Time-based syncing for iOS app - ios

I'm trying to implement a simple sync solution to propagate a few settings between various instances of my app and my server. Changes to these settings will be infrequent and only occur on the client(s). I would like something reasonably robust without going overboard.
My strategy is to track un-synced changes on the device, and when syncing, post these to the server. The server should be able to reject a change that occurred after the previous known sync for that setting. To accomplish this, the app stores an 'Updated' date for each setting, and the server compares this to a similar field it stores for the same setting on its side. If the client's date is prior to the latest setting sync the server knows about (from a different device), the sync for that setting is rejected.
The final (hopefully) piece is to account for differences between the client and server clocks.
My initial thought is to send (alongside the updated setting), the client's current local datetime. On receipt, the server will compare the client's time to its own and know how to adjust the 'updated' timestamp on the client's setting. This sounds reasonable to me in principle, but how can I address the following two issues?
What if the client device's clock is changed after the setting is updated by before attempting to sync it?
Who knows how long the sync request will take to reach the server? So by the time it is received, the 'System clock' that the client provided is actually seconds or minutes out.

You should do everything in terms of UTC to avoid time zone issues. That doesn't get round the issue of the users clock just being set incorrectly so you may want to check-in to the server when data is updated to verify what the actual time is. There will be some conditions that are hard to deal with if you have no net connection. Sometimes the best you can do is to detect them and tell the user about the risk.


FreeRadius accounting altering/updating sessions start times after a day, weeks and in some cases months

This might be a very specific problem or just ignorance from my side, but I don't seem to figure it out.
Within our organization, we have a FreeRadius Accounting system logging sessions from Wi-Fi usage. Our team is responsible for the data analysis of this accounting data.
Recently, we had to dump the Radius Accounting Database and made a freeze frame of it. While doing so we found a weird behavior.
Running the same query before and after the dump (a query that retrieves the total amount of sessions for a single day) gave a different amount. Around a difference of 5-10%.
Looking a bit deeper we discovered that several updates were being issued that altered the start time of sessions after they had been first registered in the accounting database.
We then found that previous data we collected had disparity after weeks or months even (with the discrepancy being around 2-10%).
Does FreeRadius adjust the start times of sessions based on some maintenance? Are WiFi controllers allowed to do this? Is it a bug?
Overal we just want to understand the rationale so we can justify the data and adjust our processing correctly, as currently, we cannot trust the values we collect daily or even weekly on these stats!
Any help or insight would be great!!!
FreeRADIUS only updates the database as a result of data in an incoming RADIUS packet, using the SQL queries in the local configuration. The only real way to understand this is to look at your SQL queries, and incoming requests (via radiusd -X) and see what is making changes to the data. It is possible that the NAS is broken and sending invalid or changing data, or possibly re-using session IDs which overwrite existing records.
It is also possible to configure FreeRADIUS to create a "fake" accounting start entry in the database in post-auth, which will then be updated when the real Start packet arrives. If you are doing this then you should check the values that are being written, and also if the session never starts up (or the Start is lost) then bad things might happen.
But in all circumstances the only solution you really have is to look at the debug output and see what is happening and why data is being written in the way that it is. There is nothing in FreeRADIUS that randomly updates the database without being sent that data from the NAS.

Cloud services to notify on a script not succeeding for a long time

I have a python script that resides on a VPS, reads (each hour) financial news from a public datafeed and emails me when certain keywords of interest appear. That can happen only a few times a week, but such events are very important and must not be missed. On any data fetching or parsing error, I should also be notified via email, and errors of course get recorded into the server's local log file.
But how do I know that my smtp credentials are not blocked by the mail provider, or my VPS is not shut down by my hoster? In that case, I would not be notified and would be unaware of important events (and the failure to fetch/deliver them itself) until I decided to log into VPS manually and take a look at the logs.
Even if I would use a backup notification channel, e.g., SMS or Telegram, it still would not protect against cloud provider service disruption, or my account being blocked due to temporary payment issues, as there would exist no instance of the script to deliver the message on any of the channels. That's why I suspect some 3rd party fault-tolerant service is needed. Especially if I'm a freelance coder having lots of similar scripts, running on a mixture of VPSes, serverless/Lambdas, possibly for different end clients.
What is the best practice you dear developers are using to be notified when some script has not succeeded for a long enough time? I would like something reliable and ready-to-use, maybe you can recommend some existing monitoring services. At least I was not able to find the ones that solve my particular problem straight away.
To clarify, I don't want to spend time on some manual checking until it's absolutely necessary (in this case, I can tolerate up to 2 hours, and if it does not self-heal within that period, then I need to be notified), and I obviously don't want to get regular annoying reports that the service is doing fine and there simply were no interesting news detected. Plus, I of course want to keep the costs reasonable.

Structuring backend queries

So this is more of a methodology question than a coding question. I want to ask this before I actually start coding in order to choose the best route. I have a messaging app. When the app launches I query in the background all the messages from the backend where current_user_id is equal to recipient_id. Now I have all of the messages stored the user needs to see so I locally store them into a sqlite database.
Great, but what about when the user gets new messages? How can i structure a query to receive those without having to query the entire table again? Also how do I set this up as a continual process? Is the phone always requesting update information from the backend while its in the foreground?
Thanks. I really appreciate your help. I'm currently using iOS and as stated SQLite. Also my backend is AWS node.js.
It looks like your goal is to ultimately synchronize data between two sources over a network with a constraint that the client is updated in a reasonable amount of time. You have a design choice to make between a push vs pull architecture.
Push architectures have the servers push data to clients when an event occurs.
Pull architectures have the device periodically poll the server for changes. This can be achieved through timed events.
There are hybrid approaches too.
Each have their advantages and disadvantages as some require constant polling. Others require constant connection based protocols which presents more scaling challenges.

How to know server is in good health condition or not?

How can I know that my server is working fine i.e in good health condition.
My Requirement is Users are complaining that they can not access the web application (Web site) something like it taking long time to do, some times its not completing the request.
I want to know whether my web site is in good condition or not before users and to get an alert message.
I want to know how we can measure whether the server is very responsive or user is not facing any problem. Some times my site takes long time coz. millions of data records have to be retrieved in that case I can not depend upon response time.
please help me on this
Monitoring response time without any third party software can be done with scripts like webinject. Webinject is a perl script that execute some browsing scenario and tells you if it acceptable or not.
Run a script at a regular interval, say 10min, that will start a webinject scenario. If the scenario is ko (check the return code of your webinject call), your script can send you an email, a sms, start a sound alarm, ... whatever is relevant to you.
You can also add some complexity by running a diagnostic script (check network by pinging relevant hardware, check cpu/ram usage of your servers, check the number of sessions in your database, ...) and send the diagnostic by email. You can also save the response times in a database (like a rdd database) to have a graphical view and be able to do some problem analysis on it.

Cost of continuous replications vs one-shot replications (using TouchDB and Cloudant)

We have an app that uses Cloudant as a remote server. Nevertheless, Cloudant is not completely compatible with TouchDB's continuous replications from previous experience. So our alternative for now is to trigger manually one-shot replications at a fixed frequency. Nevertheless, we would like to know if that approach is going to cost us more money than continuous replications, since continuous replications use longpoll and doesn't need to query the server often. In other words, does one-shot pull replications with Cloudant as the target cost us a GET request?
Thank you,
I think the issue you refer to is [1].
Cloudant's replication is 100% compatible with CouchDB. In this
instance, TouchDB's logs indicate the iOS network stack passed
on incomplete JSON to TouchDB. It's not clear who was to blame
in this case for the replication failure.
[1] https://github.com/couchbaselabs/TouchDB-iOS/issues/241
For the cost question, a one-shot pull replication will result in a GET to the _changes
feed each time it happens, plus the other requests required to
replicate. This _changes request will be counted as a light
HTTP request against your Cloudant account.
However, whether this works out as more or fewer requests overall
depends on the number of changes coming down from the remote server.
It's also important to remember that the number of _changes calls are very small
relative to the number of other calls involved (e.g., getting the
content of the changes themselves and particularly if there are many
While this question is specific to TouchDB, and I mention specific
behaviours of that codebase, this answer deals with the requests involved
in replication between any two systems speaking the CouchDB replication
[2] http://www.dataprotocols.org/en/latest/couchdb_replication.html
Let's take a contrived example: 1 update per 10 second window to
the source database for the replication, where a TouchDB database
is the target. Let's take a 5 minute poll vs. a continuous replication.
For simplicity of call-counting, let's also take attachments out of the
picture. We'll also assume the device has a constant network connection.
For the continuous case, every 10s TouchDB will receive an update in
the _changes feed. This causes the longpoll connection to close.
TouchDB then runs through the changes, requesting the updates from the
source database; one or more GET requests on the remote server. While
this is happening, TouchDB has to open up another longpoll request
to _changes. So in a five minute period, you'd end up with perhaps
30 calls to _changes, plus all the calls to get documents and record
Compare this with a one-shot replication every five minutes. You'd
receive notification of the 30 updates in one _changes feed call.
TouchDB implements an optimisation[3] whereby it will call _all_docs
to get updated documents for 1- revs, so you might end up with a single
call to get all 30 documents (not possible in the continuous case as
you've received a single change). Then you've the checkpoint documents
to record. At best fewer than 5 HTTP calls, at most about a third of
the continuous case as you've avoided extra _changes requests.
[3] https://github.com/couchbaselabs/TouchDB-iOS/wiki/Replication-Algorithm#performance
It comes down to the frequency of updates you expect to the source
database. One-shot replication is likely to provide a smoother price
curve as you're in better control of the number of requests you make.
A further question is how often connections will drop because of the
network disconnects which happen regularly with mobile devices.
TouchDB's continuous replications will fire back up each time the
user comes on line (if added via the _replicator database). This is a
further source of unpredictable costs.
However, the benefits from more immediate visibility of changes may
certainly be worth the uncertainty.
