iPhone app on iPad: UILabel, UITextView text pixelated when viewed in 2x - ios

I tried my iPhone app (potrait mode) on iPad Mini just for a test... I noticed that when I tap 2x Mode the text in UILabel, UITextview appears pixelated.
In case of Images I have an option of setting images for both 1x & 2x mode (img1.png & img1#2x.png), but how to do this for text?
I don't want to create images with text for UILabel.

As your app is for iPhone and you are trying to run this in iPad, it is showing like that. If you want it not to be pixeleted, you need iPad version of your app. #2x images are not to make your app compatible with iPad devices but for retina version of same devices.

Hinata is correct. you need to have a sparate iPad App for your Application so that it can run on iPad in full resolution mode. Go through the apple developer documents to know more about how to cerate iPad Application.
By default if you use universal as the build creator while creating your project the App will be supported on ipad's but they will run in 1X or 2X mode.
Let em know if you need more assistance on this.


Automatically scale up iPad Air images to fit iPad Pro?

Is there a way to tell Xcode to scale up my app so it fits an iPad Pro? Or do I have to do this manually in the code? I do have a launch image file and it scales up the launch image, but nothing else.
The answer to this is: no, there is no way to tell the app to automatically scale up iPad images for use on the iPad Pro. I imagine Apple wants developers to avoid doing this and force them to create images that are the correct resolution.

iPhone 6 Launch Image/Launch File issue

I added to the project the Launch images for enabling support of iPhone 6/6+ (1242×2208 & 750×1334).
For iPhone 6+ everything works correctly, but for iPhone 6 on the real device (iOS 8.4.1), I still see Launch Image for iPhone 5 and screen size {320x568}. In the simulator of iPhone 6 app works as expected (correct launch image and screen size {375x667}).
The same behaviour if I use Launch File instead of Launch Image Assets.
How can I solve this issue?
The question is duplicated and the answer is here:
iOS handles correctly the Launch Images for iPhone 6/6+. It is enough to specify Launch Image in the Assets, and do not use Launch File for iOS8, but "Display Zoom" in the Settings of the phone must be set to the "Standard" mode for iPhone6 (Settings -> Display & Brightness -> View).
Hope it will help to someone else.
Please check below screen with Lunch image setting and you have to select one by one lunch image box and check size of image e.g. Image_2.png and set image based on that size.
Make sure your image size is same as the size of selected box.
Hope this is work for you.
Thanks :)

Orientation issue in iOS 7.1 or iPhone landscape

I am developing an app support iOS 6.0 and up and only in landscape mode for both device.
I have an issue in splash screen/launch screen for landscape mode, I have used 2 approach but didn't work properly.
Approach 1: When I use Images.xcassets to set Launch images. It work fine in iPad device of any OS but don't work in iPhone device as specially in 4" screen phones and 4.7" screen phones.
I have attached image of Images.xcassets as below:
Approach 2
Now because of above problem, I have used lauchscreen.xib for iPhone and iPad. Now problem is, when i use this approach, Splash screen display as a portrait mode rather than landscape in iOS 7.1 only.
Supported Device Orientation:
I was shock when I read this and heard about it..
Till iOS 7, Apple don't support Landscape mode for iPhone and iPod. Apple supports Landscape mode only for iPad.
So what if we develop app and give support from iOS 6 / iOS 7?
In Images.xcassets, select iPhone for portrait mode and add rotated image with 90 degree.
Let's understand with Step by step process :-
Suppose you have image with 480x320 dimension image.
Open that image in preview(Image editor)/photoshop.
Now rotate that image and save it.
Add rotated image at respective place in Images.xcassets.
Clean Project and run.
Please make sure your orientations are set appropriately. Also please refer this link for more details :- iOS 6: How do I restrict some views to portrait and allow others to rotate?

how to get a normal keypad on iphone 6 and 6 plus

I'm building an app that works fine on iphone 5. When I look at it on a iphone 6 or 6 plus however, I see that the keypad is stretched, basically zoomed in. I'm using autolayout and storyboards.
What do I need to set in order to make the keyboard scale to a normal size?
You need to ensure that the app is optimized to run in the native resolution of these devices, rather than the zoomed compatibility mode. This can be done by setting a properly-sized launch image for the iPhone 6/6+.
These launch images will be labeled Retina HD 4.7 and Retina HD 5.5 in your launch images file, respectively. If you do not see these options available in your launch image assets, create a new launch image set and they should be there.

iOS image size for iPhone and iPad

I am developing universal app for iOS,
I am using Autolayout feature in my app,
I have one doubt:
I want to apply background image in my app,
How many background image i will have to make ??
and what will be the naming conventions of the images ?
so that iPhone automatically takes corresponding images according to device.
Like we gives on launch images, default#2x.png, Default-568h#2x.png, Default-Portrait#2x.png and device automatically understands it's corresponding images.
you need 2 types of images for iphone and ipad.
For ipad you just need to add ~ipad before .png. e.g. image.png for iphone and image~ipad.png for ipad.
Do the same for Retina display images also.
iPhone Retina: image#2x.png
iPad Retina: image#2x~ipad.png
What should help in your case is Asset Catalogs, which are by far the best way to manage assets for multiple devices.
