Redbean Updating Linking Values For Shared Lists - redbean

I have two tables linked together: product and attributetype linked through attributetype_product. The linking table has some data about the relationship in it. I cannot figure out an easy way to update the data in that linking table using Redbean. Setting the initial data is easy enough using the link() function. However I cannot figure out how to change that relationship easily. I know I can use ownAttributetype_product to update that record once I've loaded the product bean, but that requires that I know the ID of the linking record.
Any help on how to update the link, potentially through the shared list?

The only way I have found to make this work is to load the linked bean then iterate over it's sharedAttributeTypeList until I get to one that has the right primary bean id.
$project = R::dispense( 'project' );
$project->name = 'useless';
$employee = R::dispense( 'employee' );
$employee->name = 'employee';
$project->link('employee_project', [ 'role' => 'director' ])->employee;
R::store( $project );
$directors = $project
->with(' employee_project.role=?', [ 'director' ] )
$director = reset( $director );
foreach( $director->xownEmployeeProjectList as $bean ){
if( $bean->project_id == $project->id )
//now $bean contains the correct Employee_Project bean and can be worked on
Most often, however, slight design and scope changes in how I was accessing and thinking about linking beans made this type of access unnecessary. It really does help to look at why you are adding qualifications to a linking bean and then try to abstract that into its own domain model or to limit the scope of access allowed that would require this kind of looking through linking beans so that you can already know, in my example, the project id, employee id or other information that will specify which linking bean you need and then just use the "with" to retrieve only the necessary linking bean.


Add column to database without defining it in model with Entity Framework

Is it possible to add a column (or execute some SQL) to a table when Entity Framework is instantiating a new database, without defining it in the Model used in DbSet ?
Iam building a prototype for a SaaS application with Entity Framework and Elastic Scale Client, and want to use Row Level Security, for that a need a column to identify my tenants. So i figured it would be nice if I could use just the EF initializer to add this column, when adding new tenants to the system.
As noted in the documentation here, you can execute sql when you have the DBContext.
From the docs:
using (var context = new BloggingContext())
"UPDATE dbo.Blogs SET Name = 'Another Name' WHERE BlogId = 1");
You could use this to modify the structure without having the actual structure defined in EF.

use of expand in breeze when mapping to DTOs on the server

I have had to move queries off the main database in order to meet requirements for complex authorization - for example a user with a given authorization role can only view data for individuals in the same institution.
I am using the Breeze .net DocCode sample for guidance, and have copied the premise for the mapping of domain models to DTOs.
get { return ForCurrentUser(Context.Orders).Select(o => new Order {
OrderID = o.OrderID,
OrderDetails = o.OrderDetails.Select(od => new OrderDetail
ProductID = od.ProductID,
UnitPrice = od.UnitPrice
The problem is that which mapped properties to .include(entity framework method)/.expand (breeze method) is now a concern of the mapping function (for example, the above code will always return the OrderDetails collection, whether I want them or not). I would like to still only eagerly load/expand properties if the javascript client generated predicate has a .expand directive for that property.
Is this at all possible, or am I stuck with manually defining different mapping functions on the server, depending on what properties I want expanded? (I am happy to use tools such as automapper if that would solve or simplify the problem)
Thank you
You will need to use the ODataQueryOptions as a parameter to your controller method. This gives you the details of the query predicates in your server method, so that you can apply them as needed rather that having them applied automatically. This will let you expand, or not, based upon the query.
See this answer and this answer to see how it works.

ASP.NET MVC Model First Many To Many

I have some problems working with model first many to many relationship. Since I created many-many relationship between Town and Author via interface builder it created table TownAuthor with keys Towns_TownID and Authors_AuthorID but I want that just to be called TownID and AuthorID, how do I change that?
In Code first I would use that modelBuilder configuration in Context but I have no idea how to do this via model first...
You have to change the names of these columns in the Entity Designer DDL script (which is generated from the EDMX file and has ModelName.edmx.sql name) before executing it.
-- Creating table 'TownAuthor'
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TownAuthor] (
[TownID] int NOT NULL,
[AuthorID] int NOT NULL

GORM get domain object list by property

I'm trying to get a list of domain objects back, but only those that the user is allowed to see. This is based on what granted role that user has from spring security.
What I'd like to be able to do in my controller is something along the lines of
[reportInstanceList: Report.list(params).sort{}]
but only get the reports where
Report.role = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getAuthorities()
I have the Spring security stuff in another service class, but for simplicity's sake, its inline here.
Is there a way to direct GORM to only pull the records where the roles match?
Something like:
def reports = Report.createCriteria().list( params ) {
'in'( "role", SpringSecurityUtils.principalAuthorities )
[ reportInstanceList: reports, totalCount: reports.totalCount ]
Should work...
This is what dynamic finders are for. You can use the findAllBy finder to get all the objects with an attribute.
You can also sort at the db level by passing a map of params.
Report.findAllByRoleInList(roles, [sort: 'name'])

Asp.Net MVC Entity Framework Parent-Child with overridable values

Ok, so let me explain a little of what I am trying to do.
I have a table called WebsitePage that contains all of the pages on my site with some information about them. Then, I have a Customer table for all of my customers. Then I have another table called CustomerWebsitePage that stores customer values for some of the columns in the WebsitePage table.
So, using the entity framework, I imported these three tables. What I want to be able to do is return a strongly typed WebsitePage list that has any values from CustomerWebsitePage if there are any values for it. So, for example, say one of my customers added a CustomerWebsitePageName for one of my website pages. I want to return a list of WebsitePages that contains the CustomerWebsitePageName instead of the WebsitePage Name in that case. But the original WebsitePage Name for everything else since it wasn't overridden.
The kicker here is that my WebsitePage table has a foreign key to itself for a Parent/Child relationship. So, I also want to return the child WebsitePages at the same time. I tried using a function import to get what I wanted, but then of course I lost the ChildPages.
I have tried just about everything to get what I want using the Entity framework and LINQ. But so far almost everything I try ends up with an exception being thrown. Here are a few:
The EntityCollection has already been initialized
The entity or complex type 'MyEntityModel.WebsitePage' cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query.
I have one idea of how I can get around all this, and that would be to duplicate the ParentPageID into my WebsitePage table, but this really seems to violate a lot of principles and I really just don't want to add the maintenance headache related to this.
Anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this type of thing?
A simple DB diagram.
The object that you need to return is a CustomerWebsitePage and not a WebsitePage. The reason is that whatever object you return must know about the customer since the property will need it to determine which field (CustomerPage or WebsitePage) to use.
Considering that, you can have a function CustomerWebsitePage.GetAllPagesForCustomer(Customer c) that would return an enumeration of pages. However, to achieve the functionality you are looking for, you must implement some read-through properties in the CustomerWebsitePage. Let's take the example of Name. Here would be how to implement it in CustomerWebsitePage:
public string Name
get{ if( String.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomerWebsitePageName) )
return WebsitePage.Name;
return CustomerWebsitePageName; }
For the Children pages, you could have a property:
public IEnumerable<CustomerWebPage> Children
return WebsitePage.Children.Select( it => it.Customer.CustomerID == this.CustomerID ); }
Note that with this setup you couldn't run EF Linq queries on these new fields (because they exist only in the objects themselves, not in the database mapping). You can pepper the code with Load() if you want to seamlessly load all the children, but it will cost you in performance. To ensure that all the children are loaded, try the following loading function:
IEnumerable<CusomterWebPage> GetAllPagesForCustomer(Customer c)
return Context.CustomerWebPageSet.Include("WebsitePage").Where( it => it.Customer.CustomerID == c.CustomerID );
