Simplest way to sort html table content - html-parsing

Given content from what is the easiest way to represent content of this table sorted by second column? What tools are best for this kind of job?
Since content looked simple, I tried to hack with tr, sed and awk (mainly to learn the tools) but it turned out to be too complex to get all rows right. Format could look like this:
47 strict
54 Win32
55 transformers-base
57 enumerator
68 system-filepath
69 xml
or any other format as long it is not making for further processing too complex.

I like perl, and just for learning I did the job using the Web::Scraper module. It uses CSS selectors to extract both columns of the table and sorts them by the second one, which indicates the number of dependencias for each package:
The file:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Web::Scraper;
use URI;
die qq|Usage: perl $0 <url>\n| unless #ARGV == 1;
my $packages_deps = scraper {
process 'tr', 'package_deps[]' => scraper {
process 'td:first-child > a', 'package_name' => 'TEXT';
process 'td:nth-child(2)', 'tot_deps' => 'TEXT';
result 'package_deps';
my $response = $packages_deps->scrape( URI->new( shift ) );
for ( sort { $a->{tot_deps} <=> $b->{tot_deps} } #$response[1..$#$response] ) {
printf qq|%d %s\n|, $_->{tot_deps}, $_->{package_name};
Run it providing the url:
perl ""
And it yields (only show the beginning and end part of the list):
1 abstract-par-accelerate
1 accelerate-fft
1 acme-year
1 action-permutations
1 active
1 activehs-base
766 text
794 filepath
796 transformers
915 directory
1467 mtl
1741 bytestring
1857 containers
5287 base

Javascript includes a native sorting function, so Javascript is a natural choice.
There is a simple script here which you can either use or examine and learn from:


Biopython: Extract CDS from modified GenBank records?

I have some basic familiarity with python and have been extracting coding sequences from genbank records. However, I'm unsure how to handle records where the coding sequence has been modified (e.g. owing to correcting internal stop codons). An example of such a sequence is this genbank record (or accession: XM_021385495.1 if the link does not work).
In this example, I can translate the two coding sequences that I can access, but both have internal stop codons - and according to the notes also indels! This is the way I have accessed the CDS:
1 - gb_record.seq
2 - cds.location.extract(gb_record) for where feature == "CDS"
However, I need the sequence that has been corrected. As far as I can tell, I think I need to use the "transl_except" tags in the CDS feature but I am at a loss how to do this.
I wonder if anybody might be able to provide an example or some insight of how to do this?
I've got some demo code written in python3 that should help explain this GenBank record.
import re
aa_convert_codon_di = {
'J':['[ARWM][TYWK][^G]', '[CYSM][TYWK].', '[TYWK][TYWK][AGRSKWM]'],
dna_convert_aa_di = {
'ATA':'I', 'ATC':'I', 'ATT':'I', 'ATG':'M',
'ACA':'T', 'ACC':'T', 'ACG':'T', 'ACT':'T',
'AAC':'N', 'AAT':'N', 'AAA':'K', 'AAG':'K',
'AGC':'S', 'AGT':'S', 'AGA':'R', 'AGG':'R',
'CTA':'L', 'CTC':'L', 'CTG':'L', 'CTT':'L',
'CCA':'P', 'CCC':'P', 'CCG':'P', 'CCT':'P',
'CAC':'H', 'CAT':'H', 'CAA':'Q', 'CAG':'Q',
'CGA':'R', 'CGC':'R', 'CGG':'R', 'CGT':'R',
'GTA':'V', 'GTC':'V', 'GTG':'V', 'GTT':'V',
'GCA':'A', 'GCC':'A', 'GCG':'A', 'GCT':'A',
'GAC':'D', 'GAT':'D', 'GAA':'E', 'GAG':'E',
'GGA':'G', 'GGC':'G', 'GGG':'G', 'GGT':'G',
'TCA':'S', 'TCC':'S', 'TCG':'S', 'TCT':'S',
'TTC':'F', 'TTT':'F', 'TTA':'L', 'TTG':'L',
'TAC':'Y', 'TAT':'Y', 'TAA':'*', 'TAG':'*',
'TGC':'C', 'TGT':'C', 'TGA':'*', 'TGG':'W'}
mod_dna_str = ""
mod_aa_str = aa_str[:]
start = 0
for index in range(start, len(dna_str), 3):
codon = dna_str[index:index+3]
if len(mod_aa_str) == 0:
if codon in dna_convert_aa_di and dna_convert_aa_di[codon] == mod_aa_str[0]:
mod_aa_str = mod_aa_str[1:]
codon_match = "|".join(aa_convert_codon_di[mod_aa_str[0]])
if len(re.findall(codon_match, codon)) > 0:
print(index, codon_match, codon)
mod_aa_str = mod_aa_str[1:]
Code output:
804 ... TAG
930 ... TGA
1056 ... TAG
1065 ... TAA
1209 ... TAG
1389 ... NTT
1518 ... TGA
1566 ... TAA
1800 ... NNC
2019 ... TAA
2529 ... TGA
2622 ... NAG
2985 ... NGA
3087 ... TAG
3186 ... TGA
From the note section of the CDS, we have: inserted 5 bases in 4 codons; deleted 2 bases in 2 codons; substituted 11 bases at 11 genomic stop codons".
How does this relate to our output? The reading frame never changes, suggesting that the 2 deleted bases are absent from the given nucleotide sequence. Five unknown nucleotides (N) exist in 4 codons (unknown amino acid, X). The authors of the sequence have accounted for indels. Eleven premature stop codons are present, which are simply translated as unknown amino acids. The "transl_except" tags match the locations of the premature stop codons. The nucleotides at these sites have not been altered. The authors provide XP_021241170 as a possible corrected translation product, but it's still very bad.

grep, sum and average from large output

I have an output file called filename.mat0 which contains a large list of data points for a number of different variables for a number of different time steps. I want to use something like the grep command to retrieve all the instances for a given variable, i.e. variable_A, then sum the total value associated with variable_A, then take an average.
The number of time steps is constant so variable_A, variable_B, etc all appear 100 times in my .mat file.
Please can you suggest the best way to do this?
An example of the output data is:
Timestep1 Variable_A 10
Timestep1 Variable_B 20
Timestep1 Variable_C 30
Timestep2 Variable_A 40
Timestep2 Variable_B 50
Timestep2 Variable_C 60
Timestep3 Variable_A 70
Timestep3 Variable_B 80
Timestep3 Variable_C 90
Desired output:
Variable_A = 40
Referencing to this.
awk should be able to solve the problem. Check the link for how to use awk.
The below command should be okay for your case, but it is not easy to use if there is many Variable .Hope anyone more familiar with awk can suggest how to improve.
awk '{if ($2 == "Variable_A"){ total += $3; count++ }} END { print "Variable_A = " total/count }' sample.mat > avg_a.txt
Above command will do for each row, check if column 2(correspond to $2) equals "Variable_A", if yes, sum the value in column 3(correspond to $3) and add a count. After processing all rows, print the average to a text file.
For further question
In order to show multiple variables average in same file, you can make use of array and for loop in AWK. Add elements to vars for more variables.
awk 'BEGIN {vars[0]="Variable_A"; vars[1]="Variable_B"; vars[2] ="Variable_C" } { for (i in vars) { if ($2 == vars[i]){ total[i] += $3; count[i]++ }}} END { for(i in vars) {print vars[i]" = " total[i]/count[i]}}' sample.mat > avg.txt

Lua Patterns - World of Warcraft Vanilla

I'm trying to get some data from the chat of the game but I can't figure out the pattern.
It's for an AddOn for a World of Warcraft Vanilla (private server).
gsub function:
I have been doing well with this explanation but now there's a part where I have something like this:
variable = gsub(string, "([%d+d]+)?...", "")
I don't know what the pattern should be since the string can be like one the following examples:
The "([%d+d]+)?" is actually multiple attempts of mine put in together.
I did read about the magic characters ( ) . % + - * ? [ ^ $ but there's still some that I don't understand. If I could get a simple resume explanation it would be great!
The important part of how the chat looks like:
Edit (ktb's comment):
Question: How can I take the full "99d23h59m59s" (^(.*s) didn't did the trick)?
In 99d23h59m59s, the 99 can be from 1 to 99 and it always has a d right after but it's optional if there's actually a <number>d or not. Then the same to <number>h (number's range goes from 1 to 24), <number>m (number's range goes from 1 to 59). There's always a ago in the end.
/run for key in pairs(string)do ChatFrame1:AddMessage(key)end
With that command I got all the functions's names of string.functionName(), here's the list:
Information update:
Unlike several other scripting languages, Lua does not use POSIX regular expressions (regexp) for pattern matching. The main reason for this is size: A typical implementation of POSIX regexp takes more than 4,000 lines of code. This is bigger than all Lua standard libraries together. In comparison, the implementation of pattern matching in Lua has less than 500 lines. Of course, the pattern matching in Lua cannot do all that a full POSIX implementation does. Nevertheless, pattern matching in Lua is a powerful tool and includes some features that are difficult to match with standard POSIX implementations.
Unlike some other systems, in Lua a modifier can only be applied to a character class; there is no way to group patterns under a modifier. For instance, there is no pattern that matches an optional word (unless the word has only one letter). Usually you can circumvent this limitation using some of the advanced techniques that we will see later.
I can't find the "advanced techniques" told in the quote above. I only found this which I'm not sure yet.
function get_time_stamp(str)
local s,m,h,d = string.match(str:reverse(),"oga s(%d*)m?(%d*)h?(%d*)d?(%d*)")
return d and d:reverse() or 0, h and h:reverse() or 0, m and m:reverse() or 0, s and s:reverse() or 0
local day,hour,minute,second = get_time_stamp("2d17h6m31s ago")
print (day,hour,minute,second) -- output: 2 17 6 31
day,hour,minute,second = get_time_stamp("5m25s ago")
print (day,hour,minute,second) -- output: 0 0 5 25
If you are wondering why I use reverse, it's because we know for sure second will always exist but the others won't, if we don't use reverse then we won't know what order the numbers are in when output by string.match. Here is example what I mean, if you did local d,h,m,s = string.match("5m25s ago","(%d*)d?(%d*)h?(%d*)m?(%d+)s ago") Then print(d,h,m,s) would say that days was 5 and seconds were 25. In reverse we know with absolute certainty the order of output.
I ran into the same pattern limitations several years ago with a WoW addon. It took a bit of searching, but I dug up my parsing function.
-- string:parseDuration() - parse a pseudo ISO-8601 duration of the form
-- [nd][nh][nm][ns], where 'n' is the numerical value of the time unit and
-- suffix designates time unit as follows: 'd' - days, 'h' - hours,
-- 'm' - minutes, and, 's' - seconds. Unspecified time units have a value
-- of 0.
function string:parseDuration()
local ts = {d=0, h=0, m=0, s=0}
for v in self:lower():gfind("%d+[dhms]") do
ts[v:sub(-1)] = tonumber(v:sub(1,-2))
return ts
The following tests your sample data.
require "parse_duration"
local function main()
local testSet = {
"2d17h6m31s ago something happened",
"1d8h31m40s ago something happened",
"22h40m4s ago something happened",
"8h6m57s ago something happened",
"5m25s ago something happened",
"37s ago something happened",
"10d6s alias test 1d2h3m4s should not be parsed"
for i,testStr in ipairs(testSet) do
-- Extract timestamp portion
local tsPart = testStr:match("%S+")
local ts = tsPart:parseDuration()
io.write( tsPart, " -> { ")
for k,v in pairs(ts) do
io.write(k,":",v," ")
io.write( "}\n" )
2d17h6m31s -> { m:6 d:2 s:31 h:17 }
1d8h31m40s -> { m:31 d:1 s:40 h:8 }
22h40m4s -> { m:40 d:0 s:4 h:22 }
8h6m57s -> { m:6 d:0 s:57 h:8 }
5m25s -> { m:5 d:0 s:25 h:0 }
37s -> { m:0 d:0 s:37 h:0 }
10d6s -> { m:0 d:10 s:6 h:0 }

New lines in word definition using interpreter directives of Gforth

I am using the interpreter directives (non ANS standard) control structures of Gforth as described in the manual section 5.13.4 Interpreter Directives. I basically want to use the loop words to create a dynamically sized word containing literals. I came up with this definition for example:
: foo
[ 10 ] [FOR]
Yet this produces an Address alignment exception after the [FOR] (yes, I know you should not use a for loop in Forth at all. This is just for an easy example).
In the end it turned out that you have to write loops as one-liners in order to ensure their correct execution. So doing
: foo [ 10 [FOR] ] 1 [ [NEXT] ] ;
instead works as intended. Running see foo yields:
: foo
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; ok
which is exactly what I want.
Is there a way to get new lines in the word definition? The words I would like to write are way more complex, and for a presentation I would need them better formatted.
It would really be best to use an immediate word instead. For example,
: ones ( n -- ) 0 ?do 1 postpone literal loop ; immediate
: foo ( -- ten ones ) [ 10 ] ones ;
With SEE FOO resulting in the same as your example. With POSTPONE, especially with Gforth's ]] .. [[ syntax, the repeated code can be as elaborate as you like.
A multiline [FOR] would need to do four things:
Use REFILL to read in subsequent lines.
Save the read-in lines, because you'll need to evaluate them one by one to preserve line-expecting parsing behavior (such as from comments: \ ).
Stop reading in lines, and loop, when you match the terminating [NEXT].
Take care to leave >IN right after the [NEXT] so that interpretation can continue normally.
You might still run into issues with some code, like code checking SOURCE-ID.
For an example of using REFILL to parse across multiple lines, here's code from a recent posting from CLF, by Gerry:
: line, ( u1 caddr2 u2 -- u3 )
tuck here swap chars dup allot move +
: <text>  ( "text" -- caddr u )
here 0
bl word count s" </text>" compare
0 >in ! source line, bl c, 1+
repeat then
This collects everything between <text> and a </text> that's on its own line, as with a HERE document, while also adding spaces. To save the individual lines for [FOR] in an easy way, I'd recommend leaving 0 as a sentinel on the data stack and then drop SAVE-MEM 'd lines on top of it.

How do I get a random number in template toolkit?

I want to get a random number using template toolkit. It doesn't have to be particularly random. How do I do it?
Hmm, you might have issues if you don't have (or cannot import) Slash::Test.
From a "vanilla" installation of TT, you can simply use the Math plugin:
USE Math;
GET Math.rand; # outputs a random number from 0 to 1
See this link in the template toolkit manual for more information on the Math plugin and the various methods.
Update: Math.rand requires a parameter. Therefore to get a random number from 0 to 1, use:
GET Math.rand(1);
From this post at Slashcode:
[slash#yaz slash]$ perl -MSlash::Test -leDisplay
digits = [ 0 .. 9 ];
anumber = digits.rand _ digits.rand _ digits.rand;
