o-xterm-91:maxwell1/arch/simt/func/proto-compiler> p4 diff run_passes.pl
==== //arch/simt/func/proto-compiler/run_passes.pl#247 - /home/scratch.ankurj_maxwell-info/maxwell1/arch/simt/func/proto-compiler/run_passes.pl ====
mgdiff: error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
All other perforce commands are working except for the diff.
Suggest alternative's or fixes.
I am using Centos, Redhat linux 5.7 enterprise version
It sounds like you have configured a custom diff program using the P4DIFF configuration setting: http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/cmdref/env.P4DIFF.html
Try clearing the P4DIFF and DIFF configuration settings, and you can use the built-in Perforce command-line diff, which is a simple textual diff program.
Else, try reviewing the "mgdiff" installation materials at the mgdiff site ant see if you can re-install or repair the Motif libraries on your machine. http://packages.debian.org/sid/text/mgdiff
I'm trying to switch over my current setup for Neovim (using Vim Plug) to Packer and I'm having trouble.
My Neovim is loaded from ~/.config/nvim/init.lua which sources all of my plugin and other settings. They live mostly inside of a ~/lua folder (the "main Imports") section of my configuration, including my actual plug-plugins.lua file that references all of my plugins.
-- Main Imports
Later in the same init.lua file, I'm sourcing plugin specific settings for all of these plugins. In order to get my directory working currently, I'm installing everything with :PlugInstall and it works fine.
-- Plugin-specific settings
Installing Packer
The installation steps for Packer are pretty sparse, and merely state that you should clone the repository to somewhere in your "packpath" but I'm not really clear what that means. When I'm inside Neovim, and I press :set packpath? I get the following paths:
This makes me think that I'm able to just clone the respository to ~/.config/nvim which is the first path listed. I'm not really sure what to do next though, or if this is even right.
Can anyone help? What are the basic steps to getting Packer installed (I'm on MacOS 11.6).
i did recently moved from vim-plug to packer, as per docs when you do git clone of the repo the path provided in readme for installation is ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer.After successful clone you can start using packer in your plugins.lua as below.
return require('packer').startup(function()
use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'
you can check the installation by running :PackerSync this will fetch (git clone) the plugin in to the packerpath which is ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer
Hope this is what you looking for?
I had the exact same situation and it turned out to just be a naming conflict. I had named my local nvim config file lua/packer.lua and changing that fixed the issue.
We want to have the same VSCode settings for the whole crew of developers. Also it would be fine to have a oneline command to tear VSCode down and restart it from scratch with predefined settings and plugins so that you do not have to worry about trying out plugins and getting beck to the known state. Kind of Config-as-Code for VSCode.
I already found:
But non of these provides a good solution to me
We are using Mac and Windows machines and develop most of the time locally (not remotely in the cloud or the like).
I imagine like having a script like
.... projectname up
.... projectname reset
.... projectname down)
to receive/reset the configured settings and newest plugins that have been configured for the project.
Have any ideas or use a similar solution already?
After doing a lot of research, playing with Docker, Ansible and so on... it seems that although I excluded it at first the plugin Settings Sync Plugin from Shan Khan is the way to go. It has round about 1 million installs!
Only dependency - you need a GitHub account to host your configs. That is what held me back at first - but it should be not that much of a problem to get one for everyone in the team and connect it to like a company-github-account.
Copy the files settings.json and keybindings.json to your target machine(s) to copy the settings. You can find those files here:
Win: ~\AppData\Roaming\Code\User
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Code/User/
Linux: ~/.config/Code/User
You can copy extentions from ~/.vscode/extensions or C:\Users\username\.vscode\extensions from linux/mac or windows respectively.
FalcoGer's answer should explain how to copy the files in a way VS Code will pick them up. If you only need to copy the config files once, this solution would be fine.
If you need to "sync" these config files on a regular basis, I would advise to create a Git repository where all config files will be stored.
When cloning the repo to local machines, you can symlink the files to the config destinations (see FalcoGer's anwser). Then when you need to "sync", you only have to run git pull and restart VS Code to apply the changes.
For your other script-related question, you could create a CLI for this. Python would be the most friendly way to do this. You can find an example here.
On Windows, where is neo4j-server.properties as described in this documentation?
I can't find it anywhere, and creating it myself in places that seem reasonable have no effect.
I'd like to be able to access the server from a remote IP other than localhost. Thanks.
Neo4j is installed at C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-community.exe
I've created the file at C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\conf\neo4j-server.properties
Here's the complete contents:
#allow any client to connect
However, the settings don't seem to take effect. Am I missing something?
From the Neo4j startup window, click the "options" button bottom left.
This shows an options windows which includes the path to your conf file:
Ok I think I know what's going on: You installed 1.9.4 stable via the new simplified Windows Installer? If so: That seems to be a very limited 'dev' installer. It has a simple MSI, it has a simple GUI to let you select the database, and then you do everything from the web console. This is a departure from previous methods of installing on Windows. I tried it out, and I abandoned it because I need full control of the configuration. The conf files, normally found in a conf folder parallel to the bin folder, are not installed with this installer.
If you want the traditional installer, grab the enterprise download.
That said: I wouldn't waste time on the 1.9.x branch unless you're running in production. If you're still in dev/test, I'd go straight to 2.0 (milestone 6 is now available). You'll get Labels (reason enough to switch), updated Cypher engine, and lots of other improvements. Also: the 2.0 installer is still a traditional configuration, complete with conf folder, where you can make all the configuration changes you need to make.
EDIT The download link for the zip version is now back, so you can choose either the exe or zip version of installation. This means you can install 1.9.4 just like before, and have full access to all the configuration files.
EDIT 2 After a bit of email exchange w/someone at Neo Technology, I found out that, for this particular installer, everything needed is bundled into a single JAR file. if you look in the bin folder after installing, you'll see these files:
If you search the JAR file (via 7zip or something similar), you'll find the default server configuration file:
I suspect you could place the neo4j-server.properties file into the JAR file here as well (though I haven't tried).
The original poster is using the Community version on Windows, as am I. Despite what anyone has said, no one has actually answered the question with verifiable, tested results. I originally said, "This is not an answer". However, I now tend to think it IS the answer, just not the desired result. The answer is, to the best of my knowledge, with my specific tests and results documented below: NOWHERE: YOU CAN'T CONFIGURE current stable 1.9.4 or milestone 2.0.0-M06 Community versions on Windows x64.
I have tried the suggestions under the best answer, which were untested and unverified, and they do not work. See specific quotations below.
Neither of the currently pushed 2.0.0-M06 or stable 1.9.4 Community versions are configurable in any way, shape or form on Windows -- given the current documentation and non-answers. As a first time user to Neo4j with these two versions, this has been very frustrating, to have no clear way to configure the software, and incorrect official documentation.
"Also: the 2.0 installer is still a traditional configuration, complete with conf folder, where you can make all the configuration changes you need to make." #David Makagon
This is a false statement. It is the same as 1.9.4, no conf folders anywhere on disk.
"I suspect you could place the neo4j-server.properties file into the JAR file here as well (though I haven't tried)." #David Makagon
I have tried both Neo4j Community 1.9.4 and 2.0.0-M06 x64 on Windows 7 x64, running as a user, with and without running as administrator.
I've used ProcMon and could not even find any attempt to read any "conf" file at documented location. However, I found other odd locations with a "config" in the name, and have tried there also, out of morbid curiosity, included below.
Summary of config file locations which DO NOT work:
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\conf\neo4j-default.properties [1.9.4]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\conf\neo4j-server.properties [1.9.4, 2.0.0-M06]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-community.exe.Config [1.9.4]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-default.properties [1.9.4]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-server.properties [1.9.4]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\conf\neo4j-server.properties [2.0.0-M06]
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar\org\neo4j\server\config\community\neo4j-default.properties
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar\org\neo4j\server\config\community\neo4j-server.properties
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4\org\neo4j\server\config\community\neo4j-default.properties
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4\org\neo4j\server\config\community\neo4j-server.properties
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\neo4j-default.properties [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\neo4j-server.properties [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\conf\neo4j-default.properties [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\conf\neo4j-server.properties [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\neo4j.properties [1.9.4, 2.0.0-M06]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\neo4j-server.properties [1.9.4]
C:\Users\root\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\conf\neo4j-server.properties [1.9.4]
Also note, the jar's config file
C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar\org\neo4j\server\config\community\neo4j-default.properties
corresponds directly to (exact same file, no differences)
Yet changing the port in this location also does nothing.
Is there a way to configure this through the webadmin? It is definitely not clear at all.
I'm using the Windows 32 community version 2.0.3. To edit any of the properties, there's "settings" button in the GUI (where you start the database from)?
Download the windows community binary 64bit .zip from 'Other Versions'. You'll need to install the JDK 7 and set the JAVA_HOME path variable. All folders, including Conf, are exposed and you can control the the default port and localhost bindings per documentation.
A bit late, but I spent a while on searching for it today.
The seo4j-server.properties file is at (absolute path example):
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Neo4j Community\neo4j-server.properties
It is accessible from Neo4j GUI - under the "Setting" button. I have tried it with Community version 2.1.6 and it works fine.
Under ...\<neo4j-community-1.8.2>\conf directory.
The conf file is created under AppData\Roaming\Neo4j Community Edition when you click on edit in server configuration (Options GUI)
When you install 1.9.4 using the new Windows installer, from where does one launch the Neo4j-Shell (previously found in bin)?
The neo4j-shell isn't currently shipping with the neo4j desktop but you can launch it by running the following command from 'C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\' (or equivalent location:):
jre\bin\java -classpath bin\neo4j-desktop-1.9.4.jar org.neo4j.shell.StartClient
I'm not sure whether there are plans to include it in the next release, I'll check.
You can uninstall your neo4j windowns instalation version, so you can download an zip file with contains the neo4j binary version for Windows at http://www.neo4j.org/download. Using this version, you can find the bin, conf and lib folder. Besides that, you can find the Neo4jShell.bat. This file is the shell.
I believe the stand alone Neo4j-Shell isn't included in the installer for 1.9.4, but there is the Power tool console in the web interface, and you can also use the shell from the 1.8.3 package. I have no idea if it's supported though, but it seems to work.
For future googlers who end up here, there is a cypher shell at <neo4_dir>\bin\cypher-shell.bat. Neo4j-CE-3.1.0
Do you use CEAN, copy the source and compile them, copy the BEAM files, or something else. I need to distribute some Erlang code and I'm not sure which to choose.
I've been working on EPM, an Erlang package manager. It pulls from GitHub. It's non-invasive and doesn't require installing anything on your system other than downloading an escript. It works as follows:
jvorreuter$ ./epm install ibrowse mochiweb
epm v0.1.0, 2010
Install the following packages?
+ epm-mochiweb-master
+ cmullaparthi-ibrowse-master
([y]/n) y
+ downloading http://github.com/epm/mochiweb/tarball/master
+ running mochiweb build command
+ running mochiweb install command
+ downloading http://github.com/cmullaparthi/ibrowse/tarball/master
+ running ibrowse build command
+ running ibrowse install command
You can read more about it at http://www.jkvor.com/erlang-package-manager
The linked blog post is blank as of August 2013. The GitHub repository is at https://github.com/JacobVorreuter/epm
I clone the git repository, build it, and add the directory to my ERL_LIBS path. I hack the source for my private customizations. For those commits that are sensible, I publish.
I am a much happier developer after finding git and being able to manage my own changes and still be able to get upstream changes that I can rebase my stuff on.
I realize that this looks raw for end users, but I am my own end user.
If I would ship something to other end users I would look into using .ez zip archive files that the erlang code loader can use. See section "Loading of Code From Archive Files" on that page. Then provide a script that invokes erl with the correct arguments.
If the repository isn't available as a git, I git-svn clone it. If I can't do that, I tend to stay away from it.
I use faxien (a package manager for Erlang releases and applications) from the Erlware project: http://www.erlware.org. It and sinan are essential tools for Erlang development :).
I use Agner on Mac, Linux, and Unix; and CEAN on Windows. CEAN's the only Erlang package manager with Windows support.
I package them on a Debian repository on Launchpad.