an error occurs after GetQueuedCompletionStatus returns, error number is ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME - iocp

GetQueuedCompletionStatus fails with ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME. What does this mean? I tried looking in MSDN.
First step: connect to the server using ConnectEx. ConnectEx succeeds, with error code 997 (ERROR_IO_PENDING):
DWORD bytes = 0;
sockaddr_in addr = {0};
iocp_data_t * iocp = (iocp_data_t *)module->data;
addr.sin_addr.s_addr = ip;
addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
addr.sin_port = htons(port);
if(!iocp->tcp_connectex(event->fd, (const sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(sockaddr_in),
NULL, 0, NULL, &event->connect.overlap))
return false;
return true;
GetQueuedCompletionStatus returns after the ConnectEx call finishes, but with error code 1214 (ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME):
fd_event_t * fd_event;
iocp_data_t * iocp = (iocp_data_t *)module->data;
rc = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(iocp->iocp, &bytes, (PULONG_PTR)&fd_event,
(LPOVERLAPPED *) &event, (u_long) 1);
if(event == NULL)
DWORD err = GetLastError(); // err = 1214
event = containing_record(event,event_t,overlap);
if(event->event_handler != NULL)

A couple things to check:
Where does ip come from? You might need to use htonl.
How is the socket created? Perhaps your particular socket can't deal with IPv4 addresses (e.g. it's an IPv6 socket).
Also, make sure GetQueuedCompletionStatus returns FALSE before calling GetLastError. GetQueuedCompletionStatus has three possible outcomes:
Return value of TRUE:
Completion packet dequeued successfully, and the I/O finished successfully.
Return value of FALSE, with the OVERLAPPED set to NULL:
GetQueuedCompletionStatus itself failed to dequeue a completion (e.g. timed out).
Return value of FALSE, with the OVERLAPPED not NULL:
Completion packet dequeued, but the I/O it represents failed.


Pthread semaphore TCP

I wanna create 2 threads in client, each thread will send a message to server and get rebounce or download a file from server, using TCP protocole. This program run very well when I didn't add pthread in it. After I created 2 threads in client, It doesn't communicate with server. Normally, thread will tell server which operation it wants, then server respond, but when one thread send the message, there is no respond from server, and this thread exit immediately, next thread occupy the semaphore but exit without chose the operation.
void semaphore()
int nThread = 2;
int nSemaphore = 1;
int nRet = -1;
pthread_t threadIDs[nThread];
nRet = sem_init(&sem, 0, nSemaphore);
if(nRet == -1)
perror("Semaphore intialization failed!!!\n");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nThread; ++i)
nRet = pthread_create(&threadIDs[i], NULL, thread, NULL);
if(nRet != 0)
perror("pthreas_create failed!!!\n");
for(i = 0; i < nThread; ++i)
nRet = pthread_join(threadIDs[i], NULL);
if(nRet != 0)
printf("Threan %d join failed!!!\n", i);
enter code here
void *thread(void* p)
pthread_t id = pthread_self();
int operation ;
struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr)); //每个字节都用0填充
serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; //使用IPv4地址
serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); //具体的IP地址
serv_addr.sin_port = htons(1234); //端口
printf("\nThis is client %ld", id);
printf("\nWhich operation do you want:\n");
printf("1:Sending message to server and get rebound\n");
printf("2:Downlown a file from server\n");
scanf("Your chose:%d", &operation);
case 1:
case 2:
From terminal
This is client 139671599236864
Which operation do you want:
1:Sending message to server and get rebound
2:Downlown a file from server
Your choise:1
This is client 139671590844160
Which operation do you want:
1:Sending message to server and get rebound
2:Downlown a file from server
Can someone tell me where is the problem?

What does "unconnected:sendto() " return value mean?

The LuaSocket documentation says:
unconnected:sendto(datagram, ip, port)
If successful, the method returns 1. In case of error, the method
returns nil followed by an error message.
But I get a value of 4. What does return value of 4 means?
My code is here:
local socket = require("socket")
udp = socket.udp()
udp:setsockname("*", 8080)
local msg = "Test"
m=assert(udp:sendto( msg, "", 8080))
Looking closely at the source inside udp.c for sendo method
static int meth_sendto(lua_State *L) {
p_udp udp = (p_udp) auxiliar_checkclass(L, "udp{unconnected}", 1);
size_t count, sent = 0;
const char *data = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &count);
const char *ip = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
const char *port = luaL_checkstring(L, 4);
p_timeout tm = &udp->tm;
int err;
struct addrinfo aihint;
struct addrinfo *ai;
memset(&aihint, 0, sizeof(aihint));
aihint.ai_family = udp->family;
aihint.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
err = getaddrinfo(ip, port, &aihint, &ai);
if (err) {
lua_pushstring(L, gai_strerror(err));
return 2;
err = socket_sendto(&udp->sock, data, count, &sent, ai->ai_addr,
(socklen_t) ai->ai_addrlen, tm);
if (err != IO_DONE) {
lua_pushstring(L, udp_strerror(err));
return 2;
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number) sent);
return 1;
Basically, the documentation's "returns 1" statement is wrong. The return 1 statement in the code means that the actual function returns one value, which is actually pushed into the stack:
lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number) sent);
where the variable sent was calculated just a few statements above (check socket_sendto call.
So, the returned 4 is exactly what #moteus commented: The number of bytes sent.
sendto returns the number of bytes sent.

How get trap with indy TidSNMP component

I'm using c++builderXE with Indy 10.5.7 and I'm trying to receive trap from another agent snmp.
I have no info describing how to do the program to receive trap.
Below you can find the snippet of code which I'm trying to use now.
The ReceiveTrap() method always return 0, which means non data received.
I tested the PC configuration with another program I made several years ago using spare API and the trap is received so I don't this it should be a configuration problem.
Have you some suggestions of hat I'm wrong in the routine below?
void __fastcall TForm1::LabelReceiveTrapClick(TObject * Sender)
static bool status = false;
int ists;
String Fun = "[SimpleReceiveTrap] ";
TSNMPInfo * infoSnmp = 0;
status = !status;
if (status)
std::auto_ptr< TIdSNMP >clientSnmp(new TIdSNMP(NULL));
clientSnmp->Community = "public";
clientSnmp->ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
clientSnmp->Binding->Port = 162;
while (status)
ists = clientSnmp->ReceiveTrap();
Mylog(L"%s ReceiveTrap status = [%d]", Fun.c_str(), ists);
if (ists > 0)
infoSnmp = clientSnmp->Trap;
catch (Exception & ex)
Mylog(L"%s ERROR", Fun.c_str(), ex.Message.c_str());
That is not the correct way to set the listening Port for receiving traps. Reading the Binding property allocates and binds a socket to a local IP/Port using the TIdSNMP::BoundIP and TIdSNMP::BoundPort properties. You can't change that socket's local Port after it has already been bound, so your assignment of the Binding->Port property is effectively a no-op.
For that matter, you are trying to manipulate the wrong socket anyway. The Binding socket is used for sending queries to the remote SNMP system. TIdSNMP uses a separate socket for receiving traps. TIdSNMP has a separate TrapPort property for specifying the listening Port of that socket. When the Binding is accessed, the trap socket is allocated and bound to Binding->IP and TIdSNMP::TrapPort. The TrapPort property defaults to 162.
std::auto_ptr< TIdSNMP >clientSnmp(new TIdSNMP(NULL));
clientSnmp->Community = "public";
clientSnmp->ReceiveTimeout = 1000;
clientSnmp->TrapPort = 162; // <--
ists = clientSnmp->ReceiveTrap();
Looking at Indy's changelog, there have been some trap-related changes to the listening socket since 10.5.7 was released, so you may need to upgrade to a newer Indy version to get bug fixes. Or you could download the latest version and then just add IdSNMP.pas to your project directly, at least.
Using only the Indi component I can't read the trap rev 2c
But I found a solution using TWSocket and TSNMPInfo which seems to works well
Belowe the code I used:
To get the data I use a TWSocket fro FPiette components suite:
void __fastcall TForm1::LabelStartServerTracSnmpClick(TObject * Sender)
String Fun = "[LabelStartServerTracSnmp] ";
if (WSocket1->State == wsClosed)
WSocket1->Proto = "udp";
WSocket1->Addr = "";
WSocket1->Port = 162;
catch (Exception & ex)
Mylog(L"%s ERROR: [%s]", Fun.c_str(), ex.Message.c_str());
To analyze the data received I use the Indy
void __fastcall TForm1::WSocket1DataAvailable(TObject * Sender, WORD ErrCode)
char buffer[1024];
int len, cnt, srcLen;
TSockAddrIn srcSocket;
String rcvmsg, remHost, s1, s2, Fun = "[WSocket1DataAvailable] ";
TIdSNMP * clientSnmp = NULL;
TSNMPInfo * infoSnmp = NULL;
srcLen = sizeof(srcSocket);
len = WSocket1->ReceiveFrom(buffer, sizeof(buffer), srcSocket, srcLen);
if (len >= 0)
buffer[len] = 0;
rcvmsg = String(buffer, len);
clientSnmp = new TIdSNMP(NULL);
infoSnmp = new TSNMPInfo(clientSnmp);
cnt = infoSnmp->ValueCount;
if (cnt > 0)
// ---------------------------------------------------
for (int idx = 0; idx < cnt; ++idx)
s1 = infoSnmp->ValueOID[idx];
s2 = infoSnmp->Value[idx];
Mylog(L"[%s] Trap : [%s] => [%s]", s1.c_str(), s2.c_str());
if (infoSnmp)
delete infoSnmp;
infoSnmp = 0;
if (clientSnmp)
delete clientSnmp;
clientSnmp = 0;
catch (Exception & ex)
Mylog(L"%s ERROR", Fun.c_str(), ex.Message.c_str());

Bad file descriptor on pthread_detach

My pthread_detach calls fail with a "Bad file descriptor" error. The calls are in the destructor for my class and look like this -
if(pthread_detach(get_sensors) != 0)
printf("\ndetach on get_sensors failed with error %m", errno);
if(pthread_detach(get_real_velocity) != 0)
printf("\ndetach on get_real_velocity failed with error %m", errno);
I have only ever dealt with this error when using sockets. What could be causing this to happen in a pthread_detach call that I should look for? Or is it likely something in the thread callback that could be causing it? Just in case, the callbacks look like this -
void* Robot::get_real_velocity_thread(void* threadid) {
Robot* r = (Robot*)threadid;
inline void Robot::get_real_velocity_thread_i() {
while(1) {
sensor_packet temp = get_sensor_value(REQUESTED_VELOCITY);
real_velocity = temp.values[0];
if(temp.values[1] != -1)
real_velocity += temp.values[1];
} //end while
/*Callback for get sensors thread*/
void* Robot::get_sensors_thread(void* threadid) {
Robot* r = (Robot*)threadid;
inline void Robot::get_sensors_thread_i() {
while(1) {
if(sensorsstreaming) {
unsigned char receive;
int read = 0;
read = connection.PollComport(port, &receive, sizeof(unsigned char));
if((int)receive == 19) {
read = connection.PollComport(port, &receive, sizeof(unsigned char));
unsigned char rest[54];
read = connection.PollComport(port, rest, 54);
//bump + wheel drop
sensor_values[0] = (int)rest[1];
sensor_values[1] = -1;
sensor_values[2] = (int)rest[2];
sensor_values[3] = -1;
lots more setting just like the two above
} //end if header == 19
} //end if sensors streaming
} //end while
Thank you for any help.
The pthread_* functions return an error code; they do not set errno. (Well, they may of course, but not in any way that is documented.)
Your code should print the value returned by pthread_detach and print that.
Single Unix Spec documents two return values for this function: ESRCH (no thread by that ID was found) and EINVAL (the thread is not joinable).
Detaching threads in the destructor of an object seems silly. Firstly, if they are going to be detached eventually, why not just create them that way?
If there is any risk that the threads can use the object that is being destroyed, they need to be stopped, not detached. I.e. you somehow indicate to the threads that they should shut down, and then wait for them to reach some safe place after which they will not touch the object any more. pthread_join is useful for this.
Also, it is a little late to be doing that from the destructor. A destructor should only be run when the thread executing it is the only thread with a reference to that object. If threads are still using the object, then you're destroying it from under them.

Problem with wsarecv while using with IOCP

I am new to IOCP and struggling with this for last few weeks.
I have pasted some core part of my code below related to IOCP.This may not be executed perfectly as I clipped some part to make it easy to understand.
I am struggling while receiving the data.As it comes to wsarecv in worket thread, wsarecv returns WSA_IO_PENDING error code so I call WSAGetOverlappedResult to check operation to be completed.
Twist comes here, rather it proceed and call my local function ProcessTelegramData after WSAGetOverlappedResult , same part of code(wsarecv called again) is executed again by another worker thread which try to call ProcessTelegramData and buffer value is invalid in it.
I am unable to understand
why another thread calling wsarecv again when WSAGetOverlappedResult is called and
why buffer value is getting invalidated?
unsigned LicTCPServer::WorkerThread(LPVOID lpParam)
//int nThreadNo = (int)lpParam;
LicTCPServer* pThis = reinterpret_cast<LicTCPServer*>(lpParam);
void *lpContext = NULL;
OVERLAPPED *pOverlapped = NULL;
CClientContext *pClientContext = NULL;
DWORD dwBytesTransfered = 0;
int nBytesRecv = 0;
int nBytesSent = 0;
DWORD dwBytes = 0, dwFlags = 0;
//Worker thread will be around to process requests, until a Shutdown event is not Signaled.
while (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(g_hShutdownEvent, 0))
BOOL bReturn = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(
if (NULL == lpContext)
//We are shutting down
//Get the client context
pClientContext = (CClientContext *)lpContext;
if ((FALSE == bReturn) /*|| ((TRUE == bReturn) && (0 == dwBytesTransfered))*/)
//Client connection gone, remove it.
WSABUF *p_wbuf = pClientContext->GetWSABUFPtr();
OVERLAPPED *p_ol = pClientContext->GetOVERLAPPEDPtr();
//printf("reached %d\n",pClientContext->GetOpCode());
printf("Get Queued received\n");
switch (pClientContext->GetOpCode())
case OP_READ:
//Once the data is successfully received, we will print it.
dwFlags = 0;
//int a = recv(pClientContext->GetSocket(), p_wbuf->buf, p_wbuf->len, 0);
//Get the data.
if(WSARecv(pClientContext->GetSocket(), p_wbuf, 1, &dwBytes, &dwFlags, p_ol, NULL) == SOCKET_ERROR)
if (WSAGetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)
printf("Error occured at WSARecv()\n");
return 0;
DWORD byteTr = 0;
if( byteTr > 0 )
//doing some operatin on data received
printf("Process tele called\n");
g_pLicServFunc->ProcessTelegramData(pClientContext->GetSocket(), p_wbuf->buf, byteTr);
if ((SOCKET_ERROR == nBytesRecv) && (WSA_IO_PENDING != WSAGetLastError()))
//WriteToConsole("\nThread %d: Error occurred while executing WSARecv().", nThreadNo);
//Let's not work with this client
case OP_WRITE:
char szBuffer[MAX_BUFFER_LEN];
//Send the message back to the client.
//p_wbuf->len = dwBytesTransfered;
dwFlags = 0;
DWORD temp;
//Overlapped send
printf("reached Going to send\n");
//send(pClientContext->GetSocket(), p_wbuf->buf,p_wbuf->len, 0);
nBytesSent = WSASend(pClientContext->GetSocket(), p_wbuf, 1,
&temp, dwFlags, p_ol, NULL);
if ((SOCKET_ERROR == nBytesSent) && (WSA_IO_PENDING != WSAGetLastError()))
//WriteToConsole("\nThread %d: Error occurred while executing WSASend().", nThreadNo);
//Let's not work with this client
printf("reached to default\n");
//We should never be reaching here, under normal circumstances.
} // switch
} // while
return 0;
I had a similar issue with WSARecv where it always queued to the io completion queue, even if it succeeded immediately. I had to ignore a return value indicating success and instead handle the queued result that I got from GetQueuedCompletionStatus.
