Slingshot action (movement) without cocos-2d - ios

I want to create a game in which the sling shot will be used like in angry birds or sling shot game. I want to ask can is this possible to make the slingshot action like it throws at object in the angle with out cocos-2d. Please help me how should I proceed with this because I do not much on cocos 2d.
Thanks in advance.

I think you must make a method which will find the points to make a path from initial point to end point.
for that you need to use some dynamics concept.
after that you can implement animation of view along "path".How would I implement animation along a path using the iPhone SDK?
Hope this help

I think you should just go with buying this starter kit if you want to avoid deep dig into cocos2D.
It's got good dynamic features with lots of documentation.

You can UIView animation alternative of Cocos2d


Does SceneKit have something like the SKCropNode?

I want to do a Boolean Intersection between two SCNNodes. I remember that when I use SpriteKit, there is something called the SKCropNode which allows me to show only a part of its childNodes. I'm wondering whether SceneKit has the same thing? Thanks a lot.
(If you are quite familiar with SceneKit and you've never heard about something like that, please just reply NO, thanks.)

Cocos2D + Box2D Editor?

I want to develop an Angry Birds style game (more for learning purpose), so I am digging into Cocos2D + Box2D and after having done a few test all by code I am wondering which tool can I use to design level easier ?
A bit of google pointed me out Tiled or R.U.B.E. but I am not really sure if it's what I need. Tiled seem to be more designed for tiled game like a plat-former and I don't really know about R.U.B.E.
What I'd like to do is being able to place my body manually in a scene, set their physic property and so...
Which tool would you recommend for this kind of level design ?
Thank in advance.
I advise you to download/buy LevelHelper/SpriteHelper, they have helped me a lot when I was a novice with box2d. I think it's just what you need, once you learn the basics then you can go forward freely without them. In addition now there's also one or more tutorials on the Ray Wenderlich site that will help you even more like this (The softwares are not free, but in my opinion they worth their price)

three.js - create draggable circle

I've just cloned the three.js project from github. I'm interested in creating a circle on a 2d plane that I can drag with my mouse. I have no experience in graphics programming (WebGL or OpenGL).
Can someone please point me in the right direction? I've tried google, but the examples seem too complicated.
Many thanks in advance,
I think this is something you need to have a go at. It's not nearly as complicated as you might think. If the maths are scaring you off, don't worry three.js handles it all for you, you just need to add a camera, some shapes and ask it to render them.
Please do take the time to go through aerotwists three js tutorials as these will give you a good grounding in how to setup a basic scene.
You will quickly realise that once you have a scene you can change objects quite easily using your current scene.
As for dragging things around, I'm sure that will come just try to walk before you can run.

How to zoom a circular region with Cocos2d?

I am working on a Cocos2d project for iPad and iPhone, and now I need to develop something that looks too small for iPhone.
My first approach was to redesign it to make it possible to look bigger, but then I though that a region zoom effect would be great. The bad point is that I don't know how to do it... I really don't know what would be the correct/best approach to do it.
I have already checked out the Cocos2D CCLens3D build in effect, but it doesn't give me the results I want.
I would love to get the same result than when you long-press a textview/textfield on the UIKit:
Thanks in advance for your help!
If your still looking for a solution:
Uses CoreGraphics to render. Although this implementation works (requires some tweaking), I found that it lacked that Gaussian distribution effect I was looking for and was quite expensive if you updated the magnifying effect in a small interval.

iOS - Cocos2d, Box2d or Chipmunk

I have to develop an app which has on screen 10 balls. When user shake the phone a sound will play and the ball have to move around the screen colliding each others without go out of bounds. I think i have to use cocos2d, box2d or chipmunk, but i don't know how can i do a thing like that. If someone have a tutorial, or some code it will be very appreciated.
I found another method that could be useful, it's CGRectIntersectRect(obj1.frame, obj2.frame)
but i think it isn't the correct way for my problem, is it right?
Box2d or Chipmunk are supposed to take care of the collisions, so you don't have to use functions like CGRectIntersectRect to handle these kinds of events.
Start with some cocos2d tutorials to see how to display sprites on the screen and after that see some tutorials for your physics system of choice.
Box2d and Chipmunk are physics engines that come WITH cocos2d, cocos2d is the graphics engine.
I suggest you go for Box2d as it not only provides collision detections (including with circle body shapes for your case) but also lets you handle all the physics etc. I've never used Chipmunk.
There is a short Objective-Chipmunk tutorial that does most of what you are looking for already:
