Make simple text editor in android With Bold Italic and Underline [closed] - android-edittext

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Make the EditText view as text editor using Bold ,Italic and Underline styles similer to gmail compose

This is not especially easy. I have a work-in-progress component in my CWAC-RichEdit project for this.
In the end, you need to be able to apply CharacterStyle subclasses to the content of the EditText, typically when the user highlights some text. This involves getting the Spannable out of the EditText via getText(), getting selection information from the EditText, then applying the span. However:
You have to take into account both adding and removing styles
Some styles, like bullets or line alignment, are not strictly applied to the highlighted text, but rather to the line containing the highlighted text
You need to have some UI to help with this (e.g., additional options in the action mode that pops up when the user highlights text)
I hope (:: crosses fingers ::) to be able to pick up work on my RichEditText again this fall to push its development along further.


How to convert a numeric keyboard to a normal/letters keyboard [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a finished project made by a friend, but in a textfield he put a numeric keyboard, where it should be a normal keyboard. There is a lot of code and i don't know how to change the keyboard type.
What word or sentence should i find, and which value needs to change?
Thanks a lot.
It the project uses a storyboard, you should look there first. Open up the story board and find the field that is showing the wrong keyboard. On the right side of the screen, select the attributes inspector. One of the options will be "Keyboard". Change that to the desired keyboard type.
If it is not set there, then you will have to look in the code. You can look for where it is set in code by searching for UIKeyboardType. It will be using one of the following options.
Change one of those to UIKeyboardTypeDefault, and run the app again. There probably won't too many places where you see this, so you should get it right within a few tries.
[textField setKeyboardType:UIKeyboardTypeDefault];
In Interface Builder, select your text field and open Attributes inspector. There's 'Keyboard' attribute. Set it to whatever you need.

Limitations of dynamic typing in iOS? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am planing to use dynamic typing in my application. Is there any technical limitations that i should care about? I could not found it Apple official doc. If possible, please provide some sample code.
See blog post here
OS: It only works in iOS7+.
UITextField: The placeholder font is not exposed in the public API and doesn't use the value of the font property, therefore you can't adjust its size as the content size changes. This leads to a weird effect where the text adjusts normally but if the field is cleared it jumps back to the original font size when displaying the placeholder. You can most likely fix this by subclassing UITextField and implementing placeholderRectForBounds: and drawPlaceholderInRect: with adaptive fonts yourself, however this is left as an exercise for the reader.
MKAnnotationView: The text in the system-provided callout does not adjust as the content size changes. Unfortunately, fixing this requires you to implement the entire callout yourself.
See here sample application

How to make a table/Grid in iOS? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to create something like the image below in my iOS app. What is the best way to approach this, note the rows and the columns can vary.
The easiest way I thought of was to insert html table into UIWebView, but not sure if there is a way to intercept radio button clicks like there is for a regular button by making it a "href link"
A little unrelated to what you have as the title of your question, but maybe look at using UISegmentedControl. It's the closest thing to radial buttons that exists in the Objective-C world.
If you went with a segmented control, you no longer need to worry about columns, intercepting touches, and a lot of the other problems you mention in your Question - it could all be done in a normal UITableView. You would have to create some custom UITableViewCell subclasses to get the segmented controls in, but there are a lot of good tutorials (YouTube, Apple Docs, SO) on how to set those up.
From iOS 6+ you could use the UICollectionView class to build up a grid. Managing the values in the data source (representing if a radio is checked or not) is something you'd have to implement yourself.

UITableViewCell how to make right detail text multiple lines without moving the text on the left? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am using a standard UITableViewCell, right detail. The text on the right is 2 lines, but when I let it go to two lines the text on the left is no longer vertically centered. I tried modifying the "Align Baseline" but that didn't seem to help. Is there a simple fix for this?
EDIT: The issue is the different size text. Probably the right way to fix it is to use a custom cell with the right label adjusted so that its origin is higher up.
Don't know why they closed this question. There's no code to be shown here. You can build this in interface builder without any code whatsoever.

How to wrap text around image [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a UIImageView and a UITextView, and I wish to wrap the UITextView around the image that I have, exactly as it is done using Microsoft Word using the Wrapping Style -> Square, which is found when you right click on the image Format Picture -> Layout
note that I only wish to use a UITextView, and I have no problem using CoreText
Thank you in advance,
You can use the CTFrame classes, along with related class CTFrameSetter, to create a path around the image and wrap the text.
Here is a related article:
And related SO question/answer: Dynamically wrapping text around multiple UIImageView
