How to load a view which has a back button option - ios

I'm trying to recreate the way Notes(native) shows the back button for accounts. In my project I want to load a view by using the tab bar on the bottom, and that view to have a back button pointing to another view just like in Notes. How can I achieve that?

you have to put your UIViewController into a UINavigationController and then present that NavigationController containing your UIViewController. You should have a Navigationbar at the top of your View. If not, in your UIViewController, do:
[self.navigationcontroller setNavigationBarHidden:NO];
hope that helps


Why Tab bar is going to hide when Push to another View in objective c

I am using TabBarController with four tabs in my applicatin. In the second Tab I'm using PageViewcontroller. PageViewController contains Five pages. Where the first Page view contains the button. On button click we can navigate to another view. When we navigate to another view, the tab is going to hide.
But I don't want to hide the Tab bar.
Anyone can please help to resolve this problem.
In order to make UITabBar visible in all the screens of your app you need to take UINavigationController for all the tabs, UINavigationController will be the viewControllers with relational segue and UINavigationController's root view controllers will be your initial controllers which you want to show on Tabs
Below is the screenshot of how you design it using your storyboard
And here is how it works
Deselect Hide bottom bar on push as below :
Or programatically :
yourViewController.hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = NO;

Display extra view controller without removing the tab bar

My app has a menu and a UITabBarController. What I want to do is to display a view controller that belongs to my menu but not to the UITabBarController, However I don't want to remove the UITabBarController. I tried codes similar to the one below but they are removing the UITabBarController.
tabBarViewController.selectedViewController?.presentViewController(ExtraViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
You should get UINavigationController of selected ViewController and then push view you want to present. Otherwise you are presenting modal view controller with presentViewController witch hides your UITabBarController view.
Im not at my computer right now, and cant post any code, but hope this helps.
Best way to do it is to use UINavigationController. You can create new one programmatically and put your menu controller as root.
And if you put this UINavigationController as one of views in UITabBarController then you can preform a code like:
[self.navigationController pushViewController:ExtraViewController animated:NO];
Also you can use storyboard to create your controllers hierarchy like that:
To do that select your menu controller and go to Xcode menu>Editor>Embed in>Navigation Controller and then Xcode menu>Editor>Embed in>Tab Bar Controller.

iOS how to go from xib file to a view controller in tab bar

i have a tab bar application
i am using storyboards and also navigation bar in my app
in my app
FirstViewController (in tab bar) with a button go to the SingleViewController (xib file and not on tab bar)
in SingleViewController there is a button too. and i want to go to one of the controllers which is on tab bar
in singleviewController's button method i have this code:
AylikGirisViewController *controller = [[AylikGirisViewController alloc] init];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
it goes to the controller but i see a black screen and empty screen also moving to the AylikGirisViewController gets hard (i mean very slowly)
so i think my way is wrong
any ideas for the right way?
if you are using storyboard, you can simply drag another view controller onto the storyboard and give name as SingleViewController, you can easily push the SingleViewController onto the FirstViewController if you embed the FirstViewController in UINavigationController. Use storyboard segue to push the controller. Then you can call UITabBarController Delegate method to show the different viewController.

iOS Storyboards - Re-use UIViewController

I've got the following structure setup in my Storyboard.
I've got a TabViewController (circled in red) that shows a UIViewController via one of its tabs by doing a push (circled in blue).
I want to re-use that UIViewController from the TabViewController. I'd like to 'push' it but I don't really have a navigation controller so I may end up displaying it as a modal.
However, I'm not sure how to handle navigation back to the TabViewController since in this case there's no navigation bar. Any suggestions on the best way to handle this?
Is there a way to insert a Navigation controller when its displayed directly from the TabViewController?
Why don't you put your view hierarchy like this:
UITabBarController -> UINavigationController -> BlueViewController
This UINavigationController should be put in the viewControllers property of the UITabBarController instance. If you do this, you can push and pop as many view controller as you want and you can also hide the navigation bar if needed.
Cancel button whose action is [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];

NavController push from subview

I got an application with a tabbar and a navigation controller for one of the tab view.
The Navigation controller is pushing several views and one of them has a button which permits to add a subview (I am actually displaying a popup message -not an uialert- when pushing that button).
The problem is that I would like now to be able to push a new view controller once I pushed a button in the subview...
I cannot find my navcontroller, even when I use the pushmethod of appdelegate.tabbar.navigationController
Does one of you have easy idea about how to implement that ?
Thanks a lot !
If the button's press action of the second button is being handled in the same UIViewController as the other button's action you should simply be able to use
[self.navigationController pushViewController:newViewController animated:YES];.
If your subview has it's own UIViewController you could add a reference to your first UIViewController or to the navigationController itself and use it that way.
