How to specify a value for a Jenkins environment variable that contains a space - jenkins

I am trying to specify a value for a Jenkins environment variable (as created on the Manage Jenkins -> Configure System screen, under the heading "Global properties") which contains a space. I want to use this environment variable in an Execute Shell build step. The option that I need to appear in the command line in the build step is:
--platform="Windows 7"
The syntax I am using on the command line is --platform=${VARIABLE_NAME}
No matter how I attempt to format it, Jenkins seems to reformat it so that it is treated as two values. I have tried:
Windows 7
"Windows 7"
'Windows 7'
Windows\ 7
The corresponding results, when output during the Execute Shell build step have been:
--platform=Windows 7
'--platform="Windows' '7"'
'--platform='\''Windows' '7'\'''
--platform=Windows/ 7
I have also tried changing my command line syntax to --platform='${VARIABLE_NAME}' as well as '--platform=${VARIABLE_NAME}', but in each of those cases the ${VARIABLE_NAME} is not resolved at all and just appears as ${VARIABLE_NAME} on the resulting command.
I am hoping there is a way to make this work. Any suggestions are most appreciated.

You should be able to use spaces without any special characters in the global properties section.
For example, I set a variable "THIS_VAL" to have the value "HAS SPACES".
My test build job was the following:
set +v
echo ${THIS_VAL}
echo "${THIS_VAL}"
echo $THIS_VAL
and the output was
[workspace] $ /bin/bash /tmp/
Finished: SUCCESS
I think what you need to do is use the following:
NOTE: Use double quotes, not single quotes. Using single quotes makes the stuff inside the quotes literal, meaning that any variables will be printed as is, not parsed into the actual value. Therefore '${VARIABLE_NAME}' will be printed as is, not parsed into "Windows 7".
Based on #BobSilverberg comment below, use the following:
Note: no curly brackets.


Python string as build parameter to Jenkins Trigger mail doesn't read the entire string. Instead cuts half of the string while reading

This is inside my trigger email
What gets read in string parameter for Jenkins build is following
This line of code executes
echo %SQLScripts%
echo ["Query1","Query2","Query3",
Initially I thought this could be some problem with how I wrote variable name, I tried $SQLScripts and "$SQLScripts". But problem is with reading the variable from email.
As I have manually added value inside jenkins build configuration and echo printed the entire value.
Please any help is appreciated.

Jenkins file can we use the IF statement

in Jenkins file one of the variable is having the comma separated values like below.
when I write the below code it was throwing an error.
if ("{$Infra_Services}".contains("xyz"))
echo "$Infra_Services"
yes you can do if statements in a Jenkinsfile. However if you are using declarative pipeline you need to brace it with the step script.
Your issue comes from the fact you did not put any double quotes around "abc" and all the elements of your array
A second error will raise after you fix this. If infra_services is an array, to manipulate it you should not try to cast it as string. It should throw when you do "{$Infra_Services}"
here is a working example
​def Infra_Services = ["abc","def","xyz"]
if (Infra_Services.contains("xyz")) {
println "found"
My advice is to test your groovy before running it on jenkins, you will gain precious time. Here is a good online groovy console I use to test my code. running the groovy console from terminal is an alternative

Increment variable value in TFS build +1

I have a Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server (Version 15.117.26714.0) with predefined variable $(ProjectBuildNumber).
Is there any way to increment, during build process, value of variable with minor build number by +1?
$(ProjectBuildNumber) = 663
So, that on next build it will be:
$(ProjectBuildNumber) = 664
You can't reference variables in the build number of the Build Definition. But what you can do is override the build number in the build itself. You can either use a magic log command or use my VSTS Variables Task to set the Build.BuildNumber in the build itself. The Variables Task does expand variable references. You could probably just set the value to the current value to get it expanded.
To issue the log command yourself use a batch script, PowerShell or bash to output the following specific string to the console:
##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]build number
Update build number for current build. Example:
Minimum agent version: 1.88
An alternative option is to use the $(Rev) option:
Build.BuildNumber = 1.1.$(Rev:.r)
That will automatically increase the variable each time the build runs.
To update a variable in a Build Definition use yet another extension:
These things combined should be able to get what you want.
In the variable section,
set the value of ProjectBuildNumber to $[counter('', 663)].
This will queue build starting with 663 as ProjectBuildNumber and increments by 1 for the subsequent queue of builds.
Unfortunately counter function (Expressions) is not available in TFS 2018. In this old version the best solution for me is to use a PowerShell script as the first Task of the build. You can than have your parameter
as an input argument, and place this inline script:
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=ProjectBuildNumber;]$ProjectBuildNumber"
After this Task you can use your incremented ProjectBuildNumber variable in all subsequent Tasks.

VSTS Release multi-line variable

I have task in VSTS release management that deletes files. I want to have the Contents come from a variable. I have created a variable but I can't figure out how to create a multi-line variable. So for example a variable that deletes the three types of files:
Variable Name= ExcludeFiles
Variable Value= "Lib" "bin\*.pdb" "bin\*.dll.config"
It's possible to use a variable with multiple logical lines as input to a multi-line task parameter, but it may not work for every task. This approach is tested on VSTS using the VS Test 2.x task, which I'll use as an example below. I expect it will work for most of the Microsoft-provided tasks.
Tasks define a set of parameters via a JSON file. Each parameter has an internal name in addition to the display name shown in the UI. It's possible to see the internal parameter name using the "Link settings" button on a task (or by finding the task's source code).
In the "Link settings" dialog, the VS Test 2.x task has a "Setting to link" called "Test assemblies", which is a multi-line string. Looking at "Process parameter to link to this setting", we see the value "Parameters.testAssemblyVer2". testAssemblyVer2 is the name of the internal parameter.
When a task executes, it needs to obtain values for its parameters. Most tasks do this by searching the current environment variables for anything starting with "INPUT_". In the case of testAssemblyVer2, the task will look for an environment variable named INPUT_TESTASSEMBLYVER2.
Just before the task executes, we can turn a delimited variable value into an encoded multi-line value, and write it into the environment variable where it's picked up by the task.
First, define a variable, "Custom.TestAssemblies" with a semicolon-delimited value **\$(BuildConfiguration)\*.tests.dll;!**\obj\**. The semicolon will become the line split.
Next, add a PowerShell task to the build process just before the VS Test task. Configure it as an Inline script with one Argument "$(Custom.TestAssemblies)". Here, the double quotes are critical.
The inline script looks like this:
$newlineDelimited = $toMultiLine -replace ';', "%0D%0A"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=INPUT_TESTASSEMBLYVER2]$newlineDelimited"
That's it! The delimiters in the variable value are converted to URL-encoded CR/LF's, and the agent is instructed to update INPUT_TESTASSEMBLYVER2 with that value. The task picks up the value and parses it for '\n', which matches the embedded %0D%0A's.
Pick a delimiter like ; and use it to divide the parts of your variable value
Obtain the task's internal parameter name using "Link settings"
Insert a PowerShell task just before the target task and insert the code above, substituting the correct variable and task parameter names
If you set the variable system.debug to true, you'll generally see the various INPUT_ parameters and some of the parsing in the trace output. It depends on the implementation of the specific task.
This solution should work equally well for Build and Release sequences.
Multi-line variable is not supported, I submit a user voice here: Multiple lines variable in Build and Release.
Based on the source code of Delete Files task, it splits contents value by ‘\n’, but based on my test, add ‘\n’ to variable isn’t working (e.g. t1.txt \n t2.txt or t1.txt\nt2.txt).
You can custom build/release task per to the source code of Delete Files task or to do it with your logical and execute it through PowerShell/Command Line task.
Bash solution:
emailbody=$(echo "$output" | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/%0D%0A/g')
The PowerShell solution from Thomas F. Abraham solved my problem. This modification makes it a bit simpler, no input parameter needed:
$newline = "%0D%0A `t"
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=LineBreak]$newline"
I also added a tab character so my next line would be indented. Then just refer to the variable $(LineBreak) where ever you want it.
Solution from Thomas also helped point us in right direction.
No issue loading multiline certificates/keys using "bash" task in azure pipeline with,
export CERTIFICATE=$(echo "$(CERTIFICATE_BASE64)" | base64 -d -w 0)
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CERTIFICATE;]$(echo $CERTIFICATE)"
However trying same using "powershell" task in azure pipeline didn't work with,
$CERTIFICATE = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String("$(CERTIFICATE_BASE64)"))
Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CERTIFICATE;]$CERTIFICATE"
Swapping in the following did work,
Solution from "Thomas F. Abraham" helped to write a yml template for the VsTest task:
#Note that it is tricky to specify the multiline-string for the VSTest task
#see ''
#see '' for the solution used in this template
#we set the environment variable 'INPUT_TESTASSEMBLYVER2' instead of setting the input 'testAssemblyVer2' for the task !!!
- name: testAssemblies
type: string
default: '**\*test*.dll,!**\*TestAdapter.dll,!**\obj\**'
- name: searchFolder
type: string
default: $(Build.Repository.Name)
- name: codeCoverageEnabled
type: boolean
default: false
- script: |
echo Paramater testAssemblies: ${{ parameters.testAssemblies }}
echo Paramater searchFolder: ${{ parameters.searchFolder }}
echo Paramater codeCoverageEnabled: ${{ parameters.codeCoverageEnabled }}
displayName: 'Parameters for VSTest'
- powershell: |
$newline = "%0D%0A"
$newlineDelimitedTestAssemblies = '${{ parameters.testAssemblies }}' -replace ',', $newline
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=INPUT_TESTASSEMBLYVER2]$newlineDelimitedTestAssemblies"
displayName: 'Set INPUT_TESTASSEMBLYVER2 for VSTest task'
- task: VSTest#2
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
searchFolder: '${{ parameters.searchFolder }}'
vstestLocationMethod: 'location'
vstestLocation: 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform'
codeCoverageEnabled: ${{ parameters.codeCoverageEnabled }}
displayName: 'Run VSTest VS2022'

Tomcat6 Service Setup; programatically concatenate JvmOptions using Batch File

This may bit a bit of a basic question, but I can't seem to find an answer on the web. I'm trying to automatically set up tomcat as a service through a batch file.
My batch file currently looks like this:
set memSize=512
set jvmOptions="-XX:MaxPermSize=512M"
ECHO Setting up tomcat as a service.
call service.bat install
ECHO Setting the memory allocation to a maximum of %memSize%
ECHO Using JVM options %jvmOptions%
Tomcat6 //US// --JvmMx=%memSize% --Startup="auto" --JvmOptions=%jvmOptions%
The issue I'm facing is that running the --JvmOptions switch overwrites all the current java options that are set in the tomcat6w.exe.
So my question is, does anyone know how to have the --JvmOptions switch concatenate the passed value to the end of the current value?
Thanks in advance
Could it be as simple as this (if I understand your question correctly)
set memSize=512
REM I removed the quotes and reused the variable in its own definition
set jvmOptions=%jvmOptions%-XX:MaxPermSize=512M
ECHO Setting up tomcat as a service.
call service.bat install
ECHO Setting the memory allocation to a maximum of %memSize%
ECHO Using JVM options %jvmOptions%
REM Added the quotes back here
Tomcat6 //US// --JvmMx=%memSize% --Startup="auto" --JvmOptions="%jvmOptions%"
After a long hard search I did manage to find the answer in a code example. But then to make me feel very foolish I noticed that the answer was also here right under my nose on the Tomcat6 Windows Service How To page. By replacing the -- with ++ the option is concatenated rather than replacing the original.
So the batch file became.
set memSize=512
set jvmOptions="-XX:MaxPermSize=512M"
ECHO Setting up tomcat as a service.
call service.bat install
ECHO Setting the memory allocation to a maximum of %memSize%
ECHO Using JVM options %jvmOptions%
Tomcat6 //US// --JvmMx=%memSize% --Startup="auto" ++JvmOptions=%jvmOptions%
A bit of an old post, but I have to do a bunch of Tomcat uninstalls/installs due another application being upgraded (a term I use loosely) and was trying to figure out how to do something similar to avoid using the UI and ensure consistency.
Some scripting tips (based on my experience so far):
REM -- Use variables for the Tomcat install directory & executable:
set TomcatDir=%ProgramFiles%\Tomcat
set TomcatExe=%TomcatDir%\bin\Tomcat7.exe
REM -- If using multiple instances, turn these in to array
set TomcatInstance[1]=Tomcat7
set TomcatInstance[2]=MyAppInstance1
set TomcatInstance[3]=MyAppInstance2
set TomcatInstance[4]=MyAppInstance3
set TomcatInstance[5]=MyAppInstance4
REM -- When updating/adding Java options and you need to use a ";" between
REM -- values, single-quote the semi-colon, ';' so it isn't intepretted as a CrLf
REM -- For example,
call "%TomcatExe%" //US/%TomcatInstance% ++JvmOptions "-Djava.library.path=%TomcatDir%\bin';'%TomcatDir%\endorsed"
REM -- So to ensure all instances have the same settings...
for /L %I in (1,1,5) do (
call "%TomcatExe%" //US/!TomcatInstance[%I]! ++JvmOptions "-Djava.library.path=%TomcatDir%\bin';'%TomcatDir%\endorsed"
REM -- Block scripts sections with setlocal/endlocal
REM -- "EnableDelayedExpansion" allows the above delayed variable expansion to occur
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo script commands go here
goto :EOF
Note: This would be much easier in an actual scripting language (vbs, js or ps), but I need to leave the script "easy" to modify for whomever takes over for me when I leave my current gig.
FWIW, the how to doc for Tomcat7 is
