Do I need to Free IDispatch in Delphi - delphi

How to free IDispatch COM Object in Delphi? Do I have to?
IUtility = interface(IDispatch);
obj: IUtility;
obj := CreateOleObject("Utility") as IUtility;
// doesnot work

IDispatch is just like all other interfaces. When an object implementing it sees its reference count reach zero, it will destroy itself.
Delphi automatically inserts code to call _AddRef and _Release on interfaces at the appropriate times, including when a variable goes out of scope. Thus, at the end of your function, obj will go out of scope, and the compiler will automatically insert code to essentially do if not Assigned(obj) then obj._Release.
Since it happens automatically, you don't need to do anything yourself. However, if you want to relinquish control of an interfaced object earlier than the natural end of the scope, you can simply clear the variable by assigning nil.
obj := nil;
Your obj variable is not of type Variant, which is why it's wrong to call VariantClear on it.


What does the Free() method actually do internally and how does it handle object references?

In the code below a new object of type TStringList is created and passed to a procedure which is using that object. By passing the object to the method ProcToFillStringList a new object reference is created by coping the reference. My questions regarding this code are:
What happens to the object reference stored in the parameter SList
after the method returns? Does it remove the reference to the object
from the stack?
What does the Free() method actually do internally? Does it remove all references to the object from the stack or does it remove
the object itself? Which references are removed?
Do object references (not the object itself) get removed from stack automatically when a method returns?
Would it be better to pass the reference byref?
SL: TStringList; // first object reference
SL := TStringList.Create; // creating object
SL.Free; // -> what gets 'freed' here? the object? the references? both?
procedure ProcToFillStringList(const SList: TStrings); // second object reference
SList.Add('x'); // not calling Free -> does the reference get removed?
Here is code of Free method on newer versions of Delphi:
procedure TObject.Free;
// under ARC, this method isn't actually called since the compiler translates
// the call to be a mere nil assignment to the instance variable, which then calls _InstClear
if Self <> nil then
There are two different cases. When compiled to environment with automatic reference counting (that is iOS), Free doesn't work at all, objects are freed only when the last reference to them is removed (but as said in comments to code above, compiler changes your SL.Free to SL:=nil, so if it was the last reference to object, it will be freed and SL is really set to nil.
But in all other platforms objects are not reference counted. When calling Free, object memory is freed, but your variable is not set automatically to nil (not saying about another variables pointing to the same object), that's just impossible with syntax like this. Any method of object can't change variable it's called from. That's why you write SL := TStringList.Create instead of SL.Create. In first case you get new memory address where object is created and assign SL to it. In second SL is not initialized and can point anywhere, so there is no way to create object exactly there.
So, to answer your questions:
Object reference in local procedure is removed when it goes beyond the scope. But if you use const or var argument, it is not created in the first place. Actually, you're using the same reference SL here.
In iOS Free does nothing, object will be destroyed automatically when SL variable goes beyond the scope. In other platforms, Free destroys object and doesn't affect other references at all.
Yes, they do.
Use that modifier which describes your situation best. Const will tell compiler and people working with your code (including yourself) that argument won't be changed in procedure, compiler may pass it by value (for objects less than pointer) or by reference, but no matter what it chooses, refcount will never be increased, so from this point of view, you can think that you use exactly the same object, like it was passed by reference.
Using Var (by reference) you can accidentally change the variable you passed to procedure and this makes your intentions unclear, so use it only when you really want to change this variable and Const otherwise.
In the documentation of embarcadero is written
System::TObject::Free automatically calls the destructor if the object reference is not nil
It means in your case that the object SL is cleared at the point you called SL.Free. A object inherited from TObject does not know how many references are alive to that instance. Only the pointer to the address of the instance of SL is passed to the function call ProcToFillStringList. The instance is not informed about the new reference.
If you want to handle reference counting have a look at TInterfacedObject and the 3 Methods
a new object reference is created by coping the reference
New reference const SList is just non-changeable pointer to the object. It will be removed from the stack if it lives there (in this case parameter is passed through register).
Free doesn't clear any references. It just destructs an object, frees it's memory. There is 'FreeAndNil' routine that frees object and makes one reference nil. Other references still exist.

Creating and destroying objects in Delphi

I am new to Delphi and am trying to better understand object creation / freeing as I am used to the luxury of .NET's GC. I have two questions specifically:
Let's assume I am setting a TDataSource as below. In .NET I wouldn't explicitly destroy the object as I am with adoQuery.Free. But I am assuming that with Delphi I need to free these objects. However, by destroying the adoQuery I am also setting the dataset to null. In this way adoQuery is meant to be a locally scoped variable to the function only with the datsource being retuned from the function. Therefore, how can I best handle this?
dataSrc := TDataSource.Create(nil);
dataSrc.DataSet := adoQuery;
dataSrc.Enabled := true;
{ adoQuery.Free; }
cnt := DataSrc.DataSet.RecordCount;
I've been reading several suggestions when returning a variable from a function that the best thing to do is create the variable within the caller and pass it to the subroutine. Therefore, the signature to a function would look like:
AdoConnectionManager.GetResult(query : String; dataSrc: TDataSource) : TDataSource;
Result := dataSrc;
This is unattractive to me. I'd prefer to have a new variable created within the subroutine and then returned back to the caller. However, this is something again I never really had to worry about with .NET GC and here I have to explicitly destroy the variable, right?
You've asked two questions. One concerns these database classes, and I'm going to ignore that question since I don't know anything about those classes. Instead I will answer the other questions. Do note that this sort of answer is why the site policy is for questions to be asked one at a time.
Regarding a function that returns a new object, that is certainly viable. However, it is sometimes more flexible to let the caller supply the object. That allows them to re-use instance, or supply objects that are derived from a base class. A classic example would be a function that populated a TStrings instance.
In this scenario you'd probably use a procedure rather than a function. It might look like this:
procedure PopulateList(List: TMyList);
If you want to have a function that returns a newly minted instance that would be done like so:
function CreateAndPopulateList: TMyList;
Result := TMyList.Create;
// code to populate Result goes here, and may raise exceptions
Result.Free; // in case of exceptions, we must destroy the instance to avoid leaks
Note the naming. I use create to imply to the caller that a new instance is created. The calling code would look like this:
List := CreateAndPopulateList;
// do stuff with list
And this pattern is the standard object creation pattern. So you use CreateAndPopulateList just as you could a constructor.
It should also be mentioned here, that Delphi also provides Reference-Counting (but different to .NET).
The very short explanation to Reference-Counting in Delphi:
In difference to other Languagues, Reference-Counting in Delphi is only available by using Interfaces. Further, there is no Garbage-Collector: a reference-counted Object gets instantly destroyed when its Referencecount reaches 0.
So as an Delphi Developer, there are the following "global" Rules for destroying Instances:
- you do destroy an Object manually, whenever it's declared as a ClassType (e.g. var m: TMyClass)
- you never destroy an Object manually, whenever it's declared as a InterfaceType (e.g. var m: IMyClass)
With Delphi when you create an object, you should decide how it would be freed. There are several ways:
You can free it manually
It can be freed together with it's owner
It can be freed as a part of TObjectList or similar container
It can be freed because it's interfaced and reference counter for it became zero
And so on...
About first question: you should understand that with Delphi object variable is a pointer to object. When leaving function, you can lost locally scoped (pointer) variable, but you don't harm object itself. For example, you can do something like this:
function GetDataSource: TDataSource;
var Query: TADOQuery;
Result := TDataSource.Create(nil);
Query := TADOQuery.Create(Result);
Query.SQL.Text := ' ... ';
Result.DataSet := Query;
It'll give you datasource you want with background query. When you free this datasource, query also would be freed.
About second question: intrafunction creation of return object is a normal practise, part of good design. Yes, you should decide who will free this object and how. You can use many strategies, there are no silver bullet here. Just for example, you can decide to add parameter 'datasource's owner' to function above and controls it's lifetime this way.

Will an interface-implementing form free itself when there are no more references to it?

If I implement an interface on a form such as TMyForm = class(TForm, IMyInterface), will the object free itself when there are no more interface references to it? It seems not to, although I couldn't work out how TForm is reference counted (if at all). I'm concerned about the form getting freed when an interface reference goes out of scope, but this does not seem to happen.
I guess there are two parts to the question, firstly whether a form might get unexpectedly freed (the real question), and secondly how forms are reference counted.
TForm derives from TComponent, which implements _AddRef() and _Release() to disable reference counting on itself. As such, any interface implemented by any TComponent descendant class, like TForm, will not free its implementing TComponent object by default when the interface is released.
However, if an IVCLComObject interface is assigned to the TComponent.VCLCOMObject property, then TComponent will delegate reference counting to that object, so that object can be freed if its reference count falls to 0 (TComponent does not increment the reference count of its IVCLCOMObject reference).
This is valid for all descendants of TComponent, unless they implement any reference counting of their own by overriding _AddRef() and _Release() manually.
IF you implement an interface in a form, it can be worth adding your own
_Release as follows:
function _Release: Integer; stdcall;
function TMyInterfacedForm._Release: Integer;
I found that it was possible to free a form with an interface, and then have the _Release called as the local variable went out of scope. This could produce an access violation, as the Tcomponent implementation checks to see if FVCLComObject is set
if FVCLComObject = nil then
Result := -1 // -1 indicates no reference counting is taking place
Result := IVCLComObject(FVCLComObject)._Release;
Since at this stage, FVCLComobject is undefined, an annoying A/V exception can occur.
By hardwiring the -1, it can be called safely without trigger exceptions.

Class doesn't work when defined as a global variable in delphi

I created a simple class to explain my problem:
ttest =class
function get:boolean;
function ttest.get: boolean;
val:=not val;
Now if I declare a local ttest variable and call my_var.get; then everything works, but if I declare it as a global variable then it can't access the val field anymore, it shows an error message which says "Access violation...".
I read some articles about classes in Delphi but still can't find my mistake.
You've neglected to instantiate the class.
Global class-reference variables are initialized to nil, whereas local variables are not initialized at all. The local variable has a value determined by whatever happened to be on the stack at the time you called your function, and your program is interpreting that value as though it were a TTest reference even though it's really not. Your program then reads the value at that memory address to get the value that would represent the val field.
The only reason your code appears to work with a non-global variable is luck. Whether it's good luck or bad is another matter. (Good luck, since your code appeared to work, and working code is always nice. Bad luck, since you'd have been alerted to your mistake earlier if your code had crashed.)
Instantiate a class before you use references to it.
x := TTest.Create;
Now you can access fields, methods, and properties of the object via the x variable.
You should have gotten a compiler warning when you attempted to use a local variable without assigning a value to it first. Although they're just warnings, and your program will still run, never ignore a warning or even a hint. When the compiler bothers to complain about something, it's usually right.
In Delphi object variables are always pointers. Before you can use the variable you need to initialize it with a reference to an object. The most common way to do that is to create a new object of the particular class.
procedure Foo;
Obj: TObject;
Obj := TObject.Create;
// Do stuff with Obj
In this case Obj starts out as an uninitialized pointer (it will point to random memory). It is only after we assign the newly created TObject that Obj is a valid object reference.
In Delphi there is no automatic garbage collection for objects, so you always need to call free on them when you are done using them. If you declare a global or local object variable, you can initialize it the special initialization section of the unit and free the object in the finalization section.
unit myunit;
Obj: TObject;
Obj := TObject.Create;
Variables declared in the interface section are globally visible, variables declared in the implementation section are only visible inside the unit. It should be noted that declaring a global object variable means that any unit can overwrite the variable with a reference to a new object without freeing the existing object first. This would cause a memory leak as again there is no automatic garbage collection.
A delphi class is basically just a description, not the object itself. You describe the properties and methods the final object should have. And the missing piece of the puzzle is that you havent really told Delphi to create an object from your class.
This is done by calling the constructor:
The constructor takes the class description and builds an object instance for you in memory. It returns a pointer to the object which you must store in a variable (myInstance in the above example) of the same type.
Reading your question, I suspect you want to create an object that is "always there", a bit like the printer object. This is easy to do, but just like the printer object - you must include that unit before you can access the object. I think Anders E. Andersen above has shown how most people would initialize an object from a unit centric point of view.
If you want the object to be reachable from another unit, say your mainform or any other unit, first add "myunit" to the uses list. Then to make it visible you add a function, like this:
function test:ttest;
And remember to add "function test:TTest" to the interface section of the unit. Then you can use the object from another unit as such:
But be warned! This is pretty old school programming, and you run the risk of your unit being released (which calls finalization and thus destroys your object) before the other units are done with it. Thus you risk calling a function in an object which no longer exists in memory - causing a spectacular access violation when your program closes.
If you want to learn Delphi properly, head over to Delphi Basics and read up on the basic principles. It takes a while to learn a new language but you will soon get the hang of it.
Good luck!

why aren't descendants of TInterfacedObject garbage collected?

i have a class based on TInterfacedObject. i add it to TTreeNode's Data property.
i create many instances of this object & had assumed that because they're reference counted, i shouldn't need to Free them. that'd be handy.
however, when checking this, i turned on ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown and found they're not being freed after all.
these objects are being created in a frame that's placed on the main form. in the main form's FormClose, i clear the tree nodes such that every object should be freed.
what's happening?
thank you for your help!
TInterfacedObject itself is not reference counted, only interfaces are. You can implement interfaces using TInterfacedObject which basically saves you the effort of implementing the reference counting methods yourself. Unfortunately it still will not work in your case: The compiler does not know that you are assigning interfaces to the TTreeNode.Data property since it is not declared as an interface but as a pointer. So all kinds of weird things will happen:
MyInt := TFacilityTreeItem.Create; // ref count = 1
// Node.Data := MyInt; // won't compile
Node.Data := pointer(MyInt); // no interface assignment, ref count stays 1
end; // ref count reaches 0, your object gets freed
As soon as you try to access your object through the .Data property, you will get an access violation.
So, don't bother with interfaces in this case, you could get it to work, but it will be much more effort than it is worth.
You should declare the Field/Variable as Interface
IFacilityTreeItem = IInterface
TFacilityTreeItem=class(TInterfacedObject, IFacilityTreeItem)
Item: IFacilityTreeItem; // Variable as Interface
Item:= TFacilityTreeItem.Create;
To access your fields, you should declare properties in IFacilityTreeItem Interface, with Getters and Setters.
As dummzeuch said, you can get this to work with interfaces, but it takes some more code since the Data property of a TTreeNode is a pointer. For anyone wondering how to do that, this link has an example of how to do it for TListItem (it's pretty much the same for TTreeNode). You may also find it useful to read the section about interfaces and subsequent section about reference counting on that page.
