TableView inside custom tableviewcell - can't make smaller than full width? - ios

I have a tableview inside a cell which sits left of a label. In the xib for the cell, the tableView appears positioned correctly, but when I run my app, it looks like it completely fills the cell and ignores other elements in the cell.
I've tried setting the bounds, changing the contentInset, and nothing seems to adjust the width so that the table doesn't bleed into elements and get cut off by elements right of it.
How can I make the tableview less than the full width of its containing cell?

Rebuild your constraints. Make sure that when your inner cells resize, their components layout correctly to the cell.


Tableview in scrollview when tableview content size increase then textview just below the tableview goes up to the tableview

I have Viewcontroller in which I set the scrollview. In the scrollview I have tableview which is in the Container and just below the container I have an textview and some other UIViews when I set the tableview frame size equal to content size and tableview scroll property false so that only scrollview scrolls when the content size increase the textview goes up to tableview and I want that when tableview content increase then textview also goes down and parent view frame size increase and decrease as the content size
This look like a job for a UICollectionViewController. If you want to take a look here
you can get a better understanding of what they are and how to use them.
Basically you want to put each of those UITableViews, UILabels and the UIButtons in it's own cell(buttons need to be arranged) of the collectionView then the cell with the buttons try to use a stack view with the image. This will automatically set the different sections apart from each other. I know the idea of a collectionViewCell containing a tableView may seem weird but check this out
Another solution is to get crazy with constraints and autoLayout. I don't recommend this route because autoLayout will make decisions on it's own if the exact layout is not explicitly declared. Basically you'll set the constraints by pinning the tableView and labels to each other and the container they are in.
Checkout Apple's docs here
Good luck and let me know how it goes
I would recommend using a xib (if storyboards is your preference) or programmatically embed a tableview in the Scrollview Controller. Set a default cell height and then calculate the height of the Tableview by grabbing the amount of cells (which you'll normally get from .count in an array).
Afterwards, constrain the top, left, and right constraints of the tableview to its parent. You can imbed these in a scroll view for ease. Then if you want default text underneath it, all you have to do is constrain the top of the textview to the bottom of the tableview.
Do the cell for the button's. As the post above said, buttons might be best done in a CollectionView, so you can either create a default cell (xib again is useful) or use a prototype cell in storyboard. Collection views are the same principle as tableviews when it comes to populating data, they are just formatted differently and insets/spacing between cells.
This should help!

Swift dynamic table text goes outside cell width

i just created a uitable view with dynamic cells, and as you can see with the insets, the cells have a correct width. But as shown on the image, the label goes out of the screen. I've set truncate tail, fixed font size... I can't manage to get this text truncated.
Should i do it programatically when creating the cell.text.value?
Help is very much appreciated here.
You might not have set frame in LayoutSubviews(). Initially when tableviewcell loads it always gives same width value but when layoutSubviews gets called it gives correct frame.
If you have done it in storyboard then you might have given hardcoded value.
Use Custom TableViewCell's
You can design the way you want and also you can set label/title width height font etc easily .
Make sure you register your tableview cell in viewdidload() or else it will crash
Here are two stack views, each with the same content - the text of the top label is this is a really long label that will extend past the right edge
The top one does not have a Trailing constraint.
The bottom one does have a Trailing constraint of 8.
That really looks like the issue you are running into.
Solved the issue. Initially i had dropped a table view inside the view controller and set the prototype cell to 1 in IBinspector. For an unknown reason, the constraints were not working. Ended up setting protoype cells to 0 and dropping a new table view cell from the object library.
That did the trick.

Why is contentView height of UITableViewCell always one point smaller than the UITableViewCell?

My cells, at the UITableViewCell level, have a height of 44 points. The contentView says 43 points, and it's greyed out in IB. How can I make the content the same size as the cell?
Note that I'm designing my cells in separate xib files.
I want my cells to have no margin between each other.
I have also set None as separator style of the table view.
Row height in IB is also set to 44 points. Not using any sections.
If you're using storyboards setting the Separator of the tableView to None (instead of Default) gets rid of the 1pt separator and the contentView's height becomes equal to the cell's height (even though it's grayed out)
Note: This solution doesn't work with xib files (at least doesn't update the IB, didn't check at run-time).
I figured it out. I was using full sized background images as background for the cells. As soon as I stopped putting separate UIImageView:s as background in the contentView, and instead assigned the background UIImageView:s to the cell's backgroundView property, and then set the height of the cell as well as the height of each cell in the uitableview (and also set the contentView background color to fully transparent!), things started working as I wanted them to. The contentView height will still be one point smaller, but now the cells align perfectly to each other. For this I don't need to have the contentView height match the UITableViewCell height.

Content of UITableViewCell falling outside of cell

I've been fiddling around for a bit to try and get this to work but for some reason I can't get the content in this tableView to stay inside the cell.
The following image is a screenshot of my storyboard where I define the tableView. You can see that there is amble space.
But then in the simulator you can see that the content is leaking out of the cell into other cells.
If I scroll then the cells crop the text but do not grow in height.
Not sure what kind of information will help out with this.
I have constraints added to the cells defining height, not width, as well as trailing edges and tops of the cells. Nothing crazy that should be causing this.
I'm defining the row height in the storyboard as such:
Define your row height from your TableView attributes inspector and uncheck the "Custom" option in your UITableViewCell as you show above.

Have UITableViewCell resize itself with autolayout

I have 3 labels in a UITableViewCell and have the labels set so they will wordwrap. If they word wrap the text goes into the next cell. How do I get AutoLayout to expand the cell based on the content without having to write code in the heightForRowAtIndex method? Isn't there a constraint I can use to automatically adjust the cell based on the contentView?
The cell looks fine if the text doesn't wrap in the label. Once it wraps that is when the problem occurs and I would like to have the cell resize to fit the content and have the same spacing between the bottom label and the bottom as there is between the top and top label.
Unfortunately no, you can't do this. A table view calculates its own total height first and has a fixed idea of the size of each cell as they load, it won't determine it's height from the outside in and it won't let layout constraints change the height of a cell.
If you think about how tables work, with cell reuse, then you couldn't really size the table from its cells without loading in every cell and adding it to the scrollview, and performing a layout pass on the whole thing. That would probably lead to quite poor performance.
You could experiment with populating a "free" cell (i.e a cell you've just instantiated, not added to a table) and laying it out for each row in your datasource when calculating heightForRow.
As you are loading the individual cells, after you fill the labels, but before you load the instance of the cell, check the label height.
Something like:
If the height is large enough that you know the label has wrapped to two lines, then increase the height of the cell you are about to load.
