Unable to change width of TextField in Blackberry - blackberry

I am a newbie to Blackberry, I was just trying out some sample apps in Blackberry. I tried to create a login page. In that, when I tried to change the width of the text field, the text field became invisible.
The below is part of the code to create the TextField.
t_username = new TextField()
public void layout(int width, int height)
super.layout(500, 30);
setExtent(500, 30);
t_username.setBorder(BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(1,1,1,1),Border.STYLE_SOLID));
I tried to create a border to check where it is coming or not, but couldn't find it.
PFB, the snapshot:

Overriding the TextField#layout() method
public void layout(int width, int height)
super.layout(500, 30);
setExtent(500, 30);
is one way that you can set a text field's width. So, I think there's something else going wrong here.
1) Possibly, when you changed your code, your mistakenly removed the call to
you don't show us where you actually add that field, so if you're not calling add(t_username) somewhere else, it's not going to be visible. Fields must be added to a Manager or Screen to be visible.
2) Perhaps some other code you've written (but not shown) is attempting to do something with a Graphics object. For example, if you're overriding a paint(Graphics) method in another field, you may be changing a color (e.g. graphics.setColor(Color.WHITE)) and not remembering to reset the original color. Possibly, your text field is there, but it's the same color as its background. If this was happening, though, you could still see the text field cursor when you give that field focus. I simply can't tell from your screenshot.
A Better Way
Normally (but not always), it should be the responsibility of the Manager/Screen that contains the field to determine its size. I think it's poor encapsulation to have most fields set their own width (although there are exceptions to this). I would recommend using setMargin() and the USE_ALL_WIDTH flag to set a reasonable width for this text field:
public class TextFieldScreen extends MainScreen {
private TextField t_username;
public TextFieldScreen() {
HorizontalFieldManager row = new HorizontalFieldManager();
LabelField label = new LabelField("Username");
label.setMargin(new XYEdges(2, 0, 2, 10));
t_username = new TextField(TextField.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
t_username.setBorder(BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(1,1,1,1), Border.STYLE_SOLID));
t_username.setMargin(new XYEdges(2, 10, 2, 10));
One benefit of this solution, compared to hard-coding a width of 500, is that if your app supports portrait/landscape rotation, the code above will correctly adjust the field width as the screen width changes. If you hard-code the field width, the field will be too wide when the device rotates to portrait.


customized editable text field with predefined width and height

i am developing a mobile app in blackberry 7,i need to create a editable text field as shown in below figure with save and clear button.initially it has to show customized edittext field with predefined width(fixed as it should not exceed the defined layout) and height,and automatically get appended by new line if user requires to enter more characters after reaching predefined space as user keeps filling the field.
i googled, but i did not get any source which is similar to this.please help me by providing any suggestion or with samples
Blackberry fields decide their size in their layout field. I'm not entirely sure what EditField does in its layout, but I was able to get the behaviour you want by setting the extent. Every time the edit field text will wrap, layout will be triggered so that it can grow.
EditField editField = new EditField()
private final int MIN_HEIGHT = 200;
protected void layout(int width, int height)
super.layout(width, height);
if (getHeight() < MIN_HEIGHT)
setExtent(getWidth(), MIN_HEIGHT);
editField.setBorder(BorderFactory.createSimpleBorder(new XYEdges(1, 1, 1, 1)));

How do I remove bottom padding that appears below a TextBox in Windows Phone when tapped?

I am attempting to implement a chat view in Windows Phone 8. When a user taps my TextBox at the bottom of my View, the view shifts vertically as the keyboard appears, but an additional amount of padding appears at the bottom of the view. I have seen this happen in other apps as well.
Here is my app:
Here is an equivalent app (Whatsapp) that has clearly solved the problem.
Anyone have any ideas on how to correct this issue in a way that won't break my view? My attempts to manually modify padding when Focused/Unfocused have not been successful.
Good news! I have managed to figure out a fix for this. The below code stops the page from being moved up at all and then adds a margin to the bottom of the text box to place it above the keyboard. The value below of 417 seems to work well for me but you can change this to whatever you like. Using this method also stops other content being pushed off screen like the conversation as it will be fully scrollable while the keyboard is active.
private void TextBox_GotFocus_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var rootFrame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame;
rootFrame.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform() { TranslateY = +0 };
TextInput2.Margin = new Thickness(12, 0, 12, 417);
private void TextBox_LostFocus_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var rootFrame = Application.Current.RootVisual as PhoneApplicationFrame;
rootFrame.RenderTransform = new CompositeTransform() { TranslateY = +0 };
TextInput2.Margin = new Thickness(12, 0, 12, 12);
You can always try to give bottom margin with negative value. example give -40px and see.
If you're using Grid, set Height to "Auto" where the TextBox is.
Set InputScope="Default".

how to disable endless scroll in BasicEditField

HI all i have implement Custom BasicEditField to set hint and to input long text .
please see my code
vfm_searchBox = new VerticalFieldManager()
//Main.Quicksearchinput is background image for inputtext
public void paint(Graphics g)
There is one HorizontalFieldManager to scroll text.
hfm_searchBox = new HorizontalFieldManager(Manager.HORIZONTAL_SCROLL) ;
There is one Basiceditfield to input text .
txtSearch = new BasicEditField(BasicEditField.NO_NEWLINE)
public void paint(Graphics g)
if(super.getText().length() == 0)
g.drawText("Enter Event title or subtitle", 0, 0);
The BasicEditField looks nice with Backgroundimage and hint but problem is that when i am nothing input in textfield it is working as endless scroll . i have set Horizontalfield width depend on BasiceditField but its width by default set to unlimited .
how to prevent endless scroll ?
Thanks in Advance !!!
What is the HorizontalFieldManager's virtual width? This refers to the scrollable space whereas the width refers to the extent on the screen. You can try extending HorizontalFieldManager and overriding the sublayout method, calling setVirtualExtent in it.
As Tamar said, the Field's Virtual Width is the key concept to keep track of.
You can see my solution to a very similar question here. I provide a full code example that's probably not too far from what you're trying to do. The code I use goes a step further, and dynamically limits scrolling only to the end of where the text currently reaches. If you don't do this, and simply set one constant virtual width, then you can have the field actually scroll too far to the right. By dynamically calling setVirtualExtent(), you always get just enough scrolling, but not too much.

How to Increase the row height of the selected item of listfield

I am using a ListField for my app to show the data in a list. Now my requirement is that i want to increase the row height of the selected item of the list.
For this, i created a GridFieldManager and populated my list using this manager. I then override the onFocus() method of this manager. But, this method is never invoked. As a result i am unable to increase the height of the selected row item.
Please help.
ListField rows are all designed to be uniformly sized, so unfortunately you won't be able to directly change the size of one row. It's possible you can emulate it by setting it so that the row above and below draw a little bit of the focus color at the bottom and top respectively. Alternatively, you could have one field that just stays centered above whatever row is focused. Then redraw this "floating Field" with the information from the selected row.
I got it working. I faked the ListField implementation. I removed ListField and replaced it with VerticalFieldManager. I adjusted its size during onfocus() and onUnfocus() and used sublayout() to change the height of this manager. Its working exactly the way i want.
you can increase the row height/font text/...
as ultimately, all of the api's call canvas's paint methods
how to do:
//try playing with the font_type,font height
Font myFont = Font.getDefault().derive(Font.PLAIN, 14, Ui.UNITS_px);
private class ListCallback implements ListFieldCallback {
public void drawListRow(ListField list, Graphics g, int index, int y, int w) {
String text = (String)listElements.elementAt(index);
g.drawText(text, 0, y, 0, w);
//you can increase the height of a particular row in the height parameter.
// if you want it to be specific, put an 'if conditon'
EX: if(index=1)

How get height of title screen on blackberry screen?

Why getHeight after setTitle equal null?
How do I get the actual height value?
public class ActivityScreen extends MainScreen {
* Creates new instance Activity screen
public ActivityScreen() {
TitleFieldManager titleField = new TitleFieldManager(Display.getWidth());
if (titleField.getHeight() == 0) {
// Why titleField.getHeight() == 0 ?
Because you are calling titleField.getHeight() in the screen's constructor. At this point the UI framework has not passed the layouting/measuring process for the screen yet. If for instance, you will call the same titleField.getHeight() after at least one screen's paint(Graphics graphics) call has been executed you'll be able to get a non-zero value. All layouting/measuring is guaranteedly passed BEFORE the screen content can be drawn.
Check the Manager.sublayout(int width, int height) API. MainScreen is also a Manager. So at some point AFTER the screen has been constructed, but BEFORE it is painted, the UI framework calls its sublayout(int width, int height) where all layouting/measuring happens (all child fields get their sizes).
I'm not 100% sure of this, but I think the height of the element is calculated when the manager that contains it is laid out.
Try pushing the screen that contains that title and then calling titleField.getHeight()
