IOS Application duplication - ios

I would like to duplicate a application on IOS, so i've already tried by editing the CFBundleIdentifier, CFBundleDisplayName, CFBundleExcecuteble and CFBundleName.
Then i recompile the info.plist, and zip the archive to a .IPA
When the IPA is being installed (ipa installer, ifunbox), the installer says: "No valid ipa"
Application is Whatsapp version 2.8.7
Thanks for any comments.

Whatever you are trying to do is not leagal. And there is no simple way to do it even if it can be done. There is something called Code Signing, so simply changing Bundle Identifier won't help you.

You only need to modify CFBundleDisplayName and CFBundleIdentifier in the Info.plist file inside the IPA.
BUT in order to install you also need to have AppSync installed on the device, which removes checks during installation


"Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing" with Xcode 7.3.1

After submitting an app update using Application Loader, I got this email from Apple:
We have discovered one or more issues with your recent delivery for
"[App Name]". To process your delivery, the following issues must
be corrected:
Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing. Rebuild
your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode and resubmit
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the
corrected binary.
I have confirmed that this binary was built with the latest Xcode GM (7.3.1), so that is not the issue. I have seen a wide variety of potential fixes for this problem online but was hoping that by giving further details somebody might be able to help me figure out the specific solution.
Submitted an IPA file using Application Loader 3.5 with no problems.
The previous version of the app does not use Swift, but this update does.
The "Embedded Content Contains Swift Code" build setting is set to NO. My understanding is that this should only be YES if we have a pure Objective-C target that depends on a Swift or mixed target.
The project uses CocoaPods, but nothing has changed in our pods for this update.
The previous version of the app included a WatchKit app and extension, but this update does not.
Inside an xcarchive generated with the same build, the SwiftSupport folder is there. It contains a subfolder called iphoneos which contains several Apple Swift libraries like libswiftFoundation.dylib.
If I rename the .ipa file to .zip and unarchive it, its app package does not contain a SwiftSupport folder, but does contain a Frameworks folder with the same Swift dylibs.
The solution here was in this answer. We needed to use the new -exportOptionsPlist flag with xcodebuild instead of the older -exportFormat and -exportWithOriginalSigningIdentity flags. The plist just needs to have the method key set to app-store.
The root cause of this is that the provisioning profile is ad-hoc and it doesn't create SwiftSupport directory in the ipa. The folder is created using app-store as the export method, so it worked for me when I updated my provisioning profile to app-store.
I received this same email after uploading an .ipa file to App Store Connect through the Transporter app. The following is where I went wrong: I distributed the app using ad hoc.
The following steps are the solution for my error:
Archive app
Distribute on TestFlight and the App Store
Open ExportOptions.plist in the newly created folder from the export.
Make sure the method property has the value app-store if you are uploading to App Store Connect/TestFlight like me.
Drag and drop the exported .ipa file to Transporter.
Deliver your app to upload it.
And that's it!
Original answer here:
In my case, I just added redundant swift file to the project and it solved the problem.
You should choose "Save for iOS App Store Deployment" instead of "Save for Ad Hoc Deployment" option at the time of creating ipa file.
EXPO users.
I had this problem with expo build:ios it got me stumped for days.
The build from the expo server was about 39mbs which was far smaller than previos versions.
To fix it I had to use
expo build:ios -c
This resets all the credentials (I said yes to all questions) then rebuilds the app. The resuling ipa file was 250mbs and everything is now working preperly.
Use this script file remove arm64e from .app file
For our case we use app center for preparing android and ios builds.
For production branch we use release provisioning profile and for normal branches we use normal provisioning profile, and we instead of picking the production build, used normal branch build, which caused this issue.

Missing Code Signing Entitlements for resource bundle xcode 6.3

I am writing a static library and when i go to add it into my .ipa file and do an export/submit to apple i get this error.
ERROR ITMS-90166: "Missing Code Signing Entitlements. No entitlements found in bundle 'com.xxxxx.xxxxxxResources' for executable 'Payload/'.""
I have seen a lot of post on entitlements and provisioning files on here but none dealing with static libraries. And the ones I saw didn't really help. The issue is that the resource bundle needs to have entitlements i guess.. i have tired resigning it with iResign and adding an entitlement.plist all failed.
The answer to my problem turns out that i had an executable in my resource bundle. By deleting the Compile Source Phase and the Link Binary with Libraries Phase from my Resource target this removed any executables from my resource bundle and fixed my missing entitlement error
I had to remove the CFBundleExecutable key from the Info.plist of the resource bundle. Once I did this I was able to upload to iTunes Connect without getting ERROR ITMS-90166
I had the same problem as you, thanks for your help.
I make a bundle to import my database, I've already publish a version of my app with that problem but I can't update it.
I solve the problem as you, in the xproj settings. I remove Compile Sources (where there were my database in old version) and Link Binary With Librairies (empty in old version).
My xproj look at that now, there are only two blocks:
I had this issue. Got it resolved by removing executable file in package content.
Below are steps for the same :
When you've archived your project it opens in Organiser window.
Right click on Archive and select show in finder.
Then again right click and select show package content.
This will show you entire package content such as dSYM, Product, SCMBlueprint, Info.plist etc.
Select Products -> Application -> [Project].app
Right click on this app file and select show package content
and delete it.
This will show you files such as storyboard, Info.plist, app icon etc.
Search for any executable file (with an icon of command prompt).
Select this file and right click -> move to thrash
Now, when you again upload your app it should work correctly!

How do I update my app on app store?Keep getting Payload error

I have gone through the entire application process and it is definitely very tiring and hectic. I keep getting "Invalid .ipa , the app must be in payload" error. I exhausted all the possible solutions for the fix to no avail, tried changing CFBundleversion/set the lsiphoneenvironment to yes.I just don't know how to regenerate the .ipa file? Is there a way I can delete it and regenerate it completely afresh? I have everything set in my app store, just this one step is blocking me as I can't upload the binaries or push an update.Any possible solutions besides one listed here will be awesome:
The solution lies in the new option in Xcode 5 which says provisioning profile. Just set the project target's provisioning profile to the right one and it'll work.
you can resolved by doing three things
1- check in your plist file this key exist CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion and it value should be 6.0
2- check your icon file and icon files key in plist and they have all icons of your game that support ios 7, please check all icon should have extention .png
3- check your 3rd party sdk that included in your project in right way or not. my project has problem with revmob also
// ******* OR ************//
Check iTunes Connect that you don't have application in iTunes connect with "Prepare for Submission" status.
Happy Coding .. :)

App won't install on iOS 7

I'm trying to send an app to my client so he can install it on his iPhone. For some reason, when he syncs it, it just says "Installing..." and gets stuck there. Does anyone know what's going on?
Are you mailing the IPA file directly or distributing Over-The-Air?
Some troubleshooting steps:
unzip the IPA and check that the UDID is in the app's embedded.mobileprovision file (use a text editor)
check that release configuration used in the Archive step specifies a distribution profile
check that this profile is not a wildcard
Step 1 tells you if Xcode picked up the right Ad Hoc profile, and steps 2 & 3 make sure that bad entitlements haven't snuck into your IPA.
This might sound a bit obvious, but have you set the bundle identifier in the info.plist?
I had this problem with the app getting stuck on 'installing' in iOS 7, then I noticed I'd simply forgotten to set the bundle identifier in the project info.
The best way that i know to show beta of your app to client is using TestFlight. But remember that you need to add your client device device UDID to your testing device, and then add them to Provision profile / distribution. And don't forget to update your Xcode profiles afterwards.
It's hard to believe, but building the project on another machine did the trick. :/

Change app Version with only IPA file provided (no xcode)

I have an app that was developed for my company. Unfortunately it needs to be resigned (i know how do this part) because the distribution cert has expired. The problem is we need to change the version number so it allows for an update on all iPads. Does anyone know how to do this using terminal (i have xcode installed but i dont have and of the files from the developers). Once again, i only have the IPA file for the app.
Thanks for any help.
Rename the .ipa to .zip, and unzip the archive.
Inside should be a folder called "payload", and inside that folder should be your application archive.
Right-click the application archive, and choose "show package contents."
Find the Info.plist file (either named "Info.plist" or "AppName_Info.plist"). Open that file with a text editor
Change the value of "CFBundleVersion" and "CFBundleShortVersionString" to your desired version number.
Re-zip the archive
Rename the .zip to .ipa
Re-sign the .ipa
In answer to Chris Emerson's comment above (sorry, I don't have enough reputation to add another comment so I'm adding an answer) it is still possible to do this! I have just done it for an IPA with latest updates to everything iOS 8.3, OX Mavericks. I was getting the same message "... could not be installed at this time" and it turned out to be an issue with the entitlements in the provisioning profile not matching the entitlements in the *.app.
You can check the entitlements in both like this:, and I put an answer detailing how I fixed the entitlements of my IPA so that they matched here: Alter Minimum OS Version of IPA without XCode, iOS 8+.
