iOS Smart app banner with jquery mobile - jquery-mobile

I am trying to use the iOS smart app banner on my website. I am currently using jquery mobile 1.3.1 for development. The problem I'm having is jquery mobile automatically hides the address bar on page load. Since the smart app banner appears to be a part of the address bar, the user cannot see the smart app banner unless they scroll up. Is there anyway around this problem? Ideally the page would load and show the smart app banner and not the address bar. However, at this point I would be fine showing both on page load. I know the folks over at HTML5 Boilerplate have solved this issue. See:
Hiding address bar without hiding the smart app banner on iOS 6
The problem with this solution for me is turning off the hide address bar feature in jquery mobile. I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish without altering the jquery mobile core code. I don't really want to alter the jquery mobile code. Mainly because I don't like changing code that I have to update when a new version comes out. Plus I am pulling the jquery mobile file from jquery's CDN. I would like to find another way to solve this problem. Any ideas? Thank.

window.oldScroll = window.scrollTo;
window.scrollTo = function(){return false;};
before you load jquery mobile. This will override Jquery mobile hiding. then you can use the helper.js by reassigning scrollTo after jquery mobile script.


iPhone/iPad Status bar overlapping on app's header

I am using worklight 6.2 Consumer Edition on WAS Liberty Profile Server. I am using jQuery Mobile 1.4.2 to develop UI. When I install app on iPhone/iPad, status bar of phone is hiding some part of my app's header.
How can I fix this issue (if its an issue)?
This works fine in a default new app with jQuery Mobile that was generated by Worklight Studio. As you can see, the status does not overlap the text.
You can also take a look at the Worklight Starter with jQuery Mobile edition, that also works on iOS w/out the status bar covering the top of app. Compare your CSS.
You need to provide a screen shot of what you're seeing, as well as provide a sample application where you are experiencing it. This issue originates from your code. Provide code.
One possible solution would be to add some margin-top to whichever element is at the top of your applicaiton's HTML.

jQuery Mobile persisten fixed header tab bar with page transition

i'm developing a simple three tabs app for Android and iPhone, using IBM Worklight as framework. Every tab links to a div with data-role="page", as jQuery Mobile specifications.
If I implement the jquery fixed persistent tabbar like is explained there (, i'm encountering some flickering on the tab item in page transition (with any transiction effect).
If I set the default transition to "none", I could resolve this problem, but I lost the transiction native-like effect.
This behavior appears only if i test the App with a real android device (Xperia Neo, GS2).
If i navigate trough the pages of with my smartphone, especially here: i can't see the strange behavior, but the footer won't be persistent trough the pages, it just re-render like the whole content and this is worse (this happen with the stock browser or Dolphin, instead looks very well by using Chrome).
Is there a way to improve this effect or there is another way to implement fixed persistent tab bar?
I used as reference the default Android Contacts App.
Maybe you're getting this flicker because you're navigating between pages using rel="external". Try to pass from one page to the other without ajax and you'll see that flickering will dissapear
The problem is due to poor performance of the WebView of the Android environment in rendering 3d transition.
Solved by removing the transition effect with:
$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "none";
Something else that could help is putting these attributes in the AndroidManifest.xml:
android:xlargeScreens="false" />

Hide Address bar for Xpages Mobile Web Application on Ipad (iOS5) and Mobile safari (v5.1)

With reference to the question I asked couple of days back, it seems to me that address bar cannot be hidden from a xpages mobile web application when it is launched from a href link. Choice is limited to href as "location.assign" or any javascript will not work on mails accessed by lotus traveller. I tried almost 20 different variations published by other experts to hide address bar and none seems to work. Am I wrong in stating that "it is not possible to hide address bar in Xpages mobile web application on ipad when not launched from home screen"?
The following works on iPhone and iPod Touch (and is similar to the solution I linked to in the answer to the other question that you mention).
Create a client-side JavaScript library with the following logic:
function hideAddressBar(){ window.scrollTo(0, 1)}
window.addEventListener("load", hideAddressBar, false);
Add the following to a layout custom control or similar in order for this to run on all the XPages where you want to hide the address bar (here I assume that the client-side JavaScript library is called addressbar.js:
<xp:script clientSide="true" type="text/javascript" src="/addressbar.js"></xp:script>
Have a look at the ITANA Tasks project on OpenNTF which uses this solution to hide the address bar.
For iPad it is not possible to hide the address bar when running in Safari. To hide the address bar on iPad you need to launch the app from the home screen (and set the usual required meta tags).

jQueryMobile page transition functionality broken

I am building a cross-platform app using jQueryMobile and Phonegap. Currently using jQM 1.1.0 and Phonegap 1.6.1.
The page transition function sometimes just seems to break down when the user clicks a button or list item that links to another page in the app.
<a href="#page2">
This kind of link is what the whole app is made of. But depending on god knows what, sometimes when you click a link the app stalls. External links will still be followed, and buttons that don't trigger any page changing work fine. But anything with href and $.mobile.changePage seems to be broken.
This problem occurs in iPad Simulator and iPhone Simulator, not in Chrome. It seems to have something to do with the type of page transition specified (i.e. fade or slide or flip etc). Some transitions seem to cause problems, sometimes it seems to be the lack of a specified transition that is the cause, and sometimes neither of those explanations have any traction.
Before I add a whole bunch of code, I'm interested if anyone has similar experiences.

Jquery Mobile Navbar issue

I have created bottom fixed tabs using jquery mobile data-role="navbar" inside a JQ footer. The issue is it creates a div on runtime outside the page flow which is absolute, more than the height of the page content. This is getting created on runtime and appears only when the navbar code is written. Need some help on it.
First, are you viewing the website on a mobile device (and which mobile OS if so).
This issue has appeared in my experience, but only when using a standard web browser.
