UIScrollView inside UIScrollView: Scrolling - ios

I have a full-screen, parent UIScrollView that has paging enabled. Then I have a small, second UIScrollView inside of the first one, with also paging enabled.
If I swipe the second UIScrollView, it scrolls fine untill it runs out of pages, then the parent UIScrollView takes over scrolls. For example, if I am on the last page on the second UIScrollView, swipe to left, the parent UIScrollView begins to scroll to right. I tried enabling exclusiveTouch, but no change.
Is there a way if I scroll the second UIScrollView, only that will scrolls and stops, the parent UIScrollView will never move from that original swipe?

You can set scrollView.scrollEnabled = NO; when other scroll is moving. You can detect when scroll begin dragging and didScroll.

You can get everything with basic scrolling with full screen view from this one
Trust me it really work and also work at rotating device.


Is there a way to conform UIScrollView to custom swipes without changing to 2-finger swipes

I have scroll view with both horizontal and vertical scrolls (PDF View).
So I wanted to add diagonal swipe to that and figured out that after this:
scrollView?.panGestureRecognizer.require(toFail: swipe)
swipe works, but whole scroll view started reacting only to 2-finger gestures.
So it would be perfect for me to find a solution to remove this conflict of swipes.

Prevent overlapping UIScrollView from scrolling

I have a UIScrollView where one of the elements, when touched, pops up another UIScrollView, of the same size (full screen) as the underlying view. I want this top scrollView, when shown, to be the only element responding to touches, but as it is, if the top scrollView runs out of content, the underlying scrollView picks up the touches and scrolls its content. How can I force the responder chain to stop at the top UIScrollView without putting it in a separate UIViewController?
Try setting scrollEnabled to NO on the base scroll view when the "top" scroll view is shown, and re-enable it when you want control to return.

Zooming and moving a UIScrollView at the same time

I have a UIScrollView that takes up a portion of the screen, and its basic functions (scrolling and zooming) work just fine. For example, I can grab the scrollview with two fingers, and scroll left and right, while zooming in or out on the content.
I want to add the ability to move the UIScrollView up and down at the same time. Please note that I do not want to move the content of the scroll view, but the scroll view itself.
I have attempted to add a UIPinchGestureRecognizer to the UIScrollView which has allowed me to grab and move the scroll view, but I then lose the zoom and scrolling. It seems that adding a gesture recognizer makes all of the default actions stop (also, when I call setZoomScale, I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS).
I've also considered checking touches, but touches on the UIScrollView aren't registered with the main view so I can't change its location using those values.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how this might be accomplished?

horizontal scrolling of a scrollView in a scrollView - small problem

i have a scrollView that fits the whole screen. In that View i show some UIImages that scroll horizontally. Like in the PageControl Project from Apple.
Then, when the user taps the screen, i fade in a scrollView at the bottom with some other images. Also horizontally scrolling. Like in the ScrollView Project from Apple.
My problem is, that when i come to the end of the scrollView which was faded in, the upper scrollView also starts to drag. How can i stop that during activation of the second scrollView?
Redraw the frame limits on your first scrollView when the second enters the screen. That way, your touches won't respond to both views. This means you need a container-view to keep both views seperated from each other.
Then you just rescale it back whenever your second scrollView disappears.
Edit: or disable scroll in your first scrollview while the second is open.

How do you receive touches in views added to a subview

I have been adding several subviews ("touch subviews") to a scroll view which respond to touches. The touch delegate methods in each of these subviews all fire nicely.
I have one subview (bodyClock) which holds the main content of the scroll view and is the viewForZoomingInScrollView. In order for the "touch" subviews to zoom properly I find now that I have to add them the bodyClock subview instead of the scroll view. When I do this, however, the "touch subviews" no longer respond to touches.
I have tried all sort of things with first responder without any success. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.
OK, I found my problem I had a subview acting as a time mask in the scroll view that I think was responding to touches. This became evident when I noticed that the touch subViews did not respond to touches while the mask was over them. Because the mask was a subview to the scroll view, it would move when zooming such that a touch subview in the bodyClock view would come out from underneath the mask and suddenly start working.
Moving the mask from the scroll view to the bodyClock subView along with the "touch subviews" fixed my problem. Now all the subviews scroll and zoom properly, and respond to touches.
