Umbraco - Incorrect alternative link to document - hyperlink

On our website, we have the following structure:
for the Global > English page, the links to the page are showing as:
Link to document
Alternative Links
so the 'Link to document' is correct, but the alternative link isn't. On the UK > English page, I just get the correct 'Link to document'. I've tried publishing out the whole site but I can't as it times out (I've tried increasing all the timeouts, but it's taking an hour to publish so I get a strange network error), and just re-publishing the whole 'Global' node and sub-documents doesn't fix things. Any other way to fix this? Also what is the purpose of the 'Alternative Links' and how are these determined?

as I suggested in your original post, I set up a very basic Umbraco v6.1.2 instance (using NuGet in Visual Studio) with a single doc type and an identical top-level structure to what you have described.
Set umbracoUseDirectoryUrls to true in the web.config
The doc type, called "BasicPage" has a single property called "umbracoUrlName". This allows you to overwrite the path created by Umbraco based upon the title of the node. I assume you already have that in your doc type.
I set both English nodes to have a umbracoUrlName of "en".
I added two hostnames to the Root node - "localhost" and "mobile.localhost"
I published the Root node and all following nodes
As you can see, both the "Link to document" and "Alternative links" are as expected.
I suspect you may be right that trying to get the site to publish may fix the issue, so you may have to publish the site in bits, working from branch to branch.
However, I would advise creating a test Umbraco instance as I have done and then comparing what you have.
Alternatively, you can of course remove the hostname settings altogether if the entire content structure is going to be served using the same hostnames as these can simply be controlled in IIS. Umbraco doesn't actually need to know about them unless you have separate distinct sites in the same content tree.


VS 2012 publishing a webside 2 big problems

I am new to coding and everytime I ask a question I feel like stupid because I mostly am unfamiliar with most known things in this "industry" so I will sum up the whole situation fastly.
I learned how to code html css and js, I learned how to use VS 2012 mvc 4 and finally I made a webside for a student club I am into. Hosting is provided by our school and they only gave me ftp user name and password, I dont know which hosting firm is it or what is going on and so on, I got Filezilla to delete and unpublish the old webside, and I didnt know a proper way to publish websides through filezilla so I used VS 2012 publish tool.
I choosed FTP as publish method because I had ftp user name... I choosed relase as configuration and thats it ( I didnt open options here ) finally I could push on publish...
I faced 2 main problems so I couldnt publish
Problems I faced were;
1) While I was trying to publish I got an error like
" Validation (HTML5): Element 'a' must not be nested within element 'a button' "
I was trying to make a nav with sub items on it, It worked while I was trying it on local host I saw similar problems spoken out here on VS 2010 I tried to make exstensions to VS didnt work out
Anyway I deleted that part from the project and I tried publishing again.
2)It worked out perfect it seemed like no problem occoured. But when I try to open the webside it was saying I had no permisson to view.
I hope I didnt write any off topic staff here just try to tell you my problems so maybe someone can get help like I did from prior topics.
" Validation (HTML5): Element 'a' must not be nested within element 'a
button' "
You cannot have one anchor tag inside another anchor tag. If you have it that will cause you the problem.
Check out this thread to find out valid elements which can be nested inside an Anchor tag.
I had no permisson to view.
You need to give proper read/write permissions for the ApplicationPool Identity on the folder structure you have for your website. Or else IIS Apppool will not be able to get the files and execute them.
Give permissions to AppPool Identity for a particular folder/file. That resource will guide you one how to give you permissions to Application Pool Identity.
Alternatively you can give permissions from FileZilla itself. Simply right click the application root folder and select permissions. Then you can specify permissions from client side itself. But in most of the production cases, we have to add app pool user to the folder/file permissions list manually. But definitely give a try with FileZilla.

Drupal 7: Dynamic first segment of a path with Panels

I am working to create dynamic landing pages for a site, using panels. The first step in the process is to designate the path. I want the landing pages to have the same path as the nodes, just ending in "home" for the landing page. For example, I have "departments" that will have landing pages, so the path looks like:
That works fine. However, I am also trying to create a series of paths based on a set of vocabularies. They all have different names, but they work essentially the same. I want this:
But then I get this error:
"The first element in a path may not be dynamic."
Why not? I don't want to have to create variants for each vocabulary. Isn't there some way to by-pass this error?
You cannot by-pass this error. Drupal's menu system simply does not support % as the first placeholder.
See an explanation at a related discussion.
A simple solution here is to use a generic static argument for the whole site (like site, live, new etc) as a starter path. Some developers also use this by default so they can alter it later on upcoming versions or on new functionality (for example they may have path /a/%some_args and a new version will be /b/%some_args).

Umbraco - Incorrect link to document when useDomainPrefixes = true

(To make this simpler - I've re-posted the first part of this question as a separate question, which has now been answered:)
Umbraco - Incorrect alternative link to document
Here's the full, original question:
On our website, we have the following structure:
for the Global > English page, the links to the page are showing as:
Link to document
Alternative Links
so the 'Link to document' is correct, but the alternative link isn't. On the UK > English page, I just get the correct 'Link to document'
On our development version, I've just turned on the useDomainPrefixes = true option in the umbracoSettings.config of of the site, and I've added a hostname for the top level 'sitename' node. Now I get the following as page links for the Global > English page:
Link to document
Alternative Links
I get the correct links for the UK > English page, showing the correct hostname in the URL like this:
Link to document
I've tried re-publishing the entire root node (sitename), however I get an unusual timeout error. I've increased the timeout for the app pool, and for the session and the umbraco timeout in the web.config, however this is a different error probably related to the proxy server contacting the web server.
Is republishing the entire site the only fix? I've tried only publishing the sitename > Global node, which completes successfully, but doesn't fix the issue.
This is sometimes caused by setting the domains for the content nodes incorrectly. If you've right clicked and selected "Manage Hostnames" then you can get issues like this.
Remove all hostnames and see if everything works with UseDomainPrefixes=true.
I would reinstall from scratch and rebuild the site if the worst happens and you really cannot fix.

Umbraco 6.0.3 missing content and media nodes

I have just put up an Umbraco 6.0.3 site on eHosting and set all the directory permissions iaw And this( reports the permissions as "perfect". .NET framework set to 4.0 and App pool has been set and recycled. Site shows up but no macros load and in the Umbraco UI there is only a Content node and a Media node, both the Content and Media trees are empty.
I can't think of anything else it can be. This is the first V6 site I've put live.
Is there anything else I can check?
Check that your user login has permissions to view those nodes. The fact that you are not seeing any other sections (Settings, Developer, etc) suggests this.
Also - are you using any hostnames in Umbraco for the site (where you right click and click manage hostnames on the content node)? If so then check that the root node has a wildcard hostname added.
This is a case of retracing your steps over what you've done. If the other options don't work then you can do a database refresh too (copy the dev database to live). The fact you can login to the admin UI, says that you have the database working. However, is it possible that you've tweaked anything manually in the database?
Are you using MVC or ASP.NET rendering engine?
Check your log files and paste them here if all else fails and we'll try and help you out as best we can. You'll find them in App_Data/Logs/UmbracoLogs.txt
When the content and media nodes failed to load for us in Umbraco 6.0.3 it was due to a bug in Courier which causes the back-office to malfunction if you are connected to a MySQL database (throws an exception complaining "Keyword not supported: 'charset'").
Courier interferes with many back office functions and in this case it is incorrectly assuming that you must be connecting to an MSSQL server.
The only solution was to uninstall Courier (which was OK for us because we'd already determined that there are too many show-stopping bugs for it to function as advertised).

SharePoint 2007 Publishing Site

Created a new Publishing site to serve a portal for our division. It contains several custom coded webparts that fetch data from the db and/or RSS feds and outside links.
I found it absolutely dumb that as a owner I'm having to approve my own page. Is there was to turn off this functionality? Or modifying so that only a document library runs through the approval process?
In the edit mode, there is a link "Reminder: Check for Unpublished Items" and if I click it all of my web parts and all the links, pictures, and other contents within these web parts are highlighted with a fat dotted red line. How do I get rid of this since what sharepoint is complaining about is embedded in these webpart?
If I try to create a doc library called "Announcements" I get an error:
"The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /Announcements/Forms/AllItems.aspx"
For some reason it does not like the word, as I can call it BuggsBunny and all is fine. Is "Announcements" a key word of some kind in SharePoint? I really need to create a list with this name.
I found it absolutely dumb that as a
owner I'm having to approve my own
page. Is there was to turn off this
functionality? Or modifying so that
only a document library runs through
the approval process?
You should choose, when you are creating your site, a "Publishing site" template rather than a "Publishing site with workflows". The main difference between these two is the fact that you'll approval workflow on nearly everything activated with the later while the former is free of it but still allows you to activate it if needed
there is a link "Reminder: Check for
Unpublished Items" and if I click it
all of my web parts and all the links,
pictures, and other contents within
these web parts are highlighted with a
fat dotted red line. How do I get rid
of this since what sharepoint is
complaining about is embedded in these
Don't know where you are hosting your webpart ressources (style library, document library, image library ? outside of SharePoint ? On the 12 hives ?) but if they are within SharePoint libraries and the content is not published with a 1.0 version available for the readers, you'll have this error. Deactivate the approval workflow or publish AND approve theses items. Please also note that external content will probably trigger this red link, but I suggest you to use a limited "visitor" account to check up the final rendering. The "outlining" is a nice addition but it's not always working as expected, mainly with external content.
If I try to create a doc library
called "Announcements" I get an error:
"The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource
you are looking for (or one of its
dependencies) could have been removed,
had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable. Please review
the following URL and make sure that
it is spelled correctly.
There is a default annoucement list in SharePoint (with its dedicated template, not sure that you have one provisioned with the publishing template that you picked, that might be a reason why you have this strange error. The default announcements list or its template is not a document library. If you want a document library with that name, and that specific name gives you that error, I suggest that you create a document library called AnnouncementsDocuments and then change its title for "Annoucements", that way the url will be clean of the dreaded name and you'll have the specified title.
For the error message, have a look within the source of the error message page, you might have, in some comments, more information that might help us to help you.
Hope it will help :)
