sending a parameter with Link_to and Data-no-turbolink - ruby-on-rails

The following is very confusing to me:
The first link is correctly not using turbo links but the query is not being sent
The second link is the opposite scenario
= link_to 'yesturbo_noquery', "/controller/action", "data-no-turbolink" => true, query: "hello"
= link_to "noturbo_yesquery", {'data-no-turbolink' => true, :controller => "controller", :action => "action", :query => "hello" }
How do I make both work?
Edit, This works Thanks to Sikachu
= link_to 'yesturbo_yesquery', controller_action_path(:query => 'hello'), "data-no-turbolink" => true

link_to method actually consist of 3 parts:
link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block)
From both of the example you wrote there, example 1 mixed in query into the html_options, and example 2 mixed in data-no-turbolink into options.
I think if you changed it to this, it will work:
link_to 'noturbo_yesquery', {:controller => 'controller', :action => 'action', :query => 'query'}, :data-no-turbolink => true

I think following code is more correct:
<%= link_to('Product', #product, data: { no_turbolink: true }) %>
Also following code will works:
<%= link_to('Product', #product, 'data-no-turbolink' => true) %>


Rails strips html class tag from button_to

I have the following in my view:
<%= button_to 'Check In', controller: "posts", action: :check_in, id:, :class => "btn", :style => "display:inline" %>
For some reason, the :class and :style do not end up in the HTML that is rendered. I have tried putting this class and style on other ERB tags and they get rendered from there. Why are they being stripped on this tag only?
button_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block)
so, you need to wrap the options and html_options attributes to hashes
<%= button_to 'Check In', { controller: "posts", action: :check_in, id: }, { :class => "btn", :style => "display:inline" } %>
Many tag helpers require HTML attributes to be in a :html key.
<%= button_to 'Check In', controller: "posts", action: :check_in, id:, :html => {:class => "btn", :style => "display:inline"} %>

Post ajax request with link_to doesn't work

I have a view with link_to method like this :
= link_to "Add Friend", friendships_path(:id => #user), :method => :post, :remote => true
As you can see I want to send a post request with link_to using ajax (remote: true).
This request go to the create method in friendships controller and it work fine (it create a relationship) but it render anything (firebug show me: 500 Internal Server Error).
$("#my_selector").html("<%= escape_javascript(render('users/cancel_invitation')) %>")
= link_to "Cancel request", { :controller => "friendships", :action => "cancel", :id => #user }, data: { confirm: "Cancel friendship request?" }
I can't find the error.
= link_to "Cancel request", { :controller => "friendships", :action => "cancel", :id => #user }, data: { confirm: "Cancel friendship request?" }, :remote => true
The :remote => true bit is important for ajaxy stuff.

passing ruby variable in observe_field method

I would like to know how can I pass a ruby variable inside an observe_field method.
I have the following:
<% action_parameter = params[:action] %>
<%= observe_field :car_type,
:url => { :controller => 'cars',
:action => :display_subtypes },
:with => "'id=' + value + '&somevalue=' + action_parameter"
'action_parameter' is a variable and I would like to pass its value in the observe_field method but the code above does not seem to work.
Any suggestion?
try this
<% action_parameter = params[:action] %>
<%= observe_field :car_type,
:url => { :controller => 'cars',
:action => :display_subtypes },
:with => "'id=' + value + '&somevalue=#{action_parameter}'"
Ruby variable will work in <% .... %>
you can use interpolation , Try this :
<%= observe_field :car_type,
:url => { :controller => 'cars',
:action => :display_subtypes },
:with => "id=#{value}&somevalue=#{action_parameter}"

How to disable Rails submit buttons alongside Prototype helpers & RJS?

I'm trying to follow this post How can I unobtrusively disable submit buttons with Javascript and Prototype? but I can't get it to work. The form triggers an RJS function, so I need to keep the helpers' onclick events intact. The RJS returns/reloads the same forms along with two new texts. I'm really confused. Here is my rails code for the forms:
/ new comparison . . .
/ voting forms (also reloaded)
- form_remote_tag :action => url_for(:controller => :comparisons), :method => :post do
= hidden_field_tag :poem1_id, poems[:a].id
= hidden_field_tag :poem2_id, poems[:b].id
= hidden_field_tag :response, 1
= submit_tag "Vote for me", :disabled => false, :disable_with => 'Vote for me', :class => "compare"
- form_remote_tag :action => url_for(:controller => :comparisons), :method => :post do
= hidden_field_tag :poem1_id, poems[:a].id
= hidden_field_tag :poem2_id, poems[:b].id
= hidden_field_tag :response, 2
= submit_tag "Vote for me", :disable_with => 'Vote for me', :class => "compare"
- form_remote_tag :action => url_for(:controller => :comparisons), :method => :post do
= hidden_field_tag :poem1_id, poems[:a].id
= hidden_field_tag :poem2_id, poems[:b].id
= hidden_field_tag :response, 'draw'
= submit_tag "Declare Draw", :disable_with => 'Declare Draw', :class => "compare"
page.replace_html :comparison, :partial => 'poems', :object => #poems
page.insert_html :top, :previous, :partial => 'comparison', :object => #comparison
page << "Effect.ScrollTo($('top'));"
Here's one way you could do it using Prototype:
<script type="text/javascript">
document.observe("dom:loaded" function() {
$$("input .compare").each(function(submit) {
submit.observe("click", function() {
submit = true;
This adds an onclick event handler to every input element with a compare CSS class (i.e. your submit buttons) when the DOM is loaded. The onclick event handlers disables each button when it's clicked. Note that adding event handlers using Prototype this way does not replace any existing event handlers on the elements.

rails how to call another controller in link_to_remote

how to call a different controller's action using link_to_remote
:url => {:controller => "Posts", :action => "update"} doesn't work
the method:
link_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = nil)
passing in a hash like:
link_to_remote "hug kittens", { :url => { :controller => 'kittens', :action => 'show' } }
as the second argument (options) works. verified.
the result:
<a onclick="new Ajax.Request('/kittens/hug', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters:'authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('/BdZwHdC/QqtBJsdCU+cCHxabHj/QHUT6i8ggbr5CtY=')}); return false;" href="#">hug kittens</a>
The problem with your implementation might be, that there is no "real" update-url (except you created one by hand). Please have a look at the url of your edit-form. It's actually a post-request to "posts/:post_id".
<%= link_to_remote "Save", :url=>{:controller => "Posts", :action => "update"}, :update=>"div_id" %>
