Grab all fieldset elements inside div -

In my ASP MVC 3 view I have a number of fieldset elements that are hidden when the page loads. Based upon a user selection of a group of radio buttons, I need to make the corresponding fieldset visible.
I'd like to do this in jquery by making an array of the fieldset elements, then cycle through them, adjusting their visibility property if they match the selected radio button or not. Is this possible?
Since there is so much code in the fieldsets I attached the screen shot below to save space/make it more readable. The fieldsets I am trying to alter are inside of the RightDiv. If you need any more detail, please let me know. Thx

You can try this:
var id = '#' + this.className; //Get the id from the clicked radio classname
$('#RightDiv').find('fieldset').hide();// hide all fieldsets;
$('#RightDiv').find(id).show(); // show the selected one.
Just note that in your html helper you are providing the the first overload as same name for all. All is well except i believe it will create duplicate ids for each of these. You may want to override it in the HTMLattributes.
#Html.RadioButton("TransactionType", false, new{#class="Enroll", id="Radio1"})
#Html.RadioButton("TransactionType", false, new{#class="New", id="Radio2"})

Sorry, posted a bit too soon on this. Tried the following below and it worked just fine.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('input[name=TransactionType]').change(function () {
var radioValue = $(this);
var elements = [];
$('#RightDiv').children().each(function () {


Select2 doesn't show selected value

Select2 loads all items from my list successful, the issue I found when try to select a specific value when page loads. Example:
:: put select2 in a specific html element, no value is selected even all items are loaded.
:: When the page is loaded I'm trying to show a specific item selected, but doesn't work as expected, because even selected, the select2 doesn't show it.
$('#my_id').val('3'); //select the right option, but doesn't render it on page loads.
How to make a selected option to pop up when pages loads?
Thanks in advance.
:: How I load all select2 items (sorry, its jade, not pure HTML):
label(for='category') Category
span.required *
select(id='category', style='width:230px', name='category')
option(value='') - Select -
each cat in categories
option(value='#{}') #{cat.description}
P.S.: All items from my list are loaded.
:: How I initialize the select2:
Just put the following line code on my javascript and it does successful:
:: How I'm trying to select a specific value:
First attempt:
initSelection: function(element, callback) {
Second attempt:
P.S.: #field-category has a value its a hidden input field and works OK.
You need to use the initSelection option to set the initial value.
If you are using a pre-defined select element to create the select2, you can use the following method
Demo: Fiddle
add a trigger change after setting val:
A very simple way to tackle this problem is :
//Step1: Here assuming id of your selectbox is my_id, so this will add selected attribute to 1st option
$('#my_id option').eq(0).prop('selected',true);
//Step2: Now reinitialize your select box
//This will work, if you haven't initialized selectbox
//This will work, if you have initialized selectbox earlier, so destroy it first and initialise it
This may help:
$('#mySelect2').val('1'); // Select the option with a value of '1'
$('#mySelect2').trigger('change'); // Notify any JS components that the value changed
You can find more on details here:
Per here initSelection is deprecated in Select2 4.0 and later.
Using Select2 4.0.0 this worked for me:
HT: #Kokizzu
Here is how to make val in select2 just select the corresponding element.
For some reason, select2 doesn't provide the function to look up selections by id.
$("#thing").select2({data:sources, initSelection: function(item, callback) {
// despite select2 having already read the whole sources list when you
// do .val(n) you have to explicitly tell it how to find that item again.
var to_be_selected = null;
$.each(sources, function(index, thing) {
if ( == item.val()) {
to_be_selected = thing;
normal code
// to load the thing with id==3 from the initial sources list.
$("#thing").select2({'val': 3})
For me I was sending selected in the data set still default option was not getting selected. I had to do something like below to make it work -
data: data_names
data_names.forEach(function(name) {
if (name.selected) {
I had a multiple select2 box with multiple selections.
Step 1 was to put my string of school_ids into an array of integers corresponding to the id of each school, and remove a leading zero. I had to do this in a separate script tag.
var school_ids = <%= raw JSON.parse(#search.school_ids).map{|x| x.to_i} - [0]%>
Step two was to create the select box, then set the values, then trigger like so:
$(document).ready(function() {
placeholder: "Hit Enter After Selection",
width: 'resolve'
trigger just select2 to set the value
and this will trigger select2 with dropdown
I meet with the same problem, this works for me:
Using Select2 > 4.0.0
var option=$(this);
i have initilized select2 because i just want few options selected from them.
If you are using select2 v4.0.0 or above, you can check select2 documentation
// Initialize select2 for all select tags
// Initialize select2 for a specific id
// Initialize select2 for a class
// Update the displayed value after changing the selected option.
$('.classname').each(function() {
in my case I were dealing with a class then I used this way to set showing content at select2
<option selected value="your_value">your_text</option>
u need to put this at each select box's first option

Adding jQueryUI selectable items using AJAX

I'm using some AJAX (ASP.NET Web Forms) to add new selectable elements on my site but the newly created ones aren't selectable. I guess this has to do with some events. Maybe it can be solved by using .on on those functions but I don't know how to do it. Anyone know how to fix that?
Here's my code:
filter: '.ui-widget-content',
stop: function () {
var result = $("#select-result").empty();
$(".ui-selected", this).each(function () {
var index = $(this).attr('id');
index = index.substring(12, index.length);
result.append(" #" + index);
when you load your page, jquery assign respective functions to each html tags. when you create some new div/html tags you should re-initialize the function because jquery doesn't know about your newly created html tags,
for the respective query
try re initializing the jquery function after adding new selectable element
hope this help..

Chosen not working in jquery dialog on reloading mvc partial

I am loading two MVC Partial Views in jQuery UI dialog using following code for editing and adding a record:
$.get(url, function(data)
var $form = $(formid);
$"validator", null);
var dat = $"unobtrusiveValidation");
var opts = dat ? dat.options || '' : '';
Following is the function that wires-up chosen functionality.
function runEditCreateStartScripts(){
no_results_text: "no match",
allow_single_deselect: true
Everything is perfect on first call. After opening one dialog say edit a few times everything is broken. There is only hyperlink available in place of chosen stuff. This also happens if I open one dialog say add and then second dialog. The bindings and other functionality from first one (add) is gone.
Any insights on why this might be happening?
The problem that caused my issue was that the modals I was loading via AJAX had inputs with the SAME ID as an input field that was already on the page (using Django that has generic ID generators for model fields). This caused collision between the two inputs when re-triggering .chosen() on the selector. When I made the ID fields unique, all worked as expected.
Hope this would have helped.

Is there any way to control the layout of the close button on a jQuery Mobile custom select menu?

I have a custom select menu (multiple) defined as follows:
<select name="DanceStyles" id="DanceStyles" multiple="multiple" data-native-menu="false">
Everything works fine except that I want to move the header's button icon over to the right AND display the Close text. (I have found some mobile users have a problem either realising what the X icon is for or they have trouble clicking it, so I want it on the right with the word 'Close' making too big to miss.) There don't seem to be any options for doing that on the select since its options apply to the select bar itself.
I have tried intercepting the create event and in there, finding the button anchor and adding a create handler for that, doing something like this (I have tried several variations, as you can see by the commenting out):
$('#search').live('pagecreate', function (event) {
create: function (event, ui) {
create: function (event, ui) {
var $btn = $(this);
$btn.attr('class', $btn.attr('class').replace('ui-btn-left', 'ui-btn-right'));
$btn.attr('class', $btn.attr('class').replace('ui-btn-icon-notext', 'ui-btn-icon-left'));
// $(this).button({ iconpos: 'right' });
// $btn.attr('class', $btn.attr('class').replace('ui-btn-icon-notext', 'ui-btn-icon-left'));
// // $btn.attr('data-iconpos', 'left');
So I have tried resetting the button options and calling refresh (didn't work), and changing the CSS. Neither worked and I got weird formatting issues with the close icon having a line break.
Anyone know the right way to do this?
I got this to work cleanly after looking at the source code for the selectmenu plugin. It is not in fact using a button; the anchor tag is the source for the buttonMarkup plugin, which has already been created (natch) before the Create event fires.
This means that the markup has already been created. My first attempt (see my question) where I try to mangle the existing markup is too messy. It is cleaner and more reliable to remove the buttonMarkup and recreate it with my desired options. Note that the '#search' selector is the id of the JQ page-div, and '#DanceStyles' is the id of my native select element. I could see the latter being used for the id of the menu, which is why I select it first and navigate back up and down to the anchor; I couldn't see any other reliable way to get to the anchor.
$('#search').live('pagecreate', function (event) {
create: function (event, ui) {
.attr('class', 'ui-btn-right')
.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "iconpos", '')
.attr("data-" + $.mobile.ns + "icon", '')
.attr("title", 'Done')
.buttonMarkup({ iconpos: 'left', icon: 'arrow-l' });
The buttonMarkup plugin uses the A element's text and class values when creating itself but the other data- attributes result from the previous buttonMarkup and have to be removed, as does the inner html that the buttonMarkup creates (child span, etc). The title attribute was not recreated, for some reason, so I set it myself.
PS If anyone knows of a better way to achieve this (buttonMarkup('remove')? for example), please let us know.
the way i achieved it was changing a bit of the jquery mobile code so that the close button always came to the right, without an icon and with the text, "Close"
not the best way i agree. but works..
I got a similar case, and I did some dirty hack about this :P
$("#DanceStyles-button").click(function() {
$("#DanceStyles-dialog a[role=button]").removeClass("ui-icon-delete").addClass("ui-icon-check");
$("#DanceStyles-dialog .ui-title").html("<span style='float:left;margin-left:25px' id='done'>Done</span>Dance Styles");
$("#DanceStyles-dialog .ui-title #done").click(function() {
} );

JQuery UI Multiselect how to get selected options values

wasted my day while searching how to get selected options values in JQuery UI widget by Michael Aufreiter. Here's the link to his demo site and github:
As a result I just need value fields of selected options without POST/GET sendings to PHP script.
I tried many methods and resultless.
Need your help and ideas
*Found many topics about jquery ui multiselect but useless because of Aufreiter :s *
That should work. Tested with Chrome console
I went to the site you've got listed above, and was able to run this in my chrome console:
$('.ui-multiselect .selected li').each(function(idx,el){ console.log(el.title); });
It seems like the values you want are stored in the title attributes of the list items within the div.selected element.
Doh! Well of course you want the values. Sorry mate. Completely missed that. The real goods are stored in the jQuery data() objects. In this case, the key you want is 'optionLink'. It maintains a reference to an option element. Each list item in the '.selected' div used the method to add the underlying option to it.
So, you need to get the selected list items, iterate through, grab the 'optionLink' from the data jQuery data store, and then get the value.
The following code works on the example page:
$('.ui-multiselect .selected li').each(function(idx,el){
var link = $(el).data('optionLink');
// link now points to a jQuery wrapped <option> tag
// I do a test on link first. not sure why, but one of them was undefined.
// however, I got all four values. So I'm not sure what the first <li>
// is. I'm thinking it's the header...
// here's your value. add it to an array, or whatever you need to do.
This is the first I've seen of the multiselect. It's slick. But I sympathize with your frustration trying to get something out. A 'getSelectedOptions()' method would be nice.
Try accessing the selected values on the close event.
header: false,
selectedList : 1,
height: "auto",
}).multiselectfilter().bind("multiselectclose", function(event, ui) {
var value = $("#dropdown").val();
Hope that helps.
Best solution
selectAllValue: 'multiselect-all',
enableCaseInsensitiveFiltering: true,
enableFiltering: true,
height: "auto",
close: function() {
var values = new Array();
$(this).multiselect("getChecked").each(function(index, item) {
You can try this:
isOpen: true,
keepOpen: true,
filter: true
