What is the different between Dwolla API Key, Client_id & Client_Secret? - oauth-2.0

How to work with Dwolla API which required Client_id & Client_Secret
I already register Application. And Got Key and Secret
But when I call above described API Endpoint via Fiddler. Got bellow response.
{"Success":false,"Message":"Invalid application credentials.","Response":null}
Note: I tested Client_id = API Key / Client_id = Application Key. But the response remain same. What is the problem ?

The client_id is just another name for the API/Application Key, which identifies your application. The client/application secret is a string that functions as a password for your application. Just like a password, you should never give out your application secret; and if it's ever compromised, let us know immediately and we'll generate a new key/secret pair for you.
About your failed request: Try encoding your application key and secret. If special characters aren't escaped from the URL, the request will be interpreted differently from what you intend.
You can quickly encode the two strings from your Javascript console:
var key = "EUFH378&36%394749D\DWIHD";
Result: "EUFH378%2636%25394749DDWIHD"
var secret = "WOIDJ38&IDI\DK389DDDDD";
Result: "WOIDJ38%26IDIDK389DDDDD"
And place their encoded equivalents back into your request URL:


How should I use webclient for oauth 2.0?

I handled a lot of API from many exchanges.
I want the API to work without user intervention.
Usually, I wrote codes like this
Dim timestamp = getEstimatedServerTimeStamp().ToString
Dim domain = "https://api.kucoin.com"
Dim endpoint = "/api/v1/" + method
Dim stringtosign = timestamp + "GET" + endpoint '1553106384182GET/api/v1/accounts
'Dim secretandpassphrase = _secret1.Split("|"c)
'Dim secret = secretandpassphrase(0) 'a7c38ae4-b6e3-4254-b78c-*******
'Dim passphrase = secretandpassphrase(1) '7Q5eVqOw*******
Dim hasher = New System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_secret1))
Dim sighashbyte = hasher.ComputeHash(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringtosign))
Dim sighash = System.Convert.ToBase64String(sighashbyte)
Dim url = domain + endpoint 'url https://api.kucoin.com/api/v1/accounts
Dim response = CookieAwareWebClient.downloadString1(url, "", {Tuple.Create("KC-API-SIGN", sighash), Tuple.Create("KC-API-TIMESTAMP", timestamp), Tuple.Create("KC-API-KEY", _apiKey1), Tuple.Create("KC-API-PASSPHRASE", _passphrase1)})
Return response
So I am using the secret and the API key.
However, at Sstex, something is different.
First, they told me to register a client and a redirect URL. What does redirect URL mean?
I tried
going to https://apidocs.stex.com/#/Profile/get_profile_wallets
to try some demo.
It turns out I can see my wallet content without using my API key and secret at all. Instead of API key and secret I authorize here
Then I can see my balances.
So I tried some similar code after looking on the web
I did
If token = "" Then
Dim token1 = CookieAwareWebClient.downloadString1("https://app.stex.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=1**&client_secret=3vmEisPCGekF1JGePkwdSKdf4Q00lJTKmwxh****")
End If
Instead of json I am getting an html.
So I wonder.
What exactly I should do with OAuth? Is it designed for something different than regular API access?
The manual says I should curl things like
curl -X GET "https://api3.stex.com/profile/wallets?sort=DESC&sortBy=BALANCE" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6IjY1NzUyODQwYmMzMmMwNGU0MTExNmRmYjQ0M2I5NWY4NzAzYmVkYWIyNTk0ZWZhMTg3ZjhhMmQxOThiNzM1NGRkNThjZmYzYWJkZWEzZjg5In0.eyJhdWQiOiIxNDIiLCJqdGkiOiI2NTc1Mjg0MGJjMzJjMDRlNDExMTZkZmI0NDNiOTVmODcwM2JlZGFiMjU5NGVmYTE4N2Y4YTJkMTk4YjczNTRkZDU4Y2ZmM2FiZGVhM2Y4OSIsImlhdCI6MTU1MzI4NTc4NiwibmJmIjoxNTUzMjg1Nzg2LCJleHAiOjE1NTMzMjg5ODYsInN1YiI6IjMxOTgwMSIsInNjb3BlcyI6WyJwcm9maWxlIiwicmVwb3J0cyIsInRyYWRlIl19.aRuu1gmUmpcck_rMh9fcQwfDeJezn0tD0v1aSJ7joIhtsIXAdaw0H-SFOXwzo_HevFrcDnWGrZ4s9sTd1_vgRS2or7HyiV54c0ItVym6bOMKnFhGuxWWLubXN9HstjiM9TSghk7FtF5J0XeIDcY4vp25ycBmWM6Dddeyu4ehu3hurG-jUyT9N1C4u5KwqkYazeE1Z6XpCUrH77tAIlecTssPUzDtM6j-dYJOirYLx-E7fTn6H_bpHq_mosiHEy7IGe2uyggx0UIg4YIIX0noATxNfFiqZlXc32u8NywS7bDkFJ8e4s2r6vbL9pZU7Qe81IFrhs2jgUrQyjxe4SKsyolA9SulwF1haqsRGYTN_fNZyNm7u_Nzs2-RWxZw7h5KHT48AI483bHqJS3qfpjNF7FdpEufnn1QuFplumvyATtlEf56RCTfZ11fWjaET_b19P_3KpJw8H3pYSh8f-7MdIJcn68X1ls_9GahKKlX059I2M_6S2XkjwvnETlhiWGIdpttg2rJ1oHsEiNUuYzj7d1MBKGhSMX4y8OpB9hhW6CjgajG-YVk3SU6JWaVBEY_1w49Q6U-KxD4nzMK5I85Cn1C1iDPExuOwuyRRH1XSxsXLQ9tURsLOytlp7LkUNvzxb5lxZ18ho-OkvkWVkS18oSxR5y__WllywD_6_NT64s"
So I should get a bearer token. How do I get it with say, curl?
I want standard web query such as using curl. I want to avoid unfamiliar library like some specialized oauth library.
I am making an app. I am not making a website. Should I even use oauth2?
I read about oauth2 here
It says that "users" will see some website and they can "authorize".
Look. The user is me. I got the API key, secret, client id, client secret. I don't want "users" to be shown anything. I approve all this stuff.
Stex says that they will abandon their version 2 API and will use version 3API. They said that version 3 API uses Oauth.
Is oauth even suitable for an app that run unattended?

Unable to validate access token signature obtained from Azure AD in order to secure Web API

I am trying to secure my web api (.net core 2.2) with Azure Ad using implicit flow.
I registered my application in Azure AD using the Azure Portal > Azure Active Directoy > App Registrations > New Application Registration:
Name = MyWebApi
Application Type = Web app / API
Sign-on URL = http://localhost:55000
Once this app is created, I opened its Manifest file and changed oauth2AllowImplicitFlow from false to true.
Thats all I did for the app registration in azure portal.
Then I called the following URL manually from my chrome browser to get access_token:
the response from calling the above url is:
when I pass MY-ACCESS-TOKEN as Bearer token in Authorization header to my Web API (.net core 2.2) I get the following exception:
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.SecurityTokenInvalidSignatureException: IDX10511: Signature validation failed. Keys tried: 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.X509SecurityKey , KeyId: N-lC0n-9DALqwhuHYnHQ63GeCXc'.
I then tried manually verifying the signature:
when I paste MY-ACCESS-TOKEN in https://jwt.io/ the header is:
"typ": "JWT",
"nonce": "AQABAAAAAACEfexXxjamQb3OeGQ4Gugvm6YdOT-bkA0IPllKMt06-J8If5AQ075TVCav94X_ZYcEYKaPneqdJcqYry-Z4XjX0eMN_fiJX_8wXe9D2b6eRiAA",
"alg": "RS256",
"x5t": "N-lC0n-9DALqwhuHYnHQ63GeCXc",
"kid": "N-lC0n-9DALqwhuHYnHQ63GeCXc"
I then went to this URL to obtain the public key for kid: N-lC0n-9DALqwhuHYnHQ63GeCXc
I then pasted the following as a public key on jwt.io to validated token signature:
and I again get Invalid Signature.
I have been to this thread: https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-identitymodel-extensions-for-dotnet/issues/609, but I am not sure why does my token header has nonce value or if this is an issue at all in my case or not.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?
I tried this on my side, it worked well.
Request url:
https://login.microsoftonline.com/tenant-name/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id=application_id&response_type=token&redirect_uri=https://snv2app.azurewebsites.net&scope=api://f3d966c0-517e-4e13-a5bb-9777a916b1a0/User.read openid&response_mode=fragment
And when I got the access_token, I parsed it in the jwt.io and entered the public key, I got the result:
What is happening here is the token you are receiving is an access_token for the userInfo endpoint. The audience is graph. Tokens for graph have been modified in a special way so that they must be transformed before the signature can be validated. This allows for graph to forward the token downstream (after transforming) and not worry about a forwarding attack to occur.
To validate see if 'aud == graph'.

Authentication session is not defined

I try to use Google Photos API to upload my images, base on the steps of the following link.
After following the Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications, I just get the Oauth2.0_token response(a JSON format with access_token, refresh_token...). However, after I put this token string with "Bearer " into request headers, the response is error 401, the error message is "code 16 Authentication session is not defined".
I cannot find any information to deal with it, thank for any help.
You probably have incorrect permissions. Make sure you request the token with the appropriate scope. For write-only access you need 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.appendonly'
src: https://developers.google.com/photos/library/guides/authentication-authorization#what-scopes
One reason this might be happening is that you initially authorized your user for read-only access. If you went through the authorization flow with a .readonly scope, your bearer token reflects that authorization (and the token is retained in your credentials file). If you change your scope but don't get a new auth token you will get this error when trying to upload. Simply redo the authorization flow with the new scope defined:
SCOPES = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary'
store = file.Storage('path_to_store')
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('google_credentials.json', SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
and your store will be populated with a new token that can be used for uploading.
You say you "just get the Oauth2.0_token response(a JSON format with access_token, refresh_token...)" and "put this token string with "Bearer " into request headers".
Unfortunately documentation on this isn't super clear in a lot of places. What you are supposed to provide after "Bearer" is the "access_token" field only, not the entire JSON string with all the token fields in it. For reference, this is a single string of random looking characters which probably starts with "ya29." and is pretty long - in my case it's 170 characters.

Tridion UGC service and oAuth authentication

I've a problem when trying to do a webrequest to UGC and authenticate using oAuth. I'm making a webrequest such as:-
WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create("http://ugc.service/odata.svc/Ratings(Id=200)");
wr.Headers["authorization"] = "OAuth " + auth;
Where auth is my token returned from the access_token.svc. According to the documentation the token returned from the service should be something like:-
However, what I'm being returned from access_token.svc is more like:-
I've parsed the JSON to extract various strings and attempted to pass these through to the authorization but whatever I try I get an error in the logs - "ERROR OAuth2AccessToken - Digest is wrong." Exactly what part of the token and in what format should I be passing through to authorization?
Many thanks
Like you mentioned, the protocol is this:
You make a post request to the access token end-point to get a token (you need to provide here your client_id and your client_secret as headers or as query parameters);
You get an answer similar to this: {"access_token":"sometoken","expires_in":300};
2.1 Worth knowing is that the token is url encoded and in UTF-8 format so, on Java side you need to do URLDecoder.decode("sometoken", "UTF-8"); while on .NET side you need to do HttpUtility.UrlDecode("sometoken", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);;
Your next request needs to include the authorization header. On Java side you do builder.header("authorization", "OAuth " + decodedTokenString); while on .NET side you can use Client.Headers["authorization"] = "OAuth " + DecodedTokenString;
Worth mentioning is that the SharedSecret defined in the cd_webservice_conf.xml (/Configuration/AuthenticationServer/SharedSecret/) of the TokenAccessPoint needs to be the same as the SharedSecret defined in the cd_ambient_conf.xml (/Configuration/Security/SharedSecret/) of the (WebService)EndPoint.
Are you sure you decoded properly the token gotten from the server? Are you sure that you configured the proper SharedSecret in the two configuration files?
Hope this helps.

How to download dropbox file using oauth

I am using oauth to authenticate dropbox and download a file from dropbox after getting access_token am using the below signature for download a file from dropbox am passing the root, path of the file, consumerKey and oauth_token with signature_method as PLAINTEXT and am getting an error
{"error": "Bad oauth_signature for oauth_signature_method 'PLAINTEXT'"}
Signature am using is given below :
What should I do to resolve this error?
I was searching about this and found that:
1) The PLAINTEXT method does not provide any security protection and SHOULD only be used over a secure channel such as HTTPS. It does not use the Signature Base String.
2) The Service Provider declares support for the HMAC-SHA1 signature method for all requests, and PLAINTEXT only for secure (HTTPS) requests.
3) When used with PLAINTEXT signatures, the OAuth protocol makes no attempts to protect User credentials from eavesdroppers or man-in-the-middle attacks. The PLAINTEXT signature algorithm is only intended to be used in conjunction with a transport-layer security mechanism such as TLS or SSL which does provide such protection. If transport-layer protection is unavailable, the PLAINTEXT signature method should not be used.
You can refer this link http://oauth.net/core/1.0/#anchor22
You can also check if your keys are correct
The signature Protocol Parameters are set with the following values unencrypted:
oauth_signature_method : Set to PLAINTEXT.
oauth_signature : Set to the concatenated encoded value of the oauth_consumer_secret parameter and the value of the oauth_token_secret parameter. If the values contain a . character (ASCII code 46), it must be encoded as %2E. The values are separated by a . character (ASCII code 46), even if empty. The result MUST not be encoded again.
For example, if the Consumer Key is dj.9rj$0jd78jf88 and Token Secret is jjd999(j88ui.hs3, the encoded values are:
Consumer Key : dj%2E9rj%240jd78jf88
Token Secret : jjd999%28j88ui%2Ehs3
And the oauth_signature value is dj%2E9rj%240jd78jf88.jjd999%28j88ui%2Ehs3. This value is not encoded anymore and is used as it in the HTTP request. If the Token Secret is empty, the value is dj%2E9rj%240jd78jf88. (the separator . is retained).
