"bg fld" vs "cd fld" in Hypercard/Hypertalk - hypercard

I'm up to porting an old application built in Hypercard to make use of the latest Mac OSX speech synthesis capabilities.
What is the difference between
bg fld
cd fld
in Hypercard?

bg fld == background field, cd fld == card field
Every card has two layers, the background layer (which can be shared by several cards) and the card layer. A background is something like a master slide in Keynote. Text fields that you create on the background layer may (if their sharedText is FALSE) have different contents on each card.
E.g. when you make a database, you can define the different record fields for a database entry as background fields, then enter a different person's details on each card to use it as a database entry.

As already answered:
bg fld == background field, cd fld == card field
Also worth noting is that the "bg" or "background" identifier is the default, so any references to simply "fld" or "field" are just alternate ways of writing "bg fld" or "background field".


Automatic detection of indicator buffers and styles

In MetaTrader 4 the styles (e.g. arrows or lines) that are used in an indicator are not chart objects. ObjectsTotal() returns 0. Of course I can read this out via iCustom(). But what, if the EA should react to all indicators with such symbols. So without knowing the number of buffers and/or the settings of the indicator. Is there a way to automatically search for such indicator styles in the chart and use them? Or to automatically recognize the styles used and the associated buffers in an indicator?
Q : "Is there a way to automatically search for such indicator styles in the chart and use them?"
No, there is not.
As of 2020-10, having spent 13+ years with MetaTrader4 trading automation projects, there is no support for such an automated feature re-discovery.
The code-units of Custom Indicator type hard-code the composition of Indicator Buffers (having external access-method via an iCustom() procedural interface) and GUI-style properties, not accessible at all by the user-level MQL4-{ Script | EA | Custom Indicator }-code.
If this were changed in the future releases of MetaTrader4/5 terminal, you would find details inside the documentation.
maybe not exactly what u want but a oppurtunity
double ObjectGet(
string object_name, // object name
int index // object property

Events changing visual geometries

I'm trying to visualize collisions and different events visually, and am searching for the best way to update color or visual element properties after registration with RegisterVisualGeometry.
I've found the GeometryInstance class, which seems like a promising point for changing mutable illustration properties, but have yet to find and example where an instance is called from the plant (from a GeometryId from something like GetVisualGeometriesForBody?) and its properties are changed.
As a basic example, I want to change the color of a box's visual geometry when two seconds have passed. I register the geometry pre-finalize with
// box : Body added to plant
// X_WA : Identity transform
// FLAGS_box_l : box side length
geometry::GeometryId box_visual_id = plant.RegisterVisualGeometry(
box, X_WA,
geometry::Box(FLAGS_box_l, FLAGS_box_l, FLAGS_box_l),
Eigen::Vector4d(0.7, 0.5, 0, 1));
Then, I have a while loop to create a timed event at two seconds where I would like for the box to change it's color.
double current_time = 0.0;
const double time_delta = 0.008;
bool changed(false);
while( current_time < FLAGS_duration ){
if (current_time > 2.0 && !changed) {
std::cout << "Change color for id " << box_visual_id.get_value() << "\n";
// Change color of box using its GeometryId
changed = true;
simulator.StepTo(current_time + time_delta);
current_time = simulator_context.get_time();
Eventually I'd like to call something like this with a more specific trigger like proximity to another object, or velocity, but for now I'm not sure how I would register a simple visual geometry change.
Thanks for the details. This is sufficient for me to provide a meaningful answer of the current state of affairs as well as the future (both near- and far-term plans).
Taking your question as a representative example, changing a visual geometry's color can mean one of two things:
The color of the object changes in an "attached" visualizer (drake_visualizer being the prime example).
The color of the object changes in a simulated rgb camera (what is currently dev::RgbdCamera, but imminently RgbdSensor).
Depending on what other properties you might want to change mid simulation, there might be additional subtleties/nuances. But using the springboard above, here are the details:
A. Up until recently (drake PR 11796), changing properties after registration wasn't possible at all.
B. PR 11796 was the first step in enabling that. However, it only enables it for changing ProximityProperties. (ProximityProperties are associated with the role geometry plays in proximity queries -- contact, signed distance, etc.)
C. Changing PerceptionProperties is a TODO in that PR and will follow in the next few months (single digit unless a more pressing need arises to bump it up in priority). (PerceptionProperties are associated with the properties geometry has in simulated sensors -- how they appear, etc.)
D. Changing IllustrationProperties is not supported and it is not clear what the best/right way to do so may be. (IllustrationProperties are what get fed to an external visualizer like drake_visualizer.) This is the trickiest, due to the way the LCM communication is currently articulated.
So, when we compare possible implications of changing an object's color (1 or 2, above) with the state of the art and near-term art (C & D, above), we draw the following conclusions:
In the near future, you should be able to change it in a synthesized RGB image.
No real plan for changing it in an external visualizer.
(Sorry, it seems the answer is more along the lines of "oops...you can't do that".)

World of Warcraft (Lua) communication with Adafruit Gemma

I have an Adafruit (Gemma) / Arduino and a Neopixel LED ring that I would like to control from World of Warcraft in-game events. This part is soldered and working.
Is there any way to send communications between World of Warcraft and some sort of listener on the PC that can then in turn send messages over USB to the Arduino/Gemma device?
My aim is to create an on-desk LED indicator e.g. if I'm a healer, then I want green/yellow/red light to represent the health of each raid/party member - so refreshes would be required at a high rate (0.5 / sec).
Thanks for your feedback in advance and welcome any future possibilities with the soon to be released Warlords of Draenor.
Is there any way to send communications between World of Warcraft and some sort of listener on the PC
Not directly via the WoW API. I came up with a way which I've never shared, because my usage broke Blizzard rules. But I haven't played in years, so here ya go. :)
I used an addon to create a one pixel frame in the top-left of the WoW window. I manipulated the color of this pixel to send data to the outside world.
The "listener" app can read this pixel with three Win32 calls:
HWND hwnd = FindWindow(NULL, "World of Warcraft"); // find WoW window
HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); // get the device context (graphics drawing abstraction)
COLORREF color = GetPixel(hdc, 0,0); // read the pixel at x 0, y 0
I then interpreted the bits of the color like this:
4: sequence number
7: checksum: (sequence + key code + ctrl + alt + shift + win)/6
8: key code or ASCII character
1: 1: virtual key code, 0: ASCII
1: CTRL key pressed
1: ALT key pressed
1: SHIFT key pressed
2: WINDOWS key pressed
The "sequence number" was just means of detecting that a new message had been posted to the pixel. The checksum was to prevent bogus reads when my special pixel was not active, like during loading screens. The rest was keystroke information. This allowed me to generate keystrokes from an addon. The entire watcher app is about 100 lines of C. Very simple.
I wrote an in-game script editor and used this with "pixelbot" to automate things in game. Towards the end of my WoW life I had more fun coding for Wow than playing it, which is saying a lot, because it's a fun game. :) One upon a time I knew everything there was to know about WoW addon programming, but I'm several years out of date now. I'll see if I can dig up some pixelbot Lua code for, though.
Anyway, you can adapt this scheme to send any messages you like. For instance:
4: sequence number
7: checksum (sequence + player number + LED color)/3
5: player number
2: LED color (0: green, 1: yellow, 2: red)
6: *reserved*
As for speed, I never actually measured it, but it blows away your 0.5 second requirement. At most a few milliseconds of latency between writes and reads.
that can then in turn send messages over USB to the Arduino/Gemma device?
That's just writing to the serial port in the "watcher" app and using Arduino libraries for read from the serial port inside your device.
I have source code for the "listener" app (pixel watcher) and for the WoW side stuff that writes message to the pixel. Let me know if you're interested and I'll help you out of band or dramatically increase the side of this post.
After some research, I did not found any built-in functionnality to signal/pipe/communicate with an external software. I believe it is due to the anti-bot blizzard policy. Actually you could do this with a memory watcher ( just like CheatEngine ), but there is chances you'll be banned for using this.
The only thing you could do if you can't find anything, is to ask on official forum, and hope a technic-friendly blue poster will answer =)
If you find anything, update your post, your idea is pretty interesting =)
There are only two ways to communicate with the game client without breaking the ToU:
Saving variables between sessions. Meaning that you can have an addon read and write to its storage file but this requires you to either relog or to /reload the UI for this file to be written to and read from. In short this wouldn't be so viable.
Have an addon use a tiny space on screen to write colors and use said colors to communicate with your external software by reading the pixels on screen.
There are many ways to achieve the second suggestion. You only need to be able to write this addon for the game. Then write an external program to read pixels. Sending commands back to the game would require hotkeys or sending it in the chat window.
Note that you are still limited to the API in-game that require hardware events. So for those you'd have to push a button or use the mouse to buypass.

Set printer driver specific data

We have an application that prints 2 invoice copies - 1 on white (for the cust) and 1 on blue (for us).
We print a LOT of these so we are getting a printer with 3 big trays. One tray (tray 5) holds 4000 sheets and the other two (trays 3 and 4) are a tandem set holding 1600 and 2000 sheets. The application automatically generates the invoice and sends one document to the tray with the white paper and one to the tray with the blue paper.
The user has no input in this process.
Now, my problem is this - if I specifically send the blue copy to tray 3 and there is no paper in tray 3, the job will go on hold until someone loads it up even though tray 4 has 2000 more sheets ready to go. On the other hand, if I tell the printer to print on Blue 8 1/2x11" paper, it is smart enough to know that that type of paper is in both trays and to pull from either one until they are both empty. So, I want to change our application to select a paper type/size and color instead of a specific tray.
The program is written in Delphi and I have been looking at the DEVMODE structure returned by TPrinter.GetPrinter. The DEVMODE structure has a memory size in dmDriverExtra that indicates how much extra data the print driver is adding to the structure for its own storage.
Does anyone know of anyway to access this data and make changes to it? If you have examples in other languages, I can probably adapt it to Delphi so anything will help.
There are actually two different items in the questions:
How to set the pater size and type:
PaperSize would be stored in dmPaperSize (value DMPAPER_LETTER)
PaperType is a bit more difficult. I'd guess that it's in dmMediaType (use DeviceCapabilities to retrieve available media types and their names)
How to access / edit "DriverExtra" data:
In short: don't!
A bit longer: dmDriverExtra is described as "Contains the number of bytes of private driver-data that follow this structure". So this data is private to the driver (which means that you need very good documentation for the driver to actually know the format and content of this data. It's not guaranteed that different versions of the driver use the same format).
So the only thing you can do is to use a print dialog, retrieve the DevMode structure and store it for further use (however as I said: If the driver changes, this data may become invalid...)

To set a value on a PowerBuilder textbox

I am developing a billing system using PowerBuilder 12.5 Classic and I need to set 0 for a textbox; like in vb.net txtchange.Text = 0
i have two drop down list boxes
ddlb_price (defines the price value of an item)
ddlb_cash (the cash amount given by the customer)
sle_change (the change that the cashier is to give the customer)
the system should set the value for sle_change when the cashier inputs the cash.
1. this gives me syntax error;
if cash=price then
end if
2. this gives 'incompatible types in assinment
if cash=price then
end if
The single line edit (sle) control is designed to hold text. You're trying to assign it a numeric value. You will have to change the number into a string if you want the sle to display it:
sle_fare.text = "0"
sle_fare.text = string(variableHere)
Once again, I'm going to step back, ignore the actual questions, and look at how a DataWindow would help as an alternative.
You seem to want a control with a data type behind it. The DataWindow has those types of controls. Don't forget that a DataWindow doesn't have to have a SELECT statement behind it; it can have a stored procedure, web service, or nothing at all (external DataWindow) behind the data set. Once you have a control with a numeric data type behind it, you get (for free) some basic editing controls, such as not allowing alpha characters in the field and making sure the entered value is really a number (e.g. "0-.2.1" would fail).
A step beyond that is looking at one of your coming requirements: calculating change. On a DataWindow, you can create a compute with an expression that will automagically calculate your change for you, once price and cash are entered.
I certainly don't want to say you can't do things the way you're proceeding, but there are many issues that a DataWindow would remove over some other approach. The strength of PowerBuilder is in the DataWindow.
Good luck,
