Will Bower install dependencies of a component? - bower

I was wondering if Bower will install the dependencies of the component I'm installing. Lets say I install a component which requires jQuery. Will Bower also install jQuery?

Bower will install the jQuery dependency for you if the component you installed have a bower.json with jQuery defined as a dependency.


How to install Angular2 beta with Bower?

I'm trying to install Angular2 with Bower with command bower install -S angular2 and have next messages in console:
$ bower install -S angular2
bower angular2#* cached git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#1.4.8
bower angular2#* validate 1.4.8 against git://github.com/angular/bower-angular.git#*
bower angular#~1.4.8 install angular#1.4.8
angular#1.4.8 bower_components/angular
My bower.json file now contains next info in dependencies section:
"dependencies": {
"angular": "angular2#~1.4.8"
And I have Angular 1.4.8 after that in bower_components path.
So, how to install Angular2 beta with Bower?
I have installed it from github with the command bower install git#github.com:angular/angular.git:
$ bower install git#github.com:angular/angular.git
bower angular#* not-cached git#github.com:angular/angular.git#*
bower angular#* resolve git#github.com:angular/angular.git#*
bower angular#* checkout 2.0.0-build.ffbcb26.js
bower angular#* invalid-meta angular is missing "main" entry in bower.json
bower angular#* invalid-meta angular is missing "ignore" entry in bower.json
bower angular#* resolved git#github.com:angular/angular.git#2.0.0-build.ffbcb26.js
bower angular#~2.0.0-build.ffbcb26.js install angular#2.0.0-build.ffbcb26.js
angular#2.0.0-build.ffbcb26.js bower_components/angular
I advise you not to use Bower. Bower is used to get your packages in your project folder, that's it.
Try to look up JSPM (http://jspm.io). It does a lot more than getting packages in your project. It takes care of ES6 to ES5. And loads all your packages in one time using SystemJS in your browser with just a couple lines of code.
you can install jspm using npm:
npm init
npm install (-g) jspm // -g only if you want jspm globally installed
jspm init
This worked for me, for Angular 2 bower install angular2-build

Bower install jquery-ui missing gruntfile

When I do a bower install jquery-ui --save , bower_modules/jquery-ui is created.
This repo does not contain the Gruntfile.js
Does bower install delete files from the repo?
Is there a way to configure this?
The jquery-ui used by this bower package points to https://github.com/components/jqueryui and not to https://github.com/jquery/jquery-ui
This repo only contains the precompiled files from jquery-ui.

Bower Dependency Install Choice

I have a package that I am building for use with bower that has a dependency of bootstrap. I know that some people prefer the LESS or SASS versions of bootstrap as opposed to the static version.
How do I, the package creator, offer the option to not install the static version of bootstrap when you install my bower package?

can't install bower package because there seems to be a duplicate

I wanted to install the backbone.routefilter plugin via Bower. It looks like there are 2 projects with that same name. http://sindresorhus.com/bower-components/#!/search/routefilter.
When I try to bower install backbone.routefilter#0.2.0 it tries to install 0.2.0 version from wanderer I want the latest from boazsender. Is there anyway to tell bower which repo to use?
That one seems to be wrongly registered. Use the correct one instead:
bower install backbone.routefilter

Upgrading Angular using Yeoman

I just installed Angular as follow:
npm install -g generator-angular # install generator
yo angular # scaffold out a AngularJS project
bower install angular-ui # install a dependency for your project from Bower
grunt test # test your app
grunt server # preview your app
grunt # build the application for deployment
That installed 1.0.7 instead of 1.0.8.
I am totally new to Yeoman. How can I upgrade 1.0.7 to 1.0.8? Is this supposed to be done manually?
Please clarify.
You can use Bower that comes with Yeoman to update the dependencies. In Bower, dependencies are listed in a ‘bower.json’ file, similar to Node’s package.json or the Ruby Gemfile.
"name": "myProject",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"angular": "~1.0.8"
First list the installed packages:
bower list
And to update a package you use the following command:
bower update angular
If you do a bower install angular-ui you will get version 0.40 ... this is not compatible with Bootstrap 3 (if that's what you want. If you want the latest angular-ui you'll have to manually install it.
