rails 3: Integrating QBO and QBD in rails 3.2 app - ruby-on-rails

I want to integrate QBO and QBD in my rails 3.2 application that I am developing. Please help me how to integrate QBO and QBD API in my web application. I have tried http://developer.intuit.com and created application there. I have a consumer key and consumer secret also. Now i want to integrate these key to my web application how to do this? Any nice resources or gem...please help me!

Please refer:
There are sample apps also available for .net and java. You can refer them for implementing the same logic in your application.
You can download sample apps from the GITHUB-
Set your keys in web.config and debug it for more information.
Steps to be followed:
1)Get the opened information for the user using SignIn with Intuit.
2) Then implement Connect to QuickBooks on your home page and redirect to your call back url. Create oauth session and redirect to OAUTH grant url.
3) On the OAUTh grant url page, call AUthorize url - https://workplace.intuit.com/Connect/Begin
4) You will then have the realm id and open id info. The Blue Dot menu will then load.

I published a two-part tutorial on getting started with QuickBooks integration inside of a Rails app using the Quickeeboks gem.
Update: I just added some more tutorials and screencasts demonstrating integrating a Rails app with the new version 3 QuickBooks API. The previously mentioned tutorial covers the version 2 API.

I am using quickeebook gem for quickbook integration. It supports lots of features but Quickbook::Online::Job model is not supported in quickeebook gem. Thats why I am searching for some alternatives.
For learning about quickeebook gem, follow : https://github.com/ruckus/quickeebooks
really nice place to integrate quickbook in rails 3 application


how to automatically publish the post on my app facebook page using rails

I have a blogging application in Ruby on Rails.
I want to publish all the blogs which are published on my rails application to my facebook page automatically from background jobs.
I explore the Facebook Graph Api Feed Api and do some hit and try but didn't get any success.
So could anyone please suggest that how I achieve that.
Thanks in advance.
Well, definitely the gem you are looking for is Koala
It is a lightweight, flexible library for Facebook with support for OAuth authentication, the Graph and REST APIs, realtime updates. It also allows you to post on your page.
It also allows you to post pictures and videos on Facebook
Here is a complete documentation for this gem

Swift 2 OAuth2 LinkedIn connection

I'm gonna make an native iOS app with Swift 2 and Xcode 7. The users should login using LinkedIn and OAuth 2 but I'm wondering how I should begin to set this up. I don't have many experience with OAuth 2.
Is there a good tutorial or a sample app? I saw the Ray Wenderlich post but that comes with an existing project. I want to build an app with LinkedIn login from scratch.
I want to use the LinkedIn login to get the user's connections and send them notifications. I was researching this and I found some pages that said that connections can't be retrieved from the new LinkedIn API, is this true? It is not possible to get someone's connections from LinkedIn in a native iOS applications?
You should start with LinkedIn guide for LinkedIn and OAuth 2 .
But still if you need a sample for Authentication with OAuth 2 here it is .
For your second question related to the connection yes Linked have made changes but the API is still available but for the partners .
If you are an existing LinkedIn partner, these changes will not impact your existing partnership or the associated APIs that your partnership allows you to access.
If you are experiencing issues as a result of the May 12th changes, please reach out to your LinkedIn Business Development representative immediately.
For further details you can see Developer Program Transition Guide.
Check out this repo, I did this swift pre-2.0 but it shows you the basic algorithm. You can do it the with your secret hard coded or fetch it from the server. The key is getting the oath header just right which is a huge pain
Check this out: https://github.com/jeyben/IOSLinkedInAPI
I used this repo and successfully implement LinkedIn integration in my App. It is in Objective-C but you can use Cocoapods and import them as Frameworks and use in swift2 with no trouble.
Note: As of the 12ยด May 2015 LinkedIn applied restrictions to API usage for all non partners: See: https://developer.linkedin.com/blog/posts/2015/developer-program-changes
So you can only get the basicprofile at the beginning, but you can apply for the partner program to get those extra information such as connections here: https://developer.linkedin.com/partner-programs

Is there any documentation for Google Cloud Messaging with Ruby on Rails?

Currently I'm working on a project that requires me to send push notification via GCM; on the server side I'm using Ruby on Rails. I am unable to find any proper tutorial or documentation for the same.
I have no idea on how how should I go by writing models for GCM users with userids / device id mapping. What should I do in case the user in logged out of the app or two users use the same devisce and same app?
Please refer to this tutorial for creating your server using Ruby On Rails. This tutorial also provides the code for the Android Client.
Here is another sample tutorial GCM code with server created using Ruby on Rails and the client code is an android app.

Rails3: How to secure an Api

I've a Rails app and now I'm building a phonegap app for mobiles.
My idea is create an API in my Rails app and the mobile app will be able read the json responses of my api controllers like in the #350 RailsCast tutorial:
In the Rails app, I've users, and they can register and login with Devise gem. For securing my API I read the #352 RailsCast tutorial:
My question is if is possible securing my API somehow with Devise, because I want my users will be able register or login through phonegap app and if they log in the app successfully, they will be able read the json responses.
Someone knows tutorials about this?
Is better using also Oauth2 or only with Devise gem is possible?
Here is a tutorioal of Google calendar with nice Omniauth 2.0 issues

How to integrate QuickBooks Online to Asp.Net Application using V3?

1.How to programmatically connect with QuickBooks Online using .NET? We followed the below article but this needs manual intervention to connect.
Initially we developed the sample application using the code:
2.Which type of integration method we have to use Json or .NET SDK library? Most of the Json examples are code fragment only, Where we can download the sample application using Json with .NET
You cannot connect to Quickbooks APIs without manual intervention as it is a part of the 3 legged OAUTH flow.
The .Net SDK supports XML and JSON. There is no separate JSON library. The sample app for Dotnet in v3 is not yet available. Please refer to the docs for generating the JSON requests.
If you want to create SaaS application and want to publish it in Appcenter then you need to implement OAuth flow which needs user's input for authorization. In the dev env, using the above sample app, you can get the OAuth tokens(consumer key, consumer secret, access key and access token) which you can use in your app to call all API endpoints.
FAQ - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0058_faq
.Net V3 Link - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0055_devkits/0150_ipp_.net_devkit_3.0
But Intuit Quickbooks API(V2/V3) are only for SaaS app. If you want to create some custom solution for one company then you should use QBSDK.
Ref -https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0025_quickbooksapi/0055_devkits/0250_qb
