Does MapKit generalize MKOverlays? - ios

More specifically... Does iOS's MapKit framework have a built-in generalization of the MKPolyline and MKPolygon overlay before rendering?
The simulator appears quite rough with the display of several polylines composed of hundreds of points. Am I reaching the peak of the iPhone's draw performance or is MapKit not programmed to automatically generalize the data thereby peaking out the device's draw performance?
I know I could make a test case to compare, but creating/integrating such an algorithm for a test case is quite intensive. I am hoping someone has some inside on this before I need to resort to that.

I don't know about the generalize part but you might be able to keep performance up by using another approach:
Multiple MKPolygons etc. cause heavy memory-usage when drawing on the map. This is due the NOT reusing of overlays by MapKit. As annotations have the reuseWithIdentifier, overlays however don't. Each overlay creates a new layer as a MKOverlayView on the map with the overlay in it. In that way memory-usage will rise quite fast and scrolling becomes... let's say sluggish to almost impossible.
Therefore there is a work-around: Instead of plotting each overlay individually, you can add all of the MKOverlays (in your case MKPolygons and MKPolylines) to one MKOverlayView. This way you're in fact creating only one MKOverlayView and thus there's no need to reuse.
The answer in this question contains a link to the Apple Developer Forum with the work around.
I've used this approach in a way with multiple MKPolygons and it works great. Also I'm planning to use MKPolylines to in the future for my app. I believe it is possible to draw them all in one MKOverlayView...
Using this approach you might not need to generalize the drawing of the MKPolygon overlay. Also it is a lot easier to implement and test IMO ;-)


Best way to draw/render grid iOS - Game of Life

I am taking a stab at John Conway's game of life [wiki] & [demo]. I have developed a small program in C to calculate the next state - using a 1D array (but with 2D array logic).
I am hoping to make a small iOS app out of this (to Objective-C!), and am wondering the best and fastest way to render a grid like seen in the video. Note, it would have to render every fraction of a second and would use an array of 1's and 0's to determine a "block's" respective colour.
Edit: I'm probably looking at around 10 frames/sec, but a very large grid. It'd be rendering out hundreds of thousands of squares. Of course, if this isn't physically possible with iPhone/iPad technology then I'll reduce the grid size. It is variable without issue, just looks more 'epic' on a grand scale.
Any suggestions will help out, never touched anything of this manner before.
The best way depends on your criteria. Fastest would probably be to use OpenGL. You might even be able to write a shader to do the entire simulation. However, OpenGL is hard. Really hard.
I suspect that using Core Graphics and implementing code in a view's drawRect method that renders the array of cells onto the screen would be fast enough. It depends on how many cells you have and how many frames/second you want to draw.

Need to make a Gantt chart like control in iOS, to draw or to subview?

I'm about ready to begin to create a Gantt chart like control in iOS for my app. I need to show a timeline of events. Basically a bunch of rectangles, some lines/arcs for some decoration, possibly a touch point or two to edit attributes. It will basically be a "full screen" control on my phone.
I see two basic paths to implement this custom UIView subclass:
Simply implement drawRect: and go to town using CoreGraphics calls. Most likely split over a bunch of private methods that do all the drawing work. Possibly cache some information as needed, to help with any sub region hit detection.
Rather than "draw" the graphics, add a bunch of UIViews as children using addSubview: and manipulating their layer properties to get them to show the different graphic pieces, and bounds\frame to get them positioned appropriately. And then just let "drawing" take care of itself.
Is one path better than the other? I may end up trying both in the long run just to see, but I figured I'd seek the wisdom of those who've gone before first.
My guess is that the quicker solution would be to go the drawRect: route, and the subview approach would require more code, but maybe be more robust (easier hit detection, animation support, automatic clipping management, etc). I do want to be able to implement pinch to zoom and the like, long term.
I went with the UICollectionView approach. Which got me selection and scrolling for free (after some surprises). I've been pretty pleased with the results so far.
Going with CoreGraphics is going force you to write many more lines of code than building with UIViews, although it is more performant and better on memory. However, you're likely going to need a more robust solution for managing all of that content. A UICollectionView seems like an appropriate solution for mapping your data on to a view with a custom UICollectionViewCell subclass. This is going to be much quicker to develop than rolling your own, and comes with great flexibility through UICollectionViewLayout subclasses. Pinch to zoom isn't supported out of the box, but there are ways to do it. This is also better for memory than using a bunch of UIViews because of cell reuse, but reloading can become slow with a few hundred items that all have different sizes to be calculated.
When it comes to performance, a well written drawRect: is preferred, especially when you would potentially have to render many many rects. With views, an entire layout system goes to work, much worse if you have autolayout, where an entire layout system goes to town and kills your performance. I recently upgraded our calendar views from view-based to CG-based for performance reasons.
In all other aspects, working with views is much preferred, of course. Interface Builder, easy gesture recognizer setup, OO, etc. You could still create logical classes for each element and have it draw itself in the current context (best to pass a context reference and draw on that), but still not as straight forward.
On newer devices, view drawing performance is quite high actually. But if you want these iPhone 4 and 4S devices, if you want these iPad 3 devices, which lack quite a lot in GPU performance, I would say, depending on your graphs potential sizes, you might have to go the CG way.
Now, you mention pinch to zoom. This is a bitch no matter what. If you write your drawRect: well, you could eventually work your way to tiling and work with that.
If you plan on letting the user move parts of the chart around I would definitely suggest going with the views.
FYI, you will be able to handle pinch to zoom with drawRect just fine.
What would push me to using UIView's in this case would be to support dragging parts of the chart, animating transitions in the chart, and tapping on elements in the chart (though that wouldn't be too hard with drawRect:). Also, if you have elements in your chart that will need heavy CPU usage to render you will get better performance if you need to redraw sub portions of your chart with UIView's since the rendering of the elements is cached to a layer and you will only need to redraw the pieces you care about and not the entire chart.
If you chart will be VERY big AND you want to use drawRect: you will probably want to look at using CATileLayer for you backing so that you don't have the entire layer in memory. This can add added challenges if you only want to render the requested tiles and not the entire area.

How to implement Megatextures

I am interested in roughly how megatextures are/could be implemented on iOS.
In particular I am making a 2D platformer with a large (non-tiled) background and I would like to have one (precalculated, unreasonably large) image that is mapped to the background. One option I have gone with is to chop the precalulated image into tiles, and load/unload in the background.
I am however curious about megatextures. It would be far more convenient to map these all to one surface. Are megatextures simply another way of phrasing what I am doing right now, or is something more cunning going on. Is there one superlarge texture on the graphics card with multiple gltexsubimage2d calls going on?
Megatexture is a well-developed and advanced implementation of clip-mapping technique:
So yes, basically it is a continuous background loading of content to be displayed and unloading of currently unused content.

Multiple instances of one UIImageView on-screen

I am making a game where bullets are involved. Its a machine gun, so there will be more than one bullet on the screen at the same time. How to I write the code for the properties and actions of one bullet and apply that to all of them, like multiple instances of the one bullet?
The key point to making a game is the concept of sprite, i.e., a light-weight object that has a graphical representation and that you can move around (managing collisions, etc).
You could try to implement sprites on top of CALayers, using Core Animation, or you might decide to use a game framework like Cocos2D.
For the first approach have a look at this short tutorial. This could also help you if you want to implement your sprites using UIImageViews, although you have to keep in mind that CALayer are light-weight, UIView are not, so if you plan to have many of them that could make a difference.
As to the question of replicating the bullet, basically the key suggestion would be using some form of caching, so that you do not end up replicating the same image in memory multiple times. A very basic caching mechanism is available with the UIImage class if you use the convenience constructor imageNamed.
Again, if you plan to make a full fledged game with a good performance (say 40-60 fps), the best suggestion is using Cocos2D, which will offer you all the power of Open GL graphics wrapped in a simple interface.
Have you tried subclassing UIImageView? That way you can have a function createBullet that creates a subclassed UIImageView and adds it to the screen, and in the subclass it can contain functions and properties for animating etc...

iOS - Interface design, images or custom drawing?

I've been looking at a lot of iOS user interfaces that have been customized. I wonder, is it better to customize the UI using images or using libraries like CoreGraphics and Quartz, or is it on a per case basis, as in I use libs for some elements and images for others?
It is very hard to guess your particular situation. I can state that iOS gives us a lot of leverages to make any custom interface. I would use:
images for complicated graphic elements, buttons, icons, arrows, etc.
images + stretching to get complicated backgrounds/elements
custom drawing all that contain lines, ellipses, squares, lineral and/or circular gradients, simple image preprocessing, etc.
The key idea is - to find balance between memory usage and processing time. Note: from my experience - interfaces based on images which created by professional designer looks awesome.
Case-by-case basis. Images can be drawn more quickly but use more memory; custom drawing, whether via Core Graphics or Quartz, uses less memory but takes more time.
Case by case. If you want a lot of complex graphics that aren't lines and don't change much, use images. If you just need lines/gradients, or if you want things to move and morph, you'll need to use quartz.
It depends on you, as well. Would you rather write code for quartz for an hour and debug it, or would you rather spend an hour in photoshop? How fast are you at PS? Do you already know Quartz?
It depends on a lot of things, so "case-by-case".
Determine the complexity of each approach. (nontrivial) Icons are a good example of an image, while large gradients are a good use for drawing. Drawing can take some time/experience to get right, compared to graphic assets, but you can reuse that implementation later and use less memory in many cases (images can also use less memory - depending on what you're drawing). Complex static images can take time to render if drawn so... there are a number of things to consider in order to achieve the best balance. Using the gradient vs. image example, quality and time are also factors -- resizing/scaling a simple image can take a lot of CPU or have artifacts a rendered gradient would not have. Much of it comes down to experience, knowing the implementations you use well, and a lot of sampling/profiling to determine what is simple/complex/consumes a lot of memory, and so on.
