Change Background Image of an iOS app with a button click - ios

Title pretty much says it all, I am new to Xcode and am trying to make a button that changed the view's background image. I will have three button and when you click one they will change the background that is associated with the button. How would I accomplish this? I have looked around but have not found anything relevant or anything that worked..
Thanks in advance!
As for what I have, I have a project set up with a window and one view with a background image called "default#2x-568h#2x.png" I would like to be able to press a button and have it switch to "second.png". I have a button and I control dragged into my .h which made this:
#interface TeslameterViewController : UIViewController <CLLocationManagerDelegate> {
IBOutlet UIButton *button1;
- (IBAction)button1:(id)sender;
thats where I am lost.
Found the fix via this video:

On the button Action event add this line.
(void)Action:(UIButton *)sender
[[UIImage imageNamed:#"bg.png"] drawInRect:self.view.bounds];
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:image];

try this:
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"imageName.png"]];
and also see UIView Image Background for example project with complete code...

You need to be more specific on what you need.
Within your xib file, create a UIImageView and stretch its dimensions to fit the size of the screen. Also create a the necessary buttons. Create properties in your view controller to have a reference to the UIImageView and the buttons. Give the buttons an action that changes the picture that the UIImageView loads.

You have to create three buttons in nib file and add outlet to your view controller.
To create outlet you have right click on button then you will get list of event, then control drag to your view controller header file, then one small window will pop up, write method name and click enter. Now u will see method in your controller.write code to change background of button or your view in that method.
for more details:


How to make an animated button in Apple WatchKit?

I'd like to make a button with animation in WatchKit, but it seems I can't find a way to modify WKInterfaceButton or drag an image into button in storyboard. Any help is appreciated.
After some research I found the solution, it's pretty simple but easily ignored :)
First, drag a button into a scene created in storyboard.
Second, select button, modify its property content from Text to Group. If you can't find content property, click the Attributes Inspector button at top right of your screen, it looks like a breakpoint button or a down arrow with a bar.
Now you can control group created inside your button. You need to add a reference of this WKInterfaceGroup inside your controller code. Here is an example:
#interface AAPLButtonDetailController()
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet WKInterfaceGroup *buttonGroup;
#implementation AAPLButtonDetailController
- (instancetype)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Initialize variables here.
// Configure interface objects here.
[_buttonGroup setBackgroundImageNamed:#"Bus"];
[_buttonGroup startAnimating];
return self;
So the button animation will be played after scene initialized. Remember only frame animation is supported for now, all frames in one animation should be named like "Bus0.png", "Bus1.png"....
Hope this can help :)
Reck's post worked for me in instances that I needed to control the repeat count or duration. If you simply want to start or stop an animation for a button, the following works for me, where twoButton is a WKInterfaceButton and I have a set of images name Bus0#2x.png, Bus1#2x.png, etc.
- (void)startButtonAnimating
// This works, but can't control repeat counts or duration
[self.twoButton setBackgroundImageNamed:#"Bus"];
// But you can stop after a delay by setting background image nil
[self performSelector:#selector(stopGroupButtonAnimating) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.5];
- (void)stopButtonAnimating
[self.twoButton setBackgroundImage:nil];

iOS custom shape navigation bar

I want to developer app with a custom navigation bar like in the following images:
I think that i need to subclass UINavigationBar and add button to centre of nav bar, but i don't really know how to make navigation bar look like on image. Can you please give me advice what should i do, links to any kind of documentation would be awesome!
Similar questions about navBar that doesn't helped me:
ios back button in the bar
Use custom Navigation Bar in iOS
Custom Navigation Bar in iOS 5
My idea is next: make custom navigation bar height little bigger than default size, and add background image with arrow in it and with some transparency on the edges.
If you want a button (you probably do want) you can achieve it completely by subclassing UINavigationBar. You should remember that height of UINavigationBar is read-only property.
Style but not tappable:
So let's assume we subclass the navigation bar and add button there. You could do this and it will be going look great. For example:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor];
UIButton *myButton = [[UIButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(self.frame.size.width/2-50, 0 , 100, 100)];
[myButton setBackgroundColor:[UIColor lightGrayColor]];
[myButton setTitle:#"Normal" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[myButton setTitle:#"Highlighted" forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
[self addSubview:myButton];
[self sendSubviewToBack:myButton];
But you will facing a problem that your button is non tapeable below UINvaigationBar. (I post an image on the bottom of the answer)
So there is clearly not a path you want to follow. Don't even try that.
Style but not tappable 2:
You may override this method in your navigation bar subclass
- (CGSize) sizeThatFits:(CGSize)size {
return CGSizeMake(custom_width, custom_height);
And then mask it using UIBezierPath for example
The right (tappable) way:
You have to create a view stick to your UINavigationBar. What i will do here (if you want it to every screen) is:
Make a Category of UIViewController which can draw (for example - this is easiest way) UIButton.
Style this 'UIButton' whatever you want (if you want
Pin action to 'UIButton': [btn addTarget:self action:#selector(menuShow:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
menuShow: method should be declare in your category
You can call drawing button every time you want to redraw view controller.
As you can see there there will be two separates View: UINavigationBar and UIButton. This is allow you to set content under this little button and make it tapable.
So why just don't hide navigation bar, and use different view? Because iOS7 ;) When Apple change it in iOS7 for example then you have to rebuild your pseudo NavigationBar, with only additional view, you don't need to do anything.
You do not need to subclass UINavigationBar. Create UIView add to it UIImageView as background with image in the shape you need, add button.
Subclass UINavigationController hide UINavigationBar, add custom navigation bar.
First Hide navigation bar using -
self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
Then create UIView with required height,height of navigationBar is 44px.Then create background image view, object of required UIButton and add all objects on created UIView as a subview.It will look like navigationBar.Thank you.
You can add your custom shaped view as titleView on the navigation bar.
Just make sure that clipsToBounds is set to NO, so it doesn't get clipped.

Change image when button is pressed

In the app I have six buttons and when any of these buttons are pressed I want the image in the center of the screen to change to a different image but just for the time that any of the six buttons are being pressed. I am really struggling with this and all help would be appreciated. I am using a .xib file. Thanks again guys I am tearing my hair out with exasperation.
You need to have a responder(s) in your viewcontroller that is linked to all the button(s) on the viewcontroller through interface builder. In IB, to link a button to a method make sure the method is in your viewcontroller.h file and also implemented in the .m file. Then go to the connections panel in IB (after clicking on the button) and drag a connection from 'Touch Up Inside' (touch up inside is when a user touches the button and releases that touch up and inside the button's boundary) to the viewcontroller.xib window onto the file's owner icon. From there you will be presented with a drop down menu that will let you choose the IBAction methods you specified in the header file.
In this case take:
- (IBAction) buttonPressed: (id) sender; // header file
- (IBAction) buttonPressed: (id) sender { // .m file
// when the button is pressed then change the uiimageview
[imageView image: [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: #"image.png"]];

Display some dynamic text on a UIButton

My ViewController shows a button at the top.
The button is part of the view defined through Interface Builder and doesn't have any text on its label.
When the ViewController's view is shown, I set the text of the button in the following way:
[dButton setTitle:[NSLocalizedString( #"DeleteButton", #"" ) uppercaseString] forState: UIControlStateNormal];
dButton.titleLabel.textColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
The reason for doing this at runtime is to have the title taken from the appropriate internationalized strings file. The code above is invoked by the viewDidAppear:animated: method of my ViewController and it works as expected on a similar view.
The view where it doesn't work is the one where I show a UIImagePickerController upon loading so this might be the cause of my problem: does anybody know how to deal with it? I.e. How can I have the button shown with its text after the UIImagePickerController is closed?
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[self setupDeleteButton];
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
NSLog( #"Title is >%#<", dButton.titleLabel.text );
The UIButton I was using had been set up on Interface Builder with a 'Custom' Type and with an image on the 'Image' property while I should have set the image on the 'Background' property: the text was actually added to the button, but the Image property was covering it!
Try setting the title in the viewWillAppear method.

Turn off highlighting on UIBarButtonItem

I'm trying to use a UIBarButtonItem to put a title on my UIToolbar. I'm using the plain style and that looks fine, but I can't seem to get it to stop highlighting on touch. The Shows Touch When Highlighted option isn't available for the bar button items. Is there a quick and easy way to do this? I'm trying to do the building in interface builder so I can see what I'm doing. I'd prefer not to build the toolbar in the view did load every time.
The property responsible for this is accessible in the UIButton class:
myButton.showsTouchWhenHighlighted = NO;
You can access this (programmatically) in a UIBarButtonItem by assigning a UIButton to the bar button item's customView property, and configuring the button. You can do this in Interface Builder too: drag a UIButton onto a UIToolbar, and it will automatically embed it in a UIBarButtonItem for you - then look for the "Shows Touch On Highlight" checkbox under the button's settings.
Incidentally, I don't know how you're customising your buttons so feel free to ignore this, but if your button looks and behaves like a standard toolbar item then users will expect the glow effect.
I wanted a solution that could be used without any modification to my XIB structure.
The most obvious and simple one worked: subclass UIBarButtonItem:
// UITitleBarButtonItem.m
// Created by Guillaume Cerquant - MacMation on 09/08/12.
* A UIBarButtonItem that does not show any highlight on the touch
* Drag and drop a normal UIBarButtonItem in your xib and set its subclass to UITitleBarButtonItem
#interface UITitleBarButtonItem : UIBarButtonItem
#import "UITitleBarButtonItem.h"
#implementation UITitleBarButtonItem
// Only caring about UITitleBarButtonItem set up in Interface Builder. Update this class if you need to instantiate it from code
- (void) awakeFromNib {
UIView *theView = [self valueForKey:#"view"];
if ([theView respondsToSelector:#selector(setUserInteractionEnabled:)]) {
theView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
Tested on iOS 5 and the one we aren't allowed to talk yet.
Alternative: Use a UIBarButtonItem in the plain style and additionally cover the toolbar in the appropriate area with a UIView that has a clear background. The view consumes the taps and hides them from the bar button item. Make sure you set the autoresizing mask correctly.
My solution was to set it to disabled, and adjust the titleAttributes for each UIControlState
let attributes: [NSAttributedStringKey: Any] = [
.font: UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16),
.foregroundColor: UIColor.white
barButton.setTitleTextAttributes(attributes, for: .enabled)
barButton.setTitleTextAttributes(attributes, for: .disabled)
barButton.isEnabled = false
