iOS webview with repsonsive content scaling to screen not small webview - ios

We have a native iPad app that relies on a couple of webviews for specific functionality (say login).
The webview renders a page from the website that is responsive. The webview is a popover that is not fullscreen within the app (see attached image).
The problem is: The loaded page renders the page as if it is loaded in the native iPad resolution (1024x768) but we want it to have the size of the popover webview in the app. Is this something you can do with a particular media query or is this something that must be set in the app itself?

Ok the problem is, your web page searching for the device ID and not for the real dimension in PX, I'm sure if you try to stretching a WEB page on your computer the dimension is responsive, but on the devices your META searching a device type, you have to try two ways:
1) Uncheck in xcode on UIWebView the flag Scale Page To Fit it is possible to solve with this.
2) you have to check your Responsive script on your web page and adding a exactly resolution of your popup in xcode.
Hope this can help you ;)


iOS development - launch screens where image on main screen can change?

So I am new to iOS development and I have a question about the launch screen.
My app will have an image (that loads when the app opens from the internet) this can change anytime the image is updated on the website, so what is the done thing when designing a launch screen as the image could be different to what is on the launch screen?
In Apple's Human Interface Guidelines, they suggest that the launch screen should match the first screen of your app. In the example they give, the only parts of the launch screen are the non-dynamic parts (the UI around the web content).
Design a launch screen that’s nearly identical to the first screen of your app. If you include elements that look different when the app finishes launching, people can experience an unpleasant flash between the launch screen and the first screen of the app.
The launch screen is presented before your app loads, and it should be used for static content only.
If there are any UI elements around the image that is displayed, show those in your launch screen. If not, choose a neutral background color that works well with the theme of your app.
Omit the image. A launch image should be a bare outline of what the screen will certainly contain. It might be no more than the correctly-colored background. It is just to cover the gap between nothing and something.
Read the Guidelines: Look at the picture on the left. That's a launch screen — basically empty.
LaunchScreen image is always the same..
You can set it in LaunchScreen.storyboard
The launch screen is used to display something whilst your app is initialising, making network requests or whatever.
You shouldn't be looking to load dynamic content here as if a user is on a very slow connection then they wont see anything until your image has loaded. This is why it doesn't have a view controller associated with it. it should be static.
You should only really be loading your logo or something in here, you could just use the company name. it will only show for a short amount of time. then when assets change, submit the changes to store

showing a pdf in uiwebview on ios9 sometimes scrolling is stuck

I'm working on an ios app written in swift, xcode7
A view has a UIWebView on it.
using loadRequest(NSURLRequest) we load a pdf file from disk.
This works fine, but sometimes the pdf file cannot be scrolled past the first page or what you see first on the screen. I can't pinpoint what causes the not-scrolling as sometimes I open the same file again and then it scrolls.
Trying to scroll when it doesn't want to bounces the bottom part of the screen and you can see there is another page, but you can't scroll it into view.
The UIScrollView contained inside the UIWebView (this is the default) knows there are more pages, because it shows "1 of 3" on screen.
The UIWebView
has 'scales page to fit' checked
has 'user interaction enabled' checked
has 'multiple touch' NOT checked
has 'autoresize subviews' checked
has mode 'Scale To Fill'
I have tried the following:
checking if the scrollview is not larger than the screen by placing a border around it: no, it fits on screen and is as large as you would expect
setting the internal UIScrollView.scollEnabled to true in code
In the application, when showing the UIWebview, it is resized on screen by collapsing an element above it, but I have tested this with fixed heights and it doesn't change anything.
When I call flashScrollIndicators() on the internal UIScrollView, this is consistent with the scrolling or non-scrolling. If you see the scrollbar flash, then scrolling is possible. If not, then you can't scroll past the first page.
Any other ideas I can try?
This sounds like a weird UIWebView problem.
Two additional things you can check :
Is the issue resolved after you rotate? (had this happen to me once)
If you call flashScrollIndicators on the internal UIScrollView and it's not responding. Is the internal UIScrollView a nil object?
Another solution is to try and use WKWebView. It might resolve the issue. Just be sure to only use it in the last versions of iOS.
You can also step down a layer and implement it with CoreGraphics since you have the PDF on the device itself and not on the web (official docs). There is probably a good CocoaPod or Carthage framework you can use for this.
The underlying problem was the fact that before loading a new pdf, the UIWebView was cleared each time by loading 'about:blank', which is the most suggested solution to clear the webview. However, when working with pdfs with different page sizes and different number of pages, this seems to mess with the built-in scrollview.
The solution in this case was to create a kind of 'blank' pdf with a single page (and maybe an application logo in it to distinguish it clearly for the user) and instead of loading about:blank, load this pdf instead before showing the webview to the user and while waiting for the real pdf to download to the device.

Show a view on main screen while the app is in background in ios

Thanks in advance.
Is it possible to show a capture screen like assistive touch view in ios when we click on application icon.Means i want to show the iPad screen and top on the with transparent background a view need to display.
I want to create an app like this after clicking the app icon i want a screen like this on my main screen and i can able to customize it and capture the selected area. is it possible to do that. and is there any api for that.
i don't think you are allowed to capture the home screen in public api. this question had similar request.
How can I take a screenshot of the iPhone home screen programmatically
UIGetScreenImage() mentioned in the answer is very useful, if you only targeting Jailbroken phones.
However, i found an open source library called "Record My screen", which claim can
Record the display even on non-jailbroken iPhones.
I personally didn't test that, since i believe Apple would somehow find that and pull the app off (that happened to several apps before). If you really interested in it, maybe you can learn something from that library.
Hope that helps you.

Web development for iPad: how to make safari view non-draggable

I'm making a web project that is fitted to the iPad screen. I'm trying to make it look as much like a native app as possible. It is loaded in safari or atomic browser. What I'm trying to find out is if it's possible to eliminate the drag and even the zoom functions of one of those browsers for just that site.
To rephrase, I want to make my site fixed on the screen at all times. The issue is, a user will try to hit a button and it will drag the screen.
PS. An additional question is how I can make it so images don't have the "save as" functionality if held down I tried putting a span over the images, and that worked for firefox, but not iPad safari.
If you can solve any or all of these, you would have my biggest thanks!
Turns out that there are several metatags that you can put in your js file which keep the screen fixed. Good stuff on that is here:
As far as the "save as" issue, I don't know yet, that part of my app development hasn't been solved.

UIWebView - Limiting Content Width

I've come across an interesting problem with UIWebView.
I basically want to use a UiWebView on an iPad app as a modal pop-up to show wikipedia or amazon mobile pages if the user performs certain actions.
I have the code to create and load the UIWebView working fine, but the content loaded pays no attention to the width of the UIWebView. I wanted the UIWebView to (roughly) be the width of an iPhone screen and have set the frame accordingly.
However, when the content loads it appears that it loads at the width and height of an iPad screen so it scrolls both horizontally and vertically. Vertical scrolling is fine but horizontal is not.
When the same URLs are loaded on the iPhone (just in safari), the content resizes to fit the width of the device, which I assume is using a meta-tag?
The question is, how I can replicate this behaviour in a UIWebView on the iPad and "force" the content down to a set width.
Apologies, this is a duplicate of the question answered at UIWebView -- load external website, programmatically set initial zoom scale, and allow user to zoom afterwards
This solution is smart and works.
The size of the content will depend on a mix of the size of the browser's viewport, as well as the HTML / CSS that is implemented on the site.
As you are saying the site scales correctly in Safari, Check the frame of the webView is correct in your app. Sometimes the site may have implemented aspect ratio comparisons to work out which responsive view to show, so experiment also with the height of the modal to match the size of an iPhone.
Another thing you can try is setting constraints on the webView. I've found setting constraints will also sometimes alter the viewport size & rendering.
If that doesn't work - You could also try scaling the content. The answer here will help: HTML Content fit in UIWebview without zooming out
