CUDA 128 bytes read in a single instruction - memory

I am new to CUDA and currently optimize an existing application for molecular dynamics. What it does is that it takes array of double4 with coordinates and computes forces based on the neighborlist. I wrote a kernel with the following lines:
double4 mPos=d_arr_xyz[gid];
then Calc takes d_arr_xyz[id] and calculates force. That gives 1 read of double4 + 65 reads of (int +double4) inside every call of Calc (65 is average number of neighbors (not equal to -1) in d_neib_list for each particle).
Is it possible to reduce those reads? Neighborlists for different particles, i.e. d_arr_xyz[gid] and d_arr_xyz[id] do not correalte, so I cannot use shared memory for the block of threads to cache d_arr_xyz.
What I see is that if somehow to load the whole list int*MAX_NEIGHBORS into shared memory in one or few large transactions, that will remove 65 separate reads of int.
So the question is: is it possible to do it so that those 65 reads of int will be translated into several large transactions. I read in the documentation that reads can be even 128 bytes long. What exactly should I write so that assembler will make 1 large call?
Thank you for your replies. From the answer from user talonmies below, I changed the code replacing dimensions x and y for the neighbors matrix. Now consecutive threads load consecutive int[gid], I guess that may result in a 128 byte read. The program works 8% faster.

All memory transactions are issued (where possible) on a per warp basis. So the 128 byte transaction you are asking about is when all 32 threads in a warp issue a memory load instruction which can be serviced in a single "coalesced" transaction. A single thread can't issue large memory transactions, only a warp of 32 threads can, and only when the memory coalescing requirements of whichever architecture you run the code on can be satisfied.
I couldn't really follow your description of what you code is actually doing, but from first principles alone, the answer would appear to be no.


All blocks read same global memory location section. Fastest method is?

I am writing an algorithm which all blocks are reading a same address. Such as we have a list=[1, 2, 3, 4], and all blocks are reading it and store it to their own shared memory...My test shows the more blocks reading it, the slower it will be...I guess no broadcast happen here? Any idea I can make it faster? Thank you!!!
I learnt from previous post that this can be broadcast in one wrap, seems can not happen in different wrap....(Actually in my case, the threads in one wrap are not reading a same location...)
Once list element is accessed by first warp of a SM unit, the second warp in same SM unit gets it from cache and broadcasts to all simt lanes. But another SM unit's warp may not have it in L1 cache so it fetches from L2 to L1 first.
It is similar in __constant__ memory but it requires same address to be accessed by all threads. Its latency is closer to register access. __constant__ memory is like instruction cache, you get more performance when all threads do same thing.
For example, if you have a Gaussian-filter that iterates over same coefficient-list of filter on all threads, it is better to use constant memory. Using shared memory does not have much advantage as the filter array is not scanned randomly. Shared memory is better when the filter array content is different per block or if it needs random access.
You can also combine constant memory and shared memory. Get half of list from constant memory, then the other half from shared memory. This should let 1024 threads hide latency of one memory type hidden behind the other.
If list is small enough, you can use registers directly (has to be compile-time known indices). But it increases register pressure and may decrease occupancy so be careful about this.
Some old cuda architectures (in case of fma operation) required one operand fetched from constant memory and the other operand from a register to achieve better performance in compute-bottlenecked algorithms.
In a test with 12000 floats as filter to be applied on all threads inputs, shared memory version with 128 threads-per-block completed work in 330 milliseconds while constant-memory version completed in 260 milliseconds and the L1 access performance was the real bottleneck in both versions so the real constant-memory performance is even better, as long as it is similar-index for all threads.

OpenCL kernel out of resources based on number of loop iterations INSIDE the kernel. Can the compiled kernel be too large to fit on the GPU?

TL;DR I have an OpenCL kernel that loops for a large number of iterations and calls several user-made functions. The kernel works fine for few iterations, but increasing the number of iterations causes an CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES (-5) error. If the same kernel is executed on a better GPU it is able to loop for more iterations without the error. What can be causing this error based on the number of iterations? Is it possible that the loops are being unrolled and generating a coder larger than the GPU can hold?
I am developing an OpenCL kernel to run on GPU that computes a very complex function. To keep things organized, I have a "" file with the main kernel (the __kernel void function) and a "" file with ~20 auxiliary functions (they are of type int, int2, int16, but not __kernel) that are called several times by the kernel and by themselves.
The problem specification is roughly as follows (justification for such many loops):
I have two arrays representing full HD images (1920x1080 integers)
For each 128x128 patch of one image, I must find the value of 4 parameters that optimize a given function (the second image is used to evaluate how good it is)
For the same 128x128 patch and the same 4 parameters, each 4x4 sub-patch is transformed slightly different based on its position inside the larger 128x128 patch
And I tried to model the execution as follows:
Each workgroup will compute the kernel for one 128x128 patch (I started processing only the 10 first patches -- 10 workgroups)
Each workgroup is composed of 256 workitems
Each workitem will test a distinct set of values (a fraction of a predefiend set) for the 4 parameters based on their IDs
The main structure of the kernel is as follows:
__kernel void funct(__global int *referenceFrameSamples, __global int *currentFrameSamples,const int frameWidth, const int frameHeight, __global int *result){
// Initialize some variables and get global and local IDs
for(executed X times){ // These 4 outer loops are used to test different combinations of parameters to be applied in a given function in the inner loops
for(executed Y times){
for(executed Z times){
for(executed W times){
// Simple assignments based on the outer for loops
for(executed 32x){ // Each execution of the inner loop applies a function to a 4x4 patch
for(executed 32x){
// The relevant computation is performed here
// Calls a couple of lightweight functions using only the private variables
// Calls a complex function that uses the __global int *referenceFrameSamples variable
// Compute something and use select() to update the best value
// Write the best value to __global *results buffer
The problem is that when the outer 4 loops are repeated a few times the kernel runs fine, but if I increase the iterations the kernel crashes with the error ERROR! clWaitForEvents returned CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES (-5). I am testing it on a notebook with a GPU GeForce 940MX with 2GB, and the kernel starts crashing when X * Y * Z * W = 1024.
The clEnqueueNDRangeKernel() call has no error, only the clWaitForEvents() called after it returns an error. I am using CLIntercept to profile the errors and running time of the kernel. Also, when the kernel runs smooth I can measure the execution time correctly (showed next), but when it crashes, the "measured" execution time is ridiculously wrong (billions of miliseconds) even though it crashes on the first seconds.
cl_ulong time_start;
cl_ulong time_end;
clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, sizeof(time_start), &time_start, NULL);
clGetEventProfilingInfo(event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END, sizeof(time_end), &time_end, NULL);
double nanoSeconds = time_end-time_start;
printf("OpenCl Execution time is: %0.3f miliseconds \n",nanoSeconds / 1000000.0);
What I tested:
Improve the complex auxiliary function that used __global variable: instead of passing the __global pointer, I read the relevant part of the array into a private array and passed it as argument. Outcome: improved running time on success cases, but still fails in the same case
Reduce workgroups and workitems: even using 1 workgroup and 1 workitem (the absolute minimum) with the same number of iterations yields the same error. For a smaller number of iterations, running time decreases with less workitems/groups
Running the same kernel on a better GPU: after doing the previous 2 modifications (improved function and reduced workitems) I launched the kernel on a desktop equipped with a GPU Titan V with 12GB. It is able to compute the kernel with a larger number of iterations (I tried up to 1 million iterations) without giving the CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, and the running time seems to increase linearly with the iterations. Although this is the computer that will actually run the kernel over a dataset to solve my problem, it is a server that must be accessed remotely. I would prefer to do the development on my notebook and deploy the final code on the server.
My guess: I know that function calls are inlined in GPU. Since the program is crashing based on the number of iterations, my only guess is that these for loops are being unrolled, and with the inlined functions, the compiled kernel is too big to fit on the GPU (even with a single workitem). This also explains why using a better GPU allows increasing the number of iterations.
Question: What could be causing this CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES error based on the number of iterations?
Of course I could reduce the number of iterations in each workitem, but then I would need multiple workgroups to process the same set of data (the same 128x128 patch) and would need to access global memory to select the best result between workgroups of the same patch. I may end up proceeding in this direction, but I would really like to know what is happening with the kernel at this moment.
Update after #doqtor comment:
Using -cl-nv-verbose when building the program reports the following resources usage. It's strange that these values do not change irrespective of the number of iterations, either when the program runs successfully and when it crashes.
ptxas info : 0 bytes gmem, 532 bytes cmem[3]
ptxas info : Compiling entry function 'naive_affine_2CPs_CU_128x128_SR_64x64' for 'sm_50'
ptxas info : Function properties for naive_affine_2CPs_CU_128x128_SR_64x64
ptxas . 66032 bytes stack frame, 0 bytes spill stores, 0 bytes spill loads
ptxas info : Used 140 registers, 360 bytes cmem[0]
Running clinfo reports that my GPU has
Registers per block (NV) 65536
Global memory size 2101870592 (1.958GiB)
Max memory allocation 525467648 (501.1MiB)
Local memory size 49152 (48KiB)
It seems that I am not using too many registers, but I don't know how those stack frame, cmem[0] and cmem[3] relate to the memory information reported by clinfo.
Is it possible that the loops are being unrolled and generating a coder larger than the GPU can hold?
Yey, that is part of the problem. The compiler sees that you have a loop with a fixed, small range, and it automatically unrolls it. This happens for the six nested loops and then the assembly blows up. This will get register spilling into global memory which makes the application very slow.
However even if the compiler does not unroll the loops, every thread does X*Y*Z*W*32*32 iterations of "The relevant computation", which takes an eternety. The system thinks it freezed up and you get CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES .
Can you really not parallelize any of these six nested loops? The best solution would be to parallelize them all, that means include them in the kernel range and launch a few hundred million threads that do "The relevant computation" without any loops. You should have as much independent threads / workgroups as possible to get the best performance (saturate the GPU).
Remember, your GPU has thousands of cores grouped into warps of 32 and SMs of 2 or 4 warps, and if you only launch a single workgroup, it will run on only a single SM with 64 or 128 cores and the remaining cores stay idle.

CUDA: are access times for texture memory similar to coalesced global memory?

My kernel threads access a linear character array in a coalesced fashion. If I map
the array to texture I don't see any speedup. The running times are
almost the same. I'm working on a Tesla C2050 with compute capability 2.0 and read
somewhere that global accesses are cached. Is that true? Perhaps that is why I
am not seeing a difference in the running time.
The array in the main program is
char *dev_database = NULL;
cudaMalloc( (void**) &dev_database, JOBS * FRAGMENTSIZE * sizeof(char) );
and I bind it to texture texture<char> texdatabase with
cudaBindTexture(NULL, texdatabase, dev_database, JOBS * FRAGMENTSIZE * sizeof(char) );
Each thread then reads a character ch = tex1Dfetch(texdatabase, p + id) where id
is threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x and p is an offset.
I'm binding only once and dev_database is a large array. Actually I found that
if the size is too large the bind fails. Is there a limit on the size of the array
to bind? Thanks very much.
There are several possibilities for why you don't see any difference in performance, but the most likely is that this memory access is not your bottleneck. If it is not your bottleneck, making it faster will have no effect on performance.
Regarding caching: for this case, since you are reading only bytes, each warp will read 32 bytes, which means each group of 4 warps will map to each cache line. So assuming few cache conflicts, you will get up to 4x reuse from the cache. So if this memory access is a bottleneck, it is conceivable that the texture cache might not benefit you more than the general-purpose cache.
You should first determine if you are bandwidth bound and if this data access is the culprit. Once you have done that, then optimize your memory accesses. Another tactic to consider is to access 4 to 16 chars per thread per load (using a char4 or int4 struct with byte packing/unpacking) rather than one per thread to increase the number of memory transactions in flight at a time -- this can help to saturate the global memory bus.
There is a good presentation by Paulius Micikevicius from GTC 2010 that you might want to watch. It covers both analysis-driven optimization and the specific concept of memory transactions in flight.

Reading a bit from memory

I'm looking into reading single bits from memory (RAM, harddisk). My understanding was, one can not read less than a byte.
However I read someone telling it can be done with assembly.
I wan't the bandwidth usage to be as low as possible and the to be retrieved data is not sequential, so I can not read a byte and convert it to 8 bits.
I don't think the CPU will read less than the size of a cache line from RAM (64 bytes on recent Intel chips). From disk, the minimum is typically 4 kiB.
Reading a single bit at a time is neither possible nor necessary, since the data bus is much wider than that.
You cannot read less than a byte from any PC or hard disk that I know of. Even if you could, it would be extremely inefficient.
Some machines do memory mapped port io that can read/write less than a byte to the port, but it still shows up when you get it as at least a byte.
Use the bitwise operators to pick off specific bits as in:
char someByte = 0x3D; // In binary, 111101
bool flag = someByte & 1; // Get the first bit, 1
flag = someByte & 2; // Get the second bit, 0
// And so on. The number after the & operator is a power of 2 if you want to isolate one bit.
// You can also pick off several bits like so:
int value = someByte & 3; // Assume the lower 2 bits are interesting for some reason
It used to be, say 386/486 days, where a memory was a bit wide, 1 meg by 1 bit, but you will have 8 or some multiple number of chips, one for each bit lane on the bus, and you could only read in widths of the bus. today the memories are a byte wide and you can only read in units of 32 or 64 or multiples of those. Even when you read a byte, most designs fill in the whole byte. it adds unnecessarily complication/cost, to isolate the bus all the way to the memory, a byte read looks to most of the system as a 32 or 64 bit read, as it approaches the edge of the processor (sometimes physical pins, sometimes the edge of the core inside the chip) is when the individual byte lane is separated out and the other bits are discarded. Having the cache on changes the smallest divisible read size from the memory, you will see a burst or block of reads.
it is possible to design a memory system that is 8 bits wide and read 8 bits at a time, but why would you? unless it is an 8 bit processor which you probably couldnt take advantage of a 8bit by 2 gig memory. dram is pretty slow anyway, something like 133 mhz (even your 1600mhz memory is only short burst as you read from slow parts, memory has not gotten faster in over 10 years).
Hard disks are similar but different, I think sectors are the smallest divisible unit, you have to read or write in those units. so when reading you have a memory cycle on the processor, no different that going to a memory, and depending on the controller either before you do the read or as a result, a sector is read of the disk, into a buffer, not unlike a cache line read, then your memory cycle to the buffer in the disk controller either causes a bus width read and the processor divides it up or if the bus adds complexity to isolate byte lanes then you isolate a byte, but nobody isolates bit lanes. (I say the word nobody and someone will come back with an exception...)
most of this is well documented, not hard to find. For arm platforms look for the amba and/or axi specifications, freely downloaded. the number of bridges, pcie controllers, disk controller documents are all available for PCs and other platforms. it still boils down to an address and data bus or one goesouta and one goesinta data bus and some control signals that indicate the access type. some busses have byte lane enables, which is generally for a write not a read. If I want to write only a byte to a dram in a modern 64 bit system, I DO have to tell everyone almost all the way out to the dram what I want to write. To write a byte on a memory module which must be accessed 64 bits at a time, at a minimum a 64 bit read happens into a temporary place either the cache or the memory controller, then the byte to be written modifies the specific byte within the 64 bit word, then that 64 bit quantity, eventually, is written back to the memory module itself. You can do this using a combination of the address bits and a few control signals or you can just put 8 byte lane enables and the lower address bits can be ignored. Hard disk, same deal, have to read a sector, modify one byte, then eventually write the whole sector at a time. with flash and eeprom, you can only write zeros (from the programmers perspective), you erase to ones (from the programmers perspective, is actually a zero in the logic, there is an inversion) and a write has to be a sector at a time, sectors can be 64 bytes, 128 bytes, 256 bytes typically.

Purpose of memory alignment

Admittedly I don't get it. Say you have a memory with a memory word of length of 1 byte. Why can't you access a 4 byte long variable in a single memory access on an unaligned address(i.e. not divisible by 4), as it's the case with aligned addresses?
The memory subsystem on a modern processor is restricted to accessing memory at the granularity and alignment of its word size; this is the case for a number of reasons.
Modern processors have multiple levels of cache memory that data must be pulled through; supporting single-byte reads would make the memory subsystem throughput tightly bound to the execution unit throughput (aka cpu-bound); this is all reminiscent of how PIO mode was surpassed by DMA for many of the same reasons in hard drives.
The CPU always reads at its word size (4 bytes on a 32-bit processor), so when you do an unaligned address access — on a processor that supports it — the processor is going to read multiple words. The CPU will read each word of memory that your requested address straddles. This causes an amplification of up to 2X the number of memory transactions required to access the requested data.
Because of this, it can very easily be slower to read two bytes than four. For example, say you have a struct in memory that looks like this:
struct mystruct {
char c; // one byte
int i; // four bytes
short s; // two bytes
On a 32-bit processor it would most likely be aligned like shown here:
The processor can read each of these members in one transaction.
Say you had a packed version of the struct, maybe from the network where it was packed for transmission efficiency; it might look something like this:
Reading the first byte is going to be the same.
When you ask the processor to give you 16 bits from 0x0005 it will have to read a word from 0x0004 and shift left 1 byte to place it in a 16-bit register; some extra work, but most can handle that in one cycle.
When you ask for 32 bits from 0x0001 you'll get a 2X amplification. The processor will read from 0x0000 into the result register and shift left 1 byte, then read again from 0x0004 into a temporary register, shift right 3 bytes, then OR it with the result register.
For any given address space, if the architecture can assume that the 2 LSBs are always 0 (e.g., 32-bit machines) then it can access 4 times more memory (the 2 saved bits can represent 4 distinct states), or the same amount of memory with 2 bits for something like flags. Taking the 2 LSBs off of an address would give you a 4-byte alignment; also referred to as a stride of 4 bytes. Each time an address is incremented it is effectively incrementing bit 2, not bit 0, i.e., the last 2 bits will always continue to be 00.
This can even affect the physical design of the system. If the address bus needs 2 fewer bits, there can be 2 fewer pins on the CPU, and 2 fewer traces on the circuit board.
The CPU can operate on an aligned word of memory atomically, meaning that no other instruction can interrupt that operation. This is critical to the correct operation of many lock-free data structures and other concurrency paradigms.
The memory system of a processor is quite a bit more complex and involved than described here; a discussion on how an x86 processor actually addresses memory can help (many processors work similarly).
There are many more benefits to adhering to memory alignment that you can read at this IBM article.
A computer's primary use is to transform data. Modern memory architectures and technologies have been optimized over decades to facilitate getting more data, in, out, and between more and faster execution units–in a highly reliable way.
Bonus: Caches
Another alignment-for-performance that I alluded to previously is alignment on cache lines which are (for example, on some CPUs) 64B.
For more info on how much performance can be gained by leveraging caches, take a look at Gallery of Processor Cache Effects; from this question on cache-line sizes
Understanding of cache lines can be important for certain types of program optimizations. For example, the alignment of data may determine whether an operation touches one or two cache lines. As we saw in the example above, this can easily mean that in the misaligned case, the operation will be twice slower.
It's a limitation of many underlying processors. It can usually be worked around by doing 4 inefficient single byte fetches rather than one efficient word fetch, but many language specifiers decided it would be easier just to outlaw them and force everything to be aligned.
There is much more information in this link that the OP discovered.
you can with some processors (the nehalem can do this), but previously all memory access was aligned on a 64-bit (or 32-bit) line, because the bus is 64 bits wide, you had to fetch 64 bit at a time, and it was significantly easier to fetch these in aligned 'chunks' of 64 bits.
So, if you wanted to get a single byte, you fetched the 64-bit chunk and then masked off the bits you didn't want. Easy and fast if your byte was at the right end, but if it was in the middle of that 64-bit chunk, you'd have to mask off the unwanted bits and then shift the data over to the right place. Worse, if you wanted a 2 byte variable, but that was split across 2 chunks, then that required double the required memory accesses.
So, as everyone thinks memory is cheap, they just made the compiler align the data on the processor's chunk sizes so your code runs faster and more efficiently at the cost of wasted memory.
Fundamentally, the reason is because the memory bus has some specific length that is much, much smaller than the memory size.
So, the CPU reads out of the on-chip L1 cache, which is often 32KB these days. But the memory bus that connects the L1 cache to the CPU will have the vastly smaller width of the cache line size. This will be on the order of 128 bits.
262,144 bits - size of memory
128 bits - size of bus
Misaligned accesses will occasionally overlap two cache lines, and this will require an entirely new cache read in order to obtain the data. It might even miss all the way out to the DRAM.
Furthermore, some part of the CPU will have to stand on its head to put together a single object out of these two different cache lines which each have a piece of the data. On one line, it will be in the very high order bits, in the other, the very low order bits.
There will be dedicated hardware fully integrated into the pipeline that handles moving aligned objects onto the necessary bits of the CPU data bus, but such hardware may be lacking for misaligned objects, because it probably makes more sense to use those transistors for speeding up correctly optimized programs.
In any case, the second memory read that is sometimes necessary would slow down the pipeline no matter how much special-purpose hardware was (hypothetically and foolishly) dedicated to patching up misaligned memory operations.
#joshperry has given an excellent answer to this question. In addition to his answer, I have some numbers that show graphically the effects which were described, especially the 2X amplification. Here's a link to a Google spreadsheet showing what the effect of different word alignments look like.
In addition here's a link to a Github gist with the code for the test.
The test code is adapted from the article written by Jonathan Rentzsch which #joshperry referenced. The tests were run on a Macbook Pro with a quad-core 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 64-bit processor and 16GB of RAM.
If you have a 32bit data bus, the address bus address lines connected to the memory will start from A2, so only 32bit aligned addresses can be accessed in a single bus cycle.
So if a word spans an address alignment boundary - i.e. A0 for 16/32 bit data or A1 for 32 bit data are not zero, two bus cycles are required to obtain the data.
Some architectures/instruction sets do not support unaligned access and will generate an exception on such attempts, so compiler generated unaligned access code requires not just additional bus cycles, but additional instructions, making it even less efficient.
If a system with byte-addressable memory has a 32-bit-wide memory bus, that means there are effectively four byte-wide memory systems which are all wired to read or write the same address. An aligned 32-bit read will require information stored in the same address in all four memory systems, so all systems can supply data simultaneously. An unaligned 32-bit read would require some memory systems to return data from one address, and some to return data from the next higher address. Although there are some memory systems that are optimized to be able to fulfill such requests (in addition to their address, they effectively have a "plus one" signal which causes them to use an address one higher than specified) such a feature adds considerable cost and complexity to a memory system; most commodity memory systems simply cannot return portions of different 32-bit words at the same time.
On PowerPC you can load an integer from an odd address with no problems.
Sparc and I86 and (I think) Itatnium raise hardware exceptions when you try this.
One 32 bit load vs four 8 bit loads isnt going to make a lot of difference on most modern processors. Whether the data is already in cache or not will have a far greater effect.
