OAuth2 Merging Multiple Accounts from Twitter andother services - oauth

According to this question: Architecture for merging multiple accounts and registering a user account
Various answers have said that using email is a good way of establishing correspondence between different accounts and then doing automatic merging for multiple account sign in.
However, twitter is a major provider that does not provide email through their oauth API.
How can we reliably and automatically establish a correspondence between a twitter account and for example Google, Facebook, Github... etc accounts? So that we can auto-merge those accounts.
I'm writing a library to help in this, so it's not really useful to say do it manually, since I would like to provide options.

There is no secure-way to automatically do it, I implemented an application with local account/Twitter.Facebook/Google and I didn't have other choice.
I suggest you to allow your users to register with one method (local account, Twitter, Facebook, Google...) and create a page in "My account" that allow them to associate other accounts.
In Twitter a user can be identified by either a name or a key, you have no way to know them unless you explicitly ask them to the user.
Moreover now in Twitter 1.1 you have to redirect your user to Twitter to approve your application and then you get the OAuth token and security key. As you can see there must be an interaction with Twitter, at least if you need to perform some restricted queries on his behalf (e.g. create a Tweet).


Is there a unique identifier for a user across different Google APIs?

I am using google's oauth2 to allow users to register/login into my site (php library). The first time a user attempts to login I get the user's email address and google+ id which are provided by the Google OAuth2 API (with the user's permission).
In a different part of the site I need some information from the user's youtube channel. I am using the incremental authorization to get the extra permissions as it is recommended (and described here: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer#incrementalAuth ).
The problem is that I don't have a unique identifier for the user between the calls, in order to keep track of him/her in my side of the application. A user, for example might have multiple youtube channels and each one can be associated with a different google+ account/id and a different email address, which most of the time is not a real address but a provided email with the format 'username-XXXX#plus.google.com'.
I was wondering if google's apis can return a unique identifier for the 'parent' account of a user across different apis.
Thanks in advance.

Using OAuth with Twitter in ASP.NET

I am using Twitter as an OAuth provider for ASP.NET MVC 4 web site. I would like to be able to follow up with a registered user at a later date, either by email or via a tweet. Outside of having the user follow me on Twitter, do I have any other options to communicate with the user?
Here is what I unsuccessfully considered:
It appears that there is no way to get access to the email address since Twitter OAuth API does not return it.
It appears I cannot send a direct message unless a user
follows me on Twitter.
"Read/Write/DirectMessage" permissions seem
too intrusive -- all I want to do is send a user a message that a
new product is released -- I don't need any of the write
capabilities that this level of permissions provides.
To recap, if a user used Twitter to sign in to my website, what are my options to contact that user at a later date?
Twitter's solution for this sort of person-to-person communication is the Direct Message, however, Twitter has (rightfully) decided that both parties need to consent to this channel being available. This decision is intended to reduce the amount of spam in the Twitter ecosystem.
Posting public tweets that mention the username will get your users' attention, but it is also broadcasting their relationship with your company to the entire Twitter ecosystem. You will, essentially, be advertising their relationship with your company without their permission. This approach will bring you headaches sooner or later.
Email is probably a better choice for the sort of announcement to existing customers.

linking user accounts to their twitter/facebook/etc accounts

I have an existing rails app which uses 'devise' for authentication.
I would like user's to be able to link their twitter and facebook accounts to their account on my site, so that my application can post updates on their behalf.
When registering, you can choose to set up a standard account, or use twitter, Facebook, etc credentials.
If user chooses to use facebook credentials, I would still like them to be able to link their twitter account, so that my application can post to both at same time on their behalf.
A bonus would be allowing them to have identities which they could link twitter account A to one identity, then switch identities and use another twitter acccount.
My questions are:
if they use a standard account, and link facebook and twitter, are they going to be prompted to enter those credentials every time I post on their behalf? Or does omniauth give me an infinitely valid token?
I know devise can handle omniauth, but I can't seem to tell if it can handle what I am asking. It seems that it's omniauth support is more along the lines of just authenticating site users against twitter credentials not for linking multiples.
is there a rails gem that does this, and is well supported? I see socialite is no longer supported, but it seemed to be a one or the other type deal, not what I want anyway.
because I am already doing standard auth with devise, would it be simpler to just force users to create a standard account, and then use the twitter and facebook api's directly on top of that?
Looking for the best strategy here for doing what I want.
*note: If you think I can get 75% of what I want for 25% of the effort that all my goals would be, let me know. *

What is the standard with oAuth for remembering users?

Me and my colleagues developing an application (both web application and mobile app(iPhone & android)), which includes a login process.
Currently, we have our own login mechanism (where users have signed for an account on our app, and have stored their info in our Database). We are looking into integrating oAuth and allowing users to login with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google.
Now, when the users logs with any of those, as I understand the login process occurs outside our application and basically only get permission to access their resources.
My question is this: through oAuth, how do we remember users? i.e., users who login have read /write privileges and have preferences. How do we remember those when they don't actually sign up through our app.. Can we store their email address in our "Users" table??
What are the best practices in such a scenario?
Thanks for any info you can provide.
Having built authentication databases for a few different OAuth-enabled web sites, I can say that I've learned a few things that you should keep in mind.
You should have a table of users for your site that is completely independent of which OAuth provider they used for sign-up/sign-in. This enables your site users to combine multiple accounts together under their primary identity on your site. (For example, associate both Facebook and Twitter with you.)
When you let a user sign up, you should get an email address from them. Whether you ask Facebook for it, or if you have to ask directly. This enables you to "upgrade" users later from depending purely on third party OAuth to setting their own password on your site. (You simply send them a link to your password reset page in order to get them started creating their first password.)
You don't want to use email address as your primary key. I'm not sure if that's what you're actually describing or not, but you really want them to have a local user ID that you use for maintaining their session, etc. You then associate their Facebook ID or their Twitter ID with that local ID, and use the correspondence between such identifiers to match up which of your site's users to consider logged in.

Registration for own site viat twitter

anyone knows if it is possible to do registration via twitter just like facebook register (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/registration/)?
it is not login via twitter. i need to store some basic information from the twitter user, eg, name and email, and then request user to choose their own username and password for my site.
Twitter doesn't have this functionality at all , they have #anywhere for integration for some Twitter features on your website. That's the closest there is to this. What you can do is register an account with the information you gather from an authenticating user, but the development of this would be up to you. There are no boxed up solutions right now from Twitter. There may be something third party but I'm not aware of any.
It's also "against the rules"
You may not use Twitter Content or other data collected from end users
of your Client to create or maintain a separate status update or
social network database or service.
