwork.h>
You want SystemConfiguration, which has facilities for seeing notifications on all sorts of networking changes. In particular you'll want to use SCDynamicStoreSetNotificationKeys to listen for changes to the devices and SCNetworkConfiguration to get information about the available interfaces.
I am working with Blackraccoon FTP client to do FTP operations,working with ARC.but i am getting leaks in instruments.
but there were no leaks in sample application here is my code
BRRequestCreateDirectory *createEventDir = [BRRequestCreateDirectory initWithDelegate:nil];
//NSString *EventCode = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:kEventCodeKey];
createEventDir.path = #"/12341234";
createEventDir.hostname = #"";
createEventDir.username = #"badboy";
createEventDir.password = #"hai!";
createEventDir.tag = 103;
[createEventDir start];
createEventDir = nil;
sample code from FTP clent Blackraccoon FTP client
leaks showing in instruments like,but i am using ARC
can any one help me to solve this prob..
I ported and heavily modified BlackRaccoon. It is designed to use delegates. In other words, delegates are required.
BRRequestCreateDirectory *createEventDir = [BRRequestCreateDirectory initWithDelegate:nil];
//NSString *EventCode = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:kEventCodeKey];
createEventDir.path = #"/12341234";
createEventDir.hostname = #"";
createEventDir.username = #"badboy";
createEventDir.password = #"hai!";
createEventDir.tag = 103;
[createEventDir start];
createEventDir = nil;
Is incorrect. It starts a lot of things going and then deletes the object - the action is undefined.
Instead you need something as indicated in the code that I provided (that doesn't leak).
First, the class that uses the ftp needs to have BRRequestDelegate to indicate the delegate protocol.
- (IBAction) createDirectory:(id)sender
//----- createEventDir must be a variable in your class...
createEventDir = [BRRequestCreateDirectory initWithDelegate: self];
createEventDir.path = #"/12341234;
createEventDir.hostname = #"";
createEventDir.username = #"badboy";
createEventDir.password = #"hai!";
[createEventDir start];
Then you have to have the two delegates (at a minimum):
-(void) requestCompleted: (BRRequest *) request
//----- handle Create Directory
if (request == createEventDir)
NSLog(#"%# completed!", request);
//----- everything is done, NOW you can set it to nil
createEventDir = nil;
-(void) requestFailed: (BRRequest *) request
if (request == createEventDir)
NSLog(#"%#", request.error.message);
//----- everything is done, NOW you can set it to nil
createEventDir = nil;
If you go back and look at my test code you'll see how things work. If you are still having issues, post in the issues on
Hopefully this will get you past your problem.